Jok ‘Boom-kid’
Race: Ramor, a race with a number of similarities to humans, they are humanoid mammals with the same number of appendages. The only significant differences are that they are more tolerant to temperature extremes and can last for longer periods of time without water, oxygen, food and sleep. Essentially they are an all-round hardier race of people. Their skin is thicker than a humans, and regardless of climate always dark olive in complexion. The average height for males is 5ft and females slightly higher, and their eyes are somewhat larger on average than a humans. Their life spans range around 60-70 years, even with their modern medical technology.
Gender: Male
Height: 5ft dead
Weight: 75kg
Age: 19
Appearance: Jok has a sharp angular face that one instantly distrusts, coupled with a boyish grin that completes the look of a bit of a prankster. His skin is dark olive in complexion, like all of his race. His body type would best be described as athletic, not noticeably bulky for a soldier but with a wiry strength. He has short black hair and brown eyes. His skin is fairly heavily tattooed, though nothing on his face.

Personality: Jok’s boyish demeanour is something of a front for what is by all accounts a sadistic mind. Perfectly suitable for his role as an explosives expert, prone to leaving cruel traps for the enemy, he shows little remorse about his actions. With a slightly inappropriate sense of humour and a mean streak, he is only somewhat redeemed by his loyalty to his squad.
Physical Traits: As a foot soldier in the Grent Republic’s army and a recruit fresh from the republic’s controversial new training facility, Jok is physically powerful, ruthless, and masterful in the art of dealing death, despite his age. However, he would still be limited by the restraints of biology if it were not for the exo-skeletons foot soldiers are outfitted with.
If Jok’s suit is disabled for whatever reason or unsuitable for a mission he’s forced to rely on his own muscles, with decreased physical capabilities.
Strength: Roughly bench 250kg
Speed: Max running speed of 24mph
Agility: Reflexes at roughly double peak human, due to controversial drug programs increasing the receptivity of synapses in the brain.
Durability: All Ramor have somewhat thicker skin than humans and denser bones, making him roughly twice as hard to hurt as a human his size.
Endurance: Jok can run at a flat sprint for 30 minutes, long distance training has increased his endurance to almost super human levels. He could easily jog for a day and night without rest, making it unlikely that he will tire in anything other than a long period of activity.
Strength: Roughly bench 1000kg
Speed: Max running speed of 50mph (reached in four seconds.)
Agility: Reflexes remain the same, but the exo-suit allows him to move his arms faster and with more force, almost quadruple his normal speed.
Durability: The suit doesn’t change his natural durability, though it is made of titanium and would easily repel a bullet if he was lucky enough to be hit in one of the structural pieces.
Endurance: The suit increases his endurance, though its relatively short battery life of six hours does put a cap on the amount of time he can spend using it.
Senses: Jok has the naturally powerful eyesight of the Ramor which is almost half again better than a humans, especially in low light conditions. Other than that his senses are similar to any humans, save for his pain tolerance is higher due to his controversial ‘training’.
Skills: After undergoing the three year intensive training program Jok has become the perfect soldier, unquestioning of his orders regardless of their brutality, capable of making tactical decisions, and incredibly proficient with his tools of the trade.
Basic Weapons
Advanced Weapons
Bomb Defusal
Basic Combat
Advanced Combat
Psychological Warfare
Guerrilla Tactics
Advanced Driving Course
Intermediate Combat First-Aid
Hand to Hand combat, most similar to Krav Maga and Judo
Improvised munitions
Equipment (all weapons are roughly similar to modern day equivalents in stats not included)
ALICE Pack: Specially modified for quick movement and access on covert operations, Jok is none-the-less equipped with what is most like the modern day ALICE pack. It’s fastened outside his Exo-Suit.
Weaponry: Jok’s load out is dependent on a mission, he has a small armoury from which he can choose to bring a reasonable amount of weaponry into the field. If there is no Intel on the mission or objective then he will bring a random assortment of weaponry from each category to suit different possible scenarios. His weapon choices are as followed.
Mainline weaponry
KG20 Carbine Assault Rifle: Weighing around 4kg with a full magazine of 30 rounds, with an adjustable stock that drops the length from 35” to 31” the KG20 fires 5.56mm rounds and is roughly equitable in terms of power and velocity to the M4 Carbine. It also features an under-barrel grenade launcher which can fire a single 40mm fragmentation grenade. Maximum ammo, four magazines.
SOP Submachine Gun: Only 2.5kg in weight and 26” in length with an integrated silencer, the SOP submachine gun fires 7.62 rounds and has an effective range of around 100 meters. Maximum ammo, four magazines.
Man-portable explosive ordinance
Hazard MGL: 5kg six-shot revolver-type grenade launcher that can be loaded with HE, HEAT, chemical and pyrotechnic 40mm rounds. It has a short stubby design and can effectively fire up to 300 meters at roughly three rounds per second. It fires rounds at a velocity of about 70 meters per second. Maximum ammo, six HE, two of each special round type on an ammo belt.
Leaper Shoulder-Launched Assault Weapon: Weighing a hefty 15kg means this rocket launcher is only really suitable when Jok’s suited up. Fires 150mm warhead with optional laser guidance system. One shot and it’s abandoned, similar to the MBT LAW.
Anti-Personnel Mine: Similar in essence to the M18 Claymore mine, max capacity of two. Can be activated by laser detection, trip wire, or remote detonation.
36Rde Anti-personnel grenades: Fragmentation grenades with motion sensor technology, designed to be thrown into a hot zone where they remain undetonated until triggered either by the user’s kill-switch or when a large body (roughly human sized) moves into the kill radius of five feet. Similar in detonation strength to an ordinary fragmentation grenade. Capacity of three.
Smoke Grenades: Essentially exactly what they sound like, similar to modern day equivalent. Max capacity, two.
RE20: Similar in essence to modern day C4 explosives, small satchels which can be adjusted to become adhesive and stick to surfaces. They are detonated remotely by trigger. Maximum of two.
Side Arms
Hedson Pistol: 9mm pistol, fairly basic, 12 round magazine, couple extra mags, can be outfitted with a silencer.
Jackhammer Revolver: 6 shot revolver, 50. rounds. Extra 6 rounds.
14" combat knife
Medi-Kit: All special operatives of the Grent republic are authorised with two multi-purpose stim-packs, administered by injection, the chemical stops bleeding, provides a boost of adrenaline to combat pain, and contains a powerful anti-toxin designed to reduce the effects of poisons and toxins.
Armour: Jok is always wearing full camouflaged combat gear on missions, including a durable weave vest similar though slightly more effective than modern day Kevlar. He also tends to wear a ballistic face mask with built in air filtration technology and a lightweight helmet with adjustable night vision goggles.
Exo-Suit: The most innovative piece of equipment designed by Ramor military service for infantrymen. The Exo-suit is a external titanium alloy support-suit designed to reinforce the user's muscular strength, making them faster, more durable, able to hit harder and lift more. It requires a ten minute operation in base conditions to attach the suit to the operator, and cannot be effectively removed without basic surgical tools. It's lightweight, roughly ten kg all around, and makes only a slight amount of sound as the structure moves. It's powered by hydrogen batteries attached to the back of the suit just above the tail bone. It can be powered down when not in use and moved using ones own strength, with only a slight encumbrance. It has a life of two hours operational, which is the trade off for having highly volatile batteries because they must be encased in the titanium shell and can't be easily replaced. The wiring is protected by the titanium shell, and the feet and knuckles of the operator are also protected allowing for the use of more powerful melee attacks.
Backstory: Jok is an infantry-man and demolitions specialist in the Grent republic's army. Due to the unique nature of his controversial training (for which he was volunteered by his orphanage) he is unquestioning of his orders and a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.
Race: Ramor, a race with a number of similarities to humans, they are humanoid mammals with the same number of appendages. The only significant differences are that they are more tolerant to temperature extremes and can last for longer periods of time without water, oxygen, food and sleep. Essentially they are an all-round hardier race of people. Their skin is thicker than a humans, and regardless of climate always dark olive in complexion. The average height for males is 5ft and females slightly higher, and their eyes are somewhat larger on average than a humans. Their life spans range around 60-70 years, even with their modern medical technology.
Gender: Male
Height: 5ft dead
Weight: 75kg
Age: 19
Appearance: Jok has a sharp angular face that one instantly distrusts, coupled with a boyish grin that completes the look of a bit of a prankster. His skin is dark olive in complexion, like all of his race. His body type would best be described as athletic, not noticeably bulky for a soldier but with a wiry strength. He has short black hair and brown eyes. His skin is fairly heavily tattooed, though nothing on his face.

Personality: Jok’s boyish demeanour is something of a front for what is by all accounts a sadistic mind. Perfectly suitable for his role as an explosives expert, prone to leaving cruel traps for the enemy, he shows little remorse about his actions. With a slightly inappropriate sense of humour and a mean streak, he is only somewhat redeemed by his loyalty to his squad.
Physical Traits: As a foot soldier in the Grent Republic’s army and a recruit fresh from the republic’s controversial new training facility, Jok is physically powerful, ruthless, and masterful in the art of dealing death, despite his age. However, he would still be limited by the restraints of biology if it were not for the exo-skeletons foot soldiers are outfitted with.
If Jok’s suit is disabled for whatever reason or unsuitable for a mission he’s forced to rely on his own muscles, with decreased physical capabilities.
Strength: Roughly bench 250kg
Speed: Max running speed of 24mph
Agility: Reflexes at roughly double peak human, due to controversial drug programs increasing the receptivity of synapses in the brain.
Durability: All Ramor have somewhat thicker skin than humans and denser bones, making him roughly twice as hard to hurt as a human his size.
Endurance: Jok can run at a flat sprint for 30 minutes, long distance training has increased his endurance to almost super human levels. He could easily jog for a day and night without rest, making it unlikely that he will tire in anything other than a long period of activity.
Strength: Roughly bench 1000kg
Speed: Max running speed of 50mph (reached in four seconds.)
Agility: Reflexes remain the same, but the exo-suit allows him to move his arms faster and with more force, almost quadruple his normal speed.
Durability: The suit doesn’t change his natural durability, though it is made of titanium and would easily repel a bullet if he was lucky enough to be hit in one of the structural pieces.
Endurance: The suit increases his endurance, though its relatively short battery life of six hours does put a cap on the amount of time he can spend using it.
Senses: Jok has the naturally powerful eyesight of the Ramor which is almost half again better than a humans, especially in low light conditions. Other than that his senses are similar to any humans, save for his pain tolerance is higher due to his controversial ‘training’.
Skills: After undergoing the three year intensive training program Jok has become the perfect soldier, unquestioning of his orders regardless of their brutality, capable of making tactical decisions, and incredibly proficient with his tools of the trade.
Basic Weapons
Advanced Weapons
Bomb Defusal
Basic Combat
Advanced Combat
Psychological Warfare
Guerrilla Tactics
Advanced Driving Course
Intermediate Combat First-Aid
Hand to Hand combat, most similar to Krav Maga and Judo
Improvised munitions
Equipment (all weapons are roughly similar to modern day equivalents in stats not included)
ALICE Pack: Specially modified for quick movement and access on covert operations, Jok is none-the-less equipped with what is most like the modern day ALICE pack. It’s fastened outside his Exo-Suit.
Weaponry: Jok’s load out is dependent on a mission, he has a small armoury from which he can choose to bring a reasonable amount of weaponry into the field. If there is no Intel on the mission or objective then he will bring a random assortment of weaponry from each category to suit different possible scenarios. His weapon choices are as followed.
Mainline weaponry
KG20 Carbine Assault Rifle: Weighing around 4kg with a full magazine of 30 rounds, with an adjustable stock that drops the length from 35” to 31” the KG20 fires 5.56mm rounds and is roughly equitable in terms of power and velocity to the M4 Carbine. It also features an under-barrel grenade launcher which can fire a single 40mm fragmentation grenade. Maximum ammo, four magazines.
SOP Submachine Gun: Only 2.5kg in weight and 26” in length with an integrated silencer, the SOP submachine gun fires 7.62 rounds and has an effective range of around 100 meters. Maximum ammo, four magazines.
Man-portable explosive ordinance
Hazard MGL: 5kg six-shot revolver-type grenade launcher that can be loaded with HE, HEAT, chemical and pyrotechnic 40mm rounds. It has a short stubby design and can effectively fire up to 300 meters at roughly three rounds per second. It fires rounds at a velocity of about 70 meters per second. Maximum ammo, six HE, two of each special round type on an ammo belt.
Leaper Shoulder-Launched Assault Weapon: Weighing a hefty 15kg means this rocket launcher is only really suitable when Jok’s suited up. Fires 150mm warhead with optional laser guidance system. One shot and it’s abandoned, similar to the MBT LAW.
Anti-Personnel Mine: Similar in essence to the M18 Claymore mine, max capacity of two. Can be activated by laser detection, trip wire, or remote detonation.
36Rde Anti-personnel grenades: Fragmentation grenades with motion sensor technology, designed to be thrown into a hot zone where they remain undetonated until triggered either by the user’s kill-switch or when a large body (roughly human sized) moves into the kill radius of five feet. Similar in detonation strength to an ordinary fragmentation grenade. Capacity of three.
Smoke Grenades: Essentially exactly what they sound like, similar to modern day equivalent. Max capacity, two.
RE20: Similar in essence to modern day C4 explosives, small satchels which can be adjusted to become adhesive and stick to surfaces. They are detonated remotely by trigger. Maximum of two.
Side Arms
Hedson Pistol: 9mm pistol, fairly basic, 12 round magazine, couple extra mags, can be outfitted with a silencer.
Jackhammer Revolver: 6 shot revolver, 50. rounds. Extra 6 rounds.
14" combat knife
Medi-Kit: All special operatives of the Grent republic are authorised with two multi-purpose stim-packs, administered by injection, the chemical stops bleeding, provides a boost of adrenaline to combat pain, and contains a powerful anti-toxin designed to reduce the effects of poisons and toxins.
Armour: Jok is always wearing full camouflaged combat gear on missions, including a durable weave vest similar though slightly more effective than modern day Kevlar. He also tends to wear a ballistic face mask with built in air filtration technology and a lightweight helmet with adjustable night vision goggles.
Exo-Suit: The most innovative piece of equipment designed by Ramor military service for infantrymen. The Exo-suit is a external titanium alloy support-suit designed to reinforce the user's muscular strength, making them faster, more durable, able to hit harder and lift more. It requires a ten minute operation in base conditions to attach the suit to the operator, and cannot be effectively removed without basic surgical tools. It's lightweight, roughly ten kg all around, and makes only a slight amount of sound as the structure moves. It's powered by hydrogen batteries attached to the back of the suit just above the tail bone. It can be powered down when not in use and moved using ones own strength, with only a slight encumbrance. It has a life of two hours operational, which is the trade off for having highly volatile batteries because they must be encased in the titanium shell and can't be easily replaced. The wiring is protected by the titanium shell, and the feet and knuckles of the operator are also protected allowing for the use of more powerful melee attacks.
Backstory: Jok is an infantry-man and demolitions specialist in the Grent republic's army. Due to the unique nature of his controversial training (for which he was volunteered by his orphanage) he is unquestioning of his orders and a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.