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Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

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Having finally gotten hold of the game (Ultimate for PC was just 15 bucks, woo!) I have been taking on several routes to have as much knowledge and experience as possible. I have the following:

Human Female Noble
Human Female Mage
City Elf Female
Dalish Elf Male
Commoner Female Dwarf
Royal Male Dwarf

I've done most of the main quests, I know I'm close to calling the Landsmeet, even so I may need help with events. I have met all the canon companions as of now so I'm free to play as any of them.

I am also playing DA:I and will probably try to tackle DA:2 later during the summer.

I am seeking someone who wouldn't mind my slow pace and can fill in any knowledge gaps I may have. I am willing to work with canon roles or OCs. I wouldn't mind mixing them, if we're under the assumption the OC would be w Warden or something of the like. I also really liked Duncan, if we can find a way to fix his death somehow, I'd really like that. I'm only looking for one or two of these right now, with partners being able to post at least three paragraphs per role and I do expect us to take on many roles for the full weight of a party who has members coming and going (aha!). I will reply every couple of days, so if you're busy, I can deal with that. Posts will depend on who has posted and had to wait, if you've just posted but someone else has been waiting a few days. I will get to them first.

Should you want to chat off the Guild, that's fine but I don't roleplay off of it.

And as far as mature themes go, they're totally fair game.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Giving this a bump because I may be starting DAO within the next week or two, if things go accordingly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

As a note, I have the game now, been playing many different characters and have a better grasp of the canon roles now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Drunken Conquistador
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Drunken Conquistador

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I'd be interested in a Dragon Age RP.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Wonderful, I've been itching for one for a while.

Are you hoping to use canons, OCs or a mixture?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drunken Conquistador
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Drunken Conquistador

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Well, I would be more comfortable with using mostly OCs since I don't want to risk butchering the characterization. But I'm not against having canon characters. That said it depends on the plot you have planned and how close it would follow the games' plots.

I mean, we could have the RP set in the Orlesian civil war and in that case OCs would be pretty much a given (unless we decide to go for Celene and Gaspard or other NPCs) and even then the Civil War hasn't received much attention so we would have to fill in the details (I might be wrong of course, I haven't played DA:I or read the novels). On the other hand we if we're going to follow the main plot of the games (The Blight, the Kirkwall fuck-up) the presence of canon characters would be pretty necessary, even if we just play as people "caught in the crossfire".

So in short I suggest a mixture between OCs and canon characters, the ratio depending on how you wanna take this forward
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I have my eyes on the Blight, recruited those who signed the treaties, etc. I have yet to sit down and play DA2 so dealing with Kirkwall may not be so easy for me. As a setting, I'm sure I could read about it but I've spoiled myself enough with DAO that I'd like to avoid too many details/spoilers in regards to DA2 and DAI since I do intend on playing them.

Now in regards to Orlais, I would love it if our story could take us there but Fereldan is where I am most comfortable in terms of the towns, tone, other locations. Orlais is still a rich vibrant place that I think could add to our adventure but for the most part, I am mostly well versed in the plot and settings in DAO, which may seem limiting but neither of us have played DAI or read the novels so I think we still have tha capability to put our own spin on things.

You mentioned if we did stick with the Blight and issues with DAO, we would need canons, I'm not sure if that's necessarily true. The main ones like Duncan, Arl Eamon, Loghain, Anora, Cailan, possibly Flemeth, Morrigan, and possibly Alistarmay be needed but I do think the others could be tweaked. I also believe our own OCs could take the place of some of the companions, even those like Alistar or Morrigan. I'd feel like it would be more fun to make our own Wardens who find themselves on their own. Alistar's lineage was an important plot point but doesn't mean we need to follow it exactly if we have our own roles. I just want to make sure we're not overloading ourselves because while our characters won't be as big as the game's playable characters, it'll still take time to develop them all and I fear if we mix canons and OCs without intention/deliberation, it could get out of hand.

I'm honestly thinking OCs or Canons. If we mix them up, I'm not sure we can make a functioning group without it getting messy and hard to manage. If we do want both though, we could also swing for the fences and have our OCs be Grey Wardens from elsewhere. The name itself escapes me but it has been mentioned a few times that others have been called (though also assumed that Loghain has intercepted them) and maybe the majority of our plot can be our group gathering people (maybe 1-2 canons at most?) to meet up with Alistar and everyone else? But then again the final battle is still a long ways away and it's up to us to either follow the game's path or do something different.

Now that I've babbled a bit too much, I'm sorry...what do you think?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drunken Conquistador
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Drunken Conquistador

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I have my eyes on the Blight, recruited those who signed the treaties, etc. I have yet to sit down and play DA2 so dealing with Kirkwall may not be so easy for me. As a setting, I'm sure I could read about it but I've spoiled myself enough with DAO that I'd like to avoid too many details/spoilers in regards to DA2 and DAI since I do intend on playing them.

Now in regards to Orlais, I would love it if our story could take us there but Fereldan is where I am most comfortable in terms of the towns, tone, other locations. Orlais is still a rich vibrant place that I think could add to our adventure but for the most part, I am mostly well versed in the plot and settings in DAO, which may seem limiting but neither of us have played DAI or read the novels so I think we still have tha capability to put our own spin on things.

You mentioned if we did stick with the Blight and issues with DAO, we would need canons, I'm not sure if that's necessarily true. The main ones like Duncan, Arl Eamon, Loghain, Anora, Cailan, possibly Flemeth, Morrigan, and possibly Alistar may be needed but I do think the others could be tweaked. I also believe our own OCs could take the place of some of the companions, even those like Alistar or Morrigan. I'd feel like it would be more fun to make our own Wardens who find themselves on their own. Alistar's lineage was an important plot point but doesn't mean we need to follow it exactly if we have our own roles. I just want to make sure we're not overloading ourselves because while our characters won't be as big as the game's playable characters, it'll still take time to develop them all and I fear if we mix canons and OCs without intention/deliberation, it could get out of hand.

I'm honestly thinking OCs or Canons. If we mix them up, I'm not sure we can make a functioning group without it getting messy and hard to manage. If we do want both though, we could also swing for the fences and have our OCs be Grey Wardens from elsewhere. The name itself escapes me but it has been mentioned a few times that others have been called (though also assumed that Loghain has intercepted them) and maybe the majority of our plot can be our group gathering people (maybe 1-2 canons at most?) to meet up with Alistar and everyone else? But then again the final battle is still a long ways away and it's up to us to either follow the game's path or do something different.

Now that I've babbled a bit too much, I'm sorry...what do you think?

It depends on when we start. Early in the game Duncan mentioned that besides him and Allistar there were other Grey Wardens with the army, but the PC and Allistar were the only survivors in virtue of being kept from the thick of the battle. We could create some OCs and say that they survived the battle and either join the main party or have our characters develop their own separate plot, like helping refugees and the remnants of the army delay the Blight while the Party does its own thing. We could also play as other Ferelden chars, (hell, we could play as two grunts in Loghain's army just for a change XD) Elves, Legion of the Dead etc.

As for the other question, Loghain did stop the Orlesian Chevaliers and Wardens from entering Ferelden (I heard that the novels do a good job explaining the origins of his pathological hatred for Orlais, plus he may have known that Cailan planned to set his daughter aside and marry Celene). And Allistar himself says that with just two surviving Wardens in Ferelden it's up to them to stop the Blight because it would take too long to get to Weishaupt (the HQ of the Wardens IIRC) and get reinforcements.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Canon doesn't need to be set in stone but sounds like doing so might be easier/preferred to you, which is fine in my book. I think our easier route would be to play Grey Wardens who did survive but I do think recruiting our own civilian folk would be fun, as you said. You mentioned playing grunts which I think may me wondered about the ones who got to run off when the PC let them go as opposed to killing them. A number of different people could join the cause and it's entirely likely we could follow the Party's movements but always be a few steps behind so we can see the aftermath of main events. It would also give us room to do our own thing, pick up our own side quests of sorts and do our own to clear the Grey Warden name, so to speak.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drunken Conquistador
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Drunken Conquistador

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Canon doesn't need to be set in stone but sounds like doing so might be easier/preferred to you, which is fine in my book. I think our easier route would be to play Grey Wardens who did survive but I do think recruiting our own civilian folk would be fun, as you said. You mentioned playing grunts which I think may me wondered about the ones who got to run off when the PC let them go as opposed to killing them. A number of different people could join the cause and it's entirely likely we could follow the Party's movements but always be a few steps behind so we can see the aftermath of main events. It would also give us room to do our own thing, pick up our own side quests of sorts and do our own to clear the Grey Warden name, so to speak.

So if we go with surviving Grey Wardens idea we could simply say that our chars also think that they're the only two surviving Grey Wardens (say they simply turned and run once things became hopeless). And as the only two surviving Wardens they would either keep running with the intent of escaping Ferelden once they realize Loghain is after them (Essentially deciding to leave Ferelden to die and wait to fight the Blight after it consumes the nation.) or they decide to stay and fight the Blight to the best of their abilities, unfortunately the ancient treaties have been taken by Morrigan and Flemeth so our chars would be forced to start from the zero.

If we go with the grunt idea most of our storyline would deal with the conflict between Loghain and the Ferelden Bannorn in the civil war. Which would give us the chance to explore the background of the setting but it wouldn't be as action packed as the other idea. But since you prefer something closer to the main plot the surviving Grey Warden idea sounds better.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I think the surviving Grey Warden idea would be the smoothest to deal with. Without the Treaties in their possession, they would be relying on word of mouth as well as instincts. I'm sure at some point someone is going to say they ran into other Grey Wardens, which would pique the interest of our group, which is why I do see them wanting to catch up/cross paths since they'd know they'd be more effective together than in two groups, but again that is probably something for a later event. And I do think it's possible to recruit grunts from Loghain who have gone AWOL, if that's a role you're interested in taking.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drunken Conquistador
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Drunken Conquistador

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I think the surviving Grey Warden idea would be the smoothest to deal with. Without the Treaties in their possession, they would be relying on word of mouth as well as instincts. I'm sure at some point someone is going to say they ran into other Grey Wardens, which would pique the interest of our group, which is why I do see them wanting to catch up/cross paths since they'd know they'd be more effective together than in two groups, but again that is probably something for a later event. And I do think it's possible to recruit grunts from Loghain who have gone AWOL, if that's a role you're interested in taking.

That could work. As for recruiting grunts, I'm not sure, we would essentially be two penniless outlaws in the eyes of the wider population. So if we ever end up with a party it will be relatively small and made up of people that have earned our trust and vice-versa, nothing like Mount and Blade unfortunately XD.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I think our characters could also have more intent on keeping their Grey Warden status a secret. The Party had to use their Treaties so they had to ensure their title wasn't hidden or kept too quiet. But in our own case, we could probably get away with being more sneaky or at least careful about who knew about us being Grey Wardens. I do think we will need to recruit though, it won't be instant or massive but I do think a group of our Grey Wardens, plus maybe 2-4 more people (depending on other roles we want to play, and even then they don't need to stay around forever) would be doable. Anything bigger would probably cause attention. It would also give us a chance to develop other avenues, like bringing a merchant like Bodahn Feddic, except one who is also a fighter, not just a collector. It would give us more ways of doing side quests, helping various people during travels and trying to see what Loghain is up to and why.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drunken Conquistador
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Drunken Conquistador

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I think our characters could also have more intent on keeping their Grey Warden status a secret. The Party had to use their Treaties so they had to ensure their title wasn't hidden or kept too quiet. But in our own case, we could probably get away with being more sneaky or at least careful about who knew about us being Grey Wardens. I do think we will need to recruit though, it won't be instant or massive but I do think a group of our Grey Wardens, plus maybe 2-4 more people (depending on other roles we want to play, and even then they don't need to stay around forever) would be doable. Anything bigger would probably cause attention. It would also give us a chance to develop other avenues, like bringing a merchant like Bodahn Feddic, except one who is also a fighter, not just a collector. It would give us more ways of doing side quests, helping various people during travels and trying to see what Loghain is up to and why.

Yeah, that would work better.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Great, if you're on board, we can flesh out more character details and goals that we'd have in mind, as well as any ideas in terms of side quests that might sound interesting to either of us. I can make us an OOC (though it will have to wait until I get back tonight, I'm about to go out for dinner) or if you'd like to do the honors, I wouldn't protest.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drunken Conquistador
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Drunken Conquistador

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Great, if you're on board, we can flesh out more character details and goals that we'd have in mind, as well as any ideas in terms of side quests that might sound interesting to either of us. I can make us an OOC (though it will have to wait until I get back tonight, I'm about to go out for dinner) or if you'd like to do the honors, I wouldn't protest.

Why don't you PM me once you get back from dinner and once we've fleshed things out we create the OOC
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Alright, fair enough. I shall be back in about 4-5 hours so expect a PM around then. If we're unable to touch base before then, I will be gone for about a week in Ireland but upon my return, I will still be interested in discussing things further. Should your interest change between now and then, just let me know.
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