This post is designed to be a handbook. It will likely be a very large document when it is done.
This is my final interest check for awhile. It is, in my humblest opinion, going to be revolutionary. If it is not, then I have failed you.
This is the most helpful way for me to know what to do:
Specific problem:
Why this is a problem:
Proposed solution:
Why and how this solution will work:
Predicted results of resolution:
Specific problem:
Why this is a problem:
Proposed solution:
Why and how this solution will work:
Predicted results of resolution:
This post is designed to be a handbook. It will likely be a very large document when it is done.
Axalyc is a game about civilization. Civilization is a broad term. It means everything between love, war, hate, and peace. It defines everything we know of ourselves and our sentience. It could, thus, be accurate to say Axalyc is a game about everything.
This is what you control. You may be a god, a politician, a hero, but you lead a great and vast world power. Aside from the stats, much is left to write about your civilization. It warrants tomes greater than the world could produce. Obviously, we don't have time for that. However, short biographies and textbook entries are provided to draw a large image of your civilization. For the first part of the handbook, we will be focusing on the written and abstract aspects. There is also a section for aspiring GMs that want to use this system for their wargaming, focusing on world building.
World building
As a GM, you need to start thinking about the core aspects of your RP. Here are the two key terms to get you started:
Setting refers to the world at large, although individual nation histories should come from the players. Setting is comprised mostly of technology, history, and geography, and perhaps physical laws if you are conducting a fantasy Roleplay. Plot overlaps with setting in the realm of current events, but setting should focus more on what the overall effect of the event is on the world, although exceptions may go to nations.
This is what sets you apart from the rest of the genre. The conflict and tensions of the world are never quite the same. It is generally a bad idea to force conflict on your players, but a GM must manage this portion of the role-play and move things along if necessary. Natural disasters and other things of this nature are part of this term.
Se GM Templates 1 and 2 for initial setting and world event templates.
For all templates, the abbreviations 'S', 'M', and 'L' for short, Medium, and Long are used to represent length of writing pieces. These are comparative to each other. It simply means that if something is 'S', then you should write less for that section than you would for an 'L' section. They may represent 1, 2, and 3 lines or 1, 2, and 3 dedicated novellas depending on your style. If a section haas 'Image' in brackets, then that means it is up to your graphic design abilities (or google searching) to create/find an image to fit the field. For all fields with [Stat%], pick a percent between -1000% and 1000%. These will be used as multipliers in the game. The most favorable outcome (to the normal human who likes world peace, stability and innovation) is 1000%. Prompts may also be provided in the field. Any template with '*' is required for gameplay, although all templates are recommended for maximum flair.
World Map: [Image] [It is advised that you do not label the map unless it is geographical features, and leave players to label their own nations]
World Summary: [M]
Technology: [L] [See alternative GM template 1.1. If using this template, then this field is not required.]
Military Speed Modifier: [How many km can the average unit travel in a day?]
World Morale: [Stat%] [How happy is everybody?]
World Stability: [Stat%] [How unlikely is it that the world will erupt into chaos? this includes and is not limited to: natural disaster, economic disaster, political disaster, and far more unpleasant events that shake the world.]
World Technological Growth: [Stat%] [How fast are new technologies coming out?][Required even if using Alternate GM template 1.1]
World Economy: [Stat%] [How fast is the GDP growing per year/rotation/whatever?]
Military Technology:
•Average light, medium, heavy, land vehicle, sky/sea vehicle, and any other up types you can think of. [Image(s)]
•Description of military tech workings and progressions [M-L]
Medical Technology (Not Applicible if fantasy):
•Average life span
•Description of developments [M]
Magic source: [S-M]
What can the magic do: [S-M] [Overlying effects, not every single spell. Spells are variations the overlying effect.]
Used by: >List requirements and any orders dedicated to using this type of magic>
When the handbook references '1 gram', '1 year' or any other measurement, if you use this template, replace with their approximate equivalents. Whenever 'Unit 1' is referenced, use the smallest unit. Unit 2 should be larger than Unit 1, and Unit 3 larger than both, and so on and so forth. Units may be added, but there must be a unit to represent each equivalent. all equivalents are apprximates, they do not need to be exacts. If your world is populated exclusively by giants and tiny people, then feel free to edit some unit references to suit each race. Real-world units will be referenced, but when formatting submissions as player or GM, use your constructed units instead.
Dry Measurement
Unit 1: (hectogram equivalent)
Unit 2: (kilogram equivalent)
Unit 3: (metric ton equivalent)
Wet Measurement
Unit 1: (2 deciliter equivalent)
Unit 2: (5 liter equivalent)
Unit 3: (kiloliter equivalent)
Linear Measurement
Unit 1: (centimeter equivalent)
Unit 2: (meter equivalent)
Unit 3: (kilometer equivalent)
Square (2-dimensionial) Measurement
Unit 1: (centimeter2 equivalent)
Unit 2: (meter2 equivalent)
Unit 3: (kilometer2 equivalent)
Cube (3-dimensionial) Measurement
Unit 1: (centimeter3 equivalent)
Unit 2: (meter3 equivalent)
Unit 3: (kilometer3 equivalent)
Unit 1: (hour equivalent)
Unit 2: (day equivalent)
Unit 3: (week equivalent)
Unit 4: (month equivalent)
Unit 5: (year equivalent)
Festivals: [Name, start date-end date]
These are posted as many times as and whenever the GM deems appropriate.
News Headline: [One line that describes the event.]
Event description: [M-L]
Affected nations:
Affected nation #1's world stat effects: [Repeat for each affected nation] [This is a special world multiplier specifically for that nation; it does not replace that nation's world standings stats]
Nation Morale Multiplier: [Stat%] [How happy is everybody?]
Nation Stability Multiplier: [Stat%] [How unlikely is it that the world will erupt into chaos? this includes and is not limited to: natural disaster, economic disaster, political disaster, and far more unpleasant events that shake the world.]
Nation Technological Growth Multiplier: [Stat%] [How fast are new technologies coming out?][Required even if using Alternate GM template 1.1]
Nation Economy Multiplier: [Stat%] [How fast is the GDP growing per year/rotation/whatever?]
Other effects: [Military unit dislodging, land losses/gains, etc.]
GM Template 1: Initial setting*
World Map: [Image] [It is advised that you do not label the map unless it is geographical features, and leave players to label their own nations]
World Summary: [M]
Technology: [L] [See alternative GM template 1.1. If using this template, then this field is not required.]
Military Speed Modifier: [How many km can the average unit travel in a day?]
World Morale: [Stat%] [How happy is everybody?]
World Stability: [Stat%] [How unlikely is it that the world will erupt into chaos? this includes and is not limited to: natural disaster, economic disaster, political disaster, and far more unpleasant events that shake the world.]
World Technological Growth: [Stat%] [How fast are new technologies coming out?][Required even if using Alternate GM template 1.1]
World Economy: [Stat%] [How fast is the GDP growing per year/rotation/whatever?]
Alternative GM Template 1.1: Technology
Military Technology:
•Average light, medium, heavy, land vehicle, sky/sea vehicle, and any other up types you can think of. [Image(s)]
•Description of military tech workings and progressions [M-L]
Medical Technology (Not Applicible if fantasy):
•Average life span
•Description of developments [M]
Alternative GM Template 1.1.1: Magic Template (fill per type of magic, i.e. make super templates for divine, arcane, and druidic as applicable)
Magic source: [S-M]
What can the magic do: [S-M] [Overlying effects, not every single spell. Spells are variations the overlying effect.]
Used by: >List requirements and any orders dedicated to using this type of magic>
Alternate GM Template 1.2: Measurements and Calendars
When the handbook references '1 gram', '1 year' or any other measurement, if you use this template, replace with their approximate equivalents. Whenever 'Unit 1' is referenced, use the smallest unit. Unit 2 should be larger than Unit 1, and Unit 3 larger than both, and so on and so forth. Units may be added, but there must be a unit to represent each equivalent. all equivalents are apprximates, they do not need to be exacts. If your world is populated exclusively by giants and tiny people, then feel free to edit some unit references to suit each race. Real-world units will be referenced, but when formatting submissions as player or GM, use your constructed units instead.
Dry Measurement
Unit 1: (hectogram equivalent)
Unit 2: (kilogram equivalent)
Unit 3: (metric ton equivalent)
Wet Measurement
Unit 1: (2 deciliter equivalent)
Unit 2: (5 liter equivalent)
Unit 3: (kiloliter equivalent)
Linear Measurement
Unit 1: (centimeter equivalent)
Unit 2: (meter equivalent)
Unit 3: (kilometer equivalent)
Square (2-dimensionial) Measurement
Unit 1: (centimeter2 equivalent)
Unit 2: (meter2 equivalent)
Unit 3: (kilometer2 equivalent)
Cube (3-dimensionial) Measurement
Unit 1: (centimeter3 equivalent)
Unit 2: (meter3 equivalent)
Unit 3: (kilometer3 equivalent)
Unit 1: (hour equivalent)
Unit 2: (day equivalent)
Unit 3: (week equivalent)
Unit 4: (month equivalent)
Unit 5: (year equivalent)
Festivals: [Name, start date-end date]
GM Template 2: World Events*
These are posted as many times as and whenever the GM deems appropriate.
News Headline: [One line that describes the event.]
Event description: [M-L]
Affected nations:
Affected nation #1's world stat effects: [Repeat for each affected nation] [This is a special world multiplier specifically for that nation; it does not replace that nation's world standings stats]
Nation Morale Multiplier: [Stat%] [How happy is everybody?]
Nation Stability Multiplier: [Stat%] [How unlikely is it that the world will erupt into chaos? this includes and is not limited to: natural disaster, economic disaster, political disaster, and far more unpleasant events that shake the world.]
Nation Technological Growth Multiplier: [Stat%] [How fast are new technologies coming out?][Required even if using Alternate GM template 1.1]
Nation Economy Multiplier: [Stat%] [How fast is the GDP growing per year/rotation/whatever?]
Other effects: [Military unit dislodging, land losses/gains, etc.]
For all templates, the abbreviations 'S', 'M', and 'L' for short, Medium, and Long are used to represent length of writing pieces. These are comparative to each other. It simply means that if something is 'S', then you should write less for that section than you would for an 'L' section. They may represent 1, 2, and 3 lines or 1, 2, and 3 dedicated novellas depending on your style. If a section haas 'Image' in brackets, then that means it is up to your graphic design abilities (or google searching) to create/find an image to fit the field. For all fields with [Stat%], pick a percent between -1000% and 1000% or calculate it using the given formula]. These will be used as multipliers in the game. The most favorable outcome (to the normal human who likes world peace, stability and innovation) is 1000%. Prompts may also be provided in the field. Any template with '*' is required for gameplay, although all templates are recommended for maximum flair.
Nation Map: [Image] [Labels encouraged]
Geography: [L]
History: [L]
Nation Morale: [Stat%] [(Innovation%+Stability%)-(Tax%•10)-(Military Population%•10)-(10•Military Units Retreating or Dislodged%)
Nation Stability: [Stat%] [(Pick 0%-200%†)-(Corruption%•15)
Nation Innovation: [Stat%] [200%-(†)-(Tax%•10)-(Corruption%•20)]
Nation Economy: [Stat%] [1000%-(Tax%•100)-(Corruption%•100)]
Tax: [Stat%, 0%-100%] [What percent of a citizen's earnings do you take on average?]
Corruption: [Stat%, 0%-100%] [What percent of your government is corrupt?]
Legislature Passing: [Stat%] [100%+Corruption%-GM Decided Challenge Threshold%] [The success chance of passing any edit made to your Civilization templates after initial submission and finalization.]
Military Population%: [Stat%, 0%-100%] [The percent of our population that is in active military duty]
Total Population: [GM d100 rollSee Military Units Calculation•GM decided modifier]
Demographics: [As many scales as you or the GM deems necessary]
Government Type: [See 'Government Types] [Apply modifiers separately to the total stat calculations]
Total Military Units: [GM Population d100 roll•Military Population%, round to the nearest whole unit.]
Unit Composition:
Unit Type Name #1: [# of units of that type]
Unit Type Name #2: [# of units of that type]
Unit Type Name #3: [# of units of that type]
Please fill one for every unit type you have.
Unit appearance: [Image] [Try to reflect the technology as best as possible]
All categories are out of 6.
Total Points to Spend: [18+Government Bonus]
Leadership: [1 point per rank]
Defense: [1 point per rank]
Toughness: [1 point per rank]
Survival: [1 point per rank]
Offense: [1 point per rank]
Agility/Maneuverability: [1 point per rank]
Speed: [2 points per rank]
Preferred Environment: [+150% to all rolls if home combat hex is in this environment] [See 'Environments' under 'Military Mechanics'] [Can spend 2 points to add an environment to this list, default 1]
Difficult Environments: [-50% to all rolls if home combat hex is in this environment] [See 'Environments' under 'Military Mechanics'][Can spend 2 points to remove one slot, default 3]
Impassable environments: [Cannot move into a hex with this environment] [See 'Environments' under 'Military Mechanics'][Can spend 4 points to remove one slot, default 2]
Civilization Template 1.0: World Standings*
Nation Map: [Image] [Labels encouraged]
Geography: [L]
History: [L]
Nation Morale: [Stat%] [(Innovation%+Stability%)-(Tax%•10)-(Military Population%•10)-(10•Military Units Retreating or Dislodged%)
Nation Stability: [Stat%] [(Pick 0%-200%†)-(Corruption%•15)
Nation Innovation: [Stat%] [200%-(†)-(Tax%•10)-(Corruption%•20)]
Nation Economy: [Stat%] [1000%-(Tax%•100)-(Corruption%•100)]
Civilization Template Template 2.0: Internal Affairs*
Tax: [Stat%, 0%-100%] [What percent of a citizen's earnings do you take on average?]
Corruption: [Stat%, 0%-100%] [What percent of your government is corrupt?]
Legislature Passing: [Stat%] [100%+Corruption%-GM Decided Challenge Threshold%] [The success chance of passing any edit made to your Civilization templates after initial submission and finalization.]
Military Population%: [Stat%, 0%-100%] [The percent of our population that is in active military duty]
Total Population: [GM d100 rollSee Military Units Calculation•GM decided modifier]
Demographics: [As many scales as you or the GM deems necessary]
Government Type: [See 'Government Types] [Apply modifiers separately to the total stat calculations]
Nation Morale: -15%
Nation Stability: -10%
Nation Innovation: -25%
Legislature Passing: +50%
Military Unit Bonus Points: 4
True Communism
Nation Morale: +150%
Nation Stability: -35%
Nation Economy: -75%
Legislature Passing: -30%
Military Unit Bonus Points: 0
Absolutist Communism
Nation Morale: -30%
Nation Innovation: -30%
Nation Stability: -25%
Nation Economy: -75%
Legislature Passing: +80%
Military Unit Bonus Points: 6
Nation Morale: -15%
Nation Economy: +15%
Military Unit Bonus Points: 0
Direct Democracy
Nation Morale: +50%
Nation Stability: +20%
Nation Innovation: +30%
Nation Economy: +25%
Legislature Passing: -50%
Military Unit Bonus Points: 0
Nation Morale: +25%
Nation Stability: +30%
Legislature Passing: -20%
Military Unit Bonus Points: 0
Military Rule
Nation Morale: -50%
Nation Stability: -50%
Nation innovation: -35%
Nation Economy: -25%
Legislature Passing: +65%
Military Unit Bonus Points: 12
Anarchy (Declared if a player leaves)
Nation Morale: -50%
Nation Stability: -200%
Legislature Passing: -100%
Military Unit Bonus Points: 0
All leadership rolls and points are 0
Nation Morale: -15%
Nation Stability: -10%
Nation Innovation: -25%
Legislature Passing: +50%
Military Unit Bonus Points: 4
True Communism
Nation Morale: +150%
Nation Stability: -35%
Nation Economy: -75%
Legislature Passing: -30%
Military Unit Bonus Points: 0
Absolutist Communism
Nation Morale: -30%
Nation Innovation: -30%
Nation Stability: -25%
Nation Economy: -75%
Legislature Passing: +80%
Military Unit Bonus Points: 6
Nation Morale: -15%
Nation Economy: +15%
Military Unit Bonus Points: 0
Direct Democracy
Nation Morale: +50%
Nation Stability: +20%
Nation Innovation: +30%
Nation Economy: +25%
Legislature Passing: -50%
Military Unit Bonus Points: 0
Nation Morale: +25%
Nation Stability: +30%
Legislature Passing: -20%
Military Unit Bonus Points: 0
Military Rule
Nation Morale: -50%
Nation Stability: -50%
Nation innovation: -35%
Nation Economy: -25%
Legislature Passing: +65%
Military Unit Bonus Points: 12
Anarchy (Declared if a player leaves)
Nation Morale: -50%
Nation Stability: -200%
Legislature Passing: -100%
Military Unit Bonus Points: 0
All leadership rolls and points are 0
Civilization Template 3.0: Military*
Total Military Units: [GM Population d100 roll•Military Population%, round to the nearest whole unit.]
Unit Composition:
Unit Type Name #1: [# of units of that type]
Unit Type Name #2: [# of units of that type]
Unit Type Name #3: [# of units of that type]
Civilization template 3.1: Unit Template*
Please fill one for every unit type you have.
Unit appearance: [Image] [Try to reflect the technology as best as possible]
All categories are out of 6.
Total Points to Spend: [18+Government Bonus]
Leadership: [1 point per rank]
Defense: [1 point per rank]
Toughness: [1 point per rank]
Survival: [1 point per rank]
Offense: [1 point per rank]
Agility/Maneuverability: [1 point per rank]
Speed: [2 points per rank]
Preferred Environment: [+150% to all rolls if home combat hex is in this environment] [See 'Environments' under 'Military Mechanics'] [Can spend 2 points to add an environment to this list, default 1]
Difficult Environments: [-50% to all rolls if home combat hex is in this environment] [See 'Environments' under 'Military Mechanics'][Can spend 2 points to remove one slot, default 3]
Impassable environments: [Cannot move into a hex with this environment] [See 'Environments' under 'Military Mechanics'][Can spend 4 points to remove one slot, default 2]
Military Mechanics
Units are the central military forces of your nation. They are your means of command, conquer, and salvation.