-casually wanders in- I probably won't join, but I thought I'd throw my input in.
In terms of Hunters vs. Vampires and Vampires vs. themselves (at the same time) is really overused. That is not to say you can't do that, or shouldn't. It is however, to say, that you need to add something to it that makes it completely different. You could probably do this by creating your own Vampire lore, and Hunter lore. You could create a lot of different things, be they weaknesses or strengths. The club thing was a good idea, and it'd be interesting if, say, Hunters were actually... Oh, I don't know, halfbreeds between a witch and Human?
There's also the fact of whether or not the general populace knows about Vampires and how they react to them. Do they romanticize them? How do Vampires use this? How is their society governed? You mentioned that there should be a coven, but usually there would be more than one. Would you allow people to create their own? Would their be Vampiric elders, or would there simply be a royal house by which all Vampires are supposed to obey?
That's all I've got for now~