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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 15 days ago

~Some time ago~

"When I find out who did this... Raaaagh!"

A big man in heavy metal armor and a sword as large as he was roared in the forest as he stood among his fallen brothers-in-arms. He began barking orders to survivors to beef up security and start making lights further away from the base camp. Others were dragging away corpses, each with at least two arrows, one in the chest, another going through their faces. The handiwork of the Green Orchid. What frustrated the bandits even more were that the dead were looted of their own equipment, mostly arrows, but also coin pouches and knives. This would be the third attack on their patrols just this week, and they were quickly losing members either due to the Green Orchid or rumors of the archer, causing newer members to flee for their lives.

Back at their camp the bandit chief was still stewing in anger. He was suppose to know these forests and roads in and out, yet neither he nor his men could find any trace of the Green Orchid. From the way his own men died, it was hard to pin point if the mysterious archer was working alone or not; each arrow came from a different angle, meaning that there was more than one, the Green Orchid moved around a lot, or that he moved the corpses in such a way to imply that he struck from different locations. The chief was more inclined to believe the first: The Green orchid couldn't have moved too much or else he would have left something behind, something to show he had been there. It would have been more believable to think that the Green Orchid was actually just a group of skilled archers, looking to cull the Red Bandits from their turf. Suddenly, a messenger arrived.

"B-b-boss! We found a note from the Green Orchid!"

"What? Let me see that!"

Sure enough it was a piece of parchment with a green flower (It wasn't an orchid) attached to it. Another message from the Green Orchid. "Hi. I'm going to kill you all. Tootles!" Were it anyone else the bandit chief wouldn't care. He's gotten plenty of death threats over his long career. He's certainly seen much more impressive ones. But these messages bothered him more because the Green Orchid was actually succeeding in killing them. The messenger looked up to his boss, purposely acting somewhat cowardly so he doesn't look like he's trying to challenge the chief. "What should we do boss? We don't got enough guys to send on raids and watch the camp at the same time." The chief went over to his table and looked at the map of the arena. He didn't like this. Not one bit.

"Forget the raids. Call all the boys back to the fort and bunker down. This Green Shit wants to fight us? Let him come. I killed wizards and warriors who could bend nature itself, I'm not going to be scared of fools with bows. But I have to make sure the rest of you lot don't get yourself killed either. This fort as survived everything from siege weapons to earthquakes. There's no way they'll break through our walls."

The week passed. Sure enough after the call for the Red Bandits to return to base, their deaths have gone down dramatically. A few have been killed, but they were only the ones who left the fortress. Even better, the Red Bandits managed to get an look at the Green Orchid: A orcish woman dressed in rags. The bandit chief suspects that the Green Orchids are a new bandit gang looking to infringe in their territory, using tribal orcs to clear them out. He recognized the strength of orcs because he had a few under his service as well. Most were barbarians, but he couldn't deny they were insanely strong ones.


"I'm... Sorry boss... This is it..."

"No! Dammit! GOD DAMMIT!"

The Bandit Chief screamed as his second-in-command convulsed and began to spew forth blood from our mouth, nose, and eyes. The Green Orchid had traded her arrows for poisons, tainting their food and water supply and slowly killing off his men. Because they had not gone out either, they could not secure the forest; even when they sent hunters to find game, they would be hard press to find any deer or rabbits. The Green Orchid had driven them away. No one in the gang knew about what was safe to eat in the forest, and those who tried were killed quickly. They were forced to rely on their own supplies, but after it was discovered that it was nearly all tainted, that almost brought down the Red bandits. Almost, because it was when their moral was broken that the Green Orchid attacked. It was early that morning as the men were eating breakfast. They ate arrows instead of apples, and before the archers could draw string they were shot down from the shadows. The sun was not quite yet up enough for anyone to see the Green Orchid when she was hidden, but there was still enough light to see their comrades die around them. Not even those who fled were spared; instead of two arrows to the chest they had two into their backs. Two orcish barbarians were shot in the face, but their rage allowed them to continue to live even though their deaths were near. They charged the location where the arrows came, decimating a stair case leading to the rampart. But jumping up onto the high ground was her; a half-orc woman in ragged clothing, armed with a bow.

"Hello! Have you prayed to your gods yet?" The orcish warriors roared at the Green Orchid, but that all they could do; they had no weapons which could reach her aside from throwing rocks. And when they tried she was easily able to just side step out of the way, picking off other bandits who were either fleeing or trying to arm their own bows. "Eleven, twelve, fourteen. Hmm. Already through half my quiver." After shooting down about eight bandits, the Green Orchid used up four more arrows to kill the two barbarians below her. That gave her 14 arrows left at her disposal. Fortunately for her, there were plenty of other dead bandits around for her to grab arrows off of. Steel tipped ones too, much better then the iron ones she had with her.

The bandit chief sat in his room, drinking away his sorrows. He had survived the war between the mages and lords, and has led a successful bandit group since than. Indeed, it was so successful that even if he was to fall, there were still plenty of other Red Bandit chapters around to take back what was lost. It was unfortunate that it was his chapter than had to fall. Blood curdling screams of his dying men spurned the warrior into action. Tossing his bottle away he opened up a chest and took out a different bottle: An alchemical potion.

As the life of the final bandit was squeeze out from his body, Orchid dropped his body onto the floor and searched him. A silver ring, twenty silver pieces, a couple of daggers, and his sword. If she had to guess they must have been made of iron. Not really impressive, but worth melting down. Orchid walked over to a surprisingly female bandit, one who tried to cast magics at her. Orchid didn't know what she had tried to do aside from blasting her with a green energy, but Orchid guessed it didn't work since she was still alive and the bandit mage had two arrows in her abdomen. She only had a dagger, but also two potions. Orchid didn't know what they did since they were just glass vials with some dull blue liquid, but she could head back to Waeldeshore to get them appraised. Looking around there wasn't anyone else to kill except maybe the bandit chief. Orchid was actually considering skipping him; she had a decent haul thus far and could always come back later to finish the job. As she walked through the fortress she came across the mess hall, tempted to grab a bite to eat. However she also remembered how she tainted the supply but shooting a diseased rat into their larder, so Orchid wasn't sure if there was anything safe to eat. That was unfortunate because she was a bit peckish at the moment.

But as she was about to head into the next room she head the sound of running. Anticipating an attack Orchid got low to the ground and took out her bow. Sure enough crashing through the door was a big man with a big sword dressed in heavy armor. He looked much more intimidating than the rest of the bandits; while they were mostly fur-and-leather ruffians with big weapons, this man looked like a bonefide warrior. Immediately Orchid fired two arrows at his chest, but of course they didn't really do anything as they bounced off his chestplate. The warrior in turn slashed at Orchid, who was far away enough to avoid it easily. However she knew that she couldn't stay and fight, not here; too cramp and her arrows wouldn't do her any good against his kind of armor. Maybe if she could shoot him in the eyes, but that will be hard considering that it's his only weak spot and he's trying to kill her right now. So Orchid turn tail and ran, but not before grabbing what she guessed was a bottle of cooking oil and breaking it underneath the door as she escaped. When the warrior gave chase he didn't notice the oil, causing him to slip and stumble. Orchid laughed, but was glad that her little prank also gave her some time to make more space.

The base wasn't that big, but unlike most bandit forts they had great stone walls. Also unlike most bandit forts they had a sewerage drainage system, which was their downfall as Orchid had used that drainage to get into the base. Of course it wasn't easy finding it since she had to go into a lake first, but if she didn't know about it she was almost certain the other bandits didn't either. The courtyard, though littered with bodies, had much more space for Orchid to maneuver. She guessed that she had about a minute or two before the metal warrior came out to fight her so she needed to think quickly. She didn't have any more oil to make a slippery surface. But there were some rakes and hoes around. "Guess bandits like to be tidy as well. It'll have to do!" Orchid grabbed these ranks and spread them around the area, making sure that nothing heavy was on the shafts themselves. A few she tricked out a bit by stabbing a looted dagger through, and the ones that didn't break now had a pointy bit sticking out. Another crash and Orchid knew her time was up.

She had tried to bar the doors by closing them and putting a table in front of it, but the warrior was able to tackle it and the crude barricade down with one shoulder tackle. He had his arm up to cover his face which forced Orchid to hold her fire, knowing that she couldn't really shoot the arrows anywhere meaningful. He was covered head to two in beaten full plate armor, carrying a two-handed sword with a jagged edge. "I'm going to stick your head on a pike, green shit!" Getting ready to shoot on the run Orchid smirked to herself. "Well that's not nice..." Orchid began to retreat, firing an arrow at the warrior. He was able to take a step to the side and dodge it easily, charging forward to chase after Orchid. Then he stepped on a rake, causing a knife to plunge into his shoulder. It was more of an annoyance than actually painful, but his short pause was all Orchid needed to line up a shot and aim for his helmeted head. Her arrow struck true, but instead of killing the man it instead knocked his helmet off, saving his life for just the moment.

Knocking the trap aside the man noticed the other ranks scattered about the courtyard. He gritted his teeth in anger and looked at Orchid, who just gave him a grin that implied that she was not taking him seriously (She was, but she also enjoyed mocking him). He roared and attacked as the half-orc fired another arrow at him, and without his helmet the warrior had to use his sword to shield his head. it was broad enough to survey that purpose but also cut off his vision, causing him to run into a few more rake traps. They hardly slowed him down, though the ones with knives did occasionally cut his face or found a fold in his armor to lodge themselves into. Orchid herself kept on the move, staying in place only to shoot. Eventually however she ran out of arrows, much to her displeasure. There were more arrows she could get from the dead bandits, but they were on the same level as the armored warrior was. "Really? Always down to a melee..."

The warrior finally caught up with Orchid. He was breathing hard but hardly wounded. His face was had visible veins, his eyes glowing an unnatural red. Orchid was quite casual however. Most of her belongings were now in a neat pile behind her, with only her weapons on her person, sans her bow and empty quiver.

"I'm going to kill you for killing my men!"

"That's it? I was hoping for more witty banter. Ah well! I guess I'll turn this Red Bandit into a Dead Bandit!"

With her staff in hand Orchid waited the warrior's charge, and when he did she anticipated his attacks so she could dodge them. She had to fight defensively knowing that his potion, whatever it was, probably dulled his sense of pain. Smacking him about the head won't really hurt him until after the potion wears off, and Orchid might be dead by than. As she dodged, Orchid noticed that the warrior's slashes where strong enough to cut through the stone work as if they weren't even there. Instead of "Clipping" off of them like one would normally expect, he just cut straight through them. Orchid was fairly certain that she wouldn't fair any better. "That sword is going to be a problem. Let's fix that!"

The warriors attacks were fast and devastating, but predictable. He was focused only on attacking her instead of trying to do something tactical with his immense power. As long as Orchid was aware of her surroundings she could continue to dodge and wait. And her moment came when the warrior tried to switch holding his sword with his other hand. That's when Orchid lunged out, jabbing her staff between the handle of the sword and the warrior's hand. "I'll be taking this!" Popping the hilt of the sword out of the warriors' grasp Orchid traded her staff for the two-handed weapon, noting it's immense weight compared to her oak stick. The warrior threw the staff back at Orchid, who just slashed it in half with a swing of the blade. She didn't know how to use such a sword properly, but as long as the warrior didn't have it that was fine with her. He charged with the intent of beating her to death, but disarmed Orchid could easily take him down. As he swung to take off her head Orchid moved low to the ground and swung the sword as hard as she could to knock the feet out from underneath the warrior. However she underestimated the strength of the warriors' armor, because instead of tripping him, the sword shattered. "Oh sod!"

With a shattered sword in hand the warrior gave Orchid a mean kick straight into the chest, knocking her into a low wall. Hearing a crack Orchid was almost certain that she just broke a rib, but now was not the time for a medical check up. She rolled off to the side just in time to avoid getting stomped and got back onto her feet. She looked at the broken blade in her hand and tossed it over the rampart. "Alright big guy. Let's wrestle!" Adopting a grabbing style orchid waited for the warrior to inevitably charge, trying to throw a punch that was very obviously telegraphed. Orchid waited for him to throw the punch and then deflected it off her arm guards, and shortly after captured it into a very tight lock. "You're probably not going to feel this, but welcome to pain!" Forcing the arm to end at the elbow Orchid pinned the warriors' own fist into his chest. He tried to strike at Orchid with his other hand, but he was too big and bulky to make his strikes effective, least of all with his own arm in the way. Orchid then took the warrior to the ground, continuing to pin him there. Once stuck, Orchid grabbed the dagger out from one of the folds of the warrior's armor, and stabbed him in the neck. Sure enough, whatever potion he drank allowed him to ignore the normally lethal blow, forcing Orchid to stab him again. And again. And again.

The sun was coming up and showered Orchid in a ray of light. Her body glisten with a crimson sheen. She wore new gauntlets and boots, and on her back was full of loot. Potions, weapons, gold, and gems. Bolts of cloth and jewelry were within. More importantly however was a pendant in her pocket; it was a symbol of the Red Bandits, given only to their chapter leaders. Orchid hopes to turn it into authorities and cash in on the bounty. Or perhaps she could hold onto it and assume leadership for herself? It was a funny thought, but not one she was seriously considering. First thing's first: She needed to trade in this loot.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by boomlover
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boomlover The godfather of explosions

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Robert was surprised by the reaction of Isabeau. He would have expected a barrage of anger thrown at him. But instead she tried to avoid looking at him. The few glimpses he was able to get showed no eyes of fire, but just normal eye's. She then said, "We should be ready to head out soon. I'd hope to reach a decent spot to camp for the night so we're not all devoured by the shadows." She kept looking at him and it seemed that Robert had gotten her out of her comfort zone. "Right... " Robert was so confused by what was going on that he did not even notice the apple witch she still had in her mouth. She then left leaving Robert alone to think."Well...That happened"Robert thought to himself. He had not realized that the merchant of the store was looking at him.Still waiting for him to take an order."She totally likes you" Robert sighing how childish his sword could be sometimes said."How old are you again?" "If i remember correctly i will turn a 10000 years old tomorrow". Robert laughed, the confused merchant still looking at him." Oh really well what would you like as a present then?"

The sarcasm was dripping of his sentence.But the sword chuckled and said."a big sweet cake"Robert then looked at the merchant who was hoping to finally do businesses. Instead he got something that he did not expect." do you have a cake by any chance?"The merchant was so surprised by this that all he could do was nod no." They don't have any cake. Is killing a dragon good enough for ya."The sword sighed." Sure that will have to do i guess."Robert looked at the merchant who had no idea what was going on." So to trading then."The merchant just smiled pretending nothing had happened at all. After a few hours of buying food, some camping equipment and some more small vials for his experiments. Robert went to the meeting point.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Zargon was admittedly a little surprised that he had not been intercepted after the initial reactions he noticed from the locals. It appeared that he blended in just fine after walking down the street.

Once he reached the end, he turned right, and began moving towards the center of the town. He didn't expect to meet any of the demon hunters and the like, but he was on his guard regardless; he knew there was at least one capable of detecting demons to some degree. That sword may be a problem as well... he mused as he strode down the road.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jon Y
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Jon Y

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"I will not speak to know their character, half-blood, but know that I reside in neither of these camps. My business is to kill the sworn enemy. This I will do, with... or without them."

Throughout the answer Ionathan listened with increasing approval, Ionathan liked his straight forward attitude, his bluntness and his dutiful attitude to his "business". Impressed by the answer Ionathan thanked the man, he could get alone with this man Ionathan thought, after all the wisest are usually the ones who hold there tongue. Richard then came walking up to Ionathan with some kind of marching swagger and passed the Sarcina to Ionathan and after exchanging pleasantries continued his patrol of the streets.

Ionathan inspected the Sarcina, a T shaped pole with a satchel and a rolled up bedroll on top and various cooking equipment dangling on the sides, inside the satchel Ionathan found a mess kit, a winter blanket, 5 days rations and a cloak. Ionathan preferred the Sarcina to backpacks as it rests against the shoulder as you march rather than hampering your back while also being a rather good walking stick.
Ionathan the turned and looked at the well-muscled man next to him, a question formed in Ionathans head. He held up his had to get his attention and said "My good man forgive me for intruding but I was just wondering if you have any supplies?" Ionathan reached into his pocket and found a few coins and showed them in his hand "if money is a problem I can easily be of assistance"
@The Harbinger of Ferocity @Letter Bee @The Fated Fallen @Belwicket @IcePezz @boomlover @KazeXDZ
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Idling as he had been, his eyes perusing the common folk as they went about their deeds for the day, "The Red"'s mind wandered. Not far, as was expected of the man and his caliber, remaining ever suspicious and watchful of those near and far, particularly the sorts who were visibly armed - such as Richard when he returned once more, errand loyally fulfilled. It was all waiting of the sort that he reviled, in that it lacked purpose; had these so called adventurers not been prepared already?

"The Red" reminded himself that these were but civil folk and had need of things other than the nature of their person and the skill that came with it. They came with their strangeness in many regards, as not even one of them carried a bow - a weapon of incredible reliability in the wilderness - but opted for fantastic and complex machines with moving gears or burning sand. Even the daggers bore beneath his scimitar were purposeful; one for flaying, another a tool and yet another an actual weapon, and even then these others could suffice in this as well.

It was more than he wished to contend with, the all of it.

Awaiting the green eyed woman's return in spite of this, "The Red" proved to shake his head softly in disbelief at the woman - purchasing a basket of fine, ripe fruit. However, he proved to miss the event between her and the oft drunk swordsman that was the greed and glory hungry Robert - his attention ripped aside by the half elf who prove to raise a hand.

The beast tensed and his lip nearly tugged at its corner in the threat it wished to issue; one that the body of a mere mortal man could not duplicate. The grimace, either way, was a clear sign of his dislike for the limb crossing anywhere within faintest reach of him, but to both of their fortune, Ionathan was quick to return it to his own person, posing a question instead. The tension eased lightly, in that the gesture had not only ended, but that the other man's behavior was not as initially threatening as it had first appeared.

"My good man forgive me for intruding but I was just wondering if you have any supplies?" He said, proving to rummage through his pocket and produce a handful of coins, all of varied values, motioning with them while he continued, "If money is a problem I can easily be of assistance."

While "The Red" understood the gesture, beyond a doubt, it struck him as strange. It was an apparent act of good faith, but such kindness, by a representative of the kingdom no less, was something he had never experienced. Typically, guardsmen were attempting to kill him - the last great event the king's men had been involved in including "The Red" was the hunt for a beast that had seemingly murdered a man in cold blood, dragging his still bleeding corpse into the wilderness after the blindside that was the attack. Unbeknownst to them it he was no average man but a minor diabolist, yet that mattered not.

What mattered, in the now, was that the dark haired man with the dense emerald stare seemed... genuine.

To prove a point, of which he agreed to in his own conscious, the large man drew up a hand and picked a single silver piece from Ionathan's hand. Looking over the piece, holding it between the two of them as they stood there, the druid spoke;

"This can do me little good outside of here." At first the words appeared condescending, "But this," He motioned toward Ionathan with a subtle movement, not losing his focus, "Can do ample good."

"Consider what you do now with your coin wisely, half blood." Setting the piece back down in the palm of the half elf with a clink, he stood back and returned his powerful arm to his side at rest, "I will fare well enough in that which is nature's domain; ensure you can as well."

A strange sensation pulled at the hairs upon the hackles of the wilderman - something unrelated to him or the guardsman, sarcina in tow. Demeanor changing briefly, he became erect in stance and glanced around, eyes wandering the crowd; to Ionathan, some strange turn of events and personality appeared to come over the barbarian in front of him. The sort that appeared like an animal on edge, watchful of an attack. To "The Red" himself, something stirred the ambient Incarnum - the spirit energy - of this portion of the town folk like a distant but powerful void among much neutrality.

There was a darkness, a sickness to Waledeshore, a corruption born of demonic energy that would linger for perhaps years to come, but this was different; this, wherever it was, felt like the steady, creeping increase of ill tidings.

"Our enemy is afoot among us, somewhere."

@Jon Y@ArenaSnow@IcePezz
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
Avatar of Lucius Cypher

Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 15 days ago

"Thanks for the deal!" Orchid shouted towards a merchant. She got what she felt was a pretty good deal on the loot, and replenished her supplies. A new set of arrows, a couple of patches for injuries, and a snack. Plus now she had a lighter load, which was always good. Orchid always tried to carry light when possible. She would often drop her heavy load during a fight so she could do her thing unencumbered.

Walking out into the down Orchid wondered what to do as she snacked on a sandwich. Something of her own design: Two sliced pieces of bread, with a slice of meat and cheese in between. Sometimes she'd bake them. She was surprised at the lack of sandwiches in Waeldeshore, though Orchid figured that she simply wasn't looking in the right places. Orchid was also looking for her next adventure: Her bandit hunt was just something she was doing because she stumbled upon them. She had no intention of taking them down until they made themselves known to her. Frankly, her initial reason for coming to Waeldeshore was to hone her cooking skills. However she finds the stuffy atmosphere of a kitchen to ill-suited her. She'd rather have something more practical and hands-on, like hunting for her own ingredients. She felt that her cooking skills would become better on the road than in a class. But she needs purpose. Simply traveling around looking for the next ingredient wouldn't make a good meal. It needs context, significance. And more importantly, it needs company.

That's when Orchid noticed something odd. A man and a woman, both adventurer looking. not too odd in and of itself. But what caught Orchid's eye was the weapons on the man... Two hollowed staffs that Orchid once heard of. [color=greens]"Guns?"[/color] She said to herself quietly. She saw them in action once at a festival. They didn't do anything but shoot sparks and light, but when she inquired about them she heard about them in greater detail. They shot powerful yet tiny metal stone "Bullets" which could pierce even the hardest plate armor, and traveled faster than arrows. However they were expensive to maintain and had very little use in hunting; each shot required an explosion to occur and there was no guarantee that the bullet would fly straight. Many would dismiss the gun as a cowards tool, but Orchid saw the value in it. And more importantly, she knew that guns were rare in this world. She wondered just who this person was, that he would openly walk with such advance weaponry.

Orchid did introduce herself to the pair immediately. First she walked past them, as if she was just another adventurer, in order to hear tidbits of their conversation. Orchid caught word that they were to head back to the tavern, though there were many in the city. Without a definite name Orchid turned the corner, but waited out of sight. She would follow the two and figure out what they're doing. With any luck, Orchid would find herself in some interesting company.

@Letter Bee@The Fated Fallen
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ioannes blinked as the Half-Orc passed them by, observing that her ears perked up while hearing the latter parts of their conversation - the unimportant parts - before she then stalked himself and Tirrarian as they walked back to the Tavern.

Was she an enemy? Ioannes thought, perhaps an agent of the Magocrat? Thankfully, the lack of greenery in the city and the predominance of browns, whites, and black slate in Waldenshore made the Half-Orc's stealth less easy for her than it would be in the forest. Nevertheless, she was good, very good. Stealth and Ambush; Ioannes had been better at detecting them than participating in them...

Ioannes liked Half-Orcs; Ioannes liked members of every race that Giray gave a Millet. And, in the brief glimpses he can see of her face, the young man can detect no malice, only curiosity with a hard edge.

"Hey, you!" he finally called out behind him. "If you're of good intentions you don't need to hide!" The Hellene/Girayid then smiled.

"I'm a stranger in this town too; why don't we walk together? Much safer that way, and people will bother us less." Ioannes was as open and honest as he can be, but he did recieve a pragmatic benefit to things; he got the potential company of someone who was as...out of place in the city as he was, and a potential ally against the Magocrat who was endangering the place.

@The Fated Fallen, @IcePezz, @Lucius Cypher.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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The Fated Fallen Doesn't know what to put here

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Tirrarian watched as a green lady walked by, since she pretty much attracted the eye of anyone around. It was only after a second glance of which Tirrarian realised she must be an Orc, or a half-blood at best. Her build was lean, but muscles could be seen rippling through various tears in her raggedy clothing and on sleeveless arms. It was rare to see an Orc of any kind in human civilisation, especially foreign since her stance was confident, and even happy telling from her strong and light stride. Waeldershore is more of a frontier town than I thought.

Tirrarian had been a tail and had a tail more times than she could count, and she could tell this Orc was new to it. The Orc was dancing in and out of sight, which was the way a hunter would act to pounce of it's quarry. In actuality tailing involved far more subtlety, and was as much about body language and acting as it was anything else. Unsure as to the quality of Orc hearing Tirrarian didn't mention anything to Ioannes in case she heard as was scared off. Luckily he was aware of the woman, unluckily he decided confrontation was the best idea, Confrontation with an Orc, great job.

"I'm a stranger in this town too; why don't we walk together? Much safer that way, and people will bother us less."

Stranger's are rarely safer to travel with, Tirrarian re-assessed the Orc woman. Once again, her stance said she held no threat to the pair, and her failure at tailing someone said she wasn't just faking a low threat stance. She was still scary as all hell, standing almost double the height of Tirrarian and twice as wide, all muscle

The Gnome decided to make light of it "Never mind bother us less, with an Orc here assassins will keep their distance."

@Letter Bee@Lucius Cypher
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
Avatar of Lucius Cypher

Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 15 days ago

It seemed as though Orchid's hunting abilities were better in a less urban environment, because as soon as she turned the corner tail the other two they essentially spotted her. Where they perhaps watching her? Regardless, orchid simply laughed it off. "Fergive me fer mah reluctance, while mah intentions ain't bad, they're far fer innocent." Orchid said with a slightly faked accent. It was more exaggerated, as he casual speak certainly did have a drawl to it. She did this to give the other two a false sense of higher intelligence; after all if they already noticed her they probably don't expect her to be cunning, and that was fine for the orc.

The gnome with the human humorously mentioned something about assassins, which Orchid was debating if it was a serious mention or not. On one hand, orchid knows next to nothing about these two. But what she could gleam, from the man's guns and the cog-shaped tattoo on the gnome, they were a technological sort. And technology was always in high demand. "Don't mind da company I s'pose, though I'll be frank when I say I figured to follow ya cause I'm curious." Orchid pointed towards the man's gun. "Not often I see guns 'round deez parts. Most b'long to noble sorts or rich gitz. Makes me wonder wot a feller like you doin' with something like that. Though I reckon your gnome friend there has some hand in it. Most don't go putting cogs on their face less they know a thing or two 'bout machines an' stuff." But with a smile on her face the green orc strode up towards the two. Her stance was decidedly casual, almost a swagger. She seemed to show no real fear about these two and has already decided to become acquainted to them.

"I'm da Green Orchid, by da way. Friends just call me Orchid though, so you can too. Where y'all headin'? I just cashed in some loot, so Ima thinkin to get to drinkin."

@The Fated Fallen@Letter Bee
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Ah," said Ioannes, "my name is Ioannes, and I'm new to this myself. And, no, the guns weren't given to me by the Gnome, but rather are part of an inheritance I got." Also, you demonstrate deductive knowledge while putting on an accent that seems unintelligent. "Anyway, you came here to look for something to drink? Well, we are going to a tavern, but we are also going to go on a journey soon."

Now, that last part was truth. As Ioannes and (presumably) Tirrarian walked, the tavern appeared to come in sight. Then, Ioannes spoke:

"We'll we're arriving; it seems that we may yet have some time to get you some beer or wine." Ioannes briefly felt unease, but not at the Orc; rather, he was touched by worry over how the other adventurers would feel about him and his new companion.

@The Harbinger of Ferocity, @Belwicket, @Jon Y, @The Fated Fallen, @Dragoknighte, @boomlover, @KazeXDZ, @IcePezz, @Lucius Cypher.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Genevieve crept around corner after corner, skulking in the shadows, trailing not far behind the group. She was careful not to draw any attention to her, blending in flawlessly with the crowd. She was no one special in this town, at least not yet.

She had mind to interrupt their conversation quite a few times. But every time she did, a new adventurer joined on their path.

First, a foreigner or sorts. His weapons, his mannerisms- he was clearly not from around here.

Then a guard. "Gods damn us all", she thought, only then, perceiving just how interested the government had become in the group. They truly just didn't grasp how much bigger than them this all was. Waeldeshore of course wasn't the only place affected.

She didn't quite like the people of Waeldeshore. Especially those within the guard. "A piss poor excuse for warriors, the lot of them. Only worried about running magic out of the town, they have no clue what is really going on."

Again she thought to interrupt them, but again, they had another join in. This one seemed to be a beastly fellow, dressed in animal hide, large, rippling muscles and quite the intimidating demeanor.

Not too long after, a half orc came along. She too joined them as they walked back to their meeting place.

It wasn't until the group made a full circle back to the tavern, that she realized just how vague yet frighteningly accurate her tomes had predicted the current state of affairs. One thought kept circling in her mind "How is this ragtag group going to defeat the evil that threatens all of humanity?". She felt it, and there was something in each of them that told her they felt it too.

Her presence was all too small, her voice was soft and meak, but she approached them anyway. "What do you say to them? How does one get their attention?", her face reddened, her hands were clammy.

Before the group of half breeds and hins stood a thin and gangly woman, her brown eyes buried under a thick pair of brown rimmed spectacles. Golden brown hair was pulled back into a bun that sat just between her ears.

"Excuse me", she grunted softly, clearing her throat before finally speaking up.

@The Harbinger of Ferocity @Belwicket @boomlover @Jon Y @The Fated Fallen @Dragoknighte @Lucius Cypher @Letter Bee @KazeXDZ


Not far from the group, dressed and draped in heavy armor and surrounded by his Captain of the guard, and their most skilled soldiers, was the Lord Marshall himself. Making his rounds, doing what they could to aid in relief efforts. What else would they be doing?

The group of plate and steel were helping a local merchant clear away some of the debris that had cluttered up and blocked pathways. The townspeople of Waeldeshore couldn't take another attack. Their moral was in the dumps, and more than half of their soldiers were still healing up in their infirmary- those that survived anyway. But the man in the long red cape was right there in the drudge, doing what he could to help.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Hello there," Ioannes said kindly to the bespectcled academic, "what do you want to say?"

@The Harbinger of Ferocity, @Belwicket, @Jon Y, @The Fated Fallen, @Dragoknighte, @boomlover, @KazeXDZ, @IcePezz, @Lucius Cypher.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

She seemed to gain the attention of one of them at least. But now what?

.. run you're all in danger no... "You're all destined for great danger, sacrifice. Victory does not come without blood or loss, but it is a possibility. "

She adjusted her glasses, eying each one of them carefully.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"The Red" having been distracted for a time, had produced a whetstone and set it to the aged blade he bore in the form of the scimitar's edge. Each gentle stroke producing a faint hum along the sword's deadly curve, the savage proved to roll a thumb lightly across it to test its keen. To him, the blade was the most valuable relic he carried short of the hood he bore - both icons of what he was one behalf the world. Lifting the sword with ease, despite its actual physical heft, "The Red" further examined its bronze-like inlays and their engravings; the most distinctive of the motifs a fiercely snarling feline beast, of which showed fangs wide and claws flared.

There was no mere mundane glint to the weapon either something more lingered about to its presence and humbleness.

"Excuse me." Spoke a thin woman who wore, most notably, thick glasses - a rare item of wealth.

"The Red", having paid her little heed until now, brought the untamed eyes he bore upon her, assessing the woman as his powerful grasp tightened around the scimitar's worn leather handle; the woman's deep brown eyes matched the rims of her glasses and short of the oddity of owning such a valuable item, she appeared seemingly unremarkable. To the beast of a man, this raised many suspicions and roused him to standing.

Taking a step forward, blade in hand, he positioned himself beside Ioannes whose kind naivety rubbed raw the nerves of "The Red". Did he not realize someone as unusual as this woman was a potential threat, or did he just not care? It helped little to prove the barbarian as wrong when she spoke next no less.

"You're all destined for great danger, sacrifice. Victory does not come without blood or loss, but it is a possibility."

"Either explain yourself, woman, or I will end you here as testament that I do not take lightly any supposed threat on my fate or that of the realm." The man snarled with a menace, slightly altering his footing in preparation of what he understood as a word of her willingness to do them ill; being vague with "The Red" was never a promising approach, particularly not if it could be interpreted remotely as a threat.

Nature's warriors did not live long if they did not view every potential threat as an actual one.

@IcePezz@Letter Bee
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by boomlover
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boomlover The godfather of explosions

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Robert had been silent this whole time. He felt like something was watching him, And whatever it was. Its presence felt like a constant itch that he couldn't reach. His sword was having the same problem. Trying to sense for the thing that had been watching them. However it seemed to no avail so they decided to shrug it of for the time being. He was surprised however to see a few new faces, One of which being a bloody orc! Now Robert had seen a few orcs before, Most of them a bunch of crazy sword wielding bad-asses. It was a very rare sight to see an orc since most of them had been hunted down or killed. However this only counted in his country. What surprised him even more was that she used a bow. Most orcs used giant swords. So this was a rare sight indeed.

He would talk to here later and she what she was all about. He then looked at the new guy. Just looked like the regular mercenary trying to make his living in the world. He did however have a gun, Which was interesting since guns where pretty expensive. Again something he would look at later. Then a women approached. Robert just ignored here hoping that she would go away. Then she spoke,"Excuse me" A soft grunt barely hear able over the sound of the tavern. Again Robert just ignored here hoping she would go away. However Loannes responded to hear clearly curious what she wanted to say. "You're all destined for great danger, sacrifice. Victory does not come without blood or loss, but it is a possibility. "

Now this raised an eyebrow, In any other case, Robert would have told her to leave before he would make her. But since this had been the weirdest few days in a long time. However before he could respond "The Red" said."Either explain yourself, woman, or I will end you here as testament that I do not take lightly any supposed threat on my fate or that of the realm." Robert ignoring "The Red" looks at the women and said."Ignore my very aggressive friend here. He probably did not mean it." He then looks at "The Red". Clearly preparing himself to strike." Atleast i think he does." @The Harbinger of Ferocity, @Belwicket, @Jon Y, @The Fated Fallen, @Dragoknighte, @boomlover, @KazeXDZ, @IcePezz, @Lucius Cypher.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"You would be wise not to speak for me," The wilder began, pausing to adjust his footing accordingly, trusting Robert as little as he trusted this new addition - the woman - "at least if you desire a long life."

The demeanor the Druid of the Fang carried with him had no love of Robert, least of all his "gold and glory" persona and the overly ornate sword he bore. The man, like Roanoke, was everything the wild man loathed the civil folk for.

The grasp around the old blade adjusted faintly but visble enough for the entire lot to see. "Our enemy is powerful and numerous... prone to whisper words of our supposed 'doom'."

"Either she will explain her actions or pay accordingly for her intentions."

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"I mean no harm to your group, it's actually quite the opposite. ", Genevieve had responded.

Isabeau had remained in the back, tucked in the shadows of the afternoon sun on the side of the tavern. She couldn't gauge if this one was a threat or not, but there was something wrong, she could feel it in the air.

Genevieve's gaze lingered over them all, and despite her location, Isabeau was quite easy for the stranger to spot.

"It is your destiny to complete this quest. I have spent my life studying the ancient texts of my people. They talk about a Princess of Darkness, and how she will lead a group of unlikely heroes." Her eyes seemed to burn a hole in Izzy'a skull. "This expedition however, will lead to your deaths, unless you allow me to help you."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"All this talk of destiny and fate- I am the master of my own fate. So clearly, you've no idea what you're talking about.", Isabeau growled lowly, not moving from her spot, securely leaned against the wall.

"And why should we trust you anyway"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"And now it is my turn to be suspicious," said Ioannes openly and honestly. "Who are your people? How do they know what they know? Who is this Princess of Darkness and why should we allow her to lead us?" Ioannes didn't have a problem with Princesses, while Darkness...not all Darkness is evil, it was just easier for evil things to hide in the dark. Then, he listened to Isabeau's reaction, then turned back to Genevive - not that he knew her name.

"I echo the question asked; why should we trust you? You just blantantly accused one of us of being the 'Princess of Darkness', which some people might take as an insult. More to the point, what information do you have that can prove to be a game-changer?" He then looked at The Red, his own gaze saying: you were right.

Which he was.

@The Harbinger of Ferocity, @Belwicket, @Jon Y, @The Fated Fallen, @Dragoknighte, @boomlover, @KazeXDZ, @IcePezz, @Lucius Cypher.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

There was an air of arrogance about the unknown woman. As seemingly meager and mousy as she was, she was the poster queen of socially awkward. Being sheltered behind her books most of her life, she never really learned about social cues and niceties, or how one shouldn't call people out on their birth right in front of others who clearly didn't know.

"She knows very well who she is, I won't waste my time debating truths and birthrites. What you seek up in the mountains, it could very well turn the tides of this war. It is a very dangerous, and very powerful tool. You should know that Jeltheor is not the only one searching for it.". She was so matter-of-fact, pushing her glasses up in their proper place.
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