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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PhantomSekai


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

So, kind of dragging my heels on this with school and everything, so this is gonna be a very basic OOC for now. Once I get some time, I'll make it better for the advance section, but for now this is it.

To understand what the rp is about if you're interested in the title, here's a basic rundown. Supernatural creatures exist, but hide in towns they control called "outposts." Things from from vampires to werewolves, mages to demons, anything supernatural and living in the human world, probably have a home in the outpost. While there are threats, like monster hunters, generally the outposts are safe havens for supernatural creatures in the human world.

Anyways, this is an RP that's gonna be based heavily on character interactions to carry the rp, so strong characters are gonna be a necessity.

This isn't first come first serve, based on CS's handed in, I'll choose a number of people (6 including myself at most for the start) and thenw e'll start, but keep an eye out. As the rp goes on, we might need more people, so maybe you can join later on. Each player can have up to 2 characters at a time for now, and once again as we grow, we can add more. I'll keep a list of those that are accepted in this first post, so keep an eye out once I close application periods.

CS time
Gender: (So, for some species, genders vary widely. those that can change gender, those that are genderless, etc., basically whatever you want would be acceptable (so even unique ones like tranny are possible lol))
Age: (So probably a large range since we'll have a multitude of species, but try to make it so that your character is at least a young adult for their species)
Species: (So for most this is simple, but if you're a human species like mage, or warlock or something, just put down human/mage or w/e you are)
Appearance: (Text descriptions, or any style of picture (with good quality, no ms paint shit please) will be accepted. If your character has a transformation, please label which description/picture belongs to their human or monster forms)
Abilities: (self explanatory)
Weaknesses: (Simple stuff here, vampires hate sunlight and silver, etc.)
Personality: (Give us a few sentences to a paragraph here)
Background: (This is mainly to tell us how you came into Outpost #17 and such)
Job: (You can't live in the outpost for free if you're over "18" so of course you need to have a job)

Sorry for this being so short, it's just that there's not much that I feel needs to be addressed in an OOC like this. Setup characters, then get started since this rp is gonna be based primarily on characters interacting lol
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RedRising


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Yay! been waiting for this. <3

Name: Tamsin (Tammy)
Gender: Female
Age: 29
Species: Human/witch
Abilities: A golem witch, able to make golems of all shapes, sizes, and materials for different tasks. Most are short term quick help golems, her only current long-term golem is one named Blight. She has minor abilities in some voodoo like arts as well; just in case she ever needs a certain curse on a certain someone. Slightly longer then average lifespan. That's about it.
Weaknesses: Physically weak; relies on golems such as Blight for protection. Catch her without a golem, you basically have caught her dead....only problem is that she is rarely without one specifically for that reasoning. No quick-work spells, can't just launch a fireball at you. Only thing that works quick are her voodoo spells, which take time to prepare and aren't the strongest compared to other magic users who specialize in it.
Personality: Distant, reserved, snarky, manipulative. Doesn't get too emotionally attached to people easily. Uses her abilities and charm to create beneficial deals; gaining profit from them. However sometimes higher risk deals don't always end with all the involved parties happy (normally the one she targets) and thus Tamsin is often forced to move frequently to avoid unwanted attention. People she has assisted call her professional and efficient. People that have suffered because of her call her a monster and other words that probably shouldn't be repeated.

Background: A former deal that involved two warring werewolf clans forced her on the move again. Basically the two alphas were fighting over land and politics and other things she wasn't interested in at the time, and one furry beast finally had it and told her to get rid of the other leader guy. She did; and some wolves were happy and paid her, other's weren't as happy and wanted to eat her. She left.
Farther back she left 'home' around 16, and who knows a family member might try catching up with her later if we ever need a person thing to mess up people's lives further in the RP.
Job: Just arrived at outpost #17 hoping to find work; so not sure if this really applies yet.
EDIT- Appearance: Tamsin is only 5 feet, 2 inches, but she looks taller by wearing thick-soled worker's boots (they also survive anything as a bonus). Stereotypical 'magic green eyes' and medium length brown hair with shorter layers and edgy bangs. A bit on the pale side. Wears pants (sometimes secretly wears leggings underneath them when it's cold outside) and any of the few grey and black shirts she carries with her.

Name: Blight
Gender: Technically his form is genderless (some golems are created with gender in mind though) but he identifies as male.
Age: 10 years old (since he was created)
Species: Golem
Abilities: Some golems are designed with specific abilities for different tasks, but since he's basically Tamsin's bodyguard/muscle, he was designed for strength, speed, and durability. Able to communicate and think on his own.
Weaknesses: can't be 'killed' as in a bullet to the head won't end him, but can be 'destroyed' as in damaging the being as a whole or beyond functioning levels.
Personality: Acts like a silent stoic watchdog during first encounters; but upon interacting with Tamsin and Blight more he shows himself to have the intelligence that Tamsin designed him with. Communicating with him reveals a slightly paranoid, highly protective golem with a heavy interest in anything amusing- though 'amusing' is a wide category for him. Funny people, weird jokes, taunting and teasing people, taunting and teasing people before killing them- all have a certain amusement level in Blight's mind. With his main focus being on Tamsin, he has never really had 'friends' besides her - though one small golem she had created a while ago for the purpose of writing mail (when she still did that) had been on good terms with him.
Background: He just followed Tamsin's will in the decision to come to outpost #17. His past has basically been the same as Tamsins' since ten years ago.
Job: looking for one with Tamsin - rather he is one of the goods Tamsin offers the services of.
EDIT- appearance: All golems look unique according to their creator and purpose. Blight in particular is tall and thin; 6"8' tall, the widest part which sticks out being his 'rib cage'. At first he appears to be a silhouette, but upon closer inspection he is rather made of some deep black material, like tar or oil that had been solidified in place. He may stand like a normal human, crouch down, or as he frequently does shift the 'joints' in his legs so that he crawls and runs like an animal on all fours. His 'head' lacks normal features like hair and the shape of a nose; making the shape almost skull like. The slit of his mouth is disproportionally wide, but he normally only speaks by opening and moving the center of it to look more normal. His eyes (which may or not be real eyes, it's hard to tell) are completely white, no pupil to be seen. He sometimes sticks out a long red tongue like he's some odd mix between snake and dog.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PhantomSekai


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

WOW I'm fucking stupid. One sec, editing the CS to have APPEARANCE (I'm so good at this guys, definitely not rusty at all)

EDIT: There we go -_-
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by wonderlandalli


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CS coming...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PhantomSekai


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Also, one other thing. Outpost #17 is going to be somewhere in the northeastern part of the US in a secluded wooded area
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by wonderlandalli


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Name: Sloan "Omen" Malcolm
Gender: Female
Age: 28
Species: Human, natural pyromancer and ghost bait
Hair: Very dark brown, almost black.
Eyes: Green


Omen favors the rockabilly pin-up look, and spends a fair amount of time dedicated to her appearance each morning. She also has full sleeves on her arms featuring phoenixes and fiery waves. Her ears are pierced twice in each lobe, and topped with an industrial piercing each. Her favorite earring combo consists of lock studs, bow studs, and industrial skeleton keys.


Omen is a pyromancer, through natural abilities more akin to a sorcerer than a witch, though she is often labeled with witch by those that don't understand what is happening. Omen can summon fire at will in her hands, the simplest trick she developed around puberty. In addition, she can control existing fire, spreading it around as she pleases. In summoning larger, more hardcore fires, the larger the attempt the worse the repercussions for herself. Casual little balls of flame, no problem. Orbs the size of her body and launching them at enemies leaves her a bit light headed and she is prone to fainting after very very large or repeated attempts. She can form a fire barrier around herself. Because of her lineage and the higher energy frequency that generates the fire, Omen often finds herself followed by spirits. Most of the time, they're just curious onlookers. Other times, they seek to feed on her life force. She can see them when she tries. Her aura is like a bonfire to spirits. Sometimes sentient spirits are able to communicate with her directly, but she doesn't like this very much at all.


She can't always see the attacking spirits coming and often is taken by surprise, as she has to be trying to see them to spot anything. She weakens as she continually uses her fire, and can push herself so hard she faints at times if she's working with very very large flame or just does it far too many times.


Omen is pretty outgoing most of the time, at least at work. She's comfortable around other supes, as they "get it." She's less comfortable around run of the mill humans who, in her experience, fear what they don't understand. She'd just rather not deal with them, period.


She's originally from a small town outside Edinburgh (Bilston), and went to Canada to escape being too well known as a "Cailleach". She lived in Halifax for a few years and then immigrated to the US after hearing of Outpost #17, wanting to be among more of her "own kind." She has a noticeable Scottish accent that tips off anyone that she's "not from around these parts."


Omen has a couple of ways to get her money in. First, she runs a clothing shop (which caters to her fashion preferences, punk and pin-up) called Black Velvet.

Second, in the back of said shop, she rents out to an arms dealer. This is accessible through a false panel in the wall in a changing room marked Employees Only as if it went to a break room. She has two employees in Black Velvet who attend the retail customers, and if someone wants to get access to the arms dealer they should approach the retail workers and tell them "I'm all shook up."

Third, she runs a website, The Full Moon, which is a conspiracy theory / supernatural believers website designed to throw mundane humans off the trail while making them believe they found legit info, purposefully posting misleading information and muddying up the whereabouts of supes that have been reported as spotted. This site gives her some money through the advertising as it gets hits from all the crazies out there. She has a couple other moderators that help her, all supes, and word is passed word of mouth among supes; they all know how to reach her to have things dissipated if they drew more attention than they were comfortable with.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by flightless-angel-castiel
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flightless-angel-castiel learning to fly again.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'll work on my characters tonight. I actually have it down in my head, I just gotta type it out. Which seems like a feat right now.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kostvel


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Working on it, I'll have it up tonight.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by flightless-angel-castiel
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flightless-angel-castiel learning to fly again.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Whoo, finally finished. I decided to just do one for now; I actually took the concept of a werewolf and twisted it a bit, to make it easier for me to play, if that's all right. If not, I'll change whatever. And I wasn't exactly sure of the stores in the outpost. I'm assuming it's like any other town and so I just chose a obvious job for her.
Name: Charlie Jacobs.

Gender: Female.

Age: In looks; mid 20s. Actual; 95.

Species: Werewolf.

Appearance: Werewolves have three different forms; their human form. The form in mid-shift. And their wolf form. Charlie's human form is an average-looking woman; the only thing that stands out on her is the fact she has mini fangs; though, even some humans have those. If you know what she is, though, it makes it a bit more obvious. With fiery red, curly hair that twists down to her middle back and big, green eyes that look hazel in the sunlight, she can be called quite the beauty. Standing at a taller height, 5'10, with a toned, fit body. Her skin complexion is a golden tan, spending a lot of time in the sun and outdoors.

She wears what she finds comfortable and what mood she's in. Sometimes, it'll be dark leggings and a baggy t-shirt. Other times, it'll be a sundress with flats. Often, it'll be a t-shirt and regular jeans with boots. She even wears long skirts and tank tops and goes around barefoot. Sometimes, she'll wear jewelry but it isn't that often. Same goes with make-up. If she's in the mood for it, she'll put it on. But most of the time, she can be found in her natural state.

Mid-shift isn't pretty. It's where the claws and fangs come out, even a shift in the eyes. Mid-shift is easily attainable for werewolves with enough control. Mid-shift takes a lot of patience and will power to keep. It's the place in between human and monster. All mid-shifts are the same; the teeth shift and grow, becoming long, pointed daggers and fangs that barely fit in the human mouth, forcing the person to keep their mouth opened. Fingernails turn sharp, growing into frighteningly long claws that are thick and tough to break off.

Eyes shift, staying the color they are in their human form, but becoming brighter, almost glowing. Their eyes become rounder, more so looking like a wolf's, and gets a glint in them that is certainly not human.

Wolf forms vary among werewolves. Wolf form typically is the color of the human form's hair. Sometimes, even the texture comes into play. Being a werewolf, Charlie's wolf form is slightly bigger than that of a regular wolf. The transformation can be painful, for newer wolves, but over time, it gets easier to deal with. Bones shift and fur bursts from skin, face becoming elongated and pointed to look like a wolf's. Charlie's wolf form is slightly bigger than a regular, healthy male wolf; her fur is longer, the same shining red as her human form's hair if not a bit darker, and there's a wave in her fur that shows her human form's hair isn't all that straight. Her tail is the same; fluffy and red with curling tips. Her eyes are the same piercing green, replaced instead of human life by the glint of a wolf.


Transformation into a wolf; werewolves aren't like the folklore; having the ability to change into a wolf at any time, it depends on the werewolf if they are in control of themselves when they are the wolf or if they become angry and shift without being able to stop; true to the myths, on full moons, all werewolves lose complete control of themselves and tend to go more crazy than usual.

Heightened senses; smell, sight, hearing and even touch is far better than any humans.

Healing; if not from silver, healing is almost a snap for most werewolves. It can be painful, if a broken bone is setting back in place, but it doesn't take no more than a few hours time for a real serious injury to heal.

Agility; jumping, running, climbing and reacting comes a lot easier and faster to werewolves; they also do not tire easily from any of this.

Strength; werewolves are much stronger than the average human, being able to easily lift a car with little effort.

Infecting others; werewolves have the ability to infect humans with the curse upon them but only while mid-transformation or in full wolf form; a simple scratch or bite could be the end of normal life for a human, if neither are fatal.

Appearance; having elongated and sharp fangs/claws that come on before turning into a wolf can come quite in handy.


Silver; any type of silver. Bullets, knives, silver-tipped arrows. They all can burn, weaken and even kill a werewolf.

Dismemberment; can't do much without a head.

Aconitum or commonly referred to as wolfsbane; flowers containing this deadly toxin can not only kill humans but can easily take down a werewolf. It's been told that just rubbing it into their skin will just as easily kill them as consuming it will. Even the smell of it can make them sick, even leading to hallucinations, and lead to possible death.

Lunar eclipse; werewolves are rendered completely powerless during this time, basically becoming human.

Drawbacks to healing; broken bones heal easy enough but breaking of the spine or neck isn't so easy; it won't kill the werewolf but it will severely damage them, giving them troubles transforming or even just walking around; it is possible for bones to heal incorrectly and just cause more problems.

Full moons; naturally, this affects all werewolves; losing complete control over themselves and being forced into their wolf form, with a stronger thirst for blood and death; almost all werewolves are prepared for this time and take the correct precautions beforehand.

Personality: Charlie is an interesting girl. If it wasn't her appearance that caught someone's attention, it's her personality. She is always interested in all the new things coming out; books, movies, TV shows, what have you. She is a very curious person, having a tendency to ask questions and learn whatever she can. She craves knowledge and is quite smart but she always wants to learn something new. She can read people pretty well or she likes to think she can. She tends to react to people how they react to her. She will spark up a conversation but if the person doesn't want to speak or isn't reacting to her well, she'll leave them be. She likes to spew random facts a lot, just to try and start a conversation with someone. She talks to herself often, sometimes gets lost in her own world and mumbles on and on with herself, usually when she's reading or doing some type of work.

She listens to people well and tries to be understanding and supportive, unless it's something she doesn't agree with. Being a older werewolf, she has good control since she's older but she still has a short temper. She tries to hide her anger but sometimes, it's hard. She is easily frustrated but one thing she has the patience for is learning, problem-solving and working, figuring out a problem and finding a solution, reading a book or looking up new things. She voices her opinion but tries to keep it respectable, not wanting to offend anyone. She's very open and doesn't embarrass or get flustered easily. She isn't much for flirting or finding a romantic interest but she does know when to show interest in a person, if she likes them enough (woman or man, trans* and alike, she's open-minded). She can talk a lot, if the person she's with enjoys it and it's about something she likes, but she much prefers kicking her feet up and reading a good book.

Background: Charlie has had an interesting life, by far, but when she was a younger werewolf, she found it hard to control herself around humans. Her anger and control was much shorter back then. She was only 75 in werewolf years when she came to Outpost #17. Being a supernatural being, she had heard of all the outposts. She had never really stayed in one place for long, even stayed in a couple of other outposts before, and when she had decided to settle down with her own kind, she was closest to this specific one and chose it as home.

Job: Charlie has been around for quite a while in Outpost #17 but she doesn't announce her presence or do a job that's talked about all over the town. She prefers her name not fluttering around the town's topics. When she first came to the outpost, she did odd jobs here and there. Over the years traveling as a werewolf and soaking in knowledge, she took up a nice set of random skills. After a few years of bouncing around, she finally settled down in the local bookstore. Of course that was an obvious choice for her; the allure of books was just too much for her and once the spot for a stocker opened up, she jumped on it. Now she works in the bookstore, a tiny thing with books mainly on lore and myths, and a few magazines. She usually stocks the books and makes sure everything's in tip top shape and sometimes, she mans the register. She actually knows the owner so well, she has an extra key to the place and will open and close, spending all day there at times. You could call her a manager.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PhantomSekai


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I'll look over CS's in the next few days
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kostvel


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Name: Navar Laughren
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Species: Werewolf/Mage

Appearance: Navar stands at an average 5'9", with a midsize but well defined body, although this isn't always apparent because of his lazy stance. He keeps his dark brown hair fairly short, although the rough and jagged look of it demonstrates that he doesn't really care either for barbers or looks all that much. His eyes are a rather sandy colour, not quite yellow, but neither are they a definite brown. He can often be seen with a few days of dark stubble framing his jaw. Most would say that if he cleaned himself up and took pride in his appearance, he could be quite handsome. On the left side of his chest stretching down to his upper left leg, a silvery grey crystalline pattern adorns a large part of his skin. Bordering the whole pattern his skin is a reddish colour, as if slightly inflamed from a rash.

Clothing not really a priority for Navar, he commonly wears some generic faded jeans and old t shirts. He also tends to wear a set of coveralls tied around the waist, and a fairly long grey jacket on which the cuffs are turned up. The jacket bears signs of old embroidery which seems to mark out runic patterns, but most of the thread has either faded or fallen out.

As a wolf, his fur is a general dark grey colour, with brown highlights around his paws, ears, and along the top of his tail. On his back lays a marking in darker gray fur in the general shape of a diamond. Both the tips of his ears and the end of his tail also bear the same dark grey. His tail is also bears a distinctive kink along it halfway, as if it was previously broken and set badly. His eyes also change to a darker colour, reflecting back as a dark gold rather than his regular sandy yellow.

Abilities: In general he has most of the abilities of a werewolf, with a few exceptions. He still has abilities such as the magnified senses, endurance, and the ability to infect others into werewolves. He also bears the ability to mold and enchant things with a magic using specialized glyphs. This is usually used in the form of enchanting a piece of clothing or item for durability, and applying special effects to things such as bullets and blades such as frost or lightning. He can also repair or re-craft broken items with sufficient time and material.

Weaknesses: He lacks the strength and healing of regular werewolves. This generally means that he is only slightly stronger than the average human male, and his rate of recovery is similar. He mostly benefits from the healing in the fact that general poisons and venom’s don't work, and that he doesn't catch any diseases. Also, do to a particular incident, he is much more sensitive to silver than the average werewolf, and a single touch of silver is near debilitating. His magic takes a fair amount of time and materials, so is not suited for any sort of snap use. Some of the enchantments also require rare or obscure materials.

Personality: Navar has a rather submissive personality, although this isn't readily apparent at times, as he tends to be a guarded and closed person at first due to past experiences in his life. Once you get past his shell and get to know him, he can be a very warm person, and eager to lend a land. He has a very logical mind, and can be rather stubborn on pursuing something till he either works it out or gets an answer. He is rather intelligent, but this is tempered by his general laziness. Even so he will perform excellent work without cutting corners, and can be depended on once he agrees to a task.

Background: Navar grew up enjoying a fairly average childhood in a small town in a northwestern state, raised only by his mother as his father had passed away when he was a very young age. When he was twelve, his mother succumbed to a deadly bout of cancer, leaving him with no family, as he had neither uncles nor aunts. He was passed around through a few foster homes for a year or two, until he was adopted by a rather elderly man, and from that point everything changed. He was taught as an apprentice in how to be not only a mechanic, but a blacksmith as well. He rather enjoyed both, and took tot he two trades readily.

Much later, after his nineteen birthday and passing his official trades certification as a mechanic, his adoptive father begun teaching him in an entirely new subject, magic. He began to learn how to use glyphs to strengthen steel, fix objects ranging from a broken cup, to a complex watch. Every day he learned new glyphs and ways to use them, under the tutelage of his adoptive father. Even though he absorbed so much everyday, he knew that there was an unfathomable amount to still learn and discover.
After just past two years of working hard and studying, a new development in his life happened. While he and his foster father lived fairly remote in a small rural house, it wasn't completely insulated from the rest of the world. A bad deal between his adoptive father and an alpha from a werewolf pack from the neighboring state finally reaped its repercussions. A vicious attack on the household left Navar's adoptive father dead, and he himself infected with lycanthropy.

Driven away from the house by the tragedy, he began wandering afar. He was never really in full control of himself, as instead of dealing with it he was driven to find a way to cure at what he believed to be a curse. He hitchhiking his way through towns and city's never really settling down for any period of time as he either searched for materials and knowledge for a cure, or lost control and had to flee for other reasons. Eventually he gathered enough knowledge and materials to attempt the spell which he believed would reverse his condition.

Holed up in a abandoned outbuilding in a forest, he spent two days writing glyphs and preparing the spell. Finally done, he knelt cautiously over a crucible containing pure silver, which bubbled as it heated over a small burner. He was weak and sick from the prolonged exposure to silver in the air, but he felt that it was a minor price to pay for what he believed would be the cure. With a sweep of his hand, he sketched the last glyph to the spell over the crucible. Suddenly all the runes painstakingly written in various patterns about the room glowed, and Navar felt himself get warm as the magic started to take hold of his body. Within a split second flash the glyphs suddenly lost colour and he found himself falling to the floor as he blacked out.

Awaking an indeterminate time later to a fiery pain on his left side, he agonizingly sat up until he could see a large silver crystalline pattern on his left side, surrounded by the angry weal of his flesh. Whatever had happened, the spell had not reversed his condition, but made it worse by somehow grafting silver into his body yet keeping him alive.
Many years later, still wandering but now having lost the drive for a cure, Navar had accepted the condition he had put himself in. The silver permanently grafted to his body he found had almost negated all his werewolf strength and to his dismay his healing, and often forced him to switch forms with no logical timing or prompts. He begun to make his way to outpost 17, where he had heard that others like him would have the freedom of not being persecuted. He hoped it was also where he might be able to finally get true control of himself and deal with his particular special condition in peace.

Job: Navar works as a mechanic and mostly, repairing things usually through the regular mundane ways. Alongside that he applies his talent as a smith to make small things for people or more rarely decorative ironwork in his small shop. To supplement that income to those he knows a little better he supplies enchantments and his special magical repair abilities which with the right materials and appropriate time could fix a fair amount fo things otherwise unrepairable.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kostvel


Member Offline since relaunch

Sorry for the length, came out long than I thought it would be.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PhantomSekai


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

So before I post my CS, just want to say that after a quick skim of the CS's (mainly just abilities) everything looks fine. I'll get into further details about what edits to make for everyone at a later time.

Name: Vaan Feral

Gender: Male

Age: 60

Species: Human sage

Appearance: Vaan is a very old man, and his face shows this. Though he stands at a staggering 6'5", and has a slightly muscled body to accompany his tall stature, his face is old and wrinkled, and his hair is a pure white color. He keeps his hair fairly short, and tends to dress up very professionally, as he has to keep up the appearance of being the town's mayor.

Abilities: Vaan is a sage. Being a sage, he draws upon the energy of chi, both within himself, and within the living things that surround him as well. He transmutes this energy into astounding physical feats. He can move as fast as a cheetah, throws punches that would match a rhino's charge, and jump as high as a small bird could fly, and this is using solely the chi from within himself. As he pulls more chi from more surrounding beings, his strength multiplies to the point where he could break through buildings with a flick of his fingers.

Weaknesses: He's still human, so if caught off guard and attacked while he isn't using chi, he can be killed like any regular human, or if he's overpowered in a fight he could be killed just as easily. He's also dealing with the limits that come with old age. He has arthritis, so it hurts to fight for long periods of time (anything longer than a minute hurts him at this point). He also has to deal with the risk of damaging his body beyond repair, as even with his chi technique, some injuries could be permanent.

Personality: He has a strong sense of justice about him, and he cares for the inhabitants of the town deeply. His goal as mayor is to keep the town safe for as long as physically possible for him, as his years left on this world are quickly running out for him.

Background: The outpost system is a fairly new system that has only come about in the last 40 years. Vaan was a young sage's apprentice at the time of this outpost's creation, and he has been working in it for the majority of his life. From building all of the structures in the town, to working on the political aspects of it, he's had a hand in this town for it's entire history. He took over as Mayor at the age of 30 after his master had died. There was a raid from the "hunters" as they were dubbed by the supernaturals, an organization from the dark ages created for the purpose of eradicating all supernatural beings. Long story short, there was a big fight that left Feral in charge of everything as the town's mayor, per his master's dying wish and his own desire to see the town he nurtured grow into a haven for all supernatural creatures.

Job: He's the town mayor. He runs the town in name only, leaving the running of the town to his subordinates. Infact he is truly the guardian of this town, ready to fight off any would be invaders at a moment's notice, even at the cost of his own life.

(this isn't my main character, just a character I'm using so we have a "boss/leader" type to handle stuff for now)

Name: Cyr Feral

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Species: Human/Possessed


Abilities: So when we think of someone being possessed, we think of something like the exorcist right? Well this is wrong in this scenario. Cyr is indeed possessed by a spirit, but not a demon. This spirit is a spirit of light that made a deal with Cyr. In exchange for Cyr being able to call on the spirits power, the spirit lives in Cyr's body. This allows the spirit to experience things without having to completely possess someone. He can taste, feel, and such, but instead of completely controlling Cyr, he is instead merely a presence within him, although the spirit does chip in his opinions every so often. The reason for this is the spirit is a kind one, and complete possession requires a lot more energy instead of merely inhabiting a body. The spirit made the deal cause he wanted to experience the values of earthly pleasures.

So, now his actual abilities. having the control of "light," Cyr can do two major things:

1. Laser: He can focus the light into blasts of laser, or even steady beams that he can wield like lightsabers (ps, he has referred to himself as a jedi several times).
2. He can manipulate what people see to en extent. Since everything we see is light being reflected, he can of course manipulate light and change what we see. However, he can only change certain things. Usually, the extent of this ability is him manipulating the brightness of lights to either blind people, or make them lose track of him in dark spaces.

So as of now, Cyr has the control of a light spirit within his body, but this falls into the field of being a "medium" allowing him to channel the power of spirits. This could mean he could control other spirits for short amounts of time since he has a full time spirit living in him that he has to manage as well.

Weaknesses: So, he himself is still human, and what can kill a human can kill him as well. His abilities really just make it harder to kill him.

Personality: Cyr, as opposed to his serious uncle, is instead a calm and relax individual. He takes things lightly a majority of the time, and tends to think of rational ways to deal with situations when he can, since it's easier for him to avoid fights. He is however, not submissive and will take on a serious, aggressive attitude when he realizes that a calm and nice demeanor is not the option that will end the conflict. Just as his uncle does, he values the lives of all the people that live in the outpost, and is willing to do has to be done to protect them.

Background: Cyr was born in outpost 17 around a decade after the raid had occurred, and was raised with the intention of being ready to fight if the hunters were to ever attack. One day, they were attacked again, but by a much smaller force of regular humans that had found out what they were. While there wasn't much damage, his father was killed in the fight, and Cyr was only 10 when this happened. His mother later decided to leave the outpost after what happened when Cyr was 16, but instead of going with her to travel the world, he decided to stay back and live in the Outpost, and his mother respected his decision and left him there.

After that, his uncle raised him and tried to teach him to become a sage, but Cyr knew he wanted to find his own way. He Vastiel, a spirit of light, who had longed to become a physical entity in the world. with some coercion, Cyr managed to convince Vastiel to "possess" in return for letting Cyr use the powers of light. After this, Cyr decided to become the bar tender for the town at the age of 18, and has been working as a bartender for the past 3 years since then.

Job: As I said in his background, Cyr is the bartender at the town's local bar.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PhantomSekai


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

So anyone have anything we want to discuss before we get started?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kostvel


Member Offline since relaunch

I'm good, nothing that I have questions about for the moment.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by wonderlandalli


Member Offline since relaunch

The Outposts, are they towns of JUST supes or are there humans living there and its just much more heavily populated by supes than other normal cities would be?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PhantomSekai


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The towns are supes and humans that know of the supes' existence. no one that doesn't know or is involved doesn't live there. They can go there, but only Supes LIVE there
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by wonderlandalli


Member Offline since relaunch


Black Velvet hiring part-timers. Experience a bonus, eccentricity a must. Inquire to one Sloan Malcom, proprietor. Must be able to lift up to 50lbs and capable of long periods of time on one's feet."
One might find this on the community billboard when reaching the town, printed in the local, or posted on the front door of Black Velvet. "Eccentricity" is of course a quiet request for Supes.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kostvel


Member Offline since relaunch

Are we starting up soon?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PhantomSekai


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sorry guys, but real life stuff has been disrupting my ability to rp so I'm not gonna be able to run this rp, I'm really sorry guy.
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