Remmington's Angels
Alytra flew down the hall, calves burning, blood pumping. Where do I go? She was panicking. Was it left, or was it right? I don't remember... Her dark eyes flickered rapidly back and forth between the halls which continued in adjacent directions on either side of her. It wasn't straight, she knew that. She had learned that lesson last time... And she didn't feel like she needed a refresher. Not today. Picking up on the nearing click-clack of heels behind her, Alytra made a snap decision and hooked a right, throwing herself into the new expanse of white-washed, brightly-lit tile. A woman, white as the walls, eyed Alytra from at least ten yards away, and took a defensive position in the center of the hall.
Alytra didn't have time for her bullshit. She slid underneath the woman's lanky arms and skidded further down the hallway, skinning her knees and not giving a flying fuck about it. She simply bit her lip to fight against the yowl of pain that threatened to erupt from inside of her and leaped back to her feet. It was like she had never stopped running for an instant. Unfortunately, she turned in time to see the motley crew that were her current predators: a tall, gawky, light-skinned man with glasses and messy blonde hair that stuck out all over; a dark-haired young woman, small and tan, with eyes like slits and teeth like a tiger's; and, last but not least, an older woman, maybe mid-forties, who was large in stature and looked like she hadn't had any decent sex in over a decade.
Yes, these three, all in matching attire which was similar in shading to the rest of the place, were persuing Alytra rapidly... And they were gaining on her. Alytra turned her back on them once more to continue fleeing - and that's when she hit a wall. Well, not literally. What she actually ran into were long, veiny, ghastly pale arms and a hardened chest that felt like it belonged to a statue. Alytra peered up to see what - or rather, who - had, over the course of the past eight months, become her single most horrifying nightmare. Him. Jason. Standing right there in front of her, gripping her shaking arms, and staring threateningly into her eyes with his own crystal blue.
"What exactly are we doing, now, Alytra? Tsk, tsk, I would have thought that you'd learned your lesson the last time that I caught you... Misbehaving." He snickered, and began to chuckle sadistically, while simultaneously turning her swiftly to face the oncoming group of demons, pinning himself against her from behind and locking her wrists up inside of his hands. "Here you go, Doctor Remmington." Jason smirked, pushing Alytra in her direction. The taller of the two women took her hands from him and placed them in some plastic cuffs. "Thank you, Jason, you're a dear. Keep up the excellent work." Then, turning to Alytra, she snapped, "Let's go, you little bitch. Just wait until you see what I'm going to do to - echem, adjust the situation." She smiled devilishly and yanked Alytra along, the other two coated assistants following her, back down the hall and then into another, and then through a metal door. This wasn't going to feel good.
Alytra should have taken a left.