Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little Mx Inferno
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Little Mx Inferno Insanities Handmaiden

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Important NPC's list. (NPC's lack a background part on their sheet, it's up to our group to find out their backstory if we so choose.)
This list will grow as more characters become prominent, and may have additions before the game even starts, which is why it is under a read more.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by ayzrules
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ayzrules CEO of staying up all night

Member Seen 2 mos ago

dunno if we were supposed to post here or in ooc, but anyway here goes

Name: Avril Mattix
Age: 23
Gender: female

Personality: Avril is brash, crass, and altogether vulgar. She swears too much, she drinks too much, she's tactless and blunt and hot-tempered. Avril takes much too many risks for most people's liking, and she frequently puts herself in danger for pretty stupid reasons. She won't take anyone's bullshit and confronts any trouble she has with anyone or anything head-on. Avril is more stubborn than a mule and more aggressive than a bulldog. She's regarded as a truculent individual with no respect for anything, someone who seemingly lives to have fun and to party and to get into fights with not a care in the world. Despite all her obvious flaws, Avril is very steadfast and ferociously loyal. She is determined to the point of being headstrong but devoted to the group of Scroungers that she considers her only family. She can be much too sarcastic or snarky for her own good, but if she genuinely cares about somebody like she does the Scroungers she tries not to hurt anybody's feelings with her abrasive ways and her general fuck-it-all attitude. If she sets her mind to something then she does not quit, no matter what. Failure, in Avril's eyes, is unacceptable. She can be an extremely volatile person with an acerbic tongue, but when it all boils down to surviving, Avril is surprisingly adept at it. She can smooth-talk her way out of conflicts with the UCPD if needed. Avril loathes them, but even she isn't reckless enough to make a fuss if confronted by the UCPD. Avril views life as a party and refuses to acknowledge people who try to crash this party of hers. She's not in it to help the world; she's in it to enjoy the experience, however gritty and uncomfortable that it may be.

Background: Avril never knew who her father was, but she, her mother, and her older sister were members of a fairly influential smuggling gang in Undercity before the whole operation was busted by the UCPD when Avril was fifteen. The bust resulted in the death of her mother and sister. Avril barely escaped with her life. Through various connections Avril had acquired from being a part of the smugglers, she managed to find a group of Scroungers and begin a new life with them. She began a part-time job at Sandy's and found herself taking a strange liking to it. She is also good at haggling with people and engages in petty thievery from time to time, but it's not strictly necessary as she currently is not starving to survive with the job at Sandy's. Avril is definitely not a tech-genius, but she knows enough about the technology of the Undercity to use it, rework it for her own motives, and destroy it if necessary. Basically, Avril knows how to make things do what they're supposed to do and rewire them crudely so that they do something else, but she has very little knowledge of the inner workings of the technology. The only hack-job that Avril has gotten is getting a metal plate inserted where her cheek bone usually is after breaking it when the UCPD busted the smuggling ring she was a member of. She is thinking about getting more, if it is possible, but she definitely isn't counting on it anytime soon because of her limited funds.

Within the Scroungers, Avril would probably be known mostly as the party girl and the girl who likes to drink. She likes riding fast, taking risks, and enjoys getting drunk for some inexplicable reason. She can usually be found hanging around at Sandy's, either working or drinking. Although Avril doesn't strictly need to steal to survive, something about the rush of adrenaline that accompanies thieving is strangely satisfying to her. She lives to feel the buzz of alcohol, the high that comes with simply not doing what you're supposed to be doing. So, whenever the Scroungers ask someone to steal this or that, Avril's always among the first to volunteer. Avril knows that she's not going to live a long, fruitful, or comfortable life. She knows it very well, and she's accepted that she will probably die young and violently. Avril has always been one about not dwelling on the bad and instead living in the moment, so she figures that when the time comes there won't be much else she can do and it's best to get the most out of the life she has instead of always reaching for unattainable things. Avril does not have many close friends due to her belligerent attitude and her personality, but those that she makes she truly treasures and she loves to death.

Other details: Avril has a strange penchant for anything blue for reasons that she won't disclose. Most assume that she just likes the color and leave her alone. She's dyed her hair midnight blue and her eyes are naturally blue. If she can afford it, Avril will also buy blue cosmetics from time to time. Her birthday is September twelfth.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little Mx Inferno
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Little Mx Inferno Insanities Handmaiden

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Delilah Sutton
Age: 20
Gender: Female

Personality: Delilah is shy and rather soft spoken, and she doesn’t like talking about herself when she can avoid it. In contrast she loves learning about other people, and will listen intently if someone tells her a story about themself. She exhibits a sort of innocence and naivete that often causes others to want to protect her despite being quite able to fend for herself, and she isn’t above capitalizing on it. While she dislikes violence and prefers not to employ it if it can be avoided, she knows the reality of the situation and is perfectly capable of using both the stun gun and shock baton she keeps with her. She grew up seeing everyone around her in situations of desperation, and believes that people who have more than what they need should give it to those who don’t. She doesn’t force this belief on others in her group, but extra money she has usually finds its way into the hands of those worse-off than her, and she sometimes likes to consider herself a modern Robin Hood.

Background: Delilah was born to parents who couldn’t really afford a child, and as soon as she was old enough she was fending for herself. She rarely ever saw her parents and for all intents and purposes was a street urchin for most of her young life, during which she learned how to pickpocket, how to hide, and when necessary, how to defend herself. At the age of 13 she was taken in by the person who would become her mentor, and who she considered her big brother. He was a member of a notorious anti-authority hacking group, and taught her how to slice security systems. She’s not a master hacker by any means, but she’s able to get into most standardized systems and find exploits to use, making her an invaluable asset to a group of Scroungers. Ultimately her adoptive brother disappeared, and she still doesn’t know what happened to him. Part of her goal as a Scrounger is to find out.

Other details: Tends to keep her face hidden behind welding goggles and a gas mask when in public, has an old music player that she takes wherever she goes and can usually be found listening to when she’s alone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avalant


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"I still get a kick out of people asking how I see with this thing on. Come on guys, remember what year we live in?"
Walter Kroncite
"The Middle Man"
Sounds like he's in his late 20s, early 30s... probably is.
A male voice, a male body build, probably safe to say he's male....
Stands at around 6 feet, has a medium build to him.
"So yeah, people always assume the faceless, masked man or woman or whatever the fuck your calling em these days... err... anyway, people always assume that he's gonna be all 'quiet and reclusive' cause he's not just hiding his face, he's hiding his soul or whatever bullshit. As you can already tell, I'm a pretty talkative guy, I like to chat people up, hear about the ups and downs of the true down under. Maybe I just like wearing this kick ass helmet! Who knows? It ain't your business and it shouldn't be!"

Walter is a pragmatic, friendly man who despite his, perhaps, intimidating appearance, is actually quite approachable and sociable. He enjoys hanging out with people and seems to be generally a helpful dude. Isn't to nosy about your personal life, nor will he pry for any deep stuff out of you when you don't want to. All around, he's a skeptical, smart dude who's just getting through life in his own way.
Some say that he's a kill drone from the government.... others say that he once met the queen of England, but wasn't introduced to the king.... All we know is.. he's called the Middle Man!

Joking aside, this faceless hero has had a checkered past to say the least. It is one that is confusing at its highest level of clarity. You see, if you asked Walter about his past, he will always give you a different answer. Sometimes he might give some long, drawn out story of crazy adventures in the mega city of Babiru in South America, explaining he got this helmet and exosuit after he broke into a crime ring lab and stole their high tech gear. Other times he will simply say that he's been scrounging around for years and the suit he wears is a symbol of how lucky one can be while out there scavenging from the husks of buildings from bye-gone days of the 21st Century. Hell, he even claims to have been in space! Needless to say, his past is shrouded in mystery, but its the kind of mystery people get tired of trying to pry out of him. Also, it can be understandable to suspect he's an android of some sort, given that you rarely ever see any actual skin, let alone his face. He sleeps in his gear, and get's his food through a straw from the commonly sold "nutrition packs" that taste like green paste....

Other details:
As seen in the image, Walter wears a unique looking helmet and wears a light exo-suit. This helmet functions as a gasmask as well as giving basic info on his current state of health as well as some basic communication tech. It also protects his head... but that's a given... His helmet and head are usually wrapped up in his prized shemagh as seen in the images, something he holds in great value for unknown reasons. The aforementioned "exo-suit" is a older model from the late 21st century, meaning that it lacks some much needed upgrades. For example, new models run on small Fission batteries, meaning that you'll probably be dead before that thing runs out of juice. In Walter's case, the older designs run on a less advance battery system, thus it tends to be unreliable when placed under high strain. Because of this, the battery life varies on it. Think of it as a smart phone. Give it a good charge, and it could run the whole day, but try watching videos on 4G, or play some mobile game, and you might be out of juice within an hour or more. So he has to choose when to push it to the limit and when to tone it back a notch. Regardless, it increases his physical abilities and endurance, from lifting heavier objects to jumping greater heights and distances.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Musoka
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Musoka Toku Fanboy

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Sebastian Kuruz

Sebastian considers himself the closest thing to a gentleman that the little pit of hell known as the Undercity can claim to. A man of thought out words and precise language; Sebastian prides himself on his talking ability enough to have gotten his tongue literally coated silver. Always seemingly quick to trust; Sebastian is meticulous in the webs of lies and falsehoods he spins. He is always looking at a new bit of information to register and use as blackmail or to give the crew he belongs to an edge. Those that get past his quick talking, sarcastic shell find more sarcasm but also a profoundly loyal man that gives his all to those he calls friends.
Sebastian was born in an orphanage. No literally. The product of teenage love in what passes for basically a youth home in the Undercity, he was led to believe his real parents abandoned him when they were still by his side. He grew up poor, but with a keen sense of what could be gleaned from conversation and the way people held themselves. Dabbling in pickpocketing and scamming in one of the more lethal parts near the orphanage, Sebastian plied this intellect in ways he was very proud of. Getting a notoriety before you were 16 was an achievement in of itself.

He continued this way of life, garnering little in money or friends. He did it for the pleasure of talking. That was till one of the few friends he had offered him to join their crew.
Other details:
"Silver tongue has many uses....ladies and gents"
Sebastian is bisexual, obsessed with Silver and information.
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