The Roleplay takes place in an Alternate universe and the focus is set mainly around the Shinigami and Gotei 13. Enemies such as Hollows, Arrancars, Quincies, Fullbringers and many more will be sure to appear in the Story and provide the Shinigami a true challenge. However another, more unknown enemy looms over the horizon...their intentions unknown but their sights set on the Shinigami...just waiting for the right moment to strike. The Story will surely be filled with Drama and un-expected twists that will keep you guessing and wondering what will happen next...
-Any Questions you have about the Roleplay should be answered below in the F.A.Q. If there is a Question not asked/answered there then PM Kurisa-
This is just a F.A.Q to answer some of your Questions in anticipation.
Q: Can I join?
A: Yes. The Bleach Universe is a vast one and so there can truly never be enough people.
Q: Do Canon characters exist?
A: No. This is an Alternate Universe. Some clans from the Canon series exist however some things have been changed slightly to fit this Alternate Universe.
Q: Will there be a chance to play as any of the other races?
A: As time goes on Yes you will be able to play as other races. However think of this like a game, you must first beat the boss of that race before they are "Unlocked".
Q: Why does the Story focus on Shinigami? That's a bit boring isn't it?
A: Firstly. There is nothing boring about being Shinigami, it's the Race we know most about and so is the most ideal to Roleplay. I've seen many attempts to introduce all races at the same time and what happens is 10 people are divided between 4 races and the RP dies a week later.
Q: What is the Pace of the RP going to be like?
A: I don't think that should be focused on. Focus mainly on your own characters and the ones your character knows. You do not have to read everyone's posts but if you choose to I'd rather you do not complain if you cannot keep up. I only told you to read those your character interacts with as that is more important, reading other characters post's that you character does not know/is not interacting with should come after if you have the free time or wish to read them, it isn't necessary unless it is titled a story post. But to answer...it varies. We have fast days, we have slow days.
Q: Have you done a Bleach RP before?
A: Plenty of times. That to you may sound bad but it's far from it. Each time I have learned from the Mistakes that killed the one before and used it to improve the next...however if that doesn't convince you. My last Bleach RP lasted near on Two years...I think that if people commit to it that this time it can go even further.
Q: So does that mean you have no end in sight?
A: There may come a time when I want to end the RP. However the Bleach Universe is a vast one and a lot can happen. I don't rush my stories...
Q: How do you intend to have everyone be in the Story?
A: I don't. It's simply impossible. That's why a few trusted people will be running arcs of their own, for those who wish to only be in some action that lasts a few weeks as opposed to a long story. That's not to say that I wont include others in the Story, it's just I cannot include everyone and so having arcs run in the background will be good as it gives everyone something to do...
Q: Why are we focusing only on three Squads? What if I want to join another?
A: This is Only for the Start. As I don't know how many people we will get I'd like to keep the people we have somewhat closer together to encourage Roleplaying with one another. I do apologise if the Squad you want to join isn't there but as the story progresses other Roleplayers will find themselves strong enough to take a Captain position and that is when we begin to branch out into other Squads, hopefully filling them all with life.
Q: If there is a Squad many would like to join instead of one of the ones listed would you consider changing/adding one more to the list?
A: If there is a high demand to Join a specific Squad then yes I may consider it.
Q: Is there any other reason as to why there are only Three Squads to start with?
A: I know only Two other people I can trust to take Captain positions without abusing it and so that is another reason as to why we aren't starting off with all the Squads available.
Q: Could you not let other people make Temporary Captains?
A: I could...but I'd have to actually get to know them and learn to trust them before handing out such a position...even if it is temporary.
Q: Can we make Vizards?
A: You can but You must PM and ask Kurisa first. I will only be allowing a few people to take that position as it wont make much sense for many to be running around and also the Head Captain despises hollows...so a Shinigami to have hollow powers would be risky. However something to note is that you must Roleplay your character somehow gaining this power through the RP, they cannot start off with it.
Q: Why not make NPC Captains for the other Squads?
A: I've seen that attempted before and it failed. 3-4 people Roleplaying 3-4 Captains as well as their own Characters was just a nightmare.
Q: What if I want my character to be in something like Squad 2 yet they have no choice but to go to one of the three starter Squads?
A: Simply say that due to the lack of Shinigami in these three Divisions, Shinigami from the Shino Academy are being placed into these Squads for the time being while things balance out. Do not let this put you off the Roleplay, the other Squads will open up in time and your character can then transfer there.
Q: So when some Squads open up and people transfer to them wont this slow things down?
A: It shouldn't. I am hoping that people would have made friends with others in their previous Squad and so they will always have people to Roleplay with.
Q: Why does everyone start off with basically the same skills?
A: This is to create a level playing ground for people and so makes things fair. I want to see characters developed from the ground up as I feel that is what makes an interesting character and also an interesting personal Story. On top of that...when you eventually earn that Captain position you will likely cherish it a lot more than you would if it had been just handed to you.
Q: If I have a main character and an NPC character and the NPC Character earns points what do I do with them?
A: Well for now you can transfer those points to your main characters. An NPC doesn't need points as they will usually be located around low seated to mid seated level in terms of power and rank unless given special permissions. So points go to your main character however you must list the missions etc. your NPC does and show where those points went and who to.
Q: Can I join?
A: Yes. The Bleach Universe is a vast one and so there can truly never be enough people.
Q: Do Canon characters exist?
A: No. This is an Alternate Universe. Some clans from the Canon series exist however some things have been changed slightly to fit this Alternate Universe.
Q: Will there be a chance to play as any of the other races?
A: As time goes on Yes you will be able to play as other races. However think of this like a game, you must first beat the boss of that race before they are "Unlocked".
Q: Why does the Story focus on Shinigami? That's a bit boring isn't it?
A: Firstly. There is nothing boring about being Shinigami, it's the Race we know most about and so is the most ideal to Roleplay. I've seen many attempts to introduce all races at the same time and what happens is 10 people are divided between 4 races and the RP dies a week later.
Q: What is the Pace of the RP going to be like?
A: I don't think that should be focused on. Focus mainly on your own characters and the ones your character knows. You do not have to read everyone's posts but if you choose to I'd rather you do not complain if you cannot keep up. I only told you to read those your character interacts with as that is more important, reading other characters post's that you character does not know/is not interacting with should come after if you have the free time or wish to read them, it isn't necessary unless it is titled a story post. But to answer...it varies. We have fast days, we have slow days.
Q: Have you done a Bleach RP before?
A: Plenty of times. That to you may sound bad but it's far from it. Each time I have learned from the Mistakes that killed the one before and used it to improve the next...however if that doesn't convince you. My last Bleach RP lasted near on Two years...I think that if people commit to it that this time it can go even further.
Q: So does that mean you have no end in sight?
A: There may come a time when I want to end the RP. However the Bleach Universe is a vast one and a lot can happen. I don't rush my stories...
Q: How do you intend to have everyone be in the Story?
A: I don't. It's simply impossible. That's why a few trusted people will be running arcs of their own, for those who wish to only be in some action that lasts a few weeks as opposed to a long story. That's not to say that I wont include others in the Story, it's just I cannot include everyone and so having arcs run in the background will be good as it gives everyone something to do...
Q: Why are we focusing only on three Squads? What if I want to join another?
A: This is Only for the Start. As I don't know how many people we will get I'd like to keep the people we have somewhat closer together to encourage Roleplaying with one another. I do apologise if the Squad you want to join isn't there but as the story progresses other Roleplayers will find themselves strong enough to take a Captain position and that is when we begin to branch out into other Squads, hopefully filling them all with life.
Q: If there is a Squad many would like to join instead of one of the ones listed would you consider changing/adding one more to the list?
A: If there is a high demand to Join a specific Squad then yes I may consider it.
Q: Is there any other reason as to why there are only Three Squads to start with?
A: I know only Two other people I can trust to take Captain positions without abusing it and so that is another reason as to why we aren't starting off with all the Squads available.
Q: Could you not let other people make Temporary Captains?
A: I could...but I'd have to actually get to know them and learn to trust them before handing out such a position...even if it is temporary.
Q: Can we make Vizards?
A: You can but You must PM and ask Kurisa first. I will only be allowing a few people to take that position as it wont make much sense for many to be running around and also the Head Captain despises hollows...so a Shinigami to have hollow powers would be risky. However something to note is that you must Roleplay your character somehow gaining this power through the RP, they cannot start off with it.
Q: Why not make NPC Captains for the other Squads?
A: I've seen that attempted before and it failed. 3-4 people Roleplaying 3-4 Captains as well as their own Characters was just a nightmare.
Q: What if I want my character to be in something like Squad 2 yet they have no choice but to go to one of the three starter Squads?
A: Simply say that due to the lack of Shinigami in these three Divisions, Shinigami from the Shino Academy are being placed into these Squads for the time being while things balance out. Do not let this put you off the Roleplay, the other Squads will open up in time and your character can then transfer there.
Q: So when some Squads open up and people transfer to them wont this slow things down?
A: It shouldn't. I am hoping that people would have made friends with others in their previous Squad and so they will always have people to Roleplay with.
Q: Why does everyone start off with basically the same skills?
A: This is to create a level playing ground for people and so makes things fair. I want to see characters developed from the ground up as I feel that is what makes an interesting character and also an interesting personal Story. On top of that...when you eventually earn that Captain position you will likely cherish it a lot more than you would if it had been just handed to you.
Q: If I have a main character and an NPC character and the NPC Character earns points what do I do with them?
A: Well for now you can transfer those points to your main characters. An NPC doesn't need points as they will usually be located around low seated to mid seated level in terms of power and rank unless given special permissions. So points go to your main character however you must list the missions etc. your NPC does and show where those points went and who to.

1. Respect the GM's
- The GM's Word is law. It is not to be gone against. You also listen to them no matter what -
2. No god modding or metagaming, or anything of the sort
- Nothing else need be said -
3. No killing off other chars unless permission is given
- Permission must be granted by a GM and the owner of said character -
4. This is a Roleplay, it is a Hobby...this is what we do for fun
- It isn't a Job so don't take it stupidly seriously and treat it like a Job. We only want everyone to get along in harmony and have fun, nothing extremely strict or highly professional -
5. Three Sentences Minimum
- As this is a casual Roleplay we expect 3 Sentences at the absolute Minimum -
6. Absence
- If you are absent from posting for a week and have failed to give the GM's a reason as to why you may not be so active, we will assume you have abandoned the RP and likely kill off your character(s) -
7. Posting in the IC
- In this Roleplay we use a posting order to make sure things run smoothly. If your character is in a group then a posting order is needed. Person 1 posts, Person 2 Posts, Person 3 posts, repeat the cycle. Nothing like: Person 1 posts, Person 3 posts, Person 1 posts, Person 3 Posts, Person 2 posts. Aside from this, if you fail to post after 1-3 (MAX) days then your character can and will be skipped over to ensure the group can continue to move on. This is to ensure a good pace can be maintained in the Roleplay -
8. Character Creation
- As of this moment you will be allowed to make Three (3) Main Characters. You may create a few NPC's and such that may eventually turn into Main characters but these characters will not be powerful in any shape or form unless for story purposes and in that case they will be considered story/arc only characters -
9. Punishment
- If you are causing a disruption or a problem for the Roleplay, it's players or the GM's then you will be punished. This can vary from a simple "slap on the wrist" to being removed from the Roleplay altogether. If after a GM has told you to leave the Roleplay or to stop something you continue then the GM will go to a Moderator and bring them into the situation so it can be resolved -
10. Character Relationships
- If players choose to have their characters involved in a relationship with another character, let the relationship develop realistically. Therefore, no silly 'love-at-first-sight'. Have your characters grow to feel the way they do for each, but keep in mind that this is certainly Not, nor will ever be, the main focus of this Roleplay, therefore I expect this to be at tasteful minimum. Anything sexual - fade-to-black and take to PM. any sexual content is not permitted within the IC, however flirting, teasing and whatnot is allowed as long as it is not erotica, otherwise - to PM you go. -
11. Interactions
- Firstly, no jumping into other player's interactions, this is to ensure things run smoothly within the Roleplay and between people. If you wish to join said interaction, you must ask for permission from the players within the interaction. This may be obvious but I'd just like to make this clear; If you want to interact with another character, just ask, either within the OOC or via PM. There will be no complaining about lack of interaction with other characters, especially if you haven't asked specific players that you'd like to interact with their character, within the OOC. -
~If you have read the Rules then put "Byakuya" in the "Other" section of your character sheet~
- The GM's Word is law. It is not to be gone against. You also listen to them no matter what -
2. No god modding or metagaming, or anything of the sort
- Nothing else need be said -
3. No killing off other chars unless permission is given
- Permission must be granted by a GM and the owner of said character -
4. This is a Roleplay, it is a Hobby...this is what we do for fun
- It isn't a Job so don't take it stupidly seriously and treat it like a Job. We only want everyone to get along in harmony and have fun, nothing extremely strict or highly professional -
5. Three Sentences Minimum
- As this is a casual Roleplay we expect 3 Sentences at the absolute Minimum -
6. Absence
- If you are absent from posting for a week and have failed to give the GM's a reason as to why you may not be so active, we will assume you have abandoned the RP and likely kill off your character(s) -
7. Posting in the IC
- In this Roleplay we use a posting order to make sure things run smoothly. If your character is in a group then a posting order is needed. Person 1 posts, Person 2 Posts, Person 3 posts, repeat the cycle. Nothing like: Person 1 posts, Person 3 posts, Person 1 posts, Person 3 Posts, Person 2 posts. Aside from this, if you fail to post after 1-3 (MAX) days then your character can and will be skipped over to ensure the group can continue to move on. This is to ensure a good pace can be maintained in the Roleplay -
8. Character Creation
- As of this moment you will be allowed to make Three (3) Main Characters. You may create a few NPC's and such that may eventually turn into Main characters but these characters will not be powerful in any shape or form unless for story purposes and in that case they will be considered story/arc only characters -
9. Punishment
- If you are causing a disruption or a problem for the Roleplay, it's players or the GM's then you will be punished. This can vary from a simple "slap on the wrist" to being removed from the Roleplay altogether. If after a GM has told you to leave the Roleplay or to stop something you continue then the GM will go to a Moderator and bring them into the situation so it can be resolved -
10. Character Relationships
- If players choose to have their characters involved in a relationship with another character, let the relationship develop realistically. Therefore, no silly 'love-at-first-sight'. Have your characters grow to feel the way they do for each, but keep in mind that this is certainly Not, nor will ever be, the main focus of this Roleplay, therefore I expect this to be at tasteful minimum. Anything sexual - fade-to-black and take to PM. any sexual content is not permitted within the IC, however flirting, teasing and whatnot is allowed as long as it is not erotica, otherwise - to PM you go. -
11. Interactions
- Firstly, no jumping into other player's interactions, this is to ensure things run smoothly within the Roleplay and between people. If you wish to join said interaction, you must ask for permission from the players within the interaction. This may be obvious but I'd just like to make this clear; If you want to interact with another character, just ask, either within the OOC or via PM. There will be no complaining about lack of interaction with other characters, especially if you haven't asked specific players that you'd like to interact with their character, within the OOC. -
~If you have read the Rules then put "Byakuya" in the "Other" section of your character sheet~

In this Roleplay Combat plays a large part in the story and general daily life of our characters and so it is important a few ground rules are laid out here.
1. Fighting A fellow Roleplayer's character
- As a Shinigami in the Gotei 13 you are expected to Spar with one another at most. This means using Wooden Swords (Bokken) as opposed to the Zanpakuto your Shinigami will carry. The use of Kido is also something that would be very unlikely within a friendly Spar. So remember that within the Seireitei that fighting with Zanpakuto's is not allowed. However. In the case two Shinigami meet in battle outside of the Seireitei, one simple rule applies here. When striking an enemy or using an attack such as Kido. State the attack and detail where it is your character is aiming to cause damage to. DO NOT say the strike/attack landed. That is decided by the receiver of the attack. Another thing applies here also. If both sides or one side is dodging over and over without actually taking any hits then both the character and the player will be punished. It is expected that you take a hit. We do not want fights dragged out forever as that is rarely the case. It works for Anime but not for a Roleplay -
2. Fighting a Hollow etc.
- If you have your character encounter a hollow that is controlled by yourself then of course your attacks can land straight away, however do not treat hollows etc. like weak things. They can still prove to be a challenge, even for a seated Shinigami. So act realistic when having your character encounter one. In the case that the hollow is controlled by another player then proceed with the same approach as if you were fighting another players Shinigami -
~ If you have read the rules of Combat then put "Kenpachi" in the "Other" section of your character sheet ~
1. Fighting A fellow Roleplayer's character
- As a Shinigami in the Gotei 13 you are expected to Spar with one another at most. This means using Wooden Swords (Bokken) as opposed to the Zanpakuto your Shinigami will carry. The use of Kido is also something that would be very unlikely within a friendly Spar. So remember that within the Seireitei that fighting with Zanpakuto's is not allowed. However. In the case two Shinigami meet in battle outside of the Seireitei, one simple rule applies here. When striking an enemy or using an attack such as Kido. State the attack and detail where it is your character is aiming to cause damage to. DO NOT say the strike/attack landed. That is decided by the receiver of the attack. Another thing applies here also. If both sides or one side is dodging over and over without actually taking any hits then both the character and the player will be punished. It is expected that you take a hit. We do not want fights dragged out forever as that is rarely the case. It works for Anime but not for a Roleplay -
2. Fighting a Hollow etc.
- If you have your character encounter a hollow that is controlled by yourself then of course your attacks can land straight away, however do not treat hollows etc. like weak things. They can still prove to be a challenge, even for a seated Shinigami. So act realistic when having your character encounter one. In the case that the hollow is controlled by another player then proceed with the same approach as if you were fighting another players Shinigami -
~ If you have read the rules of Combat then put "Kenpachi" in the "Other" section of your character sheet ~

Below the Mechanics of the Roleplay will be explained. I do wish to try keep things as simple as possible but just to be safe I may have to go into some description about things.
Points System
This Roleplay works on a "Points" System. These Points have Multiple uses such as: Purchasing Skills, Keeping track of Power Levels and also acting as the reward for completing missions. Now of course you can't just "Purchase" Skills in the Anime but this is a Roleplay and as the Bleach Universe is a Vast one, we must simplify it in some way to help speed things along and keep things at an interesting pace. Hence the Points System.
How Do Points work?
Points are the life blood of this Roleplay. You earn them by completing missions, training and sparring. We will get into that later, for now we'll look at how Points are used. As you go through the Roleplay with your character(s) you will undoubtedly earn points and these are to be spent on Skills in order to improve your character(s) and give them the edge in battle! Of course we do not want this system abused and so at the bottom of the CS Template you will see this set-up:
Total points gained:
Total Points Spent:
Mission log:
Points spent and skills gained:
To me it is fairly simple to understand but in the case it is confusing I shall explain each section.
Total Points Gained: This section is to record the total amount of points your character has gained over their career. This only ever goes up, never down. This also relates directly to one's Power Level which in turn shows their rough ranking in terms of power.
Total Points Spent: In this section you are to put the total amount of points you have spent on Skills and on Improving skills. Simple enough right?
Mission Log: Here you list everything you have done from Training to Missions. Whenever you gain points, no matter what for, You list it here and also list how many points you gained. If possible a starting page number is very much appreciated as it allows the GM's to double check things to make sure everything is legit and that no one is cheating. Just to clear things up I will show you some examples of how things should be listed:
Training (P.23) - 4 Points. Mission 1 (P.10 - P.15) - 6 Points. Sparring (P.9 - P.12) - 5 Points
Note: Points listed are just used as examples. What you will earn from each may be different.
Points Spent and Skills gained: Here you simply list the skill(s) you purchased and how much it cost you. You also list here the points you have spent on upgrading skills. Think of this like a Receipt.
Power Level/Rank
So by now you are likely wondering how Power Levels work in this Roleplay. Well as mentioned before the Total amount of points you have earned are directly related to your Power Level. Rank also has a part to play in this but we shall get to that in a bit. Now Below will be a list of Power levels which are graded generally by the ranks a Shinigami can get, This was inspired by people in the Bleach Manga/Anime referring to some characters as "Lieutenant Class" or "Captain Class"
Unseated - Start
Low Level Seated - 20 Points
Mid Level Seated - 40 Points
High Level Seated - 60 Points
Low Level Lieutenant - 100 Points
Mid Level Lieutenant - 130 Points
High Level Lieutenant - 160 Points
Low Level Captain - 200 Points
Mid Level Captain - 350 Points
High Level Captain - 500 Points
Senior/Legendary Captain Level - 800 Points
Head Captain Level - impossible to reach due to the GM usually holding this spot for RP reasons.
So as you can see, the total amount of points you have earned link directly to your Power Level. So where as you may have 70 Total Amount of points earned, this would mean your character is classed around High Seated Level. High Seated Level would be your characters Power Level. I do also want to stress something here and that is that unless given special Permission by a GM your character starts as an Unseated Member. You may place your character into a Squad as an unseated member or have them a fresh graduate from the Shino Academy.
Now. Where do Ranks play a part in this? Well lets get into that. So for examples sake we shall say your character is a High seated level, this generally Equates to a Shinigami being in either the 3rd, 4th or 5th Seat of their Squad. However it wouldn't make sense if your character stayed at this rank and got to a Captain level of Power now would it? That's where the Rank cap comes into play. So of course the Squad you may be apart of will likely have a Captain and Lieutenant. But of course there can only really be one of each...so what of your 3rd Seat Shinigami with a High Seated Power Level? Well they can still get stronger but only a little stronger. Let me show you an example of what I mean.
Shingami 1
Rank: 3rd Seat
Power Level: High Seated
Now lets say you have done a good few missions and have gotten to the next power level.
Shinigami 1
Rank: 3rd Seat
Power Level: Low Lieutenant level
Above shows the highest power level your character can get to with their current rank. This differs from rank to rank of course but to be put simply your character can only go one Power level above their rank. Below I will list what each Power level equates to in rank
Low Seated level = 20th Seat - 11th Seat
Mid Seated level = 10th Seat - 6th Seat
High Seated Level = 5th Seat - 3rd Seat
So now you are likely asking "What about Lieutenants?" Well to be put simply once your character is a Lieutenant their power level caps out at Low Captain Level...unless of course they are promoted to Captain in which case they can continue on as normal.
Another question you may ask will likely be "So if we hit our Power Level cap do any points we earn just not count?" To be put Simply: They do count. You add them on as normal but you will still be considered your capped power level. No stronger. Let me give another example.
Shinigami 1:
Rank: 3rd Seat
Power Level: Low Lieutenant
Total Points: 160
Even though your character has enough points to be considered High Lieutenant level their power level remains at Low Lieutenant level because of their rank. But in the case they are promoted to Lieutenant then they would jump straight to High Lieutenant level as their rank now permits the character to be that power level.
This may seem pointless and annoying but to keep things somewhat true to the Bleach Universe this is the best solution. It'd make no sense if there was a Captain class 4th Seat.
So what of those who are freelance Shinigami? or rogue Shinigami? Well it's simple. They don't have these sort of restrictions...but being social and such is much harder for them...so that comes at a price.
Promotion System
As Points generally control how things go in terms of ranks this part is kept fairly simple in that the Captain of the Squad your character is in controls who gets promoted to where in their Squad. Of course they must meet the Power Level requirement which should stop favouritism of a certain person in their Squad...remember...I said Should
So how does this work? Well I want to keep this simple...and by simple I mean really simple. I will show you the amount of points you get for each thing you do rather than explain it.
Captain Given Missions: 8-10 Points (these missions are ones that a Captain has given a person in their Squad. It is up to the Captain to decide the points given, which of course ranges from 8 to 10)
Standard Missions: 6-8 Points (These are generally missions requested by a Shinigami and not specially assigned ones like the Captain given missions.)
Sparring: 5 points
Training: You gain a point for each paragraph you do, however this caps out at 5. Meaning if you do more than 5 paragraphs you will not gain anymore points. The most points you can gain from Training is 5. The post must also have some decent quality to it and not just talking and thinking about what it is you intend or your character to do but more what they are actually doing in some good detail (Note: A paragraph equates to 3-4 Sentences or more)
Once again going to keep this simple, or at least try to.
Just to clear something up now rather than later I will tell you how this whole thing works. When I refer to "Mastery" of a skill area, that means one has learned every skill in a skill area (Kido, Hakuda, Zanjutsu, Hoho). Now if your character is at Lieutenant power level and has somehow learnt every Zanjutsu skill there is, this does not mean they can perform these Captain class skills at Captain level. They are still held back by their power level and so a Captain could stop their skill with some relative ease.
Another thing I want to clear up is the terms used for Masteries. These are:
Master (Equates to Captain Class Skill)
Expert (Equates to Lieutenant Class Skill)
Proficient (Equates to Seated Class Skill)
Practitioner (Equates to Unseated Class Skill)
As you can see it goes Captain, Lieutenant, Seated and Unseated. So if your Seated Character is considered a Master in an area such as Zanjutsu they can perform the skill(s) at a Captain class level but the power needed to make the skill as devastating as it could be wont be there unless you are of course a Captain.
Below will be listed the amount of Masteries each Rank of Shinigami can have.
Unseated Shinigami - No Masteries. 1 Expert area, 1 Proficient area, 2 Practitioner area's
Seated Shinigami - 1 Mastery area, 1 Expert area, 1 Proficient area, 1 Practitioner area
Lieutenant Shinigami - 2 Mastery area's, 1 Expert Area, 1 Proficient area
Captain Shinigami - 3 Mastery area's, 1 Expert Area
Head Captain - 4 Master Area's
Above shows what each Shinigami is capable of achieving in accordance to their rank. However this doesn't mean that just because you are a Lieutenant that you must have 2 Mastery area's etc. It simply shows what you are capable of getting if your character is that rank.
Just to clarify something. If you are a Freelance/Rogue Shinigami then you still follow this to some degree but instead replacing ranks with your characters power level. As a quick example: A Lieutenant Power level rogue Shinigami can learn up to 2 Mastery area's, 1 Expert area and 1 Proficient area.
Upgrading Skills
As you may have noticed you will see something like this: (1) next to the skills. These are the levels of that skill and they range from 1-3.
Level 1 - New to the skill and so will occasionally fail using the skill, the skill will also never reach it's full power.
Level 2 - An average user of the skill that has some good control, enough to use the skill in succession. However the skill lacks a little power making it a little average in terms of power.
Level 3 - A Master of the skill and can use it with quick succession as well as use it to it's full power.
As you can see the levels go: Noob, Average, Master. However how do you actually a level up these skills? Simple! it's a case of spending points. When you first purchase the skill it will be at Level 1. Let me make a simple list to show you how much it costs to level each skill.
Level 1 - Start
Level 1 to 2 - 1 point
Level 2 to 3 - 2 points
As you can see it really doesn't cost that much...that's the catch though. If you're on your way to learning Kido those points will soon add up and even if you do "Master" the skill, the skill can only be as strong as your character is in terms of their power level. They may have mastered the skill but if they are high seated power level the skill will only have the power of a High seated Shinigami. Of course as your character get's stronger the skill does also and so if they become a Low level Lieutenant the skill is capable of being used at that power.
~If you have read this section put "Mayuri" In the "Other" Section of your Character Sheet~
Points System
This Roleplay works on a "Points" System. These Points have Multiple uses such as: Purchasing Skills, Keeping track of Power Levels and also acting as the reward for completing missions. Now of course you can't just "Purchase" Skills in the Anime but this is a Roleplay and as the Bleach Universe is a Vast one, we must simplify it in some way to help speed things along and keep things at an interesting pace. Hence the Points System.
How Do Points work?
Points are the life blood of this Roleplay. You earn them by completing missions, training and sparring. We will get into that later, for now we'll look at how Points are used. As you go through the Roleplay with your character(s) you will undoubtedly earn points and these are to be spent on Skills in order to improve your character(s) and give them the edge in battle! Of course we do not want this system abused and so at the bottom of the CS Template you will see this set-up:
Total points gained:
Total Points Spent:
Mission log:
Points spent and skills gained:
To me it is fairly simple to understand but in the case it is confusing I shall explain each section.
Total Points Gained: This section is to record the total amount of points your character has gained over their career. This only ever goes up, never down. This also relates directly to one's Power Level which in turn shows their rough ranking in terms of power.
Total Points Spent: In this section you are to put the total amount of points you have spent on Skills and on Improving skills. Simple enough right?
Mission Log: Here you list everything you have done from Training to Missions. Whenever you gain points, no matter what for, You list it here and also list how many points you gained. If possible a starting page number is very much appreciated as it allows the GM's to double check things to make sure everything is legit and that no one is cheating. Just to clear things up I will show you some examples of how things should be listed:
Training (P.23) - 4 Points. Mission 1 (P.10 - P.15) - 6 Points. Sparring (P.9 - P.12) - 5 Points
Note: Points listed are just used as examples. What you will earn from each may be different.
Points Spent and Skills gained: Here you simply list the skill(s) you purchased and how much it cost you. You also list here the points you have spent on upgrading skills. Think of this like a Receipt.
Power Level/Rank
So by now you are likely wondering how Power Levels work in this Roleplay. Well as mentioned before the Total amount of points you have earned are directly related to your Power Level. Rank also has a part to play in this but we shall get to that in a bit. Now Below will be a list of Power levels which are graded generally by the ranks a Shinigami can get, This was inspired by people in the Bleach Manga/Anime referring to some characters as "Lieutenant Class" or "Captain Class"
Unseated - Start
Low Level Seated - 20 Points
Mid Level Seated - 40 Points
High Level Seated - 60 Points
Low Level Lieutenant - 100 Points
Mid Level Lieutenant - 130 Points
High Level Lieutenant - 160 Points
Low Level Captain - 200 Points
Mid Level Captain - 350 Points
High Level Captain - 500 Points
Senior/Legendary Captain Level - 800 Points
Head Captain Level - impossible to reach due to the GM usually holding this spot for RP reasons.
So as you can see, the total amount of points you have earned link directly to your Power Level. So where as you may have 70 Total Amount of points earned, this would mean your character is classed around High Seated Level. High Seated Level would be your characters Power Level. I do also want to stress something here and that is that unless given special Permission by a GM your character starts as an Unseated Member. You may place your character into a Squad as an unseated member or have them a fresh graduate from the Shino Academy.
Now. Where do Ranks play a part in this? Well lets get into that. So for examples sake we shall say your character is a High seated level, this generally Equates to a Shinigami being in either the 3rd, 4th or 5th Seat of their Squad. However it wouldn't make sense if your character stayed at this rank and got to a Captain level of Power now would it? That's where the Rank cap comes into play. So of course the Squad you may be apart of will likely have a Captain and Lieutenant. But of course there can only really be one of each...so what of your 3rd Seat Shinigami with a High Seated Power Level? Well they can still get stronger but only a little stronger. Let me show you an example of what I mean.
Shingami 1
Rank: 3rd Seat
Power Level: High Seated
Now lets say you have done a good few missions and have gotten to the next power level.
Shinigami 1
Rank: 3rd Seat
Power Level: Low Lieutenant level
Above shows the highest power level your character can get to with their current rank. This differs from rank to rank of course but to be put simply your character can only go one Power level above their rank. Below I will list what each Power level equates to in rank
Low Seated level = 20th Seat - 11th Seat
Mid Seated level = 10th Seat - 6th Seat
High Seated Level = 5th Seat - 3rd Seat
So now you are likely asking "What about Lieutenants?" Well to be put simply once your character is a Lieutenant their power level caps out at Low Captain Level...unless of course they are promoted to Captain in which case they can continue on as normal.
Another question you may ask will likely be "So if we hit our Power Level cap do any points we earn just not count?" To be put Simply: They do count. You add them on as normal but you will still be considered your capped power level. No stronger. Let me give another example.
Shinigami 1:
Rank: 3rd Seat
Power Level: Low Lieutenant
Total Points: 160
Even though your character has enough points to be considered High Lieutenant level their power level remains at Low Lieutenant level because of their rank. But in the case they are promoted to Lieutenant then they would jump straight to High Lieutenant level as their rank now permits the character to be that power level.
This may seem pointless and annoying but to keep things somewhat true to the Bleach Universe this is the best solution. It'd make no sense if there was a Captain class 4th Seat.
So what of those who are freelance Shinigami? or rogue Shinigami? Well it's simple. They don't have these sort of restrictions...but being social and such is much harder for them...so that comes at a price.
Promotion System
As Points generally control how things go in terms of ranks this part is kept fairly simple in that the Captain of the Squad your character is in controls who gets promoted to where in their Squad. Of course they must meet the Power Level requirement which should stop favouritism of a certain person in their Squad...remember...I said Should
So how does this work? Well I want to keep this simple...and by simple I mean really simple. I will show you the amount of points you get for each thing you do rather than explain it.
Captain Given Missions: 8-10 Points (these missions are ones that a Captain has given a person in their Squad. It is up to the Captain to decide the points given, which of course ranges from 8 to 10)
Standard Missions: 6-8 Points (These are generally missions requested by a Shinigami and not specially assigned ones like the Captain given missions.)
Sparring: 5 points
Training: You gain a point for each paragraph you do, however this caps out at 5. Meaning if you do more than 5 paragraphs you will not gain anymore points. The most points you can gain from Training is 5. The post must also have some decent quality to it and not just talking and thinking about what it is you intend or your character to do but more what they are actually doing in some good detail (Note: A paragraph equates to 3-4 Sentences or more)
Once again going to keep this simple, or at least try to.
Just to clear something up now rather than later I will tell you how this whole thing works. When I refer to "Mastery" of a skill area, that means one has learned every skill in a skill area (Kido, Hakuda, Zanjutsu, Hoho). Now if your character is at Lieutenant power level and has somehow learnt every Zanjutsu skill there is, this does not mean they can perform these Captain class skills at Captain level. They are still held back by their power level and so a Captain could stop their skill with some relative ease.
Another thing I want to clear up is the terms used for Masteries. These are:
Master (Equates to Captain Class Skill)
Expert (Equates to Lieutenant Class Skill)
Proficient (Equates to Seated Class Skill)
Practitioner (Equates to Unseated Class Skill)
As you can see it goes Captain, Lieutenant, Seated and Unseated. So if your Seated Character is considered a Master in an area such as Zanjutsu they can perform the skill(s) at a Captain class level but the power needed to make the skill as devastating as it could be wont be there unless you are of course a Captain.
Below will be listed the amount of Masteries each Rank of Shinigami can have.
Unseated Shinigami - No Masteries. 1 Expert area, 1 Proficient area, 2 Practitioner area's
Seated Shinigami - 1 Mastery area, 1 Expert area, 1 Proficient area, 1 Practitioner area
Lieutenant Shinigami - 2 Mastery area's, 1 Expert Area, 1 Proficient area
Captain Shinigami - 3 Mastery area's, 1 Expert Area
Head Captain - 4 Master Area's
Above shows what each Shinigami is capable of achieving in accordance to their rank. However this doesn't mean that just because you are a Lieutenant that you must have 2 Mastery area's etc. It simply shows what you are capable of getting if your character is that rank.
Just to clarify something. If you are a Freelance/Rogue Shinigami then you still follow this to some degree but instead replacing ranks with your characters power level. As a quick example: A Lieutenant Power level rogue Shinigami can learn up to 2 Mastery area's, 1 Expert area and 1 Proficient area.
Upgrading Skills
As you may have noticed you will see something like this: (1) next to the skills. These are the levels of that skill and they range from 1-3.
Level 1 - New to the skill and so will occasionally fail using the skill, the skill will also never reach it's full power.
Level 2 - An average user of the skill that has some good control, enough to use the skill in succession. However the skill lacks a little power making it a little average in terms of power.
Level 3 - A Master of the skill and can use it with quick succession as well as use it to it's full power.
As you can see the levels go: Noob, Average, Master. However how do you actually a level up these skills? Simple! it's a case of spending points. When you first purchase the skill it will be at Level 1. Let me make a simple list to show you how much it costs to level each skill.
Level 1 - Start
Level 1 to 2 - 1 point
Level 2 to 3 - 2 points
As you can see it really doesn't cost that much...that's the catch though. If you're on your way to learning Kido those points will soon add up and even if you do "Master" the skill, the skill can only be as strong as your character is in terms of their power level. They may have mastered the skill but if they are high seated power level the skill will only have the power of a High seated Shinigami. Of course as your character get's stronger the skill does also and so if they become a Low level Lieutenant the skill is capable of being used at that power.
~If you have read this section put "Mayuri" In the "Other" Section of your Character Sheet~

Before choosing skills to purchase or whatnot, make sure you have read the 'Roleplay Mechanics' section first as within details the specifics of the skills and point systems.
Note: Whilst in Combat, Sparring or on a Mission you cannot purchase a Skill. Purchasing skills MUST be done when your character is on what we call "Downtime" as in not on a mission etc.
Key: Name of Skill - Power Level Class - Cost of Points to Purchase
#1 Sai - Unseated - 2 points
#4 Hainawa - Unseated - 2 points
#8 Seki - Unseated - 2 points
#9 Geki - Unseated - 2 points
#9 Horin - Unseated - 2 points
#11 Kyomon - Unseated - 2 points
#12 Fushibi - Unseated - 2 points
#20 Hakufuku - Low Level Seated - 4 points
#21 Sekienton - Low Level Seated - 4 points
#22 Inemuri - Low Level Seated - 4 points
#26 Kyokko - Low Level Seated - 4 points
#27 Tanma Otoshi - Mid Level Seated - 4 points
#28 Shibireyubi - Mid Level Seated - 4 points
#30 Shitotsu Sansen - Mid Level Seated - 4 points
#37 Tsuriboshi - High Level Seated - 4 points
#39 Enkosen - High Level Seated - 4 points
#58 Kakushitsuijaku - High Level Seated - 4 points
#61 Rikujokoro - Low Level Lieutenant - 5 points
#62 Hyapporankan - Low Level Lieutenant - 5 points
#63 Sajo Sabaku - Low Level Lieutenant - 5 points
#65 El Escudo - Mid Level Lieutenant - 5 points
#73 Tozansho -Mid Level Lieutenant - 5 points
#75 Gochutekkan - Mid Level Lieutenant - 5 points
#76 Hako Okuri - High Level Lieutenant - 5 points
#77 Tenteikura - High Level Lieutenant - 5 points
#78 Hakudan Keppeki - High Level Lieutenant - 5 points
#81 Danku - Low Level Captain - 7 points
#83 Standing Ovation - Low Level Captain Captain - 7 points
#84 Millon Escudo - Mid Level Captain - 7 points
#96 Kyujurokkei Kakafumetsu - Mid Level Captain/Forbidden - 7 Points
#97 Fusatsu Kakei - High Level Captain/Forbidden - 7 points
#98 Shiso Kekkai - High Level Captain - 7 points
#99 Pt.1 Kin - Senior/Legendary Level Captain - 7 points
#99 Pt.2 Bankin - Senior/Legendary Level Captain - 7 points
#1 Sho - Unseated - 2 points
#4 Byakurai - Unseated - 2 points
#11 Tsuzuri Raiden - Unseated - 2 points
#31 Shakkaho - Unseated - 2 points
#32 Okasen - Unseated - 2 points
#33 Sokatsui - Unseated - 2 points
#34 Kongobaku - Low Level Seated - 4 points
#40 Gaki Rekko - High Level Seated - 4 points
#54 Haien - Low Level Lieutenant - 5 points
#58 Tenran - Low Level Lieutenant - 5 points
#63 Raikoho - Mid Level Lieutenant - 5 points
#73 Soren Sokatsui - High Level Lieutenant - 5 points
#88 Hiryu Gekizoku Shinten Raiho - Mid Level Captain - 7 points
#90 Kurohitsugi - High Level Captain - 7 points
#91 Senju Koten Taiho - High Level Captain - 7 points
#92 Hyoga Seiran - High Level Captain - 7 points
#96 Itto Kaso - Senior/Legendary Level Captain/Forbidden - 8 points
Seals, Barriers, Uncategorised and Kaido
Goyogai - Mid Level Captain - 7 points
Sentan Hakuja - Mid Level Captain - 7 points
Noren Mekuri - Mid Level Captain - 7 points
Jikanteishi - Senior/Legendary Level Captain/Forbidden - 7 points
Kukanten'i - Senior/Legendary Level Captain/Forbidden - 7 points
Hozuri - Unseated - 2 points
Shitonegaeshi - Unseated - 2 points
Hozan Kenbu - Mid Level Seated - 3 points
Ryodan - High Level Seated - 3 points
Senmaioroshi - Mid Level Lieutenant - 4 points
Suikawari - High Level Lieutenant - 4 points
Agitowari - Low Level Captain - 6 points
Onibi - Mid Level Captain - 7 points
Hitotsume: Nadegiri - High Level Captain - 7 points
Tessho - Unseated - 2 points
Super Harisen Slipper - Unseated - 2 points
Tsukiyubi - Mid Level Seated - 3 points
Chohigezutsuki - Mid Level Seated - 3 points
Kazaguruma - Mid Level Seated - 3 points
Panchira Torunedo - High Level Seated - 3 points
Gatoringu Jidanda - High Level Seated - 3 points
Sandobaggu Bito - Mid Level Lieutenant - 4 points
Kagamibiraki - High Level Lieutenant - 4 points
Oni Dekopin - High Level Lieutenant - 4 points
Ikkotsu - Mid Level Captain - 6 points
Raioken - High Level Captain - 7 points
Sokotsu - High Level Captain - 7 points
Shunko (Hakuda/Kido Hybrid) - High Level Captain in Hakuda and at least Mid Lieutenant level in Kido - 7 points
Shunpo - Unseated - 2 points
Senka - Mid Level Captain - 7 points
Speed Clones - High Level Captain - 7 points
Utsusemi - High Level Captain - 7 points
Note: Whilst in Combat, Sparring or on a Mission you cannot purchase a Skill. Purchasing skills MUST be done when your character is on what we call "Downtime" as in not on a mission etc.
Key: Name of Skill - Power Level Class - Cost of Points to Purchase
#1 Sai - Unseated - 2 points
#4 Hainawa - Unseated - 2 points
#8 Seki - Unseated - 2 points
#9 Geki - Unseated - 2 points
#9 Horin - Unseated - 2 points
#11 Kyomon - Unseated - 2 points
#12 Fushibi - Unseated - 2 points
#20 Hakufuku - Low Level Seated - 4 points
#21 Sekienton - Low Level Seated - 4 points
#22 Inemuri - Low Level Seated - 4 points
#26 Kyokko - Low Level Seated - 4 points
#27 Tanma Otoshi - Mid Level Seated - 4 points
#28 Shibireyubi - Mid Level Seated - 4 points
#30 Shitotsu Sansen - Mid Level Seated - 4 points
#37 Tsuriboshi - High Level Seated - 4 points
#39 Enkosen - High Level Seated - 4 points
#58 Kakushitsuijaku - High Level Seated - 4 points
#61 Rikujokoro - Low Level Lieutenant - 5 points
#62 Hyapporankan - Low Level Lieutenant - 5 points
#63 Sajo Sabaku - Low Level Lieutenant - 5 points
#65 El Escudo - Mid Level Lieutenant - 5 points
#73 Tozansho -Mid Level Lieutenant - 5 points
#75 Gochutekkan - Mid Level Lieutenant - 5 points
#76 Hako Okuri - High Level Lieutenant - 5 points
#77 Tenteikura - High Level Lieutenant - 5 points
#78 Hakudan Keppeki - High Level Lieutenant - 5 points
#81 Danku - Low Level Captain - 7 points
#83 Standing Ovation - Low Level Captain Captain - 7 points
#84 Millon Escudo - Mid Level Captain - 7 points
#96 Kyujurokkei Kakafumetsu - Mid Level Captain/Forbidden - 7 Points
#97 Fusatsu Kakei - High Level Captain/Forbidden - 7 points
#98 Shiso Kekkai - High Level Captain - 7 points
#99 Pt.1 Kin - Senior/Legendary Level Captain - 7 points
#99 Pt.2 Bankin - Senior/Legendary Level Captain - 7 points
#1 Sho - Unseated - 2 points
#4 Byakurai - Unseated - 2 points
#11 Tsuzuri Raiden - Unseated - 2 points
#31 Shakkaho - Unseated - 2 points
#32 Okasen - Unseated - 2 points
#33 Sokatsui - Unseated - 2 points
#34 Kongobaku - Low Level Seated - 4 points
#40 Gaki Rekko - High Level Seated - 4 points
#54 Haien - Low Level Lieutenant - 5 points
#58 Tenran - Low Level Lieutenant - 5 points
#63 Raikoho - Mid Level Lieutenant - 5 points
#73 Soren Sokatsui - High Level Lieutenant - 5 points
#88 Hiryu Gekizoku Shinten Raiho - Mid Level Captain - 7 points
#90 Kurohitsugi - High Level Captain - 7 points
#91 Senju Koten Taiho - High Level Captain - 7 points
#92 Hyoga Seiran - High Level Captain - 7 points
#96 Itto Kaso - Senior/Legendary Level Captain/Forbidden - 8 points
Seals, Barriers, Uncategorised and Kaido
Goyogai - Mid Level Captain - 7 points
Sentan Hakuja - Mid Level Captain - 7 points
Noren Mekuri - Mid Level Captain - 7 points
Jikanteishi - Senior/Legendary Level Captain/Forbidden - 7 points
Kukanten'i - Senior/Legendary Level Captain/Forbidden - 7 points
Hozuri - Unseated - 2 points
Shitonegaeshi - Unseated - 2 points
Hozan Kenbu - Mid Level Seated - 3 points
Ryodan - High Level Seated - 3 points
Senmaioroshi - Mid Level Lieutenant - 4 points
Suikawari - High Level Lieutenant - 4 points
Agitowari - Low Level Captain - 6 points
Onibi - Mid Level Captain - 7 points
Hitotsume: Nadegiri - High Level Captain - 7 points
Tessho - Unseated - 2 points
Super Harisen Slipper - Unseated - 2 points
Tsukiyubi - Mid Level Seated - 3 points
Chohigezutsuki - Mid Level Seated - 3 points
Kazaguruma - Mid Level Seated - 3 points
Panchira Torunedo - High Level Seated - 3 points
Gatoringu Jidanda - High Level Seated - 3 points
Sandobaggu Bito - Mid Level Lieutenant - 4 points
Kagamibiraki - High Level Lieutenant - 4 points
Oni Dekopin - High Level Lieutenant - 4 points
Ikkotsu - Mid Level Captain - 6 points
Raioken - High Level Captain - 7 points
Sokotsu - High Level Captain - 7 points
Shunko (Hakuda/Kido Hybrid) - High Level Captain in Hakuda and at least Mid Lieutenant level in Kido - 7 points
Shunpo - Unseated - 2 points
Senka - Mid Level Captain - 7 points
Speed Clones - High Level Captain - 7 points
Utsusemi - High Level Captain - 7 points

(Picture or Description)
(Age works as such: 20 Soul years to one human year. So a 400 year old Soul would appear to be around the age of 20 years old)
Height: (optional)
Weight: (optional)
Hair Colour:
Eye Colour:
(For the novelty of it. Time moves at the same time as ours. So if it's December 20th it's the same for the RP.)
(If your character belongs to one. Canon clans must be first approved by the GM Kurisa)
(Likely Soul if Shinigami. To inquire about being a Vizard PM Kurisa)
(Shinigami is a job and your character also may have a job or not)
Rank: (Start off unseated)
Spiritual Energy Colour:
Power Level:
Personality: (Would like to be done but can be done later)
History: (Would like to be done but can be done later)
(Any relationships your character has with another and also friendships, rivalries and such. It's something as simple as: "Joe Blogs - Friend" or "Joe Blogs - Good Friend" Things like that. you may add detail if you wish)
(Can include unique clothing items and such)
Zanpakuto name:
Zanpakuto Shikai Release command: (optional)
Spirit Appearance:
(Should have a beast like appearance and a humanoid like appearance. The Zanpakuto spirit will likely stay in it's beast like appearance for a vast majority of the time however if fighting is to occur with your Zanpakuto spirit then it may use it's humanoid appearance)
Spirit Personality/Goals:
(Zanpakuto Spirits tend to have their own personality and also goals. The personality of your Zanpakuto and Goals of your Zanpakuto determine how quick the progress will be made. Please make these goals realistic and make it challenging for your character as that will likely make the experience more enjoyable.)
Inner world:
(This gives everyone else an idea of your inner world)
Sealed appearance: Either Katana or other traditional Japanese sword but can sometimes be something different...
Shikai appearance:
Bankai appearance:
Shikai skills:
(Start off with no Shikai or 4 to 5 Shikai skills)
Bankai skills:
6. (Ultimate Skill)
Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills:
(Note: The skills below are the ones learned in the Academy. You may pick and choose which ones you want from what is listed below already. You can have all the skills already given to you or perhaps challenge yourself a little and Handicap your character in some area's)
Hozuri (1)
Shitonegaeshi (1)
#1 Sai (1)
#4 Hainawa (1)
#8 Seki (1)
#9 Geki (1)
#9 Horin (1)
#11 Kyomon (1)
#12 Fushibi (1)
#1 Sho (1)
#4 Byakurai (1)
#11 Tsuzuri Raiden (1)
#31 Shakkaho (1)
#32 Okasen (1)
#33 Sokatsui (1)
Tessho (1)
Shunpo (1)
Total points gained:
Total Points Spent:
Mission log:
Points spent and skills gained:
(Picture or Description)
(Age works as such: 20 Soul years to one human year. So a 400 year old Soul would appear to be around the age of 20 years old)
Height: (optional)
Weight: (optional)
Hair Colour:
Eye Colour:
(For the novelty of it. Time moves at the same time as ours. So if it's December 20th it's the same for the RP.)
(If your character belongs to one. Canon clans must be first approved by the GM Kurisa)
(Likely Soul if Shinigami. To inquire about being a Vizard PM Kurisa)
(Shinigami is a job and your character also may have a job or not)
Rank: (Start off unseated)
Spiritual Energy Colour:
Power Level:
Personality: (Would like to be done but can be done later)
History: (Would like to be done but can be done later)
(Any relationships your character has with another and also friendships, rivalries and such. It's something as simple as: "Joe Blogs - Friend" or "Joe Blogs - Good Friend" Things like that. you may add detail if you wish)
(Can include unique clothing items and such)
Zanpakuto name:
Zanpakuto Shikai Release command: (optional)
Spirit Appearance:
(Should have a beast like appearance and a humanoid like appearance. The Zanpakuto spirit will likely stay in it's beast like appearance for a vast majority of the time however if fighting is to occur with your Zanpakuto spirit then it may use it's humanoid appearance)
Spirit Personality/Goals:
(Zanpakuto Spirits tend to have their own personality and also goals. The personality of your Zanpakuto and Goals of your Zanpakuto determine how quick the progress will be made. Please make these goals realistic and make it challenging for your character as that will likely make the experience more enjoyable.)
Inner world:
(This gives everyone else an idea of your inner world)
Sealed appearance: Either Katana or other traditional Japanese sword but can sometimes be something different...
Shikai appearance:
Bankai appearance:
Shikai skills:
(Start off with no Shikai or 4 to 5 Shikai skills)
Bankai skills:
6. (Ultimate Skill)
Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills:
(Note: The skills below are the ones learned in the Academy. You may pick and choose which ones you want from what is listed below already. You can have all the skills already given to you or perhaps challenge yourself a little and Handicap your character in some area's)
Hozuri (1)
Shitonegaeshi (1)
#1 Sai (1)
#4 Hainawa (1)
#8 Seki (1)
#9 Geki (1)
#9 Horin (1)
#11 Kyomon (1)
#12 Fushibi (1)
#1 Sho (1)
#4 Byakurai (1)
#11 Tsuzuri Raiden (1)
#31 Shakkaho (1)
#32 Okasen (1)
#33 Sokatsui (1)
Tessho (1)
Shunpo (1)
Total points gained:
Total Points Spent:
Mission log:
Points spent and skills gained:
Banners Created By: Kurisa
Title Banner Created By: AbigailTenshi
Title Banner Created By: AbigailTenshi