Name (& pronunciation): Teige (Teh-ish)
Date of Awakening (& age): November of 2018 according to the Human calendar, She's 287 years old.
Place of Birth: The Foreas' home planet, The Homeplanet.
Gender: Female.
Species: Foreas.
Height: 164 centimetres, 5'5 approximately.
Weight: 110 pounds.
She's a slender Foreas of average height and weight. Her leaves are all colored a bright orange-ish red. Her skin's mostly white with some soft gradation of the orange-ish red on her joints and spine.
Due to Human Navy regulations, she is often seen wearing a lightly coloured dress made of leaves when out of duty and a standard crew uniform when in duty. When she's cooking, she'll wear and use all kinds of protective gear to make sure the food is as clean as possible.
Personality: Throughout her life in the Homeplanet, Teige was always taught to be kind to life, to be silent and to be curious. The silence part came easy. It came easy to all Foreas, the curiosity was not only easy, it was impossible for her to turn it off. And the kindness was difficult to learn and difficult to put in practice but she tackled it in the end.
But even with her kindness, she was never able to bring herself to easily trust the beings made of meat and bone. She heard stories and she experienced the memories of the dead. The destructive nature of fleshlings scared her, it terrified her in fact. The thought of losing her and her planet's beauty to the wild actions of fleshling aliens was one that often had her awake and wandering at night. She'd always bottle it up when she was around the aliens, hide it under her leaves, as they said, but sometimes a fleshling would get too close and she would have no choice but to push them away, often forcefully.
She feels lonely on the ship. With no other Foreas around and not much to do that fits her open-air lifestyle, she feels bored too. Spending her free time in the Hydroponics chamber probably doesn't help matters, either, as it reminds her of the Homeplanet and its luscious plantlife and greenery.
Likes: - Plants.
- Exploration.
- The unknown.
- Extreme sports.
- Socializing.
Dislikes: - Scarabs.
- Closed spaces.
- Ignorance.
- Places with no plants.
Ambitions: - To build memories and experiences worthy of being brought back to the Tree.
- To ensure the safety of the Foreas through identifying dangers before they arrive at the Homeplanet.
Strengths: - As an Exploronaut, she's received personal training from the top brass of the Awoken Priests. She can fully control her emotions.
- Her time as a renowned Navy Chef helped her build her already exceptional communications skills, she takes pride in being liked by nearly everyone she meets.
- She needs no food and she can live comfortably with only incandescent light and water.
- She breathes in carbon dioxide.
- Her decade long Exploronaut training ensured she's at the top of her abilities. She's fast, agile, flexible and most important of all, she can endure hours of intense physical activity such as climbing without needing long rest periods.
Weaknesses: - She's not strong. At all. While she might be able to take someone down with her fists, she can't carry much weight or move very heavy things.
- Deprive her of incandescent light for a day and she'll grow tired, take light away for two weeks and she'll die.
- She isn't accustomed to taking another sentient being's life.
Fears: - The unknown.
- Beings with a history of being violent such as humans or scarabs.
- Dark places.
- Amnesia.
Interests: - The unnamed (species).
- Foreign cultures.
- Ruins and abandoned locations.
- Everything else to a lesser extent.
History:Like all Foreas, Teige emerged out of her pod at the beginning of Spring back in the Homeplanet. She was found by a patrolling Caretaker, who took her and the other saplings to the local School, to immediately begin their education. It wasn't until her fifth year that she was released to wander on her own. For years she walked the roads and lived in the countryside, visiting one city and then the next one, until she finally stumbled into the Capital.
She never expected the Tree of Awakening to be so majestic. The biggest, brightest tree in the Homeplanet. It, by far, surpassed any of the ecological buildings around it, penetrating the skies and its top being lost over the clouds. When she touched it, she immediately connected to it. She could not exit the Land of Memories for years to come. Five years swallowed by the tree, while her body just sat idle on the other side. She experienced the memories of countless figures of the past. Ranging from explorers to soldiers. From religious radicals to world leaders.
In her time inside the tree, she was entranced by the memories of the daring explorers of old who, against all odds, embarked on century-long journeys to map out nearby star systems. Their struggles inspired her to become one of them, yet when she finally found the way to exit the Land of Memories, she found out that she lacked the abilities to possibly be one of them.
After physical rehabilitation, at the age of 18, she set her mind on one goal: becoming an Exploronaut. Nine years of studies and intense training began the day she left the Tree. But she was good at something else. Eventually it became known that she was an expert chef, taking it up as a hobby when she began training, and so the Exploronaut institution of the Homeplanet gave her the best training they could to have her become a Navy Chef.
She wasn't happy with the outcome of her training. Being a Chef was neither glorious nor interesting, and she'd never get to see the strange new lands for herself, in person. But she'd be useful in some way, at least. And she could watch the planet from orbit through the windows, too.
She went on to become the best Navy Chef after fifty years of constant cooking, recognized by the entire Homeplanet Navy as the best morale booster in the Star System through her meals alone. But one day, the ship she was stationed in lost contact to the Exploronaut team. They also lost contact to the auxiliary security team when they went down to find the Exploronauts. Being a sensitive expedition, the ship's captain resolved not to let his brothers and sisters be lost, and sent whoever the ship could spare--The Chief Executive Chef, the Assistant Engineer and the Resident Awoken Priest.
They pushed through many obstacles and dangerous situations under Teige's directions and they managed to rescue both the Exploronauts and the Security Team, who had gotten trapped in a collapsing ancient abandoned complex.
Following her and her fellow low ranks' heroic acts, they were absorbed by the Exploronaut Academy in the Homeworld, and ten years later they earned their titles. Teige, the Exploronaut.
A hundred years passed and Teige, a 177 year old Foreas Exploronaut, was sent to interact with the Humans. She was eventually given the opportunity to accompany a group of humans on a mission, and she accepted immediately. She got into the ship, all things going fine and entered cryogenic sleep. Next thing she knows is she is waking up a century later than she expected.
Romance: No.
If so, sexual preference: Military Rank: Foreas Exploronaut.
If not military rank, what is your role on the ship: Besides going down on field missions, she cooks for the whole ship with the help of a few assistants.
Combat Skills: She only has experience using handguns. Sure, she's been through basic for the rest, including unarmed combat, but she was never the top student and the Foreas haven't needed more than handguns and fists in over a thousand years.
Misc:The Exploronauts are a Foreas Institution that recruits from the Foreas Navy. They're natural explorers and their curiosity is never sated. An Exploronaut has a strong grasp of survival techniques as well as enough of an understanding of leadership to lead others in expeditions into unknown space sectors. They could be seen as VIPs within the Foreas Navy, their requests rarely denied and quite often followed to a T, as if they were orders. They have a great relationship with the Tree of Awakening's keepers, the Awoken Priests, who in turn train them in mental matters.