Welcome, I'm VINA, I'll be your guide into the world of VR battlebots. In 2076, the technology in Virtual Reality made its latest breakthrough, portable VR devices which allow you to 'enter' virtual reality space at any time, the Helix-Rho company developed VRBattleBots as Video Game demo for children and teenagers but the popularity was immense, and now in 2083, after only 7 years on the market the trend has taken off, VR BattleBots is in every major gaming event and is an unnoficial national sport.
But what is VR-BattleBots? VRBattleBots is a competitive fighting game, where you are assigned a single robot to do battle against other players and their robots for rank,.You control your robot through your VR interface which loads up when you enter a battle, but you can also activate on your own for training. This is all controlled through you Portable Virtual Reality Device, the 'Battlewatch'
Once you recieve your battle watch you will be able to create your robot ID, this will allow one robot to be assigned to you and you will build it in the startup interface, there are variety of options to customise your robo, but we will cover that later. Once your robot is built, you will be assigned a rank (usually E) and you can begin competing straight away. Depending on who you battle against, the outcome of each match will determine your BattlePoints and Rank (covered later). Each Robot Starts with 1000 HP at the beginning of each match and using your skills and weapons you are to try and reduce your enemy's HP to zero. There may also be hazards in cetrain VR stage arenas or special match types but more on that later.
Enjoy your new BattleWatch and VR BattleBot Program! .......End Introduction...... **************************************************************************************************************************
Building Your Battlebot For beginners, the battle bot that will assigned to you when you first boot up your battlewatch will be RANK E. RANK E battle bots have 25 points to spend on each of their categories but each category must have at least on point, the is no upper limit to how much you can spen in each field.
CATEGORIES: Body: This is your bot's physical strength, navigating certain arenas, grappling other bots and using melee weapons is all dependent on this very stat, though this effects throw distance it doesnt effect accuracy.
Manoeuvrability: this effects speed and agility on the ground, (above average speed should allow you to out manuver projectiles at a FAIR distance:)
Thrusters: effects your bot's level of boosting, gliding and flying, at low levels the bot will only be able to boost dash, but higher will be able to hover, glide, and then fly at the higher levels. The length of time you can keep your boosters on is dependent on your energy.
Energy: using any weapon that isnt stock basic requires a level of energy, to be used, at lower levels, the consitentcy of thruster use and weapon attacks becomes more sparse and less available, your bots energy will always gather back eventually but at much slower levels, think of it as the robots stamina. ************* After choosing your robot's stats you will have 4 spaces for equipment, (note:some bigger weapons take up more than one space) you can use these however you like to pick weapons and armour upgrades, your robot, can carry up to 2 weapons (in class E) and can have as many body upgrades as you want, but note, your robot can still fight without weapons.If you manage to obtain more, equipment in the future you may swap them out before each battle. Here is the Starter List for Rank E Bots (choose up to 4)
EQUIPMENT LIST (Melee Weapons) Sword: Basic melee weapon that is wielded in one hand, medium reach medium speed and uses no energy to swing. (NE) Dagger: Basic Melee weapon that is similar to the sword but is shorter and faster,it deals less damage but can combo hit with a second hand weapon.(NE)
Mace: Melee weapon that is slower then the sword has a shorter reach and does the same damage, it has guard breaking qualities. (NE)
Lance: slower to wield then the sword but longer and more damaging. uses small amount of energy to wield.
Spear: Longer then the sword but shorter then the lance, does same damage as sword requires no energy to swing.(NE)
Battle Axe: Same length as the spear and does heavy damage, requires two hands and takes up 2 equipment slots, requires small amount of energy to swing.
Saber: Similar to the sword but is faster and has guard breaking qualities requires small amount of energy to swing.
Halbred: Stronger then the lance but the same length as the spear. weaker then the battle axe, has guard breaking requires two hands and takes up two slots. (NE)
Gauntlets: Improve hand to hand abilites to be stronger then the sword and fast as the dagger, take up 2 slots and require no energy to use. (NE)
Shield: Offers meduim protection against melee weapons and minor protection against projectiles, does very little damage (NE)
Buckler: Offers less protection against melee weapons and none against projectiles but can be used to counter attacks (NE)
Energy Shield: Offers minor protection against melee weapons and medium protection against projectiles, requires small amount of energy to use.
Barrier: Offers major protection against melee weapons and medium protection against projectiles, requires moderate amount of energy to use.
(Projectile Weapons)
Gun Arm: Basic Projectile medium speed with meduim damage single shot. requires very small amount of energy to use.
Pistol: weaker then the Gun Arm, but faster projectile speed , when twinned with another pistol allows combo shooting, requires small amount of energy to use.
Cannon: Much stronger then the gun arm, with slower speed requires moderate energy to use, single shot.
Twin Barrel: weaker then the gun arm with same speed, has double shot function requires small amount of energy to use.
Rifle: stronger then the gun-arm with a much faster projectile speed, accurate and longer distances requires two slots,can be carried with another weapon,small energy use.
Super Gun Arm: Stronger then the Gun arm with the same speed, has charge shot capabilites, which use more energy based on how much is being charged.
Harpoon: Weaker then the gun arm and slower speed, can be used to catch and reel enemies in, no energy use (NE)
Bazooka: Very Powerful weapon, with above medium speed, requires 2 slots and two hands to use, moderate amount of energy to use.
Gatling Arm: Rapid fire weapon, weaker then pistol but with same projectile speed. uses small amount of energy to use.
Shotgun: Very powerful at close range, weak at long range above medium speed, required moderate amount of energy to use.
(Body Upgrades)
Plating: Offers higher level of armour against all attacks (reducing hitpoint damage) uses 1 slot. Martial Arts Chip: Improves your bots hand to hand attacks and allows guarding without weapons. 1 slot
Improved sensors: Improves accuracy with all projectiles. 1 slot
Power Plating: Improves armour and adds a point to your body category (only while this is equipped) 3 slots
Coolant: requires slightly less energy to be used when using melee weapons. 1 slot
Power Legs: adds a point to your manoeuvrability category (only while equipped) 2 slots
Booster Tackle: Gives your robo the ability to use its thrusters for a full body charge attack. (power depends on thruster and body categories) 1 slot
Hard Plating: Stonger defense then the regular plating. uses 2 slots
Swordplay: Allows your robot to block attacks using melee weapons (effecincy of the block depends on the weapons) 2 slots
Spirit Beam: Allows you robo to use a powerful beam attack in battle very high use of energy 1 slot.
Lighter Parts: Adds one point to manuverability and thrusters categories. 3 slots
Perfect Riposte: Allows one perfect counter per battle 1 slot
Jamming device: deactivates all projectiles (including your bot's) for 20 seconds can be used once per battle. 2 slots
Beserker: Doubles damage with melee weapons but doubles damage you receive from projectiles. 1 slot
Teleport: Allows your bot to instantly teleport to anywhere in the arena once per battle. 2 slots
Kevlar: You take slightly less damage from projectiles and much less from hand to hand attacks. 2 slots
******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** PLOT Now that you have your BattleBot All ready to go, you will be enrolling at one of the 3 factions for VR-Battlers to hone their skills and join a VR Team to compete in regional tournaments, this is also where you can increase your rank and earn new parts for your bots to use. The World of VR-BattleBots is about to unfold, we just need to know which team you will be joining.
Factions you ask? well there are 3 different faction teams a available to join for new players when you arrive after you pick them you can learn more about them and remember you can always leave a team after joining but not before taking a penalty test, which we will cover later. So, Pick one?
1.Iron Angels The Iron Angels was Toshira's academy's first BattleTeam. It was founded by the 'Angel Bros' Hiro and Kenji Angelo two twins of Italian and Japanese descent. They were the winners of the South Eastern regional Tag Team tournament and their fame lead to putting the Toshira academy on the map, as everybody wanted to join the school that had the champions enrolled. The brother's then created the Iron angels as an elite team of VR Battlers but a lot of its more casual members found the attitude of the group to be too strict and focused on constant training and winning. The Brothers have a somewhat cold demeanor and act distant from those who seem to not be on thier 'level' in terms of skill. This lead to one of thier top member's leaving and creating his own team...
2.Red Falcons Jordan McCallister was rank number 4 in the Iron angels when they were in thier early stages, but for all his skill, jordan was a free spirit, hated authority and strict training which was much to the annoyance of the Angel bros, during a heated argument, he challenged both of the brothers to a 2 on 1 match in front of the team. It was one of the most reckless things that ever happened in VR battlebots, but despite being only ranked number 4 and facing 2 tag team champions he put up a valiant fight, and managed to even defeat Hiro's Bot before being ultimately and soundly beaten by Kenji, the amazing performance was a massive embarassment to the brothers and the expelled him from the group. He then decided to start a more carefree and fun team that was more inline with his own hot headed and free willed behavior. He called them the Red Falcons and they have done well to establish themselves on the local circuit.
3.Cool Rangers Francia Carmia opened the first VR store in the district and has been customising and using battle bots since their creation 7 years ago when she was a little girl, when moving to toshira she instantly became one of the most popular names in the BattleBot circuit cause of her knowledge and experince, not to mention her Can-do attitude and friendly demeanor, after several requests from local enthusiastis at the school she put together a team called the Cool Rangers, although she still much prefers customising and talking about Bots then actually battling them.
Now if you'd rather not be a part of the Toshira Academy Factions, you can join the rival factions across the city, but this may affect how the town perceives you. Here they are.
The Steel Dolphins
In the west of Toka County, lies the Steel Dolphins VR club, not really a school but a fan club of VR battle that hosts a lot of skilled players from all over the county. The members are usually high rankers in tournaments, always placing around the top 15 of most regional rankings. They are a very competitive club who are currently run by Joe Maverick the Australian champ of last year. They are holding matches and tournaments at this club almost constantly, popular spot for intermediates.
Rust Pit A mostly Illegal fighting venue for VR commanders with shady backgrounds, and wild gamblers looking to pick a winner and get rich, depending on the night the competetion can be wildly tough or embarassingly easy. This is a good place to get information on various people in the battle world and see a wide variety of different machines and strategies and to make some money!
The VR Cadets Institution This is a military college where talented VR commanders are sent to train to join the territorial guard who work as specialized branch of defense for the country against criminal and terrorist mech users around the globe. They hold occasional tournaments but the facility is mainly for honing skills using special training programs and teaching discipline in battle and outside. Entry fees for the college rise every single year.
And lets get started..... *********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Character Sheets This will be in two parts, one for your player, the other for your Bot. PLAYER:
Name: ( Full) Age: (16-24) Height: Weight: Apperance: (picture or description) Background:(paragraph) Team: (the one you choose from the 3 options)
Name: Apperance:(any robot pictures will do, no particular style of robot required) Categories:(numbers of points you put in each_ -Body: -Thrusters -Manuverablity -Energy Equipment:(list them here, Weapons and Upgrades) ************************************************************************************************
Name: Lorenzo Angelo Ortega Age: 19 Height: 6ft Weight: 230 Apperance: no wings though Background: from Puerto Rico and a hard worker, his father a military man made them move a lot. Lorenzo didn't like his father very much considering how strict he was and how much of a jerk he was to everyone else and as a result Lorenzo isn't anything like that, he is a kind person and always prefers to help others before himself and thanks to his father and his strict treatment of him he has problems with authority figures and will always choose to side with rebels then with the person in power. Lorenzo loves to fight but he doesn't want to be in that strict situation of train train train everyday. Lorenzo would rather go his own pace and have fun with it and just because getting a trophy is his goal as a battle bot pilot doesn't mean he will overwork himself to do it. Team: red falcons
Name: green Angel Apperance: except the main color is green Categories:(numbers of points you put in each_ -Body: 7 -Thrusters: 6 -Manuverablity:7 -Energy: 5 Equipment:(list them here, Weapons and Upgrades) Gauntlets upgrade: lighter parts no wings though
She is tiny, but she has a strong presence. She has short jet black hair with green highlights and white bangs. Her eyes are reddish-brown. Her favorite outfit is a pair of camo shorts, a black tank top, white hoodie whose hood resembles a panda, and combat boots. She's also very rarely seen without her large green and black headphones. Background: Born in Japan to the CEO of an energy company, Maki has always lived a life of luxury. The downside of this was that she was always kept in a box metaphorically speaking, unable to engage with others in a normal way and groomed to be wed off as soon as she was old enough for the benefit of her father's company. Her solution was to run away and use her expertise as a hacker (which she had cultivated in secret) to change her identity. She always had a love for Battle Bots since she was small, but never had the opportunity to use one. Her dream is to kick butt and take names, and generally enjoy a life of freedom. Team: Cool Rangers
Name: Verdant Typhoon Apperance:
Categories: -Body: 4 -Thrusters: 8 -Manuverablity: 8 -Energy: 5 Equipment: Saber, Coolant, Power Legs, Berserker Edit: Switched values for Body and Energy.
Name: Lorenzo Angelo Ortega Age: 19 Height: 6ft Weight: 230 Apperance: no wings though Background: from Puerto Rico and a hard worker, his father a military man made them move a lot. Angelo is a kind person and always prefers to help others before himself and he has problems with authority figures and will always choose to side with rebels then with the person in power. Team: red falcons
Name: green Angel Apperance: except the main color is green Categories:(numbers of points you put in each_ -Body: 7 -Thrusters: 6 -Manuverablity:7 -Energy: 5 Equipment:(list them here, Weapons and Upgrades) Gauntlets sniper gun arm upgrade: lighter parts no wings though
Height - 5'10" (1 m, 77 cm) Weight - 134 lbs (60 kg) Background - A quiet, stone faced boy who has studied Battlebots all his life. His parents, being wealthy business owners, were happy to fund his pursuits as long as he stayed out of their hair. And so he did, and for most days he would sit and stare at a computer monitor, watching Battlebot fights, reading about the stat system, upgrades, running countless drafts on what his first bot would be. Because of this, he grew up pretty friendless, as he never stepped out of the house much. Also, as a side effect for staying inside most of his life, he has a very pale complexion from exposure to nothing but fluorescent lights, and a slim, weak build from a lack of excercise. Finally, for his 17th birthday, he was bought the required Battlewatch and a starter bot, who he immediately became attatched to. Then, he was shipped off to Toshira academy without another word. Team - Iron Angels (if a team is not necessary, Geos would prefer to not affiliate himself with a team)
- Robot - Name - Android Project 775*STAR (Star for short)
- Stats - Body - 6 Thrusters - 5 Manuverability - 5 Energy - 9
Will repost my CS when I get home from work. In the meantime, I just had a couple of questions. How will we decide how much damage is dealt in each post? Also will the number of slots for parts increase as our rank increases or will it just stay as four? Will there be more and better parts later on? Annnnd that's all the questions I have off the top of my head. Thanks!
@Aokage yes weapons do count towards overall slots, so if you have 2 weapons you have only spaces for two body upgrades, as your rank goes up you get room for more slots, you rank up with experince from battles, you guys all start at rank E to begin with
Height - 5'10" (1 m, 77 cm) Weight - 134 lbs (60 kg) Background - A quiet, stone faced boy who has studied Battlebots all his life. His parents, being wealthy business owners, were happy to fund his pursuits as long as he stayed out of their hair. And so he did, and for most days he would sit and stare at a computer monitor, watching Battlebot fights, reading about the stat system, upgrades, running countless drafts on what his first bot would be. Because of this, he grew up pretty friendless, as he never stepped out of the house much. Also, as a side effect for staying inside most of his life, he has a very pale complexion from exposure to nothing but fluorescent lights, and a slim, weak build from a lack of excercise. Finally, for his 17th birthday, he was bought the required Battlewatch and a starter bot, who he immediately became attatched to. Then, he was shipped off to Toshira academy without another word. Team - Iron Angels (if a team is not necessary, Geos would prefer to not affiliate himself with a team)
- Robot - Name - Android Project 775*STAR (Star for short)
- Stats - Body - 8 Thrusters - 5 Manuverability - 8 Energy - 9
yes thats better, also he has an upgrade that takes up 3 slots, which he cant have because his sniper arm and Gauntlets take up two each please remove and then post in the characters tab
and just for everyone this is a Casual level RP so I expect at least one paragraph per post, details always make this more fun :)
Are we still alive in here? Do we have an ETA on when the RP shall begin? I'm willing to create more characters if necessary, I just really would like to battle with giant robots!!!!!!!! >:3