Name: Siku Tsukiko
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Element: Water
Birthplace: Northern Water Tribe
Current Residence: Republic City
Occupation: Pro-bender (“The Northern Tribal Wolves”)


History: Siku grew up in the Northern Water Tribe, spending her first ten years of life in the icy habitats of the distant North. Her family lived quite well-off, as her father was the chief’s cousin, thus providing an environment for young Siku to thrive easily. From a young age, she showed a capacity for water bending and a curiosity beyond even the other children in the tribe. She was always exercising her abilities, absolutely fascinated by the way water reacted to even her very presence. Having acquired the ability to bend from her father, the man was the first to jump on a chance to train his only daughter. He was one of few water benders who wielded a weapon from time to time to accompany his art. Much to his chagrin, Siku had grown rather attached to their television on certain nights of the week. It was like pulling her out of a coma when her eyes glued to that screen to watch the pro-benders of Republic City, champions of their craft, dueling.
The girl wanted nothing more than to see one match, in person, and learn to diversify her own talents, no matter how small their manifestation still was at the time. After months of begging, pleading, groveling, and extra chores, her parents gave in to her incessant requesting and took her to the arena in the city. Hoping to satisfy her, they left within just a few days and spent a week in the city, leaving her in awe of everything from the cars to the music to the three matches they attended. The plan backfired quite noticeably because within only a year or two the chief offered her father the recently opened position of Ambassador for the North Pole and when Siku heard… well, there was no shutting her up. Her bags were packed before the decision was made and by the time she was ten, they were unlocking the doors to their new, and admittedly quite lavish, house in the center of the city. It had a yard and a garden, granted due to her father's position. They had not purchased it, but rather it was owned by the Northern Water Tribe. Siku’s mother had always stayed at home, maintaining the house and caring for Siku and their new two year-old daughter Sesi. Siku started going to school in the city and her father continued their training sessions, waiting until she was old enough before starting to teach her how to use a dao, just as he incorporated one into his own training. They began with wood, and by the time she was finishing school, she could flourish the blade as though it were naught but air.
She acquired her spot with the Ice Wolves amateur pro-bending team after their water bender took a nasty fall off the platform, forgetting to catch himself properly in the water below. He was only temporarily out of commission, but he decided to leave pro-bending behind after the injury. Siku leapt at the opportunity, despite how crunched for time she already was, proving herself to be a worthwhile gamble. Somehow, with a packed schedule, she managed to give herself at least a little bit of time each week to stroll the streets of Republic City and clear her mind or spend recreational time with her friends.
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Element: Water
Birthplace: Northern Water Tribe
Current Residence: Republic City
Occupation: Pro-bender (“The Northern Tribal Wolves”)


History: Siku grew up in the Northern Water Tribe, spending her first ten years of life in the icy habitats of the distant North. Her family lived quite well-off, as her father was the chief’s cousin, thus providing an environment for young Siku to thrive easily. From a young age, she showed a capacity for water bending and a curiosity beyond even the other children in the tribe. She was always exercising her abilities, absolutely fascinated by the way water reacted to even her very presence. Having acquired the ability to bend from her father, the man was the first to jump on a chance to train his only daughter. He was one of few water benders who wielded a weapon from time to time to accompany his art. Much to his chagrin, Siku had grown rather attached to their television on certain nights of the week. It was like pulling her out of a coma when her eyes glued to that screen to watch the pro-benders of Republic City, champions of their craft, dueling.
The girl wanted nothing more than to see one match, in person, and learn to diversify her own talents, no matter how small their manifestation still was at the time. After months of begging, pleading, groveling, and extra chores, her parents gave in to her incessant requesting and took her to the arena in the city. Hoping to satisfy her, they left within just a few days and spent a week in the city, leaving her in awe of everything from the cars to the music to the three matches they attended. The plan backfired quite noticeably because within only a year or two the chief offered her father the recently opened position of Ambassador for the North Pole and when Siku heard… well, there was no shutting her up. Her bags were packed before the decision was made and by the time she was ten, they were unlocking the doors to their new, and admittedly quite lavish, house in the center of the city. It had a yard and a garden, granted due to her father's position. They had not purchased it, but rather it was owned by the Northern Water Tribe. Siku’s mother had always stayed at home, maintaining the house and caring for Siku and their new two year-old daughter Sesi. Siku started going to school in the city and her father continued their training sessions, waiting until she was old enough before starting to teach her how to use a dao, just as he incorporated one into his own training. They began with wood, and by the time she was finishing school, she could flourish the blade as though it were naught but air.
She acquired her spot with the Ice Wolves amateur pro-bending team after their water bender took a nasty fall off the platform, forgetting to catch himself properly in the water below. He was only temporarily out of commission, but he decided to leave pro-bending behind after the injury. Siku leapt at the opportunity, despite how crunched for time she already was, proving herself to be a worthwhile gamble. Somehow, with a packed schedule, she managed to give herself at least a little bit of time each week to stroll the streets of Republic City and clear her mind or spend recreational time with her friends.