Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by omamic


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Perry groaned in agony, her body swaying to the movement of the vault. "Could you maybe NOT crash into everything?!" Perry yelled. She was still holding her dislocated arm in place to ease the pain. "Why was this robot so imcompetent?", Perry thought to herself,"Since when do robots make mistakes?" CRASH! The window she was looking out of shattered as Wheatly hit another vault. It sent glass shards flying across the room.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by catmint
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Ashton who as in the corner of the room was knocked against the wall when they collided. "Can't he do better then that?" He grumbled to himself, making sure to avoid putting his foot down where any broken glass was. He looked at Perry with pity, seeing her in pain wasn't exactly fun. Ashton was tensed, waiting for them to arrive at their destination.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WestwoodOmega
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WestwoodOmega "Financial Transfers"

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"Almost there, should be in just a second!" Wheatley yelled. More metal screeched as the chamber rubbed against other vaults. "Alright, Right about here!" Wheatley suddenly stopped the vault, causing it to shake back and forth before stopping. "Alright, this is where I leave you on your own." He said to the group, "I Have to get back to another human I rescued. They need my help more than you do, trust me, they're mute!" Carter walked up to wheatley. "You can't just leave us here! We'll get ourselves killed!" Wheatley lowered from the ceiling and faced them, "Just meet me at the main breaker room, should be near the old A.I.'s chamber. We'll use the escape pod and sail our way to freedom." Daniel looked at the core, "You better not be trying to get us killed, or I will hunt you down." He opened the door and walked out of the vault.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by United
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Jack smiled jumping into the room with the portal guns. He grabbed his and twirled it around. "I have always wanted something that is so technologically advanced. This is sweet!" He yelled shooting a portal to the celling and then the floor below where he was standing. "Im eter-naly-fall-ing" He yells. "Hel-p" he yells
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by catmint
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"Another human?" Ashton said questioningly, narrowing his eyes at the core. After a moment he brushed it off, he figured it wasn't his problem. Ashton followed Jack into the storage room, grabbing the nearest portal gun. "Does anyone know where the main breaker room is?" He said, running his hand across the smooth surface of the portal gun. He glanced up at Jack, frowning disapprovingly at him. Ashton turned his back to him, looking back into the vault for the others.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by omamic


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Perry let out a cold sigh as she looked down into the portal room. "Great, more falling", she thought. Perry knelt down to make her asent. She used her good hand to hold onto the ledge and dropped herself into the room packed full of inactive portal guns. Perry flashed back to her test-subject days. Perry had seen many of her fellow test subjects being given these guns but those who went through the portal tests never made it back. Perry herself was used to test Aperature's new propulsion gel prototypes. She had a few close calls in those tests. It is miracle she had made it out alive. Perry looked around the room still cluching her shoulder. Perry then realized that she could not operate a hand-held portal device without proper hands. "Could someone please help me with my arm? I need one of you to hold up my arm at a 90 degree angle and then push it upwards into the socket."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WestwoodOmega
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WestwoodOmega "Financial Transfers"

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Carter and Daniel jumped down at the same time. They both went up to the wall and grabbed one of the prototype guns. "Woah..." Carter exclaimed," this is awesome!" Daniel on the other hand got down to business, "alright, does anyone have any clue as to where the main breaker room is?" Carter looked back at the vault to see Wheatley going along his pole, far away from the group. "We're on our own to find it, Wheatley is gone." Carter told them. The cheerful robotic voice came over the speaker again, "Warning: Core melt down in T-minus, Three hours and Fourty-five minutes..." Daniel sighed, "Whatever we do, lets do it quick. Time is of the essence."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by catmint
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Ashton looked up at Perry, frowning slightly. The others seemed to not take notice of her. "I'll do it." He said with a gulp before launching a red portal on the ceiling Lethem vault and another portal beside him. Ashton jumped down, landing with a thunk by Perry. Ashton set down the portal device, approaching Perry as he grabbed her arm carefully. "Okay...." Ashton was clearly hesitant as he lifted her rm up. "One, two..." Ashton pushed her arm upwards as he said three.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by United
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Jack shot randomly and ended up firing his portal against the wall. This time around he flew in the one on the ground then out of the wall into one of the stands with the portal guns on them. He got up and saw Ashton push Perry's arm back into his socket. He cringed as he heard the bone pop back in place. "Yeah I agree lets do this, we don't have much time" he said. Jack ran toward the doorway, and blasted past it. He looked around for a sign of some sort. "hey guys look a sign" he pointed toward a sign that said "Old AI testing chamber." "This is where he told us where that main breaker room is!" he yelled scampering towards it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WestwoodOmega
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Carter and Daniel nodded at jack. "Lets go then," carter said, "no time to lose." He ran in eagerly, not even stopping to take a chance to think what was through the door. Daniel hesitated, "What does it mean, "AI"? They didn't have any of this fancy stuff when I went into the vault..." He looked at perry. "Looks like Ashton's got your arm back where it should be." He looked back at the door nervously, "If you guys are ready, lets get it over with." Then Carter shouted back at the group, "Hey guys! Get in here this is cool!" He was standing right in front of GLaDOS, however since the power was off, so was she.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by catmint
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Ashton cast a worried glance at Perry, "Are you okay?" He asked quietly, hoping that she did endure too much pain in the process. He turned when hearing a yell from Carter, and he promptly followed the rest of their group to the room. Ashton felt his stomach do a flip seeing GLaDOS, even broken and powered down she was a sight to see. The area was foreign to him and Ashton carefully made his way inside. He looked as if he expected to be attacked at any second.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by United
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Jack came face to face with GLaDOS. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" he yelled, then noticed she was powered down. Jack laughed and knocked on her blue light, she has as an eye. "She's dead! Ding dong the witch is dead!" He chanted climbing her like a tree. "She is like a jungle gym!" He says hopping around her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by omamic


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"Thank you so much dear. I don't know how I could ever repay you. " Perry said to Ashton with the most gleeful gleeful smile on her face. Her arm did still sting a bit but at least she could move it. She proped herself up and head for a green and red portal gun. She trailed behind the group trying to keep up. "AI core?" Perry pondered. What did they mean by AI? Perry hastened her pace to catch up. She trodded her way into the magled room her group was in. "What a mess," she thought to herself
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WestwoodOmega
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WestwoodOmega "Financial Transfers"

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Cater was moving around excitedly around the de-activated AI. "I wonder if it still works..." He got behind it and started messing with the wiring. Daniel wanted to stop him, unsure of what would happen but didnt. "So is there like a power switch around here or something?" He started scanning the room with no luck. "Or maybe the blue core will show up again?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by catmint
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Ashton glanced around the enormous room, brushing tangled hair behind his ears as he followed behind Daniel. He wasn't sure what else to do, he didn't see any power switch either. "Not sure what we're going to do now." He commented, crossing his arms as he searched for any informative signs. Of course, the place was so run-down nothing seem to be of much help.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by United
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Jack looked toward Daniel "Yeah mabey it will huh?" He said smiling. He frowned when Carter suggested on finding a power switch "Are you insane? You don't go around just turning things on!...Well I do, but I cant help it, Im too sexy" He said laughing. "We should not be stupid enough to turn that on, mabey someone else will" He said aloud
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WestwoodOmega
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WestwoodOmega "Financial Transfers"

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Suddenly, the lights started turning back on one by one and the sound of power returning to the entire facility. Wheatley could be heard from far away, sounded like he was underground and coming up out of the ground. Carter stepped back as the head of the AI started sliding back together and raising up in the air. Daniel watched in fear, "It's Repairing itself?!" The machine continued rebuilding and rising into the air. "What do we do?!" He started panicking. Carter had a huge smile on his face, "This is so Cool!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by omamic


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Perry watched the heaps of metal tangle and twirl like an awakening snake. She was fascinated. Never before had she seen technology this advanced. Hand-held portal guns? Living machines? Things sure have changed a lot since her slumber in 1982. "Lets watch this thing go!" Perry said enthusiastically as the robotic snake continued rising, shaking off the decaying debry.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by catmint
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Ashton stumbled backwards, breath catching in his throat as GLaDOS reconfigured herself. His breath caught in his throat, "Oh my god..." He choked out as he started to shake, his first instinct was to find some place to hide. Ashton glanced around, as he searched for a worthy place for him to get out of sight, breath quickening. Ashton had few interactions with this machine, but none of them were good. His last memory was stumbling around corpses before being sealed into the relaxation vault. His relief at seeing GLaDOS decayed like the faculty was crushed as she restarted.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WestwoodOmega
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WestwoodOmega "Financial Transfers"

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Daniel ran up and pulled Carter away from GLaDOS. "I'm sure it's cool, but I really don't want to stay around to see what it does." Carter fought back and eventually broke free. "Look," He pointed, "It's Wheatley!" Wheatley was rising up out of the floor, connected to some box. He was also next to some woman in an orange jump suit. "Okay, maybe if we stay really still," Wheatley suggested, "Then she will not notice us!" Daniel dived behind some of the rubble as Carter continued to stare at the Machine. "Power Restored," The automated voice said, "Core Stableized. Aperture Science Laboratories back online. Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System, or GLaDOS power levels at 52%, 53%..."
Daniel poked his head out, "That thing is almost back On!"
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