Very mature answers, really encouraging to respect those people even more.
You're gonna need to work on being sarcastic and derisive dude, that was weak. Now please, tell me more about how little you respect me as if your respect were worth a rat's ass?
Nobutsrsly, my advice was genuine. Considering yourself somehow better than those people is both grossly arrogant and blinds you to the actual joy of roleplaying, which is you can be and write anything you want. You're asking where the creativity is, while simultaneously not engaging or writing or, horeh sheet, actually making your own RP... in other words, not doing anything creative yourself, and complaining that others aren't doing it for you. And you somehow don't see the irony in that. Get your head out your ass, dude.
EDIT: And only now does it hit me that you may not have been sarcastically commenting on the responses here, but actually being legitimate having taken on board what was said. I hope it's this and not what I thought you meant. Damn, being around here so long has made me read everything as sarcasm.