Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Timber began to regain himself a moment to late at Trunk's attacks ripped the air from his lungs, leaving him unable to fight back despite his will. Strangely Wolf was beginning to regain consciousness,his fingers raking into the crumbled tile as he groaned,looking toward Trunks with hateful eyes before passing out once more. Both brothers were put out of the fight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Amber watches as the hurt in put on Timber, she continue to gather energy, she then looks to the Majin

"looks like your up..."

she said before she looked back to Trunks as she continued to stand still, her arms still crossed.


Majin Eve smiled as she placed her feet on the ground and walked up to Trunks, stopping four meters away before she got into an offensive stance, an eager smile on her lips as she prepared to battle.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The saiyan Trunks faced his new opponents, the two females, a human by the looks of it and a majin, how interesting. The saiyan powered up and charged the fiery haired female, creating an after image and attempting to land a palm strike to her back and follow up with wave a ki.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Amber visibly tensed, her eye's widening as she watched Trunks speed towards her, completely ignoring the Majin that walked up to him to fight, she grit her teeth as she sensed an energy signature flare up behind her, she jumped as hard as she could to evade his attack, the ground splintering from the force she used to dodge Trunks attack, she needed more time, she knew she didn't have enough energy to fight this guy, not yet.


Majin Eve's eye's widened unbelievingly, the boy just sped right past her as if she wasn't there, she turned to watch as he speed towards the red haired girl, and narrowed her eye's in agitation, as Trunks went to palm strike Amber, Majin Eve stomped her right foot into the ground, the split-second after it appeared from where Amber had jumped and planted itself into the purple haired boys face. Her foot quickly retracted into the ground and back to her, she locked her eye's on the purple haired boy as she charged forward with a battle cry, there was a look of irritation in her eye's but also a competitive fierceness to them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Trunks was aiming for a dive kick to put the girl on the defensive, surprised at her raw speed, it seemed she was a fast one. He had hoped that these warriors were strong, maybe as a team they were a force to be reckoned with but alone they were defenseless, Trunk's foot smashed into the tiled ground, cracking and splintering it. As he attempted to attack the human girl the majin appeared to fight him, his foot plunging through the ground, catching the hybrid saiyan off guard as he was hit, stunned momentarily. Trunks responded with his own fierce shout, attacking with a series of lightning fast attacks.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Amber grinned slightly as she watched the purple haired boy engage in battle with the Majin, she then continued to gather her energy.


Majin Eve grinned as the purple haired boy began to attack her, she blocked as best she could but she couldn't stop everything from getting through her defence, after a few of his hits landed, causing her skin to 'dent' from the force she jumped back with a grin, she inhaled and held her breath for a moment, then her body tensed, the second after the 'dents' vanished, she appeared almost completely healed, the second after she charged forward to engage in battle with the purple haired boy again, laughing with competitive joy as she attempted to hit him with her barrage of punches and kicks.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The saiyan hybrid could help but give a confident smirk, seeing that the Majin had recovered, he knew he was going soft for them but they seemed more than capable. The male effortlessly evaded the Majin's attacks, even brushing her fist out of the way as if it were something in his way. His head quickly snapped in the direction of Timber and Wolf, groans of pain along with their feebly rising power levels caught his attention, their heart was something that may have decided many battles for them, he could fight them all like this head on, not while he limited himself so much. He retaliated with an overhead axe kick to the Majin's collar bone, supposing she even had bones.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Trunks kick landed, a loud impact sounded with the force as the kick left a deep imprint of his boot in Majin Eve's 'collar bone', she let out a grunt of pain as she jumped back, her left eye was winched closed in pain, slowly it opened as she grinned with a chuckle, the area that was kicked tensed before the imprint was healed, but it looked bruised, a shade of purple coloring the area that was healed. After recovering she grinned as she grabbed her left arm, and pulled it from it's socket, ripping it off entirely before she tossed it in the air, the severed arm curled in on itself to form a ball about a foot and a half in diameter, it hovered over Eve's right hand, she shot the purple haired boy a mischievous grin before the arm ball became enveloped in a pink aura as it began to spin rapidly, she pointed at the boy and with that the arm ball flew towards him at incredible speeds, intending to slam into him.


Amber grimaced slightly as she watched the Majin tear her own arm off to use as a weapon against the boy

"what a wired creature..."

she said to herself as she continued to gather energy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Trunks' attack made contact, making him think she had actually broken a bone because of him. She seemed to recover but some damage was more than evident and it was getting increasingly difficult for the saiyan to not use his true power. The saiyan raised a brow and held a look of surprise when the majin tore off her own arm, watching it form into a ball as ki engulfed it, as she launched the attack at him he easily countered it with a an explosive ball of ki, causing an explosion on contact with her sphere. "I think I've seen enough..." He spoke, slowly descending to the ground.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Majin Eve's eye's widens as she watched her arm ball get destroyed, she grit her teeth lightly as her left shoulder tensed making a new left arm grow in place of the one that was destroyed, then she smiled as she got ready to attack again. But upon hearing the boy speak, she had a look of disappointment as she lowered her arms slightly, she seemed confused as to what he was doing.


Amber raised a confused brow as she watched.

"what's he doing?..."

She asked herself as she continued gathering energy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Wolf was hazing in and out of consciousness, his eyes opening to see a strange bean in front of his face, one he recognized, or at least he thought he did. A senzu bean, strong enough to bring someone from near death to the pinnacle of health, the saiyan reached for the small lifeline, chewing it once he brought it to his mouth, Timber looking to do the same once he had regained himself, eyes shoot open and muscles bulging as they sprung back to life, looking toward the hybrid saiyan with angered eyes.

(You want to switch and take over Trunks? Or no?)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

Member Seen 1 mo ago

(hmmm, not quite yet X3 )

Majin Eve pouted as she crossed her arms in disappointment, she wanted to continue the fight, but if he didn't want to she couldn't force him to.


Amber hovered in the air, she raised a brow, was the purple haired boy giving up?, was he tired? no matter, she had to gather her strength. In that moment her eye's widened slightly before she grinned.


She said to herself in a confident tone before a powerful blazing red aura enveloped her, doing so sent a shockwave of energy from her that shook the ground as red electricity jumped around her.


Her power level skyrocketed, increasing rapidly to 10,000 in less than a second, the ground shook as her aura intensified, when her power came to a stop she glanced down to the purple haired boy with a smug grin.


Majin Eve looked up to Amber in surprise, having almost completely forgotten about her being there.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

After the intense skirmish, Trunks breifed the four warriirs on the situation they faced, an alteration in the timeline. "I'll need your help to fix the flow of time, I can't interfere or else risk altering time even further. You've each proven to be more than capable warriors and I urge you to do so again. The fate of the universe rests in your hands, will you help me?" He asked the four.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

Member Seen 1 mo ago

After the intense skirmish, Trunks breifed the four warriirs on the situation they faced, an alteration in the timeline. "I'll need your help to fix the flow of time, I can't interfere or else risk altering time even further. You've each proven to be more than capable warriors and I urge you to do so again. The fate of the universe rests in your hands, will you help me?" He asked the four.

(Amber: *eye's widen disbelievingly* "but I! you! What?!"

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