@X-Rae Thanks.
- Do you receive any sort of "Success" or "Error" message at the top of the screen after you submit the form?
- Are you trying from a smartphone, tablet, or laptop/desktop computer?
- Have you selected at least one tag?
- Can you verify that your topic's title is no more than 50 characters long? <-- Most likely problem (I know the form says 3-150 characters, but it's wrong. It's only 3-50 characters)
Edit: I just found a bug that makes it likely for you to receive no error message if you're making a topic and your topic fails validation. So make sure your title is 3-50 chars, you choose 1-5 tags, and your post is 1-150k characters.I consider this a high priority issue, so I'll try reproducing/fixing this issue ASAP.