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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"To steal energy from other suits would fix the main problem. Though if memory serves the Astray gold Frame had a special set of "claws" to absorb energy Though I supposed changing a bit of either the sword or something on the suit to do the same would be feasible." Sakuya muttered as she gently picked up the GN Drive and looked at it carefully looking at all the possible angles. "To modify it so that its not only smaller but a stronger output as well is a interesting idea. Have you thought about Syncing a Dual reactor with this and perhaps the double raiser?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

As Sakuya spoke Alexis looked at the design on her screen. "Yes, actually, though I haven't acted on it. I kinda have this hang up about 'over powered builds', and by that I mean a build where the power of the Gunpla is so great even the most unskilled of fighter could win with it." Alexis getting up and getting her Exia as she spoke, and set it on the table.

"As a result, I haven't done even half the things I could do to my partner here. I like know it was a combination of my skill as a fighter and my Gunpla being tuned perfectly to capitalize on that skill that lead to victory, not just the ability of the Gunpla." She closed the image on her screen "I'd rather give up battling then be one of those fighters..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"I see the main reason behind the bardiche build is not for battles but rather a test to see how far I can push my limits. How far have I gotten since I first started." Sakuya stated she liked stealth unites yes but something like Bardiche was just not her style if she wanted a good stealth unit she just use a standard deathscythe. "I like pushing the boundaries of my builds seeing how far I can go I have a few models like that but bardiche is just plain pure power with stealth I really dont use much things like that. Its good but I prefer simplistic designs. I also understand where you coming from. I mainly suggested the double raiser since its a modified gn drive the double raiser should be able to push it to its max to see how far it can go. Beyond that there is one build I want more so than anything at the moment either a solid idea for a death scythe and or to finally finalize my Crossbone Exia idea." Sakuya stated with somewhat finality she may use the seravee but it was just a slightly modified one with no back gundam and instead got two longer gn cannons out of it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"I wouldn't call Bardiche 'over powered', strong yes, but it'd still take skill to win with. As for the Raiser unit" Alexis shrugged "I figured that was only for stabilizing and syncing GN Drives, and since I know how to do that on my own, with out the back pack, I never pursued it"

Alexis looked at the folder with the image scans of that one Gunpla, then to her Exia Pushing boundary's eh...

"I do like the sound of this Crossbones Exia though."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Well I do agree the Bardiche won't really be overpowered. though if you want to know about the Crossbone Exia I can show you the preliminary sketches I had for it. The main thing behind the Crossbone Exia is trying to include the "full cloth" into the build which up to know has been somewhat eluded me. Though I suppose letting you see it can help with bouncing ideas on how to best attach the full cloth. Though the main thing about this build is I want to focus on its inherit speed and a quick defense mechanism. Either through the I field or something similar to to the Seravee Gn fields." Sakuya said and she quickly brought up the rough design idea for the crossbone exia though she did notice that perhaps she might have found someone to make these ideas of hers a reality. Perhaps she could help with finalizing her main idea the GN Susanowo Hiten personally she liked the gundams but something about the Flag, Susanowo, and the brave always felt better with her. Heck she had a third model of a modified system for a GN Flag Graham custom it was her replacement for the Gerbera Tetra and if one bothered to move the Gerbera Tetra they would see it. "Beyond that I want to run by a few ideas one for a already completed project and a different one. They are based after the Flag and Susanowo respectfully" Sakuya quickly added her flag was underneath the Gerbera Tetra in a somewhat hidden compartment.
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