Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Tyler
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Tyler Me. I Am Tyler... / The Elusive Auteur

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

A roleplay by Tyler & Shard. We are currently not accepting applications.

[Setting the scene]

After a mutant uprising in 2006, what little development that had been made towards Mutant-Human relations was all but forgotten, and the world feared mutants once more. With its funding cut, the Government Academy for Mutant Education was forced to close its doors. But by the time the 2012 elections came around, all that seemed about to change.

The People for Equal Aid of Citizens Everywhere (PEACE) had been causing quite a storm in the political landscape for several years, and it showed in the results. Miraculously, PEACE won the election and their leader, Nathaniel Goode, promised to use his presidency to bring about equality for all: be they rich, poor, black, white, straight, gay, mutant or otherwise. And he made good on his promise. Goode and his government worked tirelessly to lessen the divide between different facets of society. Sure, there will always be racists, homophobes and bigots in the world... But under PEACE governing, America (and, in its tracks, most of the Western world) has made huge progress towards their Equality For All pledge.

Alas, it seems that much of the remaining tension in the world is directed towards mutants. Perhaps in response to this, most of PEACE's work for mutantkind has been somewhat discreet. The Protection of Mutants through Education act was reinstated, but under the greater umbrella of the Equality For All amendment, and as such largely went unnoticed. And indeed, the neglected GAME campus was given a complete refurbishment and re-opened to the public... Under the guise of the Portwood Institute for Talented Youths, a school which never seemed to publicly address the fact that it was tailored specifically for the development of young mutants.

But, whilst PEACE seem reluctant to take ownership of the work they are doing for mutantkind, most mutants are just thankful it's being done at all. They are legally protected and have a state-of-the-art school for their youth opening its doors this summer.

You are among the first generation of students to grace PITY's halls in almost a decade... And like any new school, you can bet there are going to be teething problems in abundance.

[Key information]

RP Level: High-Casual
Genre: Modern fantasy, superpower, school, slice of life, character-driven
GMs: @Tyler, @Shard
Players: 14
Join status: CLOSED

Hello, and welcome to the Out of Character thread for PITY. I'm Tyler and I'll be your tour guide & reigning GM. PITY started off as an idea I had back on the Oldguild, where it went by exactly the same name. It's really a roleplay born from disillusionment: both with real-world politics and with the quality of superschool roleplays that were available at the time. I wanted to create something that reflected those ideas, and the Portwood Institute for Talented Youths was born.

We welcome all roleplayers who share our sensibilities for high-quality content that has depth and originality.

[Rules & Notes]

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tyler
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Tyler Me. I Am Tyler... / The Elusive Auteur

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

[The Setting]

[Basic information]
Country: Upstate New York, USA
Time: Summer 2015
Government: PEACE Party
President: Nathaniel Goode

[Recent history]
Rumours of fantastically gifted people being born had been circulating for years, but mutants first made themselves officially known in the early 80s. Sick of hiding and being shunned from their communities, the Mutants Against Prejudice organisation was formed. MAP took their case to the White House, where they explained the importance of education on both sides; the public must be taught that mutants are not a threat, and mutants themselves must be taught to control their abilities in order to avoid accidents.

Faced with little option, considering what these people were capable of, the Protection of Mutants through Education bill was passed. Part of this involved setting up a school specifically for young mutants, where they would be taught to control their powers and blend into normal life. Alan Portwood, a member of MAP with a wealth of teaching experience, was elected to run the school, which became known as the Government Academy for Mutant Education; GAME.

However, not all went to plan. Whilst Portwood and his school were a huge success, little was done to convince the public that mutants were not a threat, and there was still a lot of global hostility towards the gifted. But Portwood's teachings encouraged mutants to persevere; one day, he said, humans would recognise them as equals.

By 2006, it seemed that day would never come. Disillusioned and enraged, a group of mutants graduating the school, now with expert control over their abilities, took a stand and attacked the White House. Each of the group was swiftly terminated by armed forces before they could cause any harm to the president, but the damage was done elsewhere: now, the world feared mutants more than ever. The PME act was overturned and GAME was closed, seemingly for good. Mutants were back where they started; shunned by their communities and forced into hiding.

But now, it's 2015. The new, liberal 'PEACE' government has reinstated the Protection of Mutants act, and after years of closure the GAME academy is now re-opening its doors; with a complete refurbishment and a new name in honour of its founder, the Portwood Institute for Talented Youths. Everything seems to be heading in the right direction for mutantkind again... Or is it?

[What is a mutant?]
'Mutant' is the commonly accepted name for humans who have developed non-human talents through genetic mutation. There is no specific 'mutant gene' that is passed down through generations, it is a rare mutation that occurs randomly and, despite being public knowledge for over thirty years, very little is known about it. Mutants are always human-looking to a degree, but some may have physical mutations to accompany their intrinsic abilities. This can range from an abnormal hair or eye colour to more dramatic traits such as scaled skin or height abnormalities, for example. Note that most mutants do not have these traits and, when not using their powers, can easily pass as regular humans.

Abilities tend to materialise during the later teen years, often around the age of 16. Some theories suggest that abilities simply do not manifest until this age, whilst others claim that youngsters are born with the mutated gene and that it simply lies dormant until it is triggered by puberty. Regardless, this is around the time that most individuals display their abilities and, if they are unfortunate enough to inherit physical disfigurations, these tend to develop at this point, too. (In the same way that no mutant is born able to conjure flames, no mutant is born with physical distinction. Everything manifests in puberty.)

From the '90s to the '00s, mutant equality seemed to be on the rise, but that fateful day in 2006 set the cause back by decades. Since then, even with the PEACE government's Equality For All campaign, the general attitude towards mutants is still one based in fear. As such, most mutants choose to keep their genetic identity a secret and live normal lives, but without proper training abilities can be difficult to control. Abilities are easily triggered by emotions and one wrong move can out a mutant in an instant. Mutants with physical mutations have even more difficulty concealing themselves and tend to go into hiding altogether.

Mutant homelessness is not as big an issue as one might expect. Most parents love their mutant children enough to know that they would never intentionally harm them. It is normal for families to go to great lengths to conceal the fact their child is a mutant, in order to save them from prejudice. Naturally, there are instances where families are less supporting and young mutants find themselves disowned. This is especially an issue for physically mutated individuals, whom most people find harder to accept.

Thus far there have been no successful experiments to replicate the mutation, and thus there are no examples of artificial mutants created through scientific means.

[Organisations of interest]

(Left-to-right: PITY, PEACE, MAP & HAM)

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Tyler
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Tyler Me. I Am Tyler... / The Elusive Auteur

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

[The Institute]

[Basic information]
The institute is situated in a remote area of upstate New York, atop a large hill. It is surrounded by fields and woodlands on either side. On campus there is a large garden surrounded by woodland to explore. Within the woods an old dilapidated building that used to be the staff's living quarters before they were moved over the main building. There is a stream that runs through the woods to a clearing, in which a small lake with a waterfall can be found.

[The Campus]
The campus may look beautiful and be situated amongst stunning scenery, but beyond the thick woodland lies a tall, electrified perimeter fence. Signs urge students not to touch or tamper with the fence, as it is their for their safety. The campus is also guarded 24/7 by an armed security team (brandished with PEACE logos), whose duty it is to keep antagonistic forces out of the premises; and stop unruly students from wandering off-campus without a permit.


The institute has a vast array of state-of-the-art facilities following its recent renovation, from luxurious living arrangements to high-tech laboratories and a specialised power training room; the facilities here would be the envy of any academic institution.

[The Rules]

• Students must not leave the campus without a permit.
• Students must be in their dorms by 10pm.
• Students must not bring any illegal substances onto the campus.
• There is to be no underage drinking or smoking on campus.
• Students must show respect to their teachers and peers.
• Students must respect school property.
• Students will dress appropriately when in lesson.
• Students will use appropriate language when in lesson.
• Theft or damage of personal belonging will warrant a police investigation.
• Bullying of any kind will not be tolerated from any students.

[The Staff]

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Tyler
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Tyler Me. I Am Tyler... / The Elusive Auteur

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


"To whom it may concern,

My name is Alan Portwood. For the better part of the last thirty years, I have governed over the Portwood Institute for Talented Youths; a one-of-a-kind academy that offers free, specialised education to gifted individuals across the globe. Recently, it has come to our attention that you qualify for the opportunity to enrol with us.

Enrolling is easy: simply fill in the form overleaf (or, if you are under 18, have your parents do it) and return it to us in the envelope provided by no later than June 1st 2015. The term will begin shortly after, and all transport will be arranged and taken care of by us. We appreciate how hard it is growing up with a gift like yours, and we want to make your journey with us begin as smoothly as possible.

We will send an information pack upon receiving your application, letting you know all about the curriculum, living arrangements and facilities available here at the institute. You are fortunate in that we are re-opening this year after a complete refurbishment, offering state-of-the-art care for all of our students, regardless of their talents.

I look forward to starting this new age of education with you.

Best regards,

A. Portwood
Founder & Headmaster, PITY"

[PITY Application Form]

[u][b]PITY - Application for Academic Year 2015/2016[/b][/u]

[b]Student Name:[/b]

[Please attach a photographic image of yourself for our records]

[b]Hair Color:[/b]
[b]Eye Color:[/b]

[b][u]Powers & Abilities[/u][/b]

[b]Power Name:[/b]
[b]Power Description:[/b]
[INDENT]Describe briefly (one sentence) what your power is.[/INDENT]
[INDENT]In detail; what does your gift allow you to do?[/INDENT]
[b]Drawbacks & Weaknesses:[/b]
[INDENT]In detail; what are the limitations and weaknesses of your power?[/INDENT]

[b][u]About You[/u][/b]

[b]Personal Statement:[/b]
[INDENT]In detail, tell us about yourself. What do you do for fun? What do you identify with? What defines you? What have you experienced? Let us get to know you before you start your studies.[/INDENT]

[HIDER=Sample post][/HIDER]

Accepted Characters
@Tyler as Mason Crawford
@Shard as Casper Vaile
@Liriia as Phoebe Rios
@He Who Walks Behind as Cordelia Holmes
@Vesuvius00 as Erica Lankford
@World Traveler as Devin Coal

Inactive Characters
Yanna Torres
@DrugMother as Geneviève Simmone
@TheWizardLizard as Greg Jackson
@LokiLeo789 as Kane McCoy
@BR8K as Abbey Chessar
@Conor as Mako Reed
@SepticGentleman as Zachariah Bale
@Prints Avoid as Celso Olivero

Deceased Characters
None... yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tyler
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Tyler Me. I Am Tyler... / The Elusive Auteur

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


You may now post.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by World Traveler
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World Traveler Word Walker

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Before I finish my character sheet I wanted to know about my power being acceptable. Namely because it would play a large role in my characters personal statement. Please feel free to PM me concerns or comments so we don't flood the OOC with just my character power conversation.

PITY - Application for Academic Year 2015/2016

Student Name
Devin Coal




April 6th


Hair Color

Eye Color

Canadian / Irish / Polish / German / French

155 cm

68 kg

Powers & Abilities

Power Name
Black Eyes

Power Description
Mental and physical control over Dark Matter that collects in my eyes.

My eyes are somehow capable of collecting dark matter in the same way a magnet attracts other metal. At least that is how the doctor explained it. It means that supposedly, with a lot of concentration, I should be able to control this matter by either combustion through the process called annihilation or solidify it. A lot of these words I don't entirely understand, but they are how the scientists talked. One thing that happened during the testing was I seemed to 'infect' a doctor with the matter when I got scared and my eyes shot some matter at him. The matter hit his eyes causing him to lose his eyesight, but it quickly returned when I calmed down.

  • Devin's eyes are lined with an unknown substance that collects antimatter.
  • This matter can be controlled by Devin mentally concentrating.
  • Devin can concentrate and move the dark matter from his eyes; thereby, 'curing' his blindness.
  • This energy can be released only from his eyes.
  • The energy can either become explosive or solid though if it is a solid

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:
I don't really know. I am still learning what strengths I even have with this power. I guess if I don't concentrate the matter returns to my eyes and I return to being blind.

About You

Mother-Linda Coal
Dad-Sean Coal
Sister-Emily Coal

Personal Statement
I am special even for most of your applicants I guess. Being both special in the powers way and special in the normal way means I check plenty of boxes when I have to fill out forms like these. That said the most common questions I get asked are usually the best to get out of the way. I am big into music and my favorite sport is baseball. It has the best soundtrack. Also the large amount of numbers let me understand the game nearly as well as everyone else. Other sports like Hockey or Football are a little trickier for me.

It has only happened in a small scale, but I am scared to touch other people with my hands. The doctors said that dark matter can go through a process called annihilation which is where matter and dark matter meet causing them to both explode. Not sure if you have a special place at the school for people like me, but it would make me feel better if people didn't get scared around me.

I know I am lucky in the grand scheme of things. My disability hasn't destroyed my family, but seems to have brought us all closer together. They are excited for me, but I also know they are worried about me. They think I might mope around because they don't know what else I can do, but I am excited to learn about what my abilities can do. After all learning more about how I can control them could be the key to unlocking my ability to see. I don't dislike being blind mind you. I came to terms with it a long time ago, but if there is a chance to improve my sight I want to take it and will apply myself completely towards that goal.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by DrugMother
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DrugMother The "Vodka" Aunt

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 10 days ago

PITY - Application for Academic Year 2015/2016

Student Name:
Kane "Marcus" McCoy






Hair Color:

Eye Color:

"African American


146 lb.

Powers & Abilities

Power Name:
Metal Exoskeleton (Metalullm)

Power Description:
"I can change my skin into any metal that I can touch, an manipulate it from there."

-Can change my skin into any metal of my choosing as long as their is an existing source of it, no matter how small or large it is.

-Once I transform, I can manipulate the the metal, I can transform my hand weapons at will, as long as I am in that form.

-I am given Enhanced Strength and Durability when using my power.

-I can partially transform, meaning I can change my arms into metal if I wish.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:
-One of the biggest drawbacks for this power, is the fact that all metals are a conductor, so electricity will be once of my greatest weakness. Extreme heat and acids will also weaken me.

-I cannot transform without an existing source of metal.

About You

"So, my mothers' name is:
Lue-Elan. A hard working and loving woman, and my world."

"My father's name is:
Sam. A lazy food for nothing man who I despise, he is abusive to Lue at times and I have to defend her. He causes a lot of Storms."

"And may sister's name is:
Unique. Yep, that her name. She is sort of like my father, lazy, she likes to spend her time with friends and never works for anything.


Weird witch woman."

Personal Statement:
"My life has not been the greatest, my father is an electrician. You would assume we would be well of, but we aren't, there is not money, are father works, but we never know we're the money goes. At an early age I had to get a job, taking out the trash for the elderly, cleaning their homes and what not. My mom worked also, as a cook at the local fast food restaurant.

My father usually had came home drunk and unable to even walk upstairs to get to bed. Mom would come home after he did, and would have to cook for him, even through he almost never ate due to the fact that he had passed out by the time it was finished. If she came home late, he would try to beat her. But I was always there to stop it from happening, but I am not always their. All though I was in high school, did not get home till 9:00 PM or later because of work. I would usually find my mother in the kitchen, bruised, with my food hot and ready. I would never say anything about it, knowing that she would never leave Sam, no matter what he did, she was to loyal for her own good. My sister usually catered to my father's good side, I never cared to find out how my father could keep enough control over himself to not hit her or me, but my mother.

My schooling life was not the greatest also, in all truth I was smart, my grades were great for a boy like me, but most of it involved lots of time studying, most of which I did not have. Despite that fact, I was regularly accused of cheating by my classmates. I would usually be proved innocent, but would never get out unscathed. I would usually be beat up, but that never meant I did not fight back.

But things started to change when I developed my powers. At first, I thought I was monster, and in truth, I was. I was protecting my mother from my father when my rage took the better of me, and I had gone to grab the aluminum bat with my skin changed into the aluminum itself, I only transformed for a few second before changing back in unwitingly. They were both horrified, they ended up both thinking that it was an hallucination, but I knew that it was not, an I will always know it was not.

"Well, umm, thanks for the time, and what not."

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by LetterA
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 10 days ago

Oh, what do you prefer, Real or art photos? LetterA just asked that's also, I think...
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Tyler
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Tyler Me. I Am Tyler... / The Elusive Auteur

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Thanks for all the sheets so far. However, I do feel the application process has been somewhat misunderstood.

Whilst you are indeed answering in 'first person', please keep in mind that your character is supposed to be applying to a school who are going to effectively be paying for them to live rent-free for the next however many years. I think the tone of the sheets is a little too casual, and whilst I love the effort some of you have gone to in order to put your character's "Stamp" on it, I feel that it is becoming a distraction.

• Answers such as height, hair colour etc should be brief and factual. i.e. "5ft." or "Brown".

• The area of most concern is the powers section. That really needs to be taken seriously in order for us to understand what each power is capable of. For example, try to write in the following style:

"My power has been described as pyrokinesis. In essence, I am able to manipulate fire and heat in all its forms. This allows me to control flames in a variety of ways, such as making them grow, increasing their heat and causing them to take on shapes. I am also able to absorb heat and withstand extremely high temperatures of up to 1000 degrees; I am practically impervious to burns. In order for my powers to work, there must be heat around. The bigger I make a flame, the more oxygen it consumes, and in closed spaces this can be problematic. I am also not immune to smoke so it is important for me to have ventilation when using my abilities."

That was just a brief example. We need as much detail as possible here, saying clearly what your character can and cannot do. So please try to avoid putting too much personality here; the chance for your characters personality to shine through should be in the Personal Statement and in the Sample Post.

I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, but as several sheets in a row have had this issue I though I should speak up and nip it in the bud. I will try to reword the OP so that our request is more clear. In the meantime, if you could edit your sheets to be more factual, we would be hugely appreciative.

Shard and I will confer over all the sheets tomorrow afternoon and reply to each individual with our feedback. I am reluctant to give feedback or accept characters until the two of us have discussed them in detail.

Apologies again, please keep the sheets coming.

As for the photos, we would request real photographic faceclaims unless your character displays a physical mutation, in which case realistic artwork is permitted. (though photos still preferred).

I will post my own sheet in due course. Hopefully that will serve as a reference for people who have misunderstood the concept of the application forms.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by TheWizardLizard
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

PITY - Application for Academic Year 2015/2016

Student Name:
Greg Jackson


United States


October 22nd, 1997


Hair Color:

Eye Color:




Powers & Abilities

Power Name: Pariah

Power Description:
I constantly emit some sort of field that makes people uncomfortable, making eye contact with me produces spontaneous headaches, and I constantly read the minds of those around me to find out what's hurting them. I can't help any of it.

I can help people with emotional problems. I can also feel physical pain, so I'm okay with healing and doctor type stuff, as long as the person is unconscious, so they don't try to get away from me. I'm also really good at being alone, you know, when I want to be.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:
Nobody can look me in the eyes without severe pain, nobody ever wants to be near me, animals hate me, and I always have other people's voices in my head. This can put a damper on a social life, as you might imagine.

About You

Father: Timothy Jackson
Mother: Abigail Jackson
Sister: Sarah Jackson

Personal Statement:
I think I'm a pretty normal person. Or, was. I tend not to get out too much, I stay in my room a lot. Like, a lot a lot. I like to read, and that's... pretty much it for what I do, I read a lot. I'm a Catholic, and pretty religious, but don't worry, I'm not going to like, try and convert anyone. My family situation is good, but it's been sort of deteriorating since my mutation developed. My parents are... understandably weirded out by the whole thing, but my sister's been pretty understanding, all things considered. I haven't really been to school since it happened, either, the police wouldn't let me. I'm not, like, super smart or anything, but I used to do pretty well in class. I know this sounds sort of stilted, I'm sorry, I'm not great with people. It's been sort of... hard, since I got my powers, but I'm hoping this school can teach me how to control them, let me live a normal life again. Thanks for your time.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 27 days ago

I have a few ideas for characters, I'd just like to run them by you to see which you prefer.

-A biokinetic with severe mutation-induced psychosis, wherein he is subjected to constant, disturbing hallucinations.

-A genius with the ability to manipulate electrons on an individual scale, giving him control over electronics, but lacking in the ability to use "flashy" electrokinetic abilities.

-An ionokinetic whose abilities cause so much collateral damage that he has next to no experience in actually using them.

-Similar to the third idea, but a character forced to wear a power limiter to keep their abilities in check, and greatly resents it.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mortalbean

Mortalbean Chosen at random

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I'm just posting this to get something on paper, I'll be finishing and adding to it later and post when I'm done.

PITY - Application for Academic Year 2015/2016

Student Name:


American(non pacific-islander)



[Please attach a photographic image of yourself for our records]

Hair Color:

Eye Color:


6' 0"

Powers & Abilities

Power Name:
Object Dominance

Power Description:I can "animate" objects by giving them a command.

I can make any inanimate object do whatever I want it to. Mostly I play around and manipulate small things but I can get bigger objects to do what I want, but usually they are slower to do so. I've made pencils draw circles without me touching them, although they fell when I walked away. I don't really know much about the details of my power because I hardly use it. My mother always freaks when I do and it's too much trouble.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:
From what I've played with it seems like I can only command objects I'm in direct contact with. Doing multiple objects or really complicated commands seems to slow down the objects a lot.

About You

Profession:Kentucky State Senator (Second District)
Does this family member live in the same household as you? Yes
Is this family member a mutant? No

Does this family member live in the same household as you? Yes
Is this family member a mutant? No

Profession:Technosoft COO
Does this family member live in the same household as you? No
Is this family member a mutant? No

Does this family member live in the same household as you? No
Is this family member a mutant? No

Personal Statement:

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tyler
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Tyler Me. I Am Tyler... / The Elusive Auteur

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

PITY - Application for Academic Year 2015/2016

Student Name:
Mason Thomas Crawford




20th June, 1995


Hair Color:
Dark brown

Eye Color:
Dark brown




Powers & Abilities

Power Name:

Power Description:
My power allows me to travel between mirrors by passing through a localised pocket dimension.

• Able to 'enter' mirrors and traverse a pocket dimension that connects all mirrors in the world.
• Can enter/exit the dimension via any mirror big enough for my body to fit through.
• Effectively allows me to teleport between any two mirrors.
• Can remote-view any location with a mirror, seeing it from the mirror's perspective.
• I have an acute awareness of mirrors in the area; for example, I could sense a mirror nearby without seeing it.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:
• Although the transportation seems instant, it actually takes time. Time moves different in the mirror world and I have sometimes been there for twenty minutes, only to return to the normal world and find no time had passed.
• Being in the mirror world is tiring and gives me intense migraines after around twenty minutes. As I physically have to walk to the mirror I wish to exit through, this limits my transportation abilities to a radius of 20 minutes walking distance (further if I run.)
• Cannot teleport or view anywhere that does not have a mirror.
• I don't know what would happen if a mirror I was using broke, but I doubt it would be good.
• When I remote-view a location, my perspective is fixed. (As I see the room from the mirror's point of view.)
• I am only able to enter/exit through mirrors big enough for my body to fit through (though I can see through any mirror.)

About You

• Thomas Crawford, estranged
• Natasha Crawford, estranged
• Otto "Helga Holla" Warmann, estranged
• Anthony "Raja Fantaja" Bruce, estranged

Personal Statement:
I had a pretty comfortable upbringing. My father was a European businessman earning big money, and my mother stayed at home to care for me in my infancy. I did average at school, but I have never been particularly academic when it came to subjects like mathematics and science. But, I was top of the class when it came to art, English and foreign languages, so in my opinion it evened out. Everyone's good at different things, right?

Apparently not, according to my parents. My father in particular seemed most concerned with moulding me in his image. If I was to get anywhere in life, he said, I had to be more like him. I had to stop reading Renaissance poetry and start reading the Financial Times. I had to put down the paintbrush and pick up the football. It seemed that he felt the best way to accomplish this was to take me out of public education, and send me away to an all-boy's boarding school. "A real school", he would say - just like he went to.

I was thirteen, and had little say in the matter. In retrospect, I remember being quite excited. I was never popular at school. Well, that's the understatement of the century; I was loathed at school, it seemed like my every moment spent there I was the subject of some form of abuse or disapproval. I remember, in my naïveté, thinking that this school might be better. It wasn't, it was worse. There was far too much testosterone in this environment for it to be a place I was welcomed in. I'd always been a bit fey growing up, and it was at boarding school that I was first called 'gay'. Of course, I had no idea what it meant at the time, and I denied it profusely based solely on the tone it was spat in. But as the years passed, I began to realise that bullies were not always wrong.

Coming to terms with my sexuality was a relatively painful process. I knew my parents wouldn't take it well, and the more I dwelled upon it, the more isolated and alone I felt. If my father sending me here had hoped to pull me away from painting and literature, he had truly failed, because in my despair I only become more engrossed in the art world. At age 16, I was asked to leave boarding school for my 'underperformance' in maths, science and physical activity.

My father was furious. My mother was distraught. I retaliated by signing up to an art's course at the Royal College of Art in nearby London. I attended the classes, and for the first time in my life I made friends. I really felt like I belonged there, and it hurt all the more knowing I had been denied it for so many years. I met a guy, we hit it off... One thing lead to another, and I found myself with my first boyfriend. It was time to come out to my parents.

It didn't go well, and within an hour of telling them, I was hitting the streets of London with nothing but my leather jacket and a pocket full of savings. I stayed with my boyfriend for a while, but it didn't work out. I had family in Germany, so I decided I would head there. They'd heard from my dad and turned me away. So now, I was not only alone, but I was alone in a foreign country.

It turned out fine. I knew a lot of German. I got a job in a gay bar, and ended up renting a room in the owner's apartment. He and his partner were infamous drag queens in the underground art world of Berlin, and soon enough I was a part of that scene too. I made films and took photos, and we arranged screenings in the bar. The community really embraced me as their own, especially Raja and Helga, whom I was living with. They both mothered me. I was happy.

When I was 17, I began to realise I had a gift. It wasn't a particularly fantastic gift, but it was the result of a mutation none-the-less. The thought terrified me. I'd already been exiled by people I loved; I couldn't have that happen again. So I exiled myself before they had chance. Within a night I was gone, taking all my possessions with me. I never looked back. It seems stupid to me now, almost two years later. They were loving people. They would have accepted me. All I knew at the time was that I needed to get away.

So, I've been living on my own now in a different suburb of Berlin. I rarely bump into old pals from the scene, and if I do I just pretend to not know them. I'm struggling to control my powers. I'm constantly aware of all the mirrors in my apartment building, it's near impossible to think. Sometimes I'll wake up in the middle of the night, lost in the mirror realm with no idea how I got there. It takes me ages to find my way back to my room. I need to get a sense of control, and if that means I have to go back to school... Then hand me the uniform.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tyler
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Tyler Me. I Am Tyler... / The Elusive Auteur

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

My character sheet has been posted, so now you have a reference as to what we're looking for when writing your character sheets. However, I will also say that TheWizardLizard has nailed his sheet. His can be looked at for guidance, too.

I will hold off on giving critique or feedback, or accepting any characters, until I have conferred with Shard.

I have a few ideas for characters, I'd just like to run them by you to see which you prefer.

-A biokinetic with severe mutation-induced psychosis, wherein he is subjected to constant, disturbing hallucinations.

-A genius with the ability to manipulate electrons on an individual scale, giving him control over electronics, but lacking in the ability to use "flashy" electrokinetic abilities.

-An ionokinetic whose abilities cause so much collateral damage that he has next to no experience in actually using them.

-Similar to the third idea, but a character forced to wear a power limiter to keep their abilities in check, and greatly resents it.


My favourite is the second idea because I can see how it would work most clearly. However, all of the ideas have potential and if you fleshed them out in a character sheet I would be able to offer more guidance. I will say that my least favourite idea is the first one. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Prints Avoid
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Prints Avoid Disgusting Loser

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Here's a power I've been thinking of using. Mind you, I'm not even sure I'll have time for this RP but since I was in a previous PITY RP long ago I feel I should keep it in mind.

How do you feel about a character being able to manipulate how perceptible he is to people? Say he could make himself completely imperceptible, where people are completely unaware of him, unable to touch see or sense him in any way. Perhaps even be unable to recall him. On the other extreme he'd be really obvious. People would just sense him even if not looking at him, they'd pay him attention over other people, his voice would drown out that of others. I'm still thinking on the limits and whether this ability also affects machines such as cameras, microphones, and and other recording/detection equipment, but what do you think?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 1 mo ago

PITY - Application for Academic Year 2015/2016

Student Name:
Erica Lankford




January 17th


Hair Color:
Dark Brown, normally

Eye Color:
Blue normally

Caucasian/White normally

5'9" normally

128 lbs (I can't really change this.)

Powers & Abilities

Power Name:

Power Description:
I can change my entire physical appearance at will, even my clothes. Also, I heal pretty quickly too.

I've used it a lot to get out of unwanted situations before and for some more, recreational, stuff too. Once, I changed into a cop and got some bullies busted for picking on some poor kid.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:
Well, I can't change how much I weigh, and an X-ray of me while I look like a guy shows that on the inside I am still female. If I am a 'guy' I am not actually a guy. I have none of that, ability, it just looks like one. Also, the appearance of warm clothes does not actually make me warm. I can look like i'm ready for an arctic expedition, but really I shouldn't even be outside in the wind.

About You

Mother- Anastasia Lankford
Father- Draco (Dragon) Lankford

Personal Statement:
I like to read and sing, and I've been told that I'm a good poet, although I like writing short stories better. I consider myself to be quiet, but I've been told i'm really not at all. I like to observe what's going on around me more than I'd like to be a part of it, which I guess brings me to my worries. I like to blend in, and my power helps with that, but somehow you found me, and I'm not sure how or when or even if I can trust you not to kill me the second I go to this, 'PITY' place. I'm all for a good, free education, but I don't want to walk into a trap.

My family is a part of HAM. You know, Humans Against Mutants? When I found out I was, well, a mutant, I started thinking a lot about my life so far. I never really agreed with my parent's views, and I knew that they'd turn me over in a heartbeat if they found out, so I ran away. One of the most concerning things to me right now about trusting this letter, and by extension this Institute, is how the hell did you find me? This letter and application just, appeared in my bag one day, and I have no idea how. I just got to the nearest town, but when I got this I was literally in the middle of nowhere. It took me a week to get here since then, so I guess you can figure out the rest on your own.

I'm turning in this application, because 1) If it is real, I could totally use the break; and 2) I need these questions answered. What exactly is this Institute, and will I finally get to stop running?

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

PITY - Application for Academic Year 2015/2016

Student Name:
Leo Yan




27th January 1995


Hair Color:

Eye Color:


165 Cm

60 Kg

Powers & Abilities

Power Name:
Enhanced Strength

Power Description:
My strength is beyond human limits.


With super human muscles, my strength is far beyond that of any ordinary person. While not visible upon my frame, my strength is quite fearful. Due to the fact that my body would break under the sheer pressure of my strength, my power is accompanied by enhanced durability, but only enough to prevent my power from being harmful to myself. As of now it does not effect my exterior frame further than protecting me from lighter bludgeoning.

Passive - My strength is on par with ten grown men at all times, greatly enhancing my capabilities such as power and speed.

Active - With enough adrenaline, I can infuse my muscles further and gain more strength, however it drains me drastically and leaves me incredibly fatigued once the adrenaline leaves my frame. At this level I could rip a vault door from place but it would leave me tired and useless until I manage a good rest.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:
I have no defensive powers. My skin is just as vulnerable to blades and bullets as any other’s.

I have no tricks up my sleeve. My power is very straight forward and enhances my physical capabilities but it doesn’t stretch beyond that. I cannot ever lift a truck or toss a car. The latter could be possible if I activate my powers further but it would leave me fatigued and drained.

If I stay in my 'powered' mode for too long, my body will start hurting and the next day it will feel like I have been through heavy workout and I'll be incredibly sore.

About You

My mother Lin Yan is the only immediate family I grew up with. My grandfather Bo Yan was always rather close to us until he passed away a year ago. My father left soon after I was born and I haven’t heard of him since.

Personal Statement:
I’ve always been somewhat of an activist. As a child I was quickly bullied for not having a father and being asian. Some people thought I knew ‘martial arts’ and tried to fight with me, leaving me rather beat up. Funny how their stereotype would eventually come to fruition. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t regret anything. This isn’t a sob story. In fact, I am happy it happened to me rather than someone else who might not have been able to handle it. Either way, my treatment would eventually spark an interest in activism and human rights when I turned thirteen. I wanted to dress as colourfully as I could to attract all the ‘assholes’. At this point I had in fact dedicated most of my free time if not all of it to martial arts and put it to much use. I can’t tell you how often my mother scolded me because of my behaviour.

I wanted to take care of others and be a light in the darkness, someone poor unfortunate souls could lean on and rely on. Of course, back then I was driven by anger and a zealous intent. I hated bullies and I hated judgemental people. It was around this time that I realised that I am gay, another thing to add to the list. I fell in love with another boy named Vale, but nothing came of it. He found a girlfriend, though. I don’t know if this is relevant but I don’t have any secrets. If it’s interesting to know, there you have it.

After a while I noticed how my strength was tremendously accelerated. I had been in countless fights before, almost everyday, but never had my strength been on that level. I nearly broke a poor guy’s ribs with a punch. I was suspended from school for a while at that point, and it allowed me some time to think. With this newfound gift, I would be more fearsome than ever before. No one would want to go up against me and I didn’t need to wave it around because soon after returning to school, now sixteen years old, word had gone around. People still picked fights with me but only in groups.

I joined a gang of young mutants and noticed a boiling hatred growing within my heart towards humankind. We called ourselves The Liberated. We took care of each other, sheltered one another and more often than not ended up in gang fights with other supremacist gangs. We were childish and filled with rage. We constantly told ourselves and each other that no one understands us and that everyone is the enemy. To elevate my knowledge of what I stood against, I became politically interested and active. I always listened to the latest debates, always kept up with the news. Needless to say, this fuelled me. It fuelled all of us.

When I was eighteen years old, I was elected as the leader of The Liberated. People looked up to me both as a leader and a ‘champion’. The latter was a title they branded me with. At this point I started analysing what we were doing, what I was doing. Politicians used words as their weapons and they changed more than we ever could with violence. We were nothing but thugs, nothing but children. We were just like other gangs of nazis and racists beating other people for not believing what we do. We were wrong.

One could call it a quick change of heart but all around me I saw the people I cared about being hurt. They were constantly surrounded by negative energy and if they weren’t bruised, they had bruised others and if they weren’t angry, they were crying. Violence births violence, sadness causes sadness. This wouldn’t work, it hadn’t worked. I vowed to focus to on taking care of my friends, of everyone that needed it. ‘Punishing the wicked’ was that started this whole mess. I couldn’t keep throwing oil into that flame.

So that’s me. I am sure there is more to tell, but that will be revealed in due time. I won’t hide the fact that I am indeed a rebel, but I matured from the scared and angry kid I used to be. I am looking forward to meeting the people on this campus and see where they stand. This world needs more professional and passionate activists fighting for equality without throwing punches. I am sure there is a lot to learn here.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by cerozer0
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cerozer0 Starboy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

PITY - Application for Academic Year 2015/2016

Student Name:
Phoebe Kate "P.K" Rios




January 20th, 1997


Hair Color:

Eye Color:



140 lbs

Powers & Abilities

Power Name:
Photon/Light Manipulation

Power Description:
I have the ability to manipulate light, easy as that.

Due to lack of training, my abilities are a bit... Haywire, to say the least. I naturally attract light, kind of like a glow-in-the-dark sticker! Put me under a lamp for a few moments and then flick it off and you'll see me, clear as day, emitting a white-yellow light from beneath my skin. I have yet to fully understand why this happens, but let's just say I would make a perfect roommate if you need a nightlight to sleep. Light manipulation is where I have most of my knowledge. Every since puberty I've been able to generate light with slight strain. A snap of the finger can summon a spark, a waving motion can produce a beam, and all this light is for me to control!

Moving the light is easy, it flows like water if I concentrate enough, but I can also solidify it to produce shapes, projectiles, and platforms that I also control. This might be my main form of defense, as these shapes are indeed just solidified light. They can burst into a blinding flash if dropped and cause serious damage if set off too close to someone. Other then that, I can also bend the light, allowing slight visual warping and invisibility to me and those in my general vicinity. A slight movement in the peripheral, dousing a lamp's light for a moment, or even a made up shadow are easy to create if I'm concentrating enough, and I'm sure I can produce more illusions with the right amount of light present.

As for invisibility, it is easiest to do to myself then to do to others. A shield of light is key, as without it the trick is basically useless, and with a few hand motions I can bend the shield to render myself and those within invisible. We are completely gone to the naked eye, but we will still emit sounds and appear on any heat-detection devices. I am also only able to use this skill is we are stood still, movement can very easily disrupt the shield and since light isn't solid when bent, you'll walk right out into the open. Other than that, my ability allows me with few useless skills, such as producing colors from thin air and making nifty, cordless lamps for those who ask nicely.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:
- The dark is my one big fear. Being extinguished, put out for ever, it is so easy to be blotted out. Darkness can overwhelm my light if I am not careful. If I am stuck in a dark room for over five hours I become unable to generate my own light, and any attempts can overexert my body.

- Over using my power can lead to painful body and head aches. Creating solid light and bending it are the two main factors of these painful contractions.

- I am not exactly in control of my powers. I have been known to glow brightly or even vanish if emotionally unstable. Don't get too close if I start getting mad, your eyes are more valuable then my feelings.

- No true offensive power. Blinding/distracting people and hiding are my main abilities. And I'm no thick-skinned strong girl either; I bruise easier than a peach.

- I'm always extremely hot, even in the dead of winter. My hands and feet burn like I have a fever, and my face is almost always flushed from the heat. I keep many paper fans around for when it gets unbearable.

About You

- Father: Julian Edwardo Rios, 47
- Mother: Kayla Smith Rios, 45
- Brother: Ross Kyle Rios, 22, estranged

Personal Statement:
Without truly realizing it, fireflies have always been a big part of my life. Okay, that might be a bit weird to start off with, but trust me it's important! Growing up in New Orleans, right on the edge of the bayou, nature was always around me. The humid summers always brought an abundance of mosquitos, spiders, and, of course, fireflies. Small, glowing orbs that skimmed the water and clung to the grass right outside my house. I would run through the waist-high turf on those cloudy nights, ignoring my mother's pleas to get out of the mud and let her check for ticks, just to see those bugs leap up and coat the star-filled sky with yellow and green. The were always brief in their arrival, but every summer since I could remember their appearance are as clear as day, stuck in my mind like an oil painting.

I suppose I was inspired by those gleaming insects. They were always... Free. Living the high life, if only for a few days. The early summer nights were theirs and theirs alone; and their beauty and grace always humbled me. My father took notice of my fascination, and took to calling me his "little firefly" ever since the appearance of my little mutation. As I grew and my powers started to develop, I took lessons from the fireflies. I let their lights stain my skin, leaving gleaming dots among my dark flesh, and watched as they generated their glowing abilities with a sense of repetition. They taught me how to conjure the gleams they produced, and showed me the many ways my body differed from that of normal humans. They were my inspiration, my reason for waking on those muggy nights and walking aimlessly through the high brush, ignorant of the other bugs that may threaten my lessons.

My family was my other main source of joy. My mother and father were the true ideal couple, they loved like no one else could. It was as if every day was the first day they met, and every night they would lay with me and discuss the beauty of the world and myself and our family as a whole. I never knew any of my grandparents, were never introduced to either side of the family, but I remember seeing letters in the mail with unfamiliar first names and my last. They were always scraped, along with the ads and magazines that the mailmen would bring from time to time. I taught myself not to question why, and simply made excuses for my folks. Everyone has their secrets, after all. Despite that, I also have (had?) an older brother, Ross. He went off to join the army when I was fourteen, and to tell the truth we never really got along. He called my fascination with stars and fireflies "weird" and "stupid", so I in turned said that his love of video games made him a "friendless loser". Those were how the big fights usually started, anyway. To say I don't miss him is a lie, though, I would kill to see his scuffy face again.

My school life leading up to PITY was rather uneventful. I was an average student in science, below average in English, and above average in math. My varying report cards never really affected me the way they should. I found school to be the less stressful part of my life, while staying in a group of friends became my number one cause of panic. I could never hold good relationships with people as I am always described as being "weirdly cheerful and unnaturally distant". I could never really wear my emotions as clearly as I wished, and my face was always smiling, so I suppose most people thought I was fake. I managed to snag a few lovers in my freshman and sophomore years of high school, but each ended awkwardly and without much fuss. My parents simply say that I am just a bit too lethargic when it came to conversation, and I guess they're right in the end.

My mutation first began to appear after my first period at the age of twelve. My mother was discussing something in my room, me lounging lazily on my bed, and after she finished speaking and rose to leave I requested she shut off my lights. The iridescent bulb flicked off in an instant, but instead of the room turning dark my skin began to visibly glow. My mother's reaction was a bit harsh, she screamed and fell back, but after a few moments she rose to ask if I hurt anywhere. Stunned by my own glow and doubly fascinated, I shook my head, and then simply asked,

"Does this happen to a lot of people?"

My parents were slightly distraught over me being a mutant, but they each got over it in their own way. The kids at school, however, either never found out or began to avoid me. Keeping my mutation a secret was easier said than done. A girlfriend I had managed to score at the age of sixteen found out one sleepless night and spread the news all around school the next day. I became somewhat of an outcast, but it didn't really bother me too much. Loneliness is a heavy burden to bear, however, and the fear of abandonment began to set in after a year of eating lunch alone in the bathroom.

Back-stories aside, I must point out that I have many interests to share. Astrology, painting, and algebra are my main favorites. The thought of tracking stars and forming colors always gets my creative juices flowing. As for math, well, I've always had a knack for equations and numbers. No use hating it, right? As for training my abilities, I've always had a bit of trouble controlling myself. Finding this school seemed like pure luck, and I'm hoping that this application may make me seem fit to attend. I need help, and hopefully PITY can spare some room to give me some.

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