Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucifer Lover

Lucifer Lover

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Vei'Kias , The half elf and half human female that walked through the world happily with her friend Arlin and smiles as they walked and she found them a spot near an old oak tree to sit and relax and have some nice chiken that Vei's mother raised and killed since it raised no eggs. She smiles as she took it out of their sack and allowed her friend to half half the breast and placed it on a roll and made a small sanwhich and eyes closed relaxing as she hummmed a small tune. As she finished she hears something a sound of something.....whinnying a horse or foal ? She got up slowly and looked at her friend "come on something is in trouble" said in worry and walked down the path a little and came to a bush and saw a young white foal was stuck in a hunters trap and a dragon was nuzzled beside the foal.

"My Gods, Arlin we need to help these two. the foal is hurt" She exclaimed in fear as she looked at the dragon and croched low and smiles gently.

"Hey there big guy, look we will help your friend get out of the trap alright ?"

Jesi'nes - the foal of a unicorn had befriended the loner dragon that was named Corin. She was like his protector and mother figure even though she was young as well. She had found him a year ago as she was lost in the forest and found him lost as well. The small foal took the dragon and lead it to a place where it could find, fish, berries, small rodents to eat the foal was a natrual instinct to protect and ;love all those around her.

Resently though as they where walking something had caught the foals leg and whinnying in panic the trap snapped shut on her hoove and wouldn't let her go. no one could tell she was a unicorn she had not yet developted magic so she couldn't use a horn yet. She whinnies in panic and in pain and tries to open the trap but laid down and nuzzled her friend sadly thinking they very well could die out here. The foal then hears footsteps and head shot up and saw two girls, in panic it struggled to get up and nudged her friend to get behind her as she would fight these ....strangers off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WhenBooksFly101
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WhenBooksFly101 Lover of all things awesome!

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Corin whimpered, tail wrapped around one of his friend's legs as the two legged creatures approached. When they spoke he made small hissing sounds as if threatening them, but being the youngling that he was he could not sound very intimidating.
Too young to fly or breath fire, he hid behind the trapped foal and peeked at the strangers from between her four legs; golden eyes wide with worry. One of the things spoke to him.

Somehow he knew she was female and could hear the kindness in her voice. Something in it made him relax.......

Arlin stood next to her friend Vei, the cries of pain from the foal making her kneel down at eye level with the two. Slowly she reached out a hand, keeping it a little ways from the foal as a gesture; to tell her it was alright.
Eyes fixed with hers, Arlin whispered, "Poor thing......It's alright."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucifer Lover

Lucifer Lover

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Vie smiles gently "shh its alright its alright we will take care of you till your friend gets better alright?" She asked smiling looking at the small dragon and the long legged foal and was a bit confused why a foal would be out here and let a lone with a dragon. She looked at the trap and smiles gently and started to open it and hears a snapping sound as the trap snapped open and the foal was free to go yet the wounded foal would need treatment for the leg.

"Arlin you can take the foal you own a barn. My father owns a store for food so i can raise the dragon till the foal is all better" she said to her friend smiling gently.

The foal still stood defensive of her friend and sighed with releif when the trap opened and released her from it. her leg was still bleeding and hurting and she bent her nose down and allowed Corin to climb up onto her back and stay there ears flat slightly cinfused.

Who are these ....things Corin ? The Unicorn asked telepathically to the baby dragon she loved like a brother
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WhenBooksFly101
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WhenBooksFly101 Lover of all things awesome!

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Corin stared up at the darker haired creature and snorted, nuzzling his snout what little mane his friend had. I don't know.......
His wings fluttered for a moment, then he purred, They sound nice.

Arlin watched the two little ones with a small smile on her lips, nodding to Vei, "If we can keep the two apart; I'd be glad to take the foal."
She added after a moment of thought, "It is odd though.....I've never seen a dragon grow so close to a horse before......It's adorable...."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucifer Lover

Lucifer Lover

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Vei nodded smiling gently "yes true that is odd, well i guess we should get them back you should pick up the foal walking will hurt its leg only more and more" said softly worried about the white small foal. She smiles at the dragon and chuckled "don't worry we will care for both of you till your better" she said smiling as she picked the dragon up gently so her friend didn't have to carry both of them.

The foal snorted in alarm when her friend was picked up by one of these....creatures. the foal whinnies and stomped its hoof angrily as if ready to charge but felt its very light body being picked up and whinnies gently in protest and squrimed. But eventually it gave up and allowed itself to get picked up and carried.

You said that about the snake last time and remember that ? The foal asked her friend gently
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WhenBooksFly101
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WhenBooksFly101 Lover of all things awesome!

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Arlin wrapped her arms around the foal and spoke gently as it tried to squirm, "It's okay."
She made sure to walk next to Vei so that both the dragon and the foal could see each other. Gently stroking the little white fur she smiled, mind half wondering what had happened to the young ones' parents, and half contemplating the medicines and remedies she could use on the foal's wound.

Corin didn't struggle much; tail curling around one of the two legged's arms and neck draping over the other. He looked at Jesi'nes and grunted, How was I supposed to know the snake wanted to eat me?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucifer Lover

Lucifer Lover

Member Seen 5 mos ago

The foal snorted and rolled its eyes It hissed and striked out at you. you should have known said in distress eyes narrowed gently. Looking around as they came toward a small village the small unicorn snorted and eyes stayed alert and looked at all the people that seemed a bit surprised to see them and eyes narrowed slightly ears back.

Vei smiles and pets the small dragon as they came into the small village where they lived "well, here we are you guys this will be home till you two get better" smiles gently as she looked around and spotted her father selling fruits and meats
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WhenBooksFly101
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WhenBooksFly101 Lover of all things awesome!

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Corin laughed playfully, squawking at the foal, I was thinking in play at the moment!
At the touch of the two legged holding him he purred and arched his back into her pats. Flipping onto his belly he looked up at her and giggled to his foal friend, They're kind of funny looking, but I like them!

Arlin had been watching the silent exchange of words between the two young ones, chuckling when the dragon made a loud chirp or squawk. She was amazed by the friendship that was clearly shared between them.
She followed Vei and continued to stroke the foal's silky smooth fluff; gently as to not startle the tiny thing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucifer Lover

Lucifer Lover

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Vie smiles and lead them to the barn and smiles putting the dragon down on the hay gently and looked at her friend "so now do we get them apart it seems like they fidn each other their bond is almost impossible to stop" said playfully smiling and looked at the baby dragona nd small foal.

the small foal snorted playfully and laid down in the hay and nudged her friend and looked at the sttangers slightly uneasy still but she could tell they meant her an her friend no harm. She snorted and whinnies gently The snake was hissing and spitting at you and you thought it was playing ? you silly
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WhenBooksFly101
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WhenBooksFly101 Lover of all things awesome!

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Arlin watched the two and nodded, "If we can I'd like to wait as long as possible before we split them up; as long as the little dragon doesn't burn the barn down."
She knew he was too young to do so at the moment, but children grew, and as they grew they could very well grow more mischevious.

Corin burrowed into the hay and snorted, I was bored and he seemed like the perfect playmate.....he had scales like mine after all.
Flapping his wings he poked his head out and looked up at the foal, then felt his stomach give a small protest of hunger.

Wining slightly he walked out and sniffed the air, I'm hungry.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucifer Lover

Lucifer Lover

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Vie smiles gently looking at them slightly and saw thr dragon walk out and smiles gently and thinks "I think the little guy hungry. i guess i'll go to my dads and gt some things and come back woth some things" said smiling and ran out as she finds the stuff she needed and brings back some meat, berries, fruits and veggies o see what the dragon would like.

Th foal snorted and streached and laid down in the hay tiredly eyes closed gently and relaxed. She was happy someone else would watch after her friend maybe now she could get some sleep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WhenBooksFly101
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WhenBooksFly101 Lover of all things awesome!

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Corin made a small chirp when the girl came back; standing up on his hind legs in an effort to see the food items better. His tiny wings fluttered and he sat down on his haunches, patient for the meal.

When they were set before him he tilted his head, then bent foreword and sniffed. At the smell and sight of the meat he growled happily and snatched it in his teeth. Swallowing it whole he licked his lips, before looking down at the berries and fruits.......
He hadn't eaten them much.....mostly just when there had been no meat to eat.....

Shrugging he bit into the fruits and berries, but left the veggies alone. They tasted too much like grass in his opinion.
Once when he was younger he had seen his foal friend eat grass, and thought it would be an interesting food to try. But....was he wrong.

Flicking his tail Corin moved foreword and rubbed on the two legged's leg, making Arlin chuckle, "Seems he likes you."
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