All ranked fights should have a judge anyway, or at least someone who can come in to validate them. One person per, otherwise it could devolve into an argument fest. I've seen it happen, also experienced it. Resulted in me not getting any points for a fight I was in.
I'm not a fan of participation points. Sounds a bit like those trophies you get nowadays for just being on the team. We'll see what the rest of the lot think of losing points and such and go from there, mainly so we van have that issue worked out.
Boss battles I think should be reserved for a PW and not have any bearing on rankings/points. All of those should be handled between actual participants, though depending on the vote the loser may not actually lose anything. just get a loss.
Another thought that crossed my mind. Should the rankings at the W-L record be involved with one another, past if you lose you get a point in your loss column, same for win?
I'm thinking that the win loss should.mostly be a standalone thing, sort of there to keep track of how you're doing. That could very well be how we all think its gonna be, and.I.could just be thinking over it too much.