Name: Sir Valik Frosthorn, Knight of Ahana
Age: 22

Weapons and Equipment:
-Cazavar, Spear of The Frozen Peaks. A masterfully made 8 foot spear, made to hit with the force of the icy mountain peaks behind it. The shaft is made of cornel wood, and extremely strong wood, wrapped with the black leather of The Obsidian Bear. The steel spear tip is similar to a boar spear tip, with lugs behind the spear blade, aiding in parry or hooking. The other end of the spear has a sauroter spike. Both ends are emblazoned with ancient runes of The Frostvein Ridges.
-Shortsword/Arming Sword
-Hatchet Hand Axe, on the belt.
-Two daggers, one on the belt and another hidden in the right greave.
-Heater Shield
-Belt, containing various things. Such as bandages. A spoon, fork, and knife. Rope, a coin pouch, and a pouch for dried meats and nuts. Notebook, quill and a small ink jar.
-Horse saddle, with several large pouches and hooks. Easily visible on the saddle is a pot, some cooking utensils, and often Valik will mount his heater shield on the side as well.
Horse Name: Cliffracer
Horse Type: Cliffracer is considered a destrier horse, albeit a strange one. Cliffracer was born in The Frostvein Ridges, a mountain range to the north of the Capital, acting as a natural border. He was bred to traverse all sorts of harsh and difficult terrain, some say that this breed of destrier can even climb mountain sides. Cliffracer has been Valik’s horse for several years.
Renowned Acts:
-Slayer of The Obsidian Bear. The Obsidian Bear was an aggressive and dangerous bear, with numerous kills to its name. The Obsidian Bear earned its name for being as black as obsidian, and its hide as strong as the earth itself, and being one of the largest bears ever seen by the mountainfolk. Entire parties of hunters attempted to hunt down this elusive predator, only to become the prey. Valik was actually not attempting to hunt The Obsidian Bear, he was travelling to the home of another House to train with the Knights there, when he was ambushed by The Obsidian Bear. Valik and the Bear fought for hours, Valik sustaining several broken bones and lacerations. He was discovered resting on the Bears dead body by the group of Knights he was supposed to train with. The Obsidian Bear’s skin was later turned into leather, to wrap the shaft of Cazavar.
-Warden of The Withered Peak Gates. The Withered Peak is one of the only ways into The Frostvein Ridges. As of recent, a neighboring country attempted to conquer The Frostvein Ridges in an attempt to expand their territory and gain access to the vast amount of ore and mineral locked away within The Frostvein Ridges. Valik was one of the two thousand five hundred soldiers who held the gates against an army of over ten thousand nomadic horsemen. Roughly only thirty defenders still stood when they routed the nomadic invaders, with about another two hundred too wounded to fight. The thirty defenders are now called the Wardens of The Withered Peak Gates. The two hundred wounded are called Veterans of The Withered Peak Gates. This battle was actually the opening to the Three Week War.
-Veteran of The Three Week War. The Three Week War is called so in The Frostvein Ridges because the war only lasted three weeks, and is often used as a joke for the mountainfolk. It was the fastest war that they had ever recorded, and it was less like a war and more like a series of skirmishes. It was fought on the mountain sides of the Frostvein Ridges, where the nomadic tribes who attacked The Whithered Peak Gates attempted to find another entry into the mountain range. Despite the lighthearted mentionings of the war, the skirmishes were actually fierce and extremely harsh on the mountainfolk soldiers. The nomads usually employed cavalry and ambush tactics. The Knights and other infantry had to adapt quickly, or die. The quick learning of the mountainfolk soldiers ended the nomad incursions, and thus won the war.
House Name: House Frosthorn
House History: House Frosthorn was created about 50 years ago, when King Theowold I traveled to The Frostvein Ridges to ask for the support of the Four Clans that resided and reigned there. The Four Clans agreed, and then were divided into Houses as per the instruction of King Theowold. However, the northern mountainfolk still divide themselves into the Four Clans, they use the House system set by the King as a shortcut way to determine someones family. House Frosthorn is part of the Blacksmiths, producing some of the finest weapons, tools and armor in the lands. The other Clans are the Miners, Loggers, and Crafters.
House Banner:

Age: 22

Weapons and Equipment:
-Cazavar, Spear of The Frozen Peaks. A masterfully made 8 foot spear, made to hit with the force of the icy mountain peaks behind it. The shaft is made of cornel wood, and extremely strong wood, wrapped with the black leather of The Obsidian Bear. The steel spear tip is similar to a boar spear tip, with lugs behind the spear blade, aiding in parry or hooking. The other end of the spear has a sauroter spike. Both ends are emblazoned with ancient runes of The Frostvein Ridges.
-Shortsword/Arming Sword
-Hatchet Hand Axe, on the belt.
-Two daggers, one on the belt and another hidden in the right greave.
-Heater Shield
-Belt, containing various things. Such as bandages. A spoon, fork, and knife. Rope, a coin pouch, and a pouch for dried meats and nuts. Notebook, quill and a small ink jar.
-Horse saddle, with several large pouches and hooks. Easily visible on the saddle is a pot, some cooking utensils, and often Valik will mount his heater shield on the side as well.
Horse Name: Cliffracer
Horse Type: Cliffracer is considered a destrier horse, albeit a strange one. Cliffracer was born in The Frostvein Ridges, a mountain range to the north of the Capital, acting as a natural border. He was bred to traverse all sorts of harsh and difficult terrain, some say that this breed of destrier can even climb mountain sides. Cliffracer has been Valik’s horse for several years.
Renowned Acts:
-Slayer of The Obsidian Bear. The Obsidian Bear was an aggressive and dangerous bear, with numerous kills to its name. The Obsidian Bear earned its name for being as black as obsidian, and its hide as strong as the earth itself, and being one of the largest bears ever seen by the mountainfolk. Entire parties of hunters attempted to hunt down this elusive predator, only to become the prey. Valik was actually not attempting to hunt The Obsidian Bear, he was travelling to the home of another House to train with the Knights there, when he was ambushed by The Obsidian Bear. Valik and the Bear fought for hours, Valik sustaining several broken bones and lacerations. He was discovered resting on the Bears dead body by the group of Knights he was supposed to train with. The Obsidian Bear’s skin was later turned into leather, to wrap the shaft of Cazavar.
-Warden of The Withered Peak Gates. The Withered Peak is one of the only ways into The Frostvein Ridges. As of recent, a neighboring country attempted to conquer The Frostvein Ridges in an attempt to expand their territory and gain access to the vast amount of ore and mineral locked away within The Frostvein Ridges. Valik was one of the two thousand five hundred soldiers who held the gates against an army of over ten thousand nomadic horsemen. Roughly only thirty defenders still stood when they routed the nomadic invaders, with about another two hundred too wounded to fight. The thirty defenders are now called the Wardens of The Withered Peak Gates. The two hundred wounded are called Veterans of The Withered Peak Gates. This battle was actually the opening to the Three Week War.
-Veteran of The Three Week War. The Three Week War is called so in The Frostvein Ridges because the war only lasted three weeks, and is often used as a joke for the mountainfolk. It was the fastest war that they had ever recorded, and it was less like a war and more like a series of skirmishes. It was fought on the mountain sides of the Frostvein Ridges, where the nomadic tribes who attacked The Whithered Peak Gates attempted to find another entry into the mountain range. Despite the lighthearted mentionings of the war, the skirmishes were actually fierce and extremely harsh on the mountainfolk soldiers. The nomads usually employed cavalry and ambush tactics. The Knights and other infantry had to adapt quickly, or die. The quick learning of the mountainfolk soldiers ended the nomad incursions, and thus won the war.
House Name: House Frosthorn
House History: House Frosthorn was created about 50 years ago, when King Theowold I traveled to The Frostvein Ridges to ask for the support of the Four Clans that resided and reigned there. The Four Clans agreed, and then were divided into Houses as per the instruction of King Theowold. However, the northern mountainfolk still divide themselves into the Four Clans, they use the House system set by the King as a shortcut way to determine someones family. House Frosthorn is part of the Blacksmiths, producing some of the finest weapons, tools and armor in the lands. The other Clans are the Miners, Loggers, and Crafters.
House Banner: