Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Important Characters

Balwen Mayel- King of Aridhol. He is Allied with King Thorin al Toren al Ban of Manetheren. Though he breaks the Compact.

Mordeth - Adviser to King Balwen. He is corrupted by the power of Mashadar.

Thorin al Toren al Ban - King of Manetheren

Eldrene ay Ellan ay Carlan - Queen of Manetheren. She is an Aes Sedai, since 1000 AB. She has golden hair and is very beautiful. While in the Tower as a novice she was once friends then enemy to Tetsuan.

Caar al Thorin al Toren - Born around 1150 AB. Prince of Manetheren

Aemon al Caar al Thorin - was the King of Manetheren during the time of its destruction, son of Caar. Around 1200 AB.

Tar Valon
Tetsuan - Current Amyrlin Seat. Deposed in 1200 AB. Of the Red Ajah. She is very strong in her ability to channel, but plain looking.

Unnamed Amrylin - Amyrlin Seat from 1200 AB to 1250 AB. Of the Blue Ajah.

Rashima Kerenmosa - (c. 1150 - 1301 AB) is one of the most decorated and famous Aes Sedai since the Breaking of the World. She is considered a hero by the Green Ajah, one of their greatest and the symbol of all it means to be a Green sister. Has five Warders.

Arayna - Recently raised Green Aes Sedai

Rahien Spera - Arayna's Warder

Galliana - Captain-General, Head of the Green Ajah. Has three Warders. Her first Bonded is Quinn.

Surin - Of the Blue Ajah. Has one Warder.

Delgen - Warder, Trains the new recruits.

Male Channlers
Yurian Stonebow - A False Dragon. He was born in Fel Moreina.

Alrik Beraloth - From Eharon.

Hamlin Sorrel - High Seat of House Sorrel

Admetus Matsael- Ta'veren

Morin'staal - (934 AB) Lord of House Morin'staal. One of House Sorrel's advisers.

Ron Morin'staal - (972 - 1023 AB) Morin'staal's son. Deceased. Left behind a wife and children.

Sora Amarr - Lady of the House Amarr. She uses everyone she can. Recently widowed under murky circumstances.

General Isede - One of the Generals for Almoren.

*Lord Bashere - Lord of a Minor House.

*Lord Farim - Lord of a Minor House.

*Joune - Adviser to House Sorrel.

*Lady Kate - Joune's wife. Reputably dull witted.

Tel Adonin - Theif. Currently in Almoren.

* Recently Added
Underlined Characters are Player Characters
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Durandal
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Durandal Lord Commissar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Hamlin Sorrel
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Nationality/ Race: Almoren
Physical Description: Of a fairly average height at 5 feet 8 inches, Hamlin is a well-built man, toned by years of combat. Heavy, hooking brows overshadow his sharp eyes, while a goatee rests on his chin, long hair hanging behind his head. He usually wears a suit of specially crafted plate armor on his chest and arms, with a dark blue cloak and pants.
Personality: A bastard, plain and simple. Hamlin is prone to boasting about his accomplishments, never letting those close to him, few as they are, have a word in the matter of how they contributed. His arrogance usually pushes him to stupid actions despite his knowing what such a course will entail.
History: Hamlin Sorrel was the first and only son of a noble family in the kingdom of Almoren. Raised from an early age to become the High Seat of House Sorrel, Hamlin instead reveled in combat, finding his joy there. With the Trolloc Wars ravaging the lands, this provided him with many chances to test his skills, forming his own personal band of soldiers with which he hunted groups of Trollocs. That is, until the death of his father. At the age of 30, he was left the inexperienced High Seat of a house in a falling nation. He now tries to preserve his family line as best he can.
Close to a Blademaster in terms of his sword skills
Generally good at combat
Strengths and Weakness:
Skilled swordsman
Skilled horseman
Shrewd diplomat
Able to access vast sums of money

Ineffective leader
Generally friendless
Several political enemies

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Rahien Spera
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Nationality/ Race: Saferan

Physical Description: Rahien stands at six foot. He is missing an eye (a very old wound). He has long brown hair that he wears tied up and out of his face. He has a few scars other than his missing eye, but none are as noticeable. He's not as tan as he once was, having grown up in a fishing village.

Personality: Rahien is like all Warder that he appear quite dour and dangerous. However he's actually quite the happy person. He enjoys life and the occasional battle. He's proud that he's able to be considered to become a Warder for the Aes Sedai. He does worry about not being good enough but doesn't let it effect his diligence or attention from his job.

History: Rahien was the youngest child of five. As such he was expected to find his own way in the world. As a young child he often found himself in scuffles with other children. He learned through those scuffles that he was better at fighting even than the older kids. A "retired" Aes Sedai and her Warder noticed Rahien's skills and taught him the basics. Then they sent him to the Tower to train. By the time he was seventeen he was considered for Warder training. He didn't fly through the training, instead trying to take it steady to learn all he could.

Because of that Rahien was indeed added to the pool of Warders for the Aes Sedai to choose from by the age of twenty one. Now at the age of twenty-two he has been in consideration for a few months. He's eager to be chosen but feels like he's still a little young. Yet he's eager to see the world.

  • Swordsmanship
  • Wilderness Survival
  • Warder Training

  • Spotting traps
  • Has a very tactical mind
  • His Strength
  • Knowledge of his own weaknesses

  • Naive
  • Kind of Sheltered
  • Can't really see the "big" picture
  • Worries a lot
  • Self-Doubt

Other: Warder to Arayna?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Admetus Matsael

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Nationality/ Race: Almoren


Physical Description: A young man slighter taller than average with green eyes and sand colored hair. He has a well-defined body. Wears casual loose clothing and a tooth necklace. Generally carries a dagger with him and a small hatchet with him.

Personality: A hard working individual determined to accomplish his goals and help his friends. Admetus has a wolverine's tenacity and is just as hard to shake off. Stubborn is an understatement. He follows a strict code of chivalry that he believe all knights should abide by.

History: Admetus grew up on childhood dreams of knights and princess. Unlike most children however he did not so much grow out of this dream so much as into it. In betwix doing working with his father helping gather wood and cut down tress he watched the town militia practice and mimicked them with his own hand crafted wooden sword. Much to the disappointment of his father X showed no interest in continuing the honorable tradition of lumber-jacking and was instead fascinated with the high minded ideals of knighthood. Admetus has enough knowledge to survive on his skills but desperately wants to join the military and became a famous knight.

Skills: Average level sword fighting, is more skilled with an axe but doesn't like to admit it. Is an excellent juggler as well as a great cook and has many useful survival skills due to his belief that a knight should be self sufficient.

Strengths and Weakness:
-Doesn't think things through to much
-Can be reckless
-Conceded at times

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Arayna

Age: 30

Gender: Female

Nationality/Race: Almoren


Physical Description: Surprisingly short for her sometimes aggresive personality and energy which makes her seem taller. She has very little tanned skin and carries around a bamboo walking stick while wearing green's traditional of her Ajah.

Personality: Arayana is an young Aes Sedi eager to prove herself and learn more about what being an Aes Sedi really is. She is quite determined once she sets her mind to something but still wilts in the face of older Aes Sedi.

History: A somewhat average farm girl who was discovered by one of wandering recruiters to have the spark. Eager to have a chance for such an amazing life she quickly packed what little she owned and left to go through the rigorous trials that were including in becoming an Aes Sedi. She was recruited at 18 and became an accepted at 26. However her determination to excel became clear when she graduated from the ranks of accepted in a mere 4 years.

Rank: Green, Aes Sedi

Strengths and Weakness: Very good with the One Power but can't access very much of it at one time making it difficult to use powerful weaves.

Warders: No Warders but eager to find one.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Incanus
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Tel Adonin
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Nationality/ Race: Jaramide


Physical Description: Tel is just short of six feet, with a shock of messy brown hair and dark brown eyes. He usually is dressed in simple cotton breeches and shirt with a green vest over it, secured with a leather belt, and a pair of leather shoes. He has a thin, angular face, his cheeks covered with adolescent bristle that he is quite proud of.

Personality: He is a rather flaky person, never willing to really get involved in anything. He believes that the less one knows about the world, the simpler one's life becomes. Despite his current profession, he does have a strange set of morals. And, perhaps because of his current profession and the horrors of the past, he tries to take the day as it comes, without any seriousness.

History: The Adonins were a minor House in Jaramide who, like most insignificant houses of that time in Jaramide, claimed descent from High Queen Egoridin. But despite their tall claims and pompous proclamations, the Adonin was never a major player. Over the years, owing to some unfortunate inheritances and some stupid decisions, the Adonins lost whatever little lands they had to the other families. When Tel was born to Ajen and Mira, they were well on their way to poverty. The family inheritance consisted of one miniscule farm and the run-down inn above which they stayed.

Tel grew up in such rustic surroundings. His father lived in a forgotten time, still calling himself 'Lord' Adonin while everyone else called him the innkeeper. In the small town of Corala (not two days' ride from the capital), the Innkeeper Lord was a local joke. Tel's mother had been from a similar insignificant house in Coremanda, and her father had been only too happy to unload his fifth daughter to yet another nobody.

Right from an early age, Tel realized what his father never could - they were commoners and cannot afford lofty dreams. He did various jobs around the inn as he grew up - stablehand, sweeper, dishwasher, courier boy and many others. While his mother tried to teach him the ways of the court and the history of the nations, he was more interested in making a tidy profit. His father never really bothered with the business of the inn - treating it like a hobby. Tel, on the other hand, wanted to make the inn work. By the age of 17, he was practically managing the inn all by himself.

And then, the trollocs came. Like every other boy of his age, he was 'volunteered' into the army and sent to fight the trollocs. Tel had never been a fighter and he found the experience of being in an army extremely disgusting and depressing. He was assigned to one of the Captains as a messenger and spent his days of the invasion running, darting, evading snouts and spears, carrying messages. When Barsine fell, the army was routed. Some troops managed to make an orderly retreat, but there was no place to retreat to. Everywhere, the trollocs had burned and destroyed. When he returned to Corala, it was a smoking ruin. The inn was razed to the ground. Of his parents, there was no sign.

Tel took to the road, trying to make his way to safety. His training in the army and his years of cajoling customers in the inn had given him skills he put to use. He moved from town to town, mourning and drinking, until he found himself in Al'cair'rahienallen in Almoren. His money had run out and he had no friends. Naturally, he took to the thieving trade.

Since then, Tel has been a moderately successful thief. His thin frame and his nimble feet enable him to scale walls and roofs with relative ease, while his street-smart thinking enables him to hoodwink the unwary traveler. Deep down, Tel knows that this is not what he wanted his life to be. But desperate times called for desperate measures, and he convinced himself that he was stealing from the rich and feeding the poor. Well, feeding one poor man. Himself. Still.

Skills: Thieving, Climbing, Running, Dodging, Coaxing, Negotiating, Rudimentary swordfighting

Strengths: The ability to remain nonchalant in the presence of a threat; The physical dexterity to scale walls and jump across roofs; The intuitive understanding of city life when it comes to the underbelly

Weaknesses: Flimsy set of moral codes; Selfishness; Prefers flight to fight.

Other: If it pleases the Light, Tel may be Ta'veren. He has always blamed his rotten luck for landing him in one mess from another.
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