Alright guys, here's the OoC. It's pretty sparse at the minute because I'm a lazy lazy GM, but, when I get off my arse and actually start dealing with this, the game's probably gonna look like this, based on how Wolf Manor seems to work.
- I post a plot-advancing post in the IC.
- I post a 'some details that are public knowledge' in the not-aptly named Character Tab (like environment details for example).
- I PM those of you with secret plot bits and suchlike.
- You guys do your thang.
- My plot gets ruined because you did something unexpected.
- You guys shout when you're done/want more input from me.
- Return to Step One.
The Canon Cutoff
When you post your first post in the IC, that's boom; your character sheet is in lock-down and may not be changed under any circumstances. I tailor these games to your characters, so if suddenly you want to have brought a revolver but it's not in the details you sent to me, you're not getting one. Don't post your sheets in here, obviously.