Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by TomeBinder
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TomeBinder Volumes Untold

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I've not finished this yet, and I'm unsure when it'll be complete as I've got a lot on my plate at the moment as far as roleplays are concerned. However, I've pieced this together over the last few days. There's still arenas to add, a PVE option to create, the sparring ground and the social area to be conjured.

Any thoughts on it so far?

Multiversal Coliseum

The Multiversal Coliseum stands outside of space and time.

TL;DR Summary:

  • Characters from across the Multiverse come to the arena to achieve fame, glory and riches.
  • The arena has several stylised facilities, designed for certain time periods.
  • No mechanics systems. The GM decides the outcomes of attacks and defences, should the players fall into disagreement.
  • Lite tournament system.
  • Recreational facilities, for fighters who want to do a little socialising ;)
  • Freeform sparring ground.

The Multiversal Coliseum

The Multiversal Coliseum is renowned across the void that exists beyond time and space. It is a place of glorious combat, honour, fame and wealth. The heroes of the Coliseum, who defeat all contenders to achieve the rank of Champion, are immortalised for eternity in its sacred chronicles.

Thousands, from every dimension imaginable, journey there yearly for the annual tournaments. There is no death, in the Multiversal Coliseum, but there is much pain to be had, and much bloodshed. Indeed, upon a contender's death, he/she/it are is instantly teleported back to the world from which they came, unharmed. However, the record of their defeat is entrenched into the chronicles, and stands in homage to their failures.

Some shrug this off. What is defeat without death, after all? Others... others return to set the records straight, as so to speak. Old rivalries form, lessons are learned, and each year the contenders arrive invigorated. For to win the tournaments, grants them fame more worthy than any earthly social standing; their final victory ensures that even when everything has been reduced to dust, their names will be remembered. To some, this form of immortality means everything.

But then you have the fun-seekers, the adventurers, who wish only to pit their skill against an enemy they would not find in their own dimension. Indeed, others accidentally stumble into the gateway that brings them to the coliseum, and their only way of returning is to live or die in glorious battle.

Of course, some contenders seek the riches that are offered by a triumph. Weapons, and other items, not available to them in their own dimensions, can be won and brought back. Many heroes have travelled to the coliseum, when they have found themselves unable to best a foe in their own dimension, so that they can return with a weapon capable of doing so.

Whatever the reason, it matters not. The contenders are arriving, as they always do. Some new faces stand amongst the crowd of warriors, and some of the older faces are missing. Light up the fires, set up the feasts and open the arenas, for the Tournament Days have arrived!

RP Summary

Ever wondered how one of your RP characters might fair against opponents not from their world or universe? Well, here you have the chance to do so. Whether it's a mage from a fantasy RP, or a weaponized robot from a sci-fi RP, the coliseum takes all comers and pits them against each other in a feat of arms.

This also extends to characters of established franchises. Maybe you've wondered how a Space Marine might fair against a Jedi Knight? Or Master Chief against Solid Snake. Well, here you can find out!

There is no logic here, and few rules. The Multiversal Coliseum is nonsense personified, and it can be accessed by even the darkest recesses of one's imagination.

The Coliseum's Arenas

The Circle of Sand, aka Blood Circle

The Circle of Sand, known unofficially as the Blood Circle, is a large and open area, approximately a mile in diameter. It is circled by a broken ring of sharp rises, which offer perfect vantage points for ranged-attack users. The middle ground is dominated by four large cones, which confer cover to warriors seeking their safety.

It is a multi-purpose arena, where the lasergun is as much at home as the English longbow.

Urban Warfare, aka the Blood Towers

Urban Warfare is based in and around a tower block of offices. The run down building offers a perfect environment for close ranged fire fights, high-octane action and fast and furious matches. Its complex maze of dilapidated corridors, compact office suites, derelict canteens and below-surface car park give it that certain war zone appeal.

It's typically used for characters who rely on the use of guns.

The Dojo, aka the Noob Palace

The Dojo is a 16th century style Japanese... well, Dojo! It is a very small arena, big enough for 1 vs 1 battles only. It is reserved for characters who prefer the use of melee weapons, and unarmed combat.

It often gets berated as the Noob Palace, because it's where new and untested contenders usually start out.

The Crossroads of Glory, aka WMD Delight!

The Crossroads of Glory is a large and open arena, approximately 5 miles in diameter. It has no cover, no terrain, and is mostly flat desert. Four roads join in the centre, but aside from that, it is largely featureless.

The Crossroads of Glory is usually reserved for magic or flying contenders, who need space to unleash their full fury against their adversaries. It is referred to as WMD Delight, after the nature of highly volatile attacks that are usually employed.

The Coliseum's rules are sacred, and breaking them is punishable by banishment.


  • There must be respect, always!
  • Contenders found employing skills not stated in their Waver will be disqualified!
  • Glory must be accepted in defeat, as much as it is in victory! (Don't be a sore loser)
  • Contenders who believe themselves invulnurable, will find out that they're gravely mistaken!
  • The Tournament Master's word is beyond that of God's. Indeed, his word is decisive in all things, in all realms and in all dimensions. To go against him, is to risk one's very existence.
  • Nonsense will not be tolerated, nor will begging, whining or bargaining.

The Tournament Master:

None know who the Tournament Master is, or how he came to be. Some speculate that he was a warrior without equal, whose skill at arms won the favour of some infinite being. Indeed, some speculate he even slayed the one who showed him favour, taking their unfathomable power for himself. In any case, his mere presence demands fear, respect and obedience in equal measure.

He appears as a robed figure, cloaked in darkness. His hands are always covered, and the inside of his hood shows nothing but a black void. His voice is fierce, yet distorted, as if there is more than one tongue in his head.

In this RP, I am the Tournament Master.

Fighting Rules:

  • Players are paired automatically by the Tournament Master.
  • The Tournament Master decides who posts first.
  • After a player makes an attack, his opponent then posts his defence. This is called a 'Round'.
  • The attack and defence posts are then "locked", and the fight cannot be advanced until the Tournament Master has given his approval to both posts.
  • After the Tournament Master gives his approval, the fight is unlocked, and the attack and response are considered to have happened. The defending player then launches his own attack, and the attacking player is pushed onto the defensive. This continues until there is a victor.
  • If the Tournament Master suspects foul play, in the form of excessive dodging, b/s attacks and other such nonsense, he will decide the outcome of the attack and the defence posts. His decision is non-negotiable.
  • If a defending contender is dealt, what the Tournament Master considers a serious blow, they may lose their chance to attack in the next round.
  • A defending contender may perform counter-attacks in their posts. Parrying a sword stroke, and returning with their own, is an example of this. In this case, the Tournament Master will decide the outcome before the next round.
  • If in doubt, the Tournament Master will reveal all.

    Here's an example, in very brief form:

    (Attack) Tom swings his axe overhead at Rob, putting all of his strength behind it.

    (Defence) Rob darts to the side, the axe glancing off his thigh-armour.

    (Attack) Rob thrusts his sword toward's Tom side, hoping to catch his opponent off balance.

    (Defence) The blade pierces Tom's side armour; he howls in pain, but (counter attack!) swings his fist blindly at Rob in an attempt to get some space.

    (Counter attack decision) The Tournament Master narrates the fist catching Rob's chin, staggering him.

    (Attack) Tom swings his axe again, hoping to catch the dazed Rob across the neck.

    (Defence) Rob side steps the blow, and (counter attack!) sweeps his sword at Tom's legs.

    (Tournament Master Intervention) Tournament Master decides that Rob would not have been able to side step the blow, as he was staggered by the fist.

    (Defence Take 2) The axe catches Rob below the chin, slicing the flesh on his neck, but not severing anything vital. He stumbles backwards, blood running down his chest.

    (Attack)Rob throws himself at Tom in a rage, striking in a fury several times with his sword.

    (Defence)Tom parries the first two strikes with his axe, but is caught by the third between the slats in his steel chest plate. The blade sinks deep, causing him serious injury (Misses his turn to attack!).

    (Attack)Rob grips Tom, and thrusts his sword into Tom's chest a second time.

    (Tournament Master Intervention) Tournament Master agrees this is a legitimate move, and declares Tom is slain in the attack.

    (Defence)Tom tastes copper as the blood runs up his throat; a searing heat burns in his chest. His energy fails him, and he falls forwards onto the bloody sand.

    ... Now wasn't that civil?

Current Tournaments:

The Humanoid Blood Crown

Contenders wishing to seek access to this tournament must be humanoid in nature, and are restricted to a certain height and weight. The weapons used in these matches are randomised, and a contender must make do with what they are given - even if it's far from their skill set.

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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Green


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Interesting fight format. I'm on the fence whether that's a good or a bad thing. Will be keeping my eye on this.

Have you got any experience with other fights done in such a format? Somewhere I could take a look at the system in use?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TomeBinder
Avatar of TomeBinder

TomeBinder Volumes Untold

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Interesting fight format. I'm on the fence whether that's a good or a bad thing. Will be keeping my eye on this.

Have you got any experience with other fights done in such a format? Somewhere I could take a look at the system in use?

Admittedly I have zero experience with arena matches, and the system is untested.

A great curriculum vitae, no?

Haha, but take heart, for I have decided the outcome of many battles over a wide selection of roleplays. I've merely applied my logic used for those fights to the arena.

I can't see it failing. People underestimate a GM's roll in an Rp, and too few can be bothered to administrate things effectively. You see, to many, being a GM means creating a story and then playing in that story.

To me, being a GM means creating a story, and enabling it to grow on its own accord, under my direct supervision. With me refereeing the battles, I can see no issues arising.

But come, I assume you to be experienced in Arena. What problems do you foresee? Or is it just "fear" of the unknown, so to speak?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Green


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Green>

Admittedly I have zero experience with arena matches, and the system is untested.

A great curriculum vitae, no?

Haha, but take heart, for I have decided the outcome of many battles over a wide selection of roleplays. I've merely applied my logic used for those fights to the arena.

I can't see it failing. People underestimate a GM's roll in an Rp, and too few can be bothered to administrate things effectively. You see, to many, being a GM means creating a story and then playing in that story.

To me, being a GM means creating a story, and enabling it to grow on its own accord, under my direct supervision. With me refereeing the battles, I can see no issues arising.

But come, I assume you to be experienced in Arena. What problems do you foresee? Or is it just "fear" of the unknown, so to speak?

I can see both pros and cons to your approach on the genre, both widely hypothetical of course. I can't imagine it would work for just about anyone, but if you have the drive necessary to pull it through, it could work out really well.

So here's what imagine some of the ups and downs could turn out to be.

- Looking at the combat example you provided, it's possible that you're able to avoid long and unnecessary drawn-out battles, which tends to happen in the standard format (I'm assuming you're at least slightly familiar with how battles usually go down around here, if not, I'm happy to elaborate) - Which is definitely a good thing. This could be nullified if the gm (you in this case) is slow to respond on the in-betweens, but that shouldn't be much of an issue.
- At first sight, the system you propose seems to be more unforgiving and "lethal" than the standard format. More-so because there's a third party that decides the effect of every "round", rather than the two fighters going back and forth until one of them gets locked into an inescapable position (which is why those fights often gets dragged out, you gotta check-mate to win) - I would consider this a good thing, but that's more of a personal taste.

- The fact that there's a third party deciding the effects/results of every attack/defense, players are likely to feel that third party's judgement might be biased/incorrect. This really only becomes a problem based on your own ability to inspire your players to trust your judgement, and how you deal with players who feel like the situation would play out differently than you ruled. The latter is easily solved by stressing a requirement of detail in an attack/defense. If they think their character was supposed to foresee the counter-attack coming from an odd angle, and dodge accordingly, they will have to mention that (in their attack post) before the counter-attack is thrown at them, and not afterwards. Kind of basic, but it's one of those kind of things that are best to mention, underline, repeat, and really nail down. Arguments could very easily break out if there's confusion on either side, because of the third-party-decides-the-outcome rule.

TL:DR; Your way of doing it could be a refreshing take on the arena-combat genre, and is mostly at risk due to the possibility of the ruling third-party's judgement to be incorrect/biased/not respected. At least that's what I think, in theory.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TomeBinder
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TomeBinder Volumes Untold

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by TomeBinder>

I can see both pros and cons to your approach on the genre, both widely hypothetical of course. I can't imagine it would work for just about anyone, but if you have the drive necessary to pull it through, it could work out really well.

So here's what imagine some of the ups and downs could turn out to be.

- Looking at the combat example you provided, it's possible that you're able to avoid long and unnecessary drawn-out battles, which tends to happen in the standard format (I'm assuming you're at least slightly familiar with how battles usually go down around here, if not, I'm happy to elaborate) - Which is definitely a good thing. This could be nullified if the gm (you in this case) is slow to respond on the in-betweens, but that shouldn't be much of an issue.
- At first sight, the system you propose seems to be more unforgiving and "lethal" than the standard format. More-so because there's a third party that decides the effect of every "round", rather than the two fighters going back and forth until one of them gets locked into an in-inescapable position (which is why those fights often gets dragged out, you gotta check-mate to win) - I would consider this a good thing, but that's more of a personal taste.

- The fact that there's a third party deciding the effects/results of every attack/defense, players are likely to feel that third party's judgement might be biased/incorrect. This really only becomes a problem based on your own ability to inspire your players to trust your judgement, and how you deal with players who feel like the situation would play out differently than you ruled. The latter is easily solved by stressing a requirement of detail in an attack/defense. If they think their character was supposed to foresee the counter-attack coming from an odd angle, and dodge accordingly, they will have to mention that (in their attack post) before the counter-attack is thrown at them, and not afterwards. Kind of basic, but it's one of those kind of things that are best to mention, underline, repeat, and really nail down. Arguments could very easily break out if there's confusion on either side, because of the third-party-decides-the-outcome rule.

TL:DR; Your way of doing it could be a refreshing take on the arena-combat genre, and is mostly at risk due to the possibility of the ruling third-party's judgement to be incorrect/biased/not respected. At least that's what I think, in theory.

Many thanks for your feedback, and i'm glad to see that despite my inexperience, my own theoretical pros and cons of my proposed system marry with yours perfectly.

I was drawn to Arena after hearing of its plight, and studied some of the threads. First thing I noticed was how long winded it all was; kinda reminded me of my younger years, sat in front of the tv and agonizing over whether or not Goku would finally launch his attack, or whether I'd have to go through another week of school for it, haha. Screw that nonsense!

At the moment, i'm considering my options. Having some kind of democratic body established to make a ruling, when my own has been cast into question, was my first port of call. Not sure how efficient it would be though. But yeah, i'll give it some thought and see what I come up with.

Thanks again!
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Green


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Green>

Many thanks for your feedback, and i'm glad to see that despite my inexperience, my own theoretical pros and cons of my proposed system marry with yours perfectly.

I was drawn to Arena after hearing of its plight, and studied some of the threads. First thing I noticed was how long winded it all was; kinda reminded me of my younger years, sat in front of the tv and agonizing over whether or not Goku would finally launch his attack, or whether I'd have to go through another week of school for it, haha. Screw that nonsense!

At the moment, i'm considering my options. Having some kind of democratic body established to make a ruling, when my own has been cast into question, was my first port of call. Not sure how efficient it would be though. But yeah, i'll give it some thought and see what I come up with.

Thanks again!

I'm sure the most effective way to do the ruling, as of now, would be just the way you've already proposed to do it. Being open to tweaks as you go along is nice, of course.

In the previous persistent arena RP that went on, there was, due to the original gm disappearing for a while, a selected trio of people who would make judgement if issues arose. Having something like that in this would be problematic at first, but if you get a solid player-base, it would be something to consider for moments of potential conflict. That is to say, under normal circumstances, your own ruling should be enough, but if a conflict does arise around it, it could be good to have at least two individuals (known to your players) to consult to reach perceived "fair" judgement, even if it turns out to be identical to the original ruling. Not that you'd have to worry about that -now-, but it's always nice to be aware of your options.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PartTimeCynic
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PartTimeCynic Man of the Hour

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I have to say, I'd be pretty interested in taking part of this. It would be a refreshing change from the regular arena rps here, so I'm willing to give it a shot.

Two questions. Would this be for OCs or pre-established characters? And what tiers would be acceptable for the tournament? I don't want to throw in a superman when I'll be fighting against Indiana Jones, or vice versa.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by TomeBinder
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TomeBinder Volumes Untold

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

@Green Indeed, I don't think anyone will have a problem with my decisions. I mean, I'm not invested in the fights themselves, and have no friends here, so I'd struggle to establish a bias. Besides, I pride myself in being as neutral as possible in all RP matters. No doubt someone will get upset when I tell them their mega-death ray was interrupted by their opponent's bazooka rocket, but people will quickly realise I am very firm when it comes to dealing with that kind of tom foolery. In my view, if you're gonna throw a tantrum, get out of my face - even if it empties the RP. Better for it to die in its purest form because the playerbase just wasn't there for it, than for it to die in a heavily diluted and decentralised state because I gave in to whiners. Thanks for your suggestion, you've been very helpful.

@PartTimeCynic Original characteres/customs will most certaintly be allowed.

As for this whole Tier stuff, I'm not sure which way to go with it. I'd probably create my own system, whereby characters are Graded by myself rather than the players - or I might not do anything at all. Indeed, as I'm pairing the fighters, my judgement should be enough.

However, to keep everyone roughly on par (in case there's only 4 of you with greatly varying powers), I may restrict entries.

It's early days. I believe I'll look into the Tier system so's that I can understand what's already in play. If I'm happy with it, I'll use it, but if not I'll modify it or get rid of it.

Edit: then again, if I let people have as many fighters as they wanted, they could enter any level they wanted. Hmmmm, but yah, like I said I'll look into things before I make any decision.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Green


Member Seen 10 yrs ago


The 10-tier system that has been the standard go-to in previous incarnations of various persistent arena rps is a very solid choice if you're going for a wide selection of diverse characters of varying power levels. However, in my experience, it quickly becomes very difficult to arrange fights between characters when the gap between characters fluctuate a lot, which is common.

I couldn't find a written example of the 10-tier system, but here's the jist of it; the power level of a character decides which tier he's in. An average human with little to no combat abilities would be tier 1 (or 0, depending on who you ask), and an all-powerful god(mod) would be 10. If I remember correctly, Superman and Goku sits at a strong 8, Batman (comic version) at a 4, and everything else is in-between. Most fights tends to happen around tier 4-6. There's some more details around it, but at the end of the day, the tier system is only there to categorize power levels. The upside of using it as a categorizing utility, is that most people on this site is at least slightly familiar with the different tiers, and will very easily adjust according to your wishes based on it.

If you end up going for it, I suggest sticking to one or two tiers to avoid power gaps, unless you want that. Tier 3 to 5 tends to have the largest diversity of characters.


I just realized I've been spurting out a lot of trivia and opinions in the past few posts. Apologies if it seems a bit much. Been around to see the coming and going of a few of these, so I figured I'd share some observations.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TomeBinder
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TomeBinder Volumes Untold

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

@Green I thought the Tier system would work as such. I'll need a definition of each tier though, if I were to use it - otherwise I'd have to make it from scratch.

More than likely, I'd have a tournament for each tier. We'd start with the level zeros, and move right up to the level eights. I wouldn't touch ten, because I imagine at that point it gets difficult to judge just how well a character will withstand an assault.

Perhaps the players actually play as Sponsors, who select warriors to fight on their behalf per tournament.

But in any case, I'd favour that because it would force people to play outside of their comfort zones. Again, I'll give it some thought.

And hey, I'm just a noob here, who is plying their trade to something beyond their immediate knowledge base. Whatever you have to say, is invaluable at this stage. Seriously, anything and everything.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Green


Member Seen 10 yrs ago


Pretty sure the tier system is around here somewhere. Gonna see if I can dig it up.

And yeah, you'd do right not to touch on tier 10. Not even with a ten foot pole.

Edit: Here we go:

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TomeBinder
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TomeBinder Volumes Untold

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

@Green Awesome, cheers bud. At least now I have something to work with.

After I've tended to my other RP duties later tonight, I intend on sitting down and spending some more work on this.

And um, odd question, but if this is a general format of what you guys go by, shouldn't it be pinned to the top of the arena subthread? Maybe a guide to go with it. I heard you've had trouble sustaining your player count - keeping the core information needed to play buried is one way to alienate anyone.

Not that I'm being a smart arse, but I would strongly recommend that a more established member of this community should consider it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Green


Member Seen 10 yrs ago


I suppose it couldn't hurt to have it pinned to the top of the arena thread. I think most of the reason it's not, is because it's not exactly something that is enforced upon people. They can fight however they want, but most people use at least a slightly modified version of both the 10-tiers and T1-type of a fighting format out of familiarity with it. Some people go free-form, which is cool too, but requires a much more carefree attitude. Some people are in it for the challenge, and thrill of victory (or impressive defeat) - And for those, it is often better to have a good power level reference.

A lot of people who use the arena are familiar with how things are done around here. Which might be one of the arenas biggest problems. The people who use it are people who have been around for a while, or at least have a basic understanding of the most used format before entering, so I suppose it ended up as a silent "We all know what we're doing, and how we're gonna do it", so nobody put anything up (officially) for those who didn't have a clue. Would be my guess, but that's a really big shot in the dark. Not the easiest type of place to get into, but the people are nice. I've been around for about 4 years, and it's kind of always been kind of like that. Same thing over at roleplay gateway, where I started out, but they've added a few stickies over the years to help out newbies.

The tier list could at least be a nice thing to have as a sticky around here. Most people at least know of it, and it's good for reference, although some people prefer to use their own modified version of the tiers. One of the first persistent arena threads that was made on this site after it was re-created (it crashed pretty severely a year back) - used a 3-tier system, that was technically nine tiers. Low tier, mid tier, and high tier. Then there was Low-low tier, Low-mid tier, Low-high tier, Mid-low tier, Mid-mid tier, Mid-high tier, High-low tier, High-mid tier, and High-high tier (worded better, but I can't recall the details) - and basically, everyone within the main tier (low, mid, high) would count as eligible opponents for each-other. Didn't work out well. Partly because of the system, mostly because of the people.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TomeBinder
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TomeBinder Volumes Untold

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

@Green Yeah, it needs to be done. You have to remember, not many people are all that brave - even on the internet. I imagine there's been no end of them who have come into Arena, looked at it and thought "Wtf? How does this work?" but are too afraid to ask because they feel they'd look stupid.

Even if the Tier system and fighting rules vary from thread to thread, it sounds like they're based on existing principles, but tweaked here and there by whoever GM takes the helm. I'd say getting a "General" overview of both up as a sticky, would be a good thing to do. At least that way those who are daunted by the prospect of asking the established players about how arena works, will have somewhere to go to get an idea.

I'd say get them drawn up, maybe conferring with the other silverbacks first to A) get their approval B) their feedback/suggestions, and then ask whoever runs RPGN to do a little article on them once they go up. That'd be some nice publicity.

Yeah, I know about your crash. I was lurking over at some place called IwakuRoleplay (not my cup of tea, I gotta say), and we had this huge surge of players from here round Christmas time. I remember because arguments would break out between them in the OOCs, and it'd cause drama.

I came here out of curiosity, and kept tabs on it. After the head honcho gave it a makeover, I thought Heck, why not? To be honest, I like its simplicity - something I felt Iwaku lacked at times.

Somehow I told you some of my history. Odd that.

Anyways, I'm going over the Tier system at the moment. It hikes a bit, I've found. Maybe that mult-layered Tier system you were talking about would be better, it makes more sense to me anyway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Green


Member Seen 10 yrs ago


Ah. I can't say that I'm familiar with that forum, but it's interesting to hear that a bunch of people from this site moved over there during the downtime.

We had a second, super-unstable time period of about two-three months that is the main reason there's less activity around here than it would normally be. People got kind of sick of not being able to load a page, post, and so on. Happened frequently, but got fixed with the rework.

Anyways, I'm going over the Tier system at the moment. It hikes a bit, I've found. Maybe that mult-layered Tier system you were talking about would be better, it makes more sense to me anyway.

Pretty much any tier list will be, at least to some degree, flawed/wonky. That's why we generally perceive them as loose guidelines to create our characters by, and then the gm has the final say in what goes. It's good to have for the early stages of a thread, but shouldn't be held up as the biblical code of the roleplay's existence. If that makes sense.

A common problem with having a tier system at all, is that some people tend to (sometimes rightly so) perceive other people's characters as more powerful than their tier suggest, therefore 'Overpowered' - But I feel that would probably happen anyway, regardless of a tier list. Assumptions, assumptions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by TomeBinder
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TomeBinder Volumes Untold

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Trying to do away with that pesky tier system. Here's my proposed replacement so far.

Current Tournaments:

The Humanoid Blood Crown

Contenders wishing to seek access to this tournament must be humanoid in nature, and are restricted to a certain height and weight. The weapons used in these matches are randomised, and a contender must make do with what they are given - even if it's far from their skill set.

If you're wondering about how I'd pair warriors, I would first try to match them judging by their perceived strengths, but would probably fall back to nerfing if needs be. For example, I'd disallow a character from flying, or weaken their armour/skin, or slow them down etc. Though I'm also hoping my randomised weapon plan, will play a part.

I intend for a weapon pool to be displayed prior to the match. It might involve a laser blaster, a P90, a chainsaw, a greatsword, a bolter, a light sabre etc. I'd then roll a dice. Would make for an interesting twist, I think.

What'd you think?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Green


Member Seen 10 yrs ago


That should remove the need for a tier list neatly, yes. Very effective.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TomeBinder
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TomeBinder Volumes Untold

Member Seen 10 yrs ago


That should remove the need for a tier list neatly, yes. Very effective.

Awesome. It might need some tweaking, but that'll have to wait until I get things started.

Well, with the key "mechanics" nailed down, I can resume with creating the world.

As always, many thanks for your help.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Green


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Green>

Awesome. It might need some tweaking, but that'll have to wait until I get things started.

Well, with the key "mechanics" nailed down, I can resume with creating the world.

As always, many thanks for your help.

Happy to be of assistance.

Oh! Oh! I just noticed. You should probably add a notation about roughly how powerful you want characters to be (at least an example of the max) - Assuming you want to keep it somewhat streamlined at first.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TomeBinder
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TomeBinder Volumes Untold

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by TomeBinder>

Happy to be of assistance.

Oh! Oh! I just noticed. You should probably add a notation about roughly how powerful you want characters to be (at least an example of the max) - Assuming you want to keep it somewhat streamlined at first.

Yeah, I was actually thinking of listing a range of characters. You know, to really hammer home the kinds of warriors you'd expect to see in the Blood Crown Tournament.
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