*** U N D E R C O N S T R U C T I O N ***

This RP is still in very early stages. However, I've placed it here so that people may show interest, offer criticisms and suggest ideas as it evolves. Please note that I have not set a deadline on this project, and at the moment it is merely a hobby.

Life In the Belt

The S-Type asteroids Espolla, Theater and Coyama were colonised by Earth in the 24th century.

RP Summary

  • Characters are workers based on the three asteroids.
  • The game world is a small scale sandbox, with full freedom of movement.
  • From the start of the RP, and intermittently after, the GM will create disasters that the characters must face. - Not so sure about this anymore. Let me finish building the world, then I'll get back to it.

RP Story

By 2121, Earth was on the verge of a wide-reaching civil war. With an unsustainable population, and steadily depleting resources, military clashes were erupting across the borders of a dozen nations. The United States vied with China, Russia with Europe, and India with everyone. Every oil well, every patch of arable land and every ore vein became a scene of potentially catastrophic flash points. Nuclear arms were poised to strike at the drop of the pin, and each day ushered in more fears of mutually assured destruction.

Mankind had unwittingly walked into the very fate he had sworn to avoid. Unwilling to switch from fossil fuels at a rate that would accommodate their depletion, developed nations had been taken almost by complete surprise by the shortage of resources - despite decades of warning from leading scientists and think tanks. Their infrastructures were unable to withstand a sudden switch to renewable energy, and so naturally, national leaders projected their countrymen's aggression away from themselves, and towards their neighbours.

Thankfully, some men and women with sense, and of positions of power, pooled their resources. It was immediately understood that humanity had committed a grave and stupid error. The only remedy to the situation, would be to obtain resources from elsewhere to buy time for the switch to renewable sources. Immediately probes were dispatched to the Asteroid Belt to look for precious metals and other valuable resources.

Gaining support from governments world wide, these forward looking individuals established the United Nations Space Command - a globalised body dedicated to exploring and colonising space, with the aim of securing much needed materials for Earth. The Moon was colonised in short order, and by 2125 had three functioning titanium ore mines.

The influx of precious metals, though expensive, eased world tensions slightly. The prospect that harvesting more materials from space was a viable idea, eased them even more.

The Asteroid Belt provided a great opportunity of resource exploitation. Many of the belt's asteroids were rich in precious metals, and although these would do little to dent the hurt caused by the lack of fossil fuels on Earth, they at least provided a life line to the faltering economies of many nations.

Ceres, Vesta, and Pallas, and Hygiea, the largest asteroids of the belt were colonised in 2200. By now, global tensions had thawed and the threat of a future Resource War looked unlikely. Industries had finally adapted to renewable energy, despite the decades of collapse caused by fossil fuel depletion. However, Earth's population was still increasing; materials were becoming harder to obtain, despite the UNSC's expanding mining programmes. Therefore, more money was poured into the organisation, and more asteroids were colonised. Aspiring minds started to look to Mars.

This pattern of systematic resource accumulation continued into the 24th century. By then, the UNSC had become marginalised by the divided powers of Earth. Heated political debates about asteroid ownership were held daily, and once again, weapons of mass destruction were being waved around like bananas in a cage full of gorillas. It seemed the Resource War had only been averted, and that ultimately, it was inevitable.

Then, in 2321, the Deep Seam Mining Installation on Ceres was struck by a terrorist attack. More specifically, its anti-impact missile defence systems were disabled as they targeted a meteorite on course for the Dwarf planet. The damage caused by the impact was complete, and led to a 100% fatality rate across Ceres. At the time, Ceres was heavily funded by the U.S government, and Chinese saboteurs were blamed, despite the nation's denial.

This led to a retaliation, and the Chinese bases on Pallas and Vesta suffered catastrophic disasters... and so began a shadow war of industrial sabotage.

It wasn't long until a full scale war broke out on Earth, and in space.

World War Three lasted just seven hours, and caused two billion casualties. The powers, destroyed as they were, and riddled with radioactive wastelands, signed a peace treaty after realising the folly of such a war. For the next 80 years, the UNSC would resume impartial control of all off-world installations, and a slow-disarmament programme on Earth was initiated.

It is now the year 2421. There hasn't been a war in a century. Earth is healing from the scars caused from World War Three's nuclear fire, and relations between states has never been better. Yet, little known to the world, another catastrophe is about to fall upon Man.

For from the darkness of space, do menacing eyes observe.

The Asteroids



