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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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Alex shakes her hand and replies: "Well one thing's for sure, i can't wait to see how everyone's style is with Gunpla."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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After some time, several of the instructors got back and alerted the others. One of them was a male, American in nationality: "Attention everyone. I am Instructor Miles. We're sorry for the wait, but we would like to begin the tour. We'll begin by spiting you all into 3 groups. Those on the left will go with Instructor Minako. Those on the right go with Instructor Johnson. The rest will stay with me."

The groups spit up. Though Dani, Alexsis, Rou, and Alex were together in the group with Instructor Miles.

Miles begins: "Alright everyone, if you will follow me, we will begin the tour. As you are likely aware, he main hall here is where we have our announcements and more."

The group heads down one of the halls and not far away, a door to the left opens up, revealing a big mess hall. It looked like something you would see in a future like school. Miles explains: "Here is where we have our mess hall. Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner will be served here. We make sure that there is a wide variety of meal choices for those of you who are accustomed to your country's fare."

The group moves down the hall, and soon found themselves outside, in the middle of the labs courtyard. Miles continued: "Out here is the courtyard. In your free time, you can spend it here. On the other side of the facility, you are also allowed nearby the lake. A way to calm your mind from stress if you feel that's the best way to deal with it."

After being outside, the group heads back indoors, into a new room filled with lots of work tables. It was the Gunpla workshop as Miles explained: "The courtyard is also connected to the Gunpla workshop. Though your rooms also have work tables to work at, you may also work on your models here with others. Share ideas and build off from each other to improve your own skill at Gunpla building. And once you're done..."

They move up the stairs and down another hall into another room, this one was filled with multiple Battle Systems of the latest model, some newer ones that are still under development. Miles continued: "You can use these battle systems to battle. This is where we'll hold some of your tests, and we'll also have this open for your spare time. Staff will be here to make sure the systems are working fine. Now is there any questions you may have?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

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Alexis followed this Instructor Miles as he lead them through the campus. 'I'm SO getting a big ass steak later...' she thought as they passed the mess hall, she took note of the workshop though, that seemed like it'd be a good place to talk to others about ideas, to help her get over her 'wall'. The tour ended in the Battle System room, which was just that, a room full of battle systems. It looked like it had a viewing area up top to, handy if she just wanted to take in a match.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

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All throughout the tour, the small girl sitting in the wheelchair was taking mental notes. "Are we working team based events? or will it be free for all? or a mixture of both?" Dani asked, sitting with the rest of the group as they moved about and came to stop with them. "And might i ask if we'll have access to private training simulations? without the eyes of our competition being upon us?" The girl asked, looking up at the instructor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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Miles answers Dani's questions: "All tests with the battle systems will be announced several hours before they take place, but we can't say what you'll be involved in early. Make sure you're well prepared. As for private training, there are some rooms you can access in your spare time to train alone against the battle system, but you must fill out a form."

Alex raises his hand: "I have a question... are we allowed to have snacks with us?"

The question nearly caused everyone of the class to stumble. All Alex replied with was: "What? I'm curious."

Miles answers: "Well now that you mentioned it, since there is a small town not too far here, there will be a shuttle bus available after classes to take into the town. In town there are places like a convenient store and also a hobby shop where you can get more gunpla parts if you need them. However, if you wish to go into town for emergency, please notify your instructor 1/2 an hour to one hour before your class starts. Any more questions?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

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"What kinds of resources are available on site for us in the way of technicians and specialists that we can bounce our ideas off of?" she asked him, just trying to cover all the basis that she could think of. They could see her gears turning in her head and that she was concentrating hard for another question. "What about... any kinds of rules that we should take special note of."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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Miles answers: "Myself and the other instructors can listen to your ideas and see how we can help out. The only rule you need to take a special note of is this... Enjoy Gunpla." Miles looks at his watch before continuing: "Alright then, we're nearly behind schedule so now its time to get you all settled in. Each of you has received a note of where your rooms will be. Take some time to settle in. Lunch will be served at about noon. After lunch, we will be opening the battle system room here for you all to enjoy in friendly battles. Dismiss!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

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Rou exhaled as Miles mentioned that they had private workshops. It was the first sound he had made sense the group left. He was very relieved that he wouldn't have people watching him tinker with his project. He silently eyed the people in his group. Alex seemed spazzy, but good natured. Alexis was a ways older than any of them, yet she had a spark about her that announced her experience. And Dani, the only one he had spoken to so far, was kind hut fierce. He cleared his throat. Showing off DAI-BALL-OH! was not his only reason for being here. Rou really accepted then invitation to the academy to improve his social skills. He spoke for the first time to the group as Miles left.

"U-u-uh...what does every one else want to do..." He trailed off quietly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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One of the students suggested: "Well we better go get settled in." The others agreed, and the group starts heading out to find their rooms.

Later on in the day, Alex was wondering the halls, looking at his form to where he'll be staying... however, finding where he's staying wasn't easy: "Man, this place is so big, it's easy to get lost. I'm sure i was heading the right way before... but now i'm not too..." Suddenly he notices one of the room numbers. Looking at his form he sees the numbers match: "Oh here it is. I knew i find it sometime." Alex pushes the door open button, ready to settle in. As the door opens... he finds out he's not gonna be crashin' alone in the room, for someone was there... someone pretty shy when it comes to being social.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

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Rou has been unpacking and was organizing his belongings. He wasn't ready to fight Gunpla in public without his suit, but he could still work on singular interactions. Right as he was about to put his Ball Guy suit to hang up in his closet, his door opened, and he nearly jumped from his skin as Alex entered the room. "U-uh...hi?" Rou stammered, quickly stashing his secret under the rest of his luggage. "W-what are you doing here...?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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Alex notices Rou was caught off guard from his entrance: "Oh sorry. Guess i should have knocked first. On my form I got it says that till is gonna be my room, guess now I see that we're gonna be roommates." The rooms all had at least 2 beds so that others (both in the Male and Female rooms) will bunk together.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

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Deciding to head up to her room, Dani rolled off and got into the elevator. she rode it up to her floor and rolled on out, down the hall and to her room. It appeared that her dorm mate had already arrived and dropped her bags off. Heading over to her bed, she found most of her stuff unpacked already. grabbing the gunpla stuff that was untouched, she moved it over to the work bench and began to spread it out before heading over to the door and locking it to privacy, meaning she'd have to open the door for someone to get in.

Heading back over to the work bench, she began to disassemble block (her guntank) and work on it intently.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

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Rou looked over to the second bed in the room, hating himself for not seeing the obvious. Of course he wasn't going to have two beds. However this did somewhat hinder him. What if Alex was in the room while he had to change into Ball Guy? He'd have to get creative. He tapped the top of his suitcase containing all of his Kits and tools. Luckily, being creative was something he was good at. "Well, come one in roomie..." Rou softly said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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Alex walks in to set his backpack onto his side of the bed: "Thanks roomie. This is gonna be awesome." After setting his bag down he turns to Rou: "I'm Alex by the way. What's your name?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

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Alexis didn't head straight for her room, first thing she did was find a spot with some recent reception and call her brother, and ended up talking to him for a like 10 minutes before heading back to her room to unpack.

When she got there she was a little surprised to find the door locked, she didn't remember locking it, but shrugged it off and used the key she'd been given earlier to unlock the door and get in, and much to her surprise found some one in the room, at the work station, working on what looked like a Guntank. "Um ... Hi?" She said as she looked the person over. "Wasn't aware I was going to have a room mate, cool wheel chair by the way." she said as she set about getting her stuff situated.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

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Upon entering the room, the girl freaked out, quickly shoving all of her gunpla parts into a box she carried them in and closed the lid. "Hehe... i... huh... thanks for the compliment..." she said, scratching the back of her head as she had a few peices left out, parts that rather didn't look like they were from a gun tank, but a gundam. "I helped design it myself... kinda fell in love with gundam after watching a gunpla battle and getting into the sport... so i kinda wanted something cool as well." she said to her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

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Alexis took her jacket off and tossed it on her bed, the 'Celestial Being' emblem on the right shoulder landing facing her new roommate, notable the emblem was modified to have the normal emblem seen in the show, but with 7 crossed swords behind it, 4 on the top, 3 on the bottom. "I kind eased into it my self" She said as she pulled a box out of her bag, a box that was revealed to be holding a Strike Freedom, which she set up on her night stand. "First the shows, then building Gunpla then battling."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

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She nodded, taking an interest into the designs as they looked like they were from the universe, making a mental note to look at them later. "Would you wanna spar later? after lunch maybe? By the way, my name is Dani, and that is a beautiful gunpla." she said putting her box on the work bench and rolling over to the night stand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

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"Alexis" She replied as Dani rolled over to the nightstand "Thanks, it's not my main though, and to be honest, I kinda don't like the Gundam it self, but a good friend gave it to me so I brought it along." Alexis said as she mulled over a spar "I might break it out for something if the damage level is set low, D or C, just to see how it handles, and sure, we can spar after lunch."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

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"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you Alexis." she said and once more looked over the other female's stuff. She noticed the alex kit on the bed and gave a giggle. "Finally picking up your name i see." she said and rolled back a bit, pressing a button and one of the side compartments opening up, revealing a slightly modified musha gundam. "i'll be using this." she said, holding it out and allowing Alexis to take it if she wanted to. "I've messed with the drive, making it a venus instead of mars one.
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