Name: Hermaeus Mora
Age: Exact age is unknown, but said to have been created during the Dawn Era.
Gender: Hermaeus Mora has no definite gender. Most often, however, he appears to his followers as male.
Race: Daedra/Daedric Prince
From: Apocrypha, Oblivion
Spells: Hermaeus Mora being an entity of immense power, he has access to magic that far exceeds of any mortal due to his extreme knowledge and intelligence.
Bio: Hermaeus Mora is the Daedric Prince of knowledge and memory; his sphere is the scrying of the tides of Fate, of the past and future as read in the stars and heavens. He is not known for being good or evil, but he seems to be the keeper of both helpful and destructive knowledge. Also called the Demon of Knowledge, he usually chooses to appear to mortals as a void of darkness, or as a grotesque mass of tentacles. Hermaeus Mora maintains a realm in Oblivion called Apocrypha. The realm has a dark green aura with large amounts of mist and fog, and filled with seas of acid-like water. It is here where all forbidden knowledge can be found. It is an endless library, with shelves stretching on in every direction, stacks on top of stacks. Every book has a black cover with no title. Masses of ghosts move through the stacks, rifling through books, ever searching for the knowledge they sought whilst living.
Personality: While categorizing the Aedra and Daedra with conventional human moralities operates on certain... flawed assumptions, Herma-Mora's basic method of seducing mortals to his service consists of, essentially, bribing them with gifts. Mora has no compunctions with killing off those that are of no further use for him. However, he generally makes it quick and painless for loyal servants. Mora is capable of lying, or at the very least, misleading people.
Sexuality: Asexual(?)