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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

His spear thrust was battered away, his opponent surprisingly going to the effort of deflecting it with a shield on the far side of her body rather than simply twisting away from it. Such an action was costly in terms of time, preventing her from striking out with her own spear quick enough to pose any real threat to Brennus, who had dragged his own spear back and nimbly strafed anti-clockwise on his right foot to take advantage of the shield on the wrong side of her body.

Her own spear missed by about a foot and barely passed the left side of his head as he stepped rightward and with his spear barely even a third of the way drawn back to its original position he sent it flying forward again, attempting to outmatch her ability to shield herself with the speed of the point of his spear. This time his strike was aimed lower, likely to cut into the left side or front of her left thigh. He was testing her attack and defence even as he studied her reactions to his attacks.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Gatsha watched as her opponent nimbly circled back from her attack. As he had attacked the far side of her body, as she was leading with her left foot, she was surprised at how quickly he had recovered from effectively overextending himself despite their attacking simultaneously. Since from that position his attack on her right side had forced him to pass her shield first. As her opponent moved counter clockwise to her she responded by moving the weight of her foot to the ball of her right foot, her feet still bent slightly. Tucking her spear back into a couched position and watched the eyes of her opponent. She waited for the tell tale sign. She’d not have to wait long. His eyes naturally flicking first to were he intended to strike; forewarning enough for her.

Her opponent came in with his spear again, this time aiming low toward her left. Her shield was still low, but to the right thus bringing the center of her shield to block wasn’t an option. Thankfully other options were open to her. She preemptively brought her shield at an angle, left side up and right side down, rising from her minor crouch as she did so. Using the lowest bladed prong on left end of her arm shield to catch the side of the spear and then forcing the tip to miss the left side of her left thigh my a couple inches. Doing so effectively brought her shield to the fore, protecting her midsection from just above the knee to the center of her chest, with the addition of parrying her opponents spear.

Meanwhile, her own spear was ready and she did not hesitant to spring forward with it. Her right leg now leading as she sent her own spear toward the right side of her opponents face. The attack was similar to her previous efforts.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Quick, maybe quicker than me even with armour slowing her down, this will be bad.

Brennus was unused to his opponents showing considerably more agility than him, but so far two fairly solid strikes to his opponent’s body had been avoided. He had already written off the first as a testing strike, but the second was dangerous, and still she had managed to deflect it with her shield rather than slipping like any normal warrior would have done. It was unusual, and worrying.

Brennus was not so inhumanely quick, and despite the head being a bad target for spear work of this kind he still couldn’t avoid the spear. He could however duck and raise his shield simultaneously, while also dragging his right hand leftward and back, having the effect of drawing the spear’s head across his opponent’s legs unless she was aware of the danger behind her. Her own spear clattered hard against his shield, but luckily for him the hide-reinforced wood was able to sustain the attack, as he stepped backwards on his right foot.

With his left foot leading in the same fashion that he started the fight he shot his spear out blindly to catch his opponent if she immediately tried to follow him. He fired it out centrally, so it would buy him time if nothing else. Then he lowered his shield and surveyed the scene, drawing back his spear as he did so.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Gatsha managed to successfully defended herself with her shield. Not an all too difficult task given her shields generous width. Her opponent in turn had blocked her spear thrust not a surprising outcome all things considered. Spear fights tended to be rather drawn out affairs simply due to the ease of predicting and blocking spear thrusts. Her opponent immediately draw back his spear, between the two metal prongs of her shield, at such and angle as to drew it along her left thigh. Given the heat of the moment, the adrenaline coursing through her and the shallowness of the cut, Gatsha didn't immediately feel the move.

She did notice that her opponent had drawn his spear back right next to her shield, causing the blade of the spear it to catch for a moment between her bladed prong and the lip of her shield. It would be a simple task to free it, but that would take a moment, a moment Gatsha immediately used to her advantage, as he spear glanced off the right side of her opponents shield, she knocked the end of the spearbutt with her elbow to redirect the thrust downward so that the spears bladed edge rolled down the side of her opponent's shield down toward his outstretched arm. Seeking to take advantage of the man’s awkward moment.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Fortunately for Brennus, though he was impeded somewhat by his opponent’s shield it was only a few fractions of a second before he was able to continue his movement, and ultimately his spear being trapped was not likely to stop him moving his entire body. His opponent’s attempt at a fancy trick with her spear was interesting, but ineffective against the Celt, who held his shield at such an angle that strikes slid off the left side of his shield, as one would expect. If she pressed the issue the only effect would be a test of strength as she attempted to pivot his shield the opposite direction in order for her spear to shoot towards his arm.

Ultimately, time was not on her side for such a move, as his spear drew clear after inflicting a minor wound and Brennus managed to step back as he originally intended, maintaining his defensive stance.
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