You're not sure how it happened, but you're trapped in one location by a big energy dome that prevents you from seeing or going outside. It has been one year since this event. You and everyone else have made the best of it, but food and water will run out eventually.

Just when it seems you'll be trapped forever, the protective dome lifts and disappears. It's a blue sky, but the land is desolate. Suddenly, you hear a voice and see many panels appear, like a viewing monitor or window to the other places and people trapped, like you.

"Welcome to my game. I have taken pieces of what I consider to be the most exemplary places and people from each of your worlds. Unfortunately, you won't be in peace for much longer.

If you wish to live, you will fight the warriors of the other territories. Only one may remain. Triumph, and I will restore your territory and grant three wishes.

Good Luck."


1. No Godmodding.
2. Keep it PG-16 on adult stuff.
3. Don't do anything that goes against the Guild Rules.
4. When all the Heroes/Villians die you've registered, your territory/territories and world is forfeit and out of the game.
5. Acceptable spelling and grammar please. dat mean n0t tyipng liek dis.
6. All characters will be on the same power level. If your character has power ups that make them crazy stronger in their own series, it will only make them a bit stronger here. So, this RP is more about your character's powers and skills then strength.
7. As the tag states, this is Anime/Manga focused. So please only register those types of characters.
8. Have fun!