Name: Sorath
Race: Spirit/Human
Weapons/spells/abilities: Teleportation, Invisibility, can mind control those with weak wills, able to conjure a small army of spirits to fight for him, he has a Crow familiar, some other generic fighting spells n’ stuff.
Alignment: True Neutral
Good, Evil or fighting your own side: His own
History: Sorath had made a pact with a spirit eons ago. No one is quite sure what deal was struck that day, but several things are apparent. The first being that Sorath has clearly been endowed with incredible power. The second being that Sorath’s life has been extended far beyond it’s natural length. Sorath exists in between life and death, not dead, but never truly living. Sorath first made himself known to the world when he turned the tide of battle for the humans during the second Orc raid. He is not always trusted, for he fights for the side of evil as well. Since the second Ord raid centuries ago, he has participated in several key wars and battles on whichever side suits him most. There are whispers of a grander plan Sorath is working to set in motion, and all of the events prior were all just a part of his game. Whatever change Sorath wishes to set in motion, no one can be certain whether or not it will be a good one.
Previous battles(if any): Whether working behind the scenes or fighting on the front lines, there are few battles that Sorath was not a part of. Some Battles/Wars were even caused by him.
Allegiance(Clan/Group etc): To be filled in once clans/ groups are made.
I'm sure there's stuff I need to change, so just let me know what.