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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

August 25th | Monday | 4:oo a.m. | First Day Of School

A loud beeping sound filled the dark room, causing a slight stirring from under the blankets piled on the bed due to the cold temperature the room is constantly at. A few of the blankets fell back, revealing a head adorned with shockingly white hair. After a few small movements were made, one of which consisted of a small pale hand leaving the safety of the blankets and pressing a button on the beeping alarm clock, the figure fell still once more. Silence filled the room once more and the figures breathing started to deepen once more. However, a small shape leaped nimbly onto the bed and padded until the kitten was sitting on top of the pillow. It reached inside the cocoon of blankets and gently prodded a cheek until the figure's lashed lifted, revealing brilliant blue eyes, one of which was without sight. The girl sighed softly, knowing her kitten was right. She needed to get up. There were things to be done before school. Even if her family was at the stage where they ignored her they were not afraid to administer punishment should she fail to complete her tasks.

Yawning, she wiggled out from under the warm blankets regretfully; shivering as her feet meet the cold tile floor. She stretched her arms over her head and regarded herself in the mirror across from her bed. Snow white hair fell in sheets past her waist, blending in with her pale skin and making her aquamarine eyes stand out in stark contrast. People were always shocked at her hair color and thought she colored it, not believing her when she tried to explain that it was natural. Eventually she stopped and let them think what they will. She glanced at her clock and sighed, rubbing her eyes sleepily. Four O'clock was way too early to wake up but if she wanted to complete all of her morning chores and still get to school on time she needed to have enough time.

Another sigh escaped her as she padded to the bathroom and turned on the water, picking out her outfit for the day while she waited for the water to warm up. It was still relatively hot outside seeing as it was still August but if she didn't want people asking questions about the various bruises and scars on her arms and legs(if they even noticed her that is) then she was forced to wear clothes that didn't show that much skin. She picked out a black skirt that fell to her knees, her brown knee-high boots and a long-sleeved shirt that was purple in color. The water having warmed up by now, she jumped in and quickly washed her hair and body. Once she had gotten out she dressed in a t-shirt and shorts to do her chores in and went down to the kitchen, looking at the list pinned to the fridge. She sighed as her eyes trailed down the obscene amount of chores for her to do and got to work.


When she finally finished it was 6 O'clock and time for her to get dressed and begin her walk to school. She put her cleaning supplies away and got dressed, grabbed her messenger bag then began the walk to school.

August 25th | Monday | 7:oo a.m. | First Day Of School

She managed to make it to school on time, letting out a sigh of relief. She stared up at the red-brick building with a feeling of tiredness. if she survived this year then she only had two more before she was able to leave this place. She rubbed at her eyes tiredly before beginning the trek up the steps. Teenagers were grouped here and there, some of them falling silent as she passed by them. Some of them began whispering about her weirdness and how easy prey she was if they wanted to mess with her.

She ignored them as best as she could, continuing forward steadily. It was them that her daily tormentors swooped in. Seeing as she was blind on her left side, they used that to advantage and so she was unprepared when she was pushed unexpectedly. A yelp escaped her as she went tumbling, bag spilling to the ground beside her. Her glasses fell off and she groped around for a few moments, thankful when her fingers closed over the frames and placed them back on her face.

Her cheeks burned as she scrambled to gather her belongings as the two boys laughed at her embarrassment. "What's this?" One of them sneered, snatching up her sketchpad before she could grab it. He began flipping through the pages, ignoring how she scrambled to her feet and tried to take it from him. "Who's this? Your imaginary boyfriend?" He asked, showing her a drawing. Her cheeks colored further at the sight of the drawing. He stood tall with raven colored locks and golden eyes, one eye covered by an eyepatch. She remained silent. They didn't need to know that she had been dreaming about this boy for the past few months and she hoped that the bully didn't flip any further otherwise he would see more drawings of the dream-guy.

The bully sneered when he didn't get a response and tossed her back the pad just in time for the bell to ring, signaling the start of class. The two boys had fun kicking her stuff away before racing for class. Estelle pushed back tears from her eyes. She didn't cry anymore, not since her mother had left her when she was small. She managed to gathering up all her stuff and hurried to class, the sketchpad clenched to her chest protectively.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Kiri


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Roman Vicius woke up early. Well, early based on a personal scale. 6 am was unheard of hours for him to be awake at, yet there he was. He had woken up while he stood at the bathroom sink- how he got there, he honestly couldn't tell you. A look in the mirror showed a demon. He closed his eyes and breathed. The horns regressed into his head and the feathers slid back into his flesh. The effort caused him to yawn and stretch- so once he opened his eyes again there he was, in his human form.

He bore his shark like teeth and began to brush. Roman went through toothbrushes like beavers do to wood. Once he was done he tossed the toothbrush into the waste bin before bathing.

He was out about ten minutes later and crossed the halls back to his room.

"I forgot my towel." He warned the others, his voice still sleepy. The demon shifter didn't care- they were all like brothers. Anyways, he was already in his room, tugging on some boxer shorts. The floor of his bedroom was a mess despite their being here only a few weeks. It was from this floor that he found his outfit for the day.

Roman never cared for buying a school bag or supplies. Learning matters little to him when he should be looking for a girl to love. Thoughts of love made him uncomfortable. They'd been all over the country and he hadn't yet found the right girl. Janos always joked and said it was how he smelled or how he failed to smile when people smiled at him.

The demon snatched some cologne from his bedstand and sprayed his neck. Twice for good measure. He sniffed. He smelled like a department store. The boy sighed and inwardly scolded himself for listening to Janos's quips on love.

"The boy who doesn't wear shoes.." he sneered before stepping out of his room, raising his voice so the other two would listen to him,

"I'm heading to class now. Get in the car or walk. I don't care." He announced before heading out to his beat up car, Lilith.

He turned it on and it sputtered to life, only to roar. As Roman sat in the drivers seat he patted the steering wheel, still tired and somewhat regretting stepping out of the house,

"I'm so done with first days of school. I swear this must be my 12th."

If or when the other two got in the car he drove them to school. Blasting some shitty screamo music while he sped well above the speedlimit- bypassing all traffic regulators like stop signs and street lights because he doesn't and probably will never give a damn.


When they arrived at school Roman was lost.

"Shit I hate this part. I'm always the one that walks into the wrong classes... Hell, I'm going to the main office." He said, waving his friends off, since he was an upperclassman they would no doubt be put in separate classes.

"Follow me or fend for yourselves." He said before jogging up the front steps and into the school. Some guy bumped into him, laughing, and reflexively Roman pushed him into some lockers. The guy, some student late to class, and his buddy were stunned.

"Dude what the fu-"

"Shut up. Get out of my face." He spat. The demon didn't have time for a fight on the first day of school. That never landed him in the good graces of the principal or the students. He couldn't help his inclination to violence, however, and it would only be a matter of time.

The boys obediently did as they were told. Grumbling and muttering to one another as they went.

Roman noticed that not too far away a girl was on her knees, picking up some books. To him it seemed like she had just fallen. It looked embarrassing. Surely she would only be more embarrassed if he approached her to help. Hell, she'd think he was a creep. So he ignored her and continued on toward the principals office.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Marcus XVI

Member Seen 1 yr ago

It was so soft, smooth, silky and warm. So nice to just curl up and sleep on - the pile of fresh clothes that is. The white fox had fell asleep on the pile of clothes again after sneaking around, trying - and failing - to catch a rabbit or even a mouse for the better part of the night. The pointy ears had twitched slightly at some comment obviously made by Roman - to which the now half awake fox had just mumbled under his breath "Says the fellow who's breath smells of... ...stuff." With a yawn, good amount of stretching and collecting his concentration Janos forced himself to his human form. He got dressed seemingly casually - though anyone with at least one brain cell could tell that there was a certain order things had to be done, well in his head...

After the little dressing up ritual - and making sure his hair was at least in a barely presentable condition the short boy made his way to the car. Admittedly he had seriously considered just walking - after all the car was a deathtrap and knowing the demon's way of driving... He silently swore to himself that if they'd die thanks to Roman's shoddy care over traffic laws and speed limits the kitsune would come back to haunt him - and by god he'd haunt the damn demon so much! Still Janos meekly sat at the backseat with his attention fully focused on an old book - Ivanhoe, by Sir Walter Scott, which the kitsune had probably traded for a pack of cigarettes or whatever little items he had happened to have on hand when spotting someone reading it in a nearby park.

Though the book was old and judging by the coffee stains here and there had seen better days - not even mentioning the fact that Janos pretty much knew it inside out by now - it was still much better a solution to keep reading the book than worrying about dying in a horrible car - and demon - related accident. Thankfully the rather dangerous little trip from their place to the school came to an end and Janos was free to slink away from the backseat - surprisingly he didn't offer any snide comments to Roman about his driving, or the fact how lucky they were that they hadn't been pulled over by the cops this time. The weirdest thing really was that the kitsune hadn't really said much at all during the whole car ride - not even his usual 'good morning'.

After rummaging through all his pockets to make absolutely sure he had everything he needed for the day - which he of course had, since he wasn't a mean jerk of a demon who doesn't care about others and always resorts to violence before anything else! The short boy gave himself a mental pat on the back and carefully adjusted the thick braid of his while covering his eyes with the sunglasses of his. His hearing was sharp enough to hear a pair of guys actually wondering out loud if 'that blonde was a guy or a gal?' Instead of paying them any attention Janos just made his way towards the principal's office while concentrating more on reading the book than dodging people who got on his way - miraculously he managed to make his way through the relatively large gathering of students like he was a ninja, or or one of the assassins from the fancy computer games he'd seen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ryan awoke to the sound of ringing in her ears. The sound caused her to grab the alarm clock and chuck it at the wall. Yet another clock broken by Ryan. Ryan looked at the extra clock that sat out of her reach and saw the time was 5:30. She glared at the clock and muttered obscene words as she pushed herself out of bed. She looked ahead of her to the mirror on the back of the door and saw her black hair was basically everywhere. She once again muttered obscene phrases as she made her way to her bathroom and turning on the water all the way up. She peeled off her clothing and stepped into the shower.

As she showered her mind began to wander before pulling forth the memories of her dreams the past few nights. All of her dreams involved a white fox. They always varied on how it began, sometimes she would start off as a child on a good day with her parents and other times it would be of her waking up with a hangover and/or in a strangers house. But these dreams, these odd dreams of hers, they always ended the same. The white fox would show up and Ryan would follow and be lead to somewhere where she'd either fall into a black hole or a bright light would blind her causing her to wake up. Ryan shook her head pushing the odd dreams away and stepping out of the shower and drying herself off.

Ryan took time to blow dry her hair straight then apply dark eye makeup. She then brushed her teeth and went out of the bathroom and to her closet. She quickly got dressed into a pair of black high waisted shorts, a black off the shoulder halter crop top, a pair of black fishnet tights, a pair of black heeled booties, and a long sleeve black and red plaid shirt tied around her waist. Ryan made her way back to her bathroom and applied some red lipstick before going out and observing herself in the mirror. Her outfit tied together perfectly and it helped emphasize her vibe that said, 'Don't fuck with me.' She finished off the look by pulling her long straight raven hair into a high ponytail, pieces hanging out to frame her face. With that Ryan left, slinging her bag over her shoulder on the way out. She climbed onto her motorcycle and took off her hair flowing behind her.

At School

Once Ryan arrived to school she went and grabbed her schedule surprising people as she walked by. She rarely showed up for school yet passed all of her classes by showing up on test days and acing the tests. Ryan decided that she'd show up for the first day for once and boy was she glad she did. Ryan saw a senior jock holding a kid against the locker teasing him and threatening him. The jock's friends encouraging him the whole time. Ryan didn't go and help people, she just took opportunities like this to get into a fight for the hell of it. Ryan smirked as she walked straight towards the jock, the crowd around them parting as she made her way to them.

The jock paused and looked over his shoulder when he realized the crowd went silent. "What do you want Ryan?" The jock said spitting her name out as if it were venom. "Well I feel like you should be picking on someone your own size but I know that the typical response I gave won't make it through your walnut sized brain. Sooo I'm gonna make this simple. I came here to fight you because what is a day at school with out some girl kicking your ass." Ryan said a smirk spreading across her face as the jock took the bait and dropped the nerd turning and swinging her fist at his face. That's when the fight broke out, Ryan easily overpowered him but he got a good right hook in somehow hitting her mouth and splitting her lip. Ryan punched him a few more times until her fist connected with his nose. A satisfying crunch was heard and she felt the crimson liquid spill out of his broken nose onto her hand. The jock fell to the floor and his friends rushed to help him up at the same time a teacher came and grabbed Ryan's arm.

"Come on Miss Jones. You have an appointment with the principal. This must be a new record. School hasn't even started on the first day of school and you are already going to the principal's office. Maybe this time he will just expel you." Her oh-so-favorite teacher, Mr. Collins said. Mr. Collins hated her guts and would give up anything to get her out of the school. When they reached the office Ryan sat down in a chair and Mr. Collins went back to inform the principal before taking his leave. While she waited, Ryan grabbed a Kleenex from the little table next to her and dabbing at her bleeding lip ignoring the jock's still wet blood on her hand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Adelisa jumped when her alarm rang out, sweat dripping down her face. She had that dream again, the one where an attractive man with horns came in and whisked her away. She looked at the time and knew she had time to shower, as it was only five o'clock in the morning. Adelisa walked out of her room and looked around, making sure her siblings weren't up yet. She quickly padded across the hall into the bathroom and locked the door behind her. She stepped into the shower and sighed when she heard alarms ringing, signing to her that her family was awakening.

She stepped out and grabbed a towel when she heard a banging from the door. She groaned and said "I'm out! Just give me a second!" Her brother yelled out "just get out, Mistake!" Adelisa rolled her eyes and stepped out, a towel wrapped around her small frame. He pushed past her as she walked back to her room quickly. She locked the door behind her and quickly changed into her outfit. Living in her current situation, she had to be quick about her morning routine.

Adelisa quickly made her way down the stairs as everyone was eating and looked over to the opening in the kitchen. She saw the family she was living with and frowned. It was like watching a movie and she knew she'd never be apart of it. Maybe she could find her own family some day, but for now she only had her two friends and her music. She shook her head and walked out the door, running to her mother's beat up jeep. It was all she had left of her. She made her way to the school with a small frown on her face.

At School

Adelisa walked onto campus and saw Ryan get punched in the face. Her anger grew at the sight and she ran over to the group only to see Ryan get sent to the principal's office. Adelisa grew angrier, following Ryan and the idiot pawn to the principal's office. Ryan was only defending herself and the bully victim! When she saw Ryan sit down, Adelisa stormed over to her and said "don't worry, Ry. That jerk won't get you into trouble anymore." She looked over at said jerk and glared daggers before walking over to the secretary and saying viciously "where is the principal? This is ridiculous!"

The secretary shook nervously, obviously it was her first day here, and said "n-not h-here yet." Adelisa crossed her arms and said "is that so? So you're telling me, the school is open, bullies are running rampant, and you have no freaking clue where the principal is?! Is this school full of idiots?! Or are you just doing whatever you want to people who actually have the guts to stand up to the idiots that think they control this school?!" She glared at the secretary.

The secretary shook her head, her color paling. "I'm sorry! I was just told that you weren't allowed into the office anymore! Please! Stop yelling at me!" Adelisa scoffed and turned to Ryan, concern sweeping over her previously angry face. She walked over to her and said "are you okay? Did you get in a good punch after he did this to you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Teoinsanity
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Teoinsanity Lost on Jeopardy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ricky would not have to wake up or change ,as he was awake all night .Ricky's vampire part of him would never let him sleep .He would tighten all the buckles on his clothes ,fix his hair ,and brush his teeth at 4 in the morning ,while the sun still wasn't fully out.

Ricky would jump out the window and on on to an alleyway ,he would turn into a bat while no one was looking and would hunt for breakfast ,Which was a pigeon . He would bite the pigeon and suck its blood out before noticing the sun was almost out,,so he discarded the pigeon and left .

He would land in a tree before going back into his normal form and take a nap ,as school was still a few hours away ,he would doze off into the trees leaves and away from the sun's light.

At School

As the bell rang for the first class ,Ricky sprang awake and B-lined to class ,but alas he was late to class ,and got scolded before he talked back to the teacher .

"Give  me a break ,I was awake all night" 

"You're lucky I'm not sending you to the principle's ,so sit down Dracula "

If only he knew 

He thought to himself as he took a seat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Will Estelle Forrester, Ricky Thompson, Adelisa Davis, Roman Vicius, Ryan Jones, and Janos Kalpa please all come to principal's office."

Just great. Estelle had arrived to her first period late and got scolded in front of everyone by the teacher and now she was being called to the principal's office. "Looks like the freak is in trouble!" Someone jeered from the back, causing laughter to erupt from the class. The teacher said nothing, the man too busy checking his email on the computer to notice. Cheeks flaming, Estelle gathered her things and rose to her feet. She began picking her to the front, not noticing a boy sticking his foot out into the aisle before it was too late. A squeak escaped her as she tripped over his foot and went tumbling to the ground, bruising her knees and almost losing her glasses in the process, the class laughing harder. She was lucky she didn't though because knowing the boy that tripped her, he would probably step on them on purpose.

The teacher glanced up from his computer and looked at her with a blank expression. "Miss Forrester, if you are quite done being a klutz will you please just go to the principal's office?" Cheeks now a bright red, she scrambled to pick up her belongings and scurry to the door with her head bowed. Her shoulders slumped once she was in the safety of the hallway, leaning against the lockers as she stubbornly pushed back the tears wanting to escape. She idely glanced down at her knees, pulling up her skirt slightly. Yep. Definitely bruised. Thankfully her skirt was long enough that it just barely covered her knees, which in turn barely covered up the bruises.

She sighed and dropped her skirt, turning and heading for the main office. She soon arrived and blinked in surprise to see Dela and Ryan already there, Ryan looking she had been in a fight. Again. Estelle shyly waved at her two friends, inching over to them. When all the called students arrived the principal would then show up, looking at the six teens. "Thank you for all joining me. Ryan, we'll talk later so don't move. Anyway, girls, I would like to introduce you to our three new students. Ricky Thompson, Roman Vicius, Janos Kalpa" The man said, gesturing to each boy as he said their name. "Boy's, meet Estelle Forrester, Adelisa Davis and Ryan Jones." Each girl was pointed out before the principal regarded them all.

"You are probably wondering why I have you called you here. Well, its simple. Seeing as the boy's here are new, they will be in need of some help adjusting to a new school. That is where you girls come in. For one week, each of you will pair up with one of the gentlemen and show him around and help him get settled. This is not optional and I feel it may affect you moving up to the next grade at the end of the year if you chose not to participate. That goes for all of you. As such, the pairings are made with age difference in mind so you will be paired by grade to help make things easier. The pairings are as follows:

Estelle and Ricky, Adelisa and Rowan, and Ryan and Janos. That is all. You may go back to class. Except you Ryan. Why don't you come to my office. Janos, you may wait here while Miss Jones and I have a little chat."

With that the principal retreated to his office, leaving the six teens to their thoughts about this new development. Estelle stared into space in shock, not really seeing anything as her thoughts whirled around and around. Why in the world did the principal pick her of all people? She was just the shy girl that hardly ever talked and kept her head down. She hadn't even know the principal knew she had existed. But why her? She took a deep breath, hoping this boy wasn't like the other boys that liked to pick on her. She had kept her eyes lowered the entire time the man was speaking and so didn't even know what her new partner looked like. She lifted her head and received a jolt of shock.

Wide aquamarine eyes stared at the boy across from her, unable to believe what she was seeing. A sense of deja vu hit her next and she racked her brain as she tried to think of where she had seen this boy before. Wait, that was it! Her sketchpad! She had been drawing this boy for the past few months. But...that didn't make sense. He was just a boy in her dreams, how could he be real? She briefly wondered if it was just a coincidence but it was a big one if that were the case. The eyes, height, hair color, everything was the exact same.

It then dawned on her that she had been gaping at Ricky like a fool and blushed bright red, eyes dropping to the floor as she shifted on her feet awkwardly. Oh dear what should she do now?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Marcus XVI

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Janos was doing really well at the moment - he had managed to stay out of fights, trade the book to a cool pair of shades, the shades he had then exchanged to a pocket knife, the knife had been traded to a rather expensive looking ball tip pen - though of the guy he had traded the knife to the kitsune wasn't quite sure if the fellow had been a teacher or student or even remotely connected to the school. Still he was doing real good - right up to the point he heard the announcement from the intercom.

He got ever so slightly nervous, what had he done? Was there something bad he had done? Who had ratted him out? Janos was getting more and more nervous every step he took towards the principal's office. His hair was very slightly going white - not that Janos noticed it, he was too busy wondering what he had done wrong.

When Janos finally reached the principal's office and was actually too nervous to pay any real attention to the others who were present. He adjusted his sunglasses slightly to hide the fact that he used his fox magic to change his eyes to seem like normal, warm brown ones. Then he took off the glasses and placed them in one of the many pockets of his jacket.

His hair had gotten to the point where even his braid was starting to have some white in it - which usually implied that he was very stressed. Janos took a deep breath and sheepishly glanced around while silently assuring himself that he actually wasn't in any sort of trouble. When the principal explained why they were all asked to be there the kitsune's hair began turning back to it's normal color. He was so relieved that he wasn't going to get trouble on the first day of school this time - w-well atleast not yet. Janos nodded silently to the principal and concentrated on leaning against the wall like he was holding it up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Teoinsanity
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Teoinsanity Lost on Jeopardy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ricky was basically doodling on his book as the heard the announcement .Surprisingly , Ricky hadn't caused any problems yet ,which is why he was surprised as hell when her heard the principle call out his name.Ricky would sigh as he grabbed all of his stuff and put it on the ground .As he got up from his seat,a fellow student lifted up a straw to shoot a spitball at him ,Ricky noticed this as he threw a pencil at the boy's hand ,disarming him.

Ricky walked out the door and kept his head high,he was happy to be sent to the principle's office ,as if nothing was wrong ,he is safe ,and if he is in trouble ,he could carve a reputation for himself early on . Ricky chuckled as he itched some of the skin under his eyepatch and walked into the office.

"Hey boss dude"Ricky chuckled as he walked in and took a seat ,he heard what the principle had to say ,and he smiled and nodded ,he would barley listen ,only hearing "girls to introduce you to the school",bBreaking the curse here is easier then I thought he thought as he looked at the student assigned to him.

Ricky looked confused as he saw the girl blush heavily before dropping her eyes to the ground."Uh,Estelle,you okay?" he asks as he looked at her ,she was beautiful ,before she dropped her eyes ,he saw a sea of beauty in her eye ,and scars on the other .Ricky stretched outs his hand to lift her face up ."What's the matter?"  
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kiri


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Roman had stepped into the office just as the announcement was made. His thoughts suddenly returned to the guy he pushed in the hallway. Wow, he thought, what a snitch. But before he could ask the antsy front-desk woman, he noticed a girl with bleeding knuckles and her friend with red hair. Roman raised his eyebrows at Ryan, thoroughly impressed, this girl seemed like his type.

"Remind me not to fuck with you." He said, grinning, before the principal strode into the room and explained the reason for their being called down to the office. As they spoke Roman looked on toward his friends- he noticed Janos's hair had recently undergone a change, it always bristled a little before settling back to its brown color. He was tempted to pull him aside and tell him to keep his cool- but he thought against it. Janos could fend for himself.

The demon looked on over to the redhead he had been paired with. He was disappointed that he didn't get a chance to spend the week with Ryan, but oh well. He looked down at Adelisa and raised an eyebrow,

"Hey. Nice to meet you." He said with a quick wave before gesturing out of the office with a hand,

"Care to lead the way, Red?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Adelisa looked up at the man she was paired with and her eyes widened. Is he… is he the guy from my dreams? I thought he wasn't real! she thought. Did he just call her Red? Her eyebrow rose and she said "my birth certificate doesn't say Red. It's Adelisa and if you don't call me as such, I won't stop myself from making sure you remember my name." She turned to Ryan and said "I'll check on you later, okay?" Then she turned to the two boys that were going to be with her friends. She said "and you two? If you hurt them, you won't be able to walk, got it?"

She turned back to Rowan and grabbed the sleeve of his shirt. "Come on, you're going to make me late for class."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ryan rolled her eyes at Adelisa. Her friend was a bit naive when it came to the fights she got into. Ryan was always the start of fights, no ifs ands or buts, she was just the type to do such. The principal then called her, Adelisa, Estelle, and three new guys down to the office. Ryan just sat back and got comfortable in the chair she was in as people walked into the room. She turned her head as one of the guys walked in and said something to her. She just smirked and gave him a wink before standing up as the principal entered the room. When he announced the pairs she did her best to keep her mouth shut as she glared at the guy she was paired with. Without heels she be the same height as him but she wore really high heeled boots making her taller than him. "Great. I got paired with a short female boy." Ryan muttered before following the Principal into his office to talk about her recent fight.

"Well. It looks like you have a new record Ryan. School hadn't even started and you got into a fight. What was it this time? He looked at you weird? He accidentally bumped into you? Or were you just bored?" The principal asked sitting down at his desk and looking at her disapprovingly.

"Well you know me Mr. Bossman. Life is boring when I don't get to kick someone's ass." Ryan said smirking as she purposely wiped her blood hands on the back of the seat she was supposed to sit in. The principal sighed and gave her a stone-cold look. "Now if you don't mind, assign someone else to do this stupid tour thing. Cause I don't give a crap about giving someone a tour of the school and all that shit." Ryan said staring at him expressionless.

"You either do it or you are expelled from the school, and I know you can't afford to actually be expelled from school Miss Jones. Also it's going to be your punishment for breaking someone's nose and getting in a fight before the school day even started." The principal said causing Ryan's face to harden because she knew she couldn't be expelled.

"I'll do it, but don't expect much Mr. Bossman." Ryan growled out before stomping out of his office and slamming the door shut. "You female looking dude. Follow me now." She said coldly as she stomped out of the office and into the empty hallway before stopping and waiting for him to catch up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Marcus XVI

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"I have a name..." Janos mumbled a bit nervously as he quickly followed after Ryan, not noticing that his concentration had just broken and his eyes were back to their rather weird color. He made a little mental note about the fact that he hadn't gotten a very good first impression of the girl he had been paired with. The kitsune had a really good hearing and admittedly he had heard most of the conversation between the girl and the principal. "Why did I get paired with a gal who breaks people's noses?" Janos mumbled to himself while examining Ryan very cautiously. He kept a polite distance between them - longer than her arm's reach atleast. "You know, you don't have to do this if you don't want to... I'm sure I'll find my way around the place just fine on my own..." He managed to state with a polite tone.

In a way Ryan kinda gave the kitsune the same nasty vibe Roman always did - when he wasn't being tolerably nice and was threatening to make Janos in to a coat, which would probably be very painful and very nasty to boot. Still, atleast the girl wouldn't spontaineously start hurling hellfire around or something like that - unlike one mean demon whom shall remain unnamed. Occasionally the short boy wondered if he really had some pent up agression towards the demon and his mind began racing - what kind of a new little prank he should pull of next?

Janos began rummaging his pockets as he followed after Ryan, he seemed to have an amazing amount of little items hidden here and there, packs of different flavored cigarettes, enough different kinds of pens to drown someone with ink, a small pack of cookies, atleast four different kinds of chocolate bars, all sorts of school related papers, few ID's, something that could well be used for picking open locks, heck, he had even a few hairpins in his pockets and he hadn't even gone through all of his pockets. Either there were way too many pockets in his jacket, there was something magical about it or he was just damn good at organizing his belongings.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kiri


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Roman followed her out of the office. He liked that she didn't just giggle and go along with the nickname- or ignore him with a scowl either. But he found it unnecessary that she had to threaten his friends before she even knew them. She treated them like they were criminals or something.

"Trust me. They wouldn't touch your friends." He assured her as they walked down the halls. Roman wondered why she had hesitated earlier. She'd given him the most peculiar look- like she recognized him from somewhere. Which was doubtful, considering he'd never been to this part of the country before.

He looked at the schedule that the woman at the front desk had slipped him while the principal spoke.

"Looks like we have math with Mr. McGyver." He said shortly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Adelisa looked up at Rowan and nodded. She searched for some feature on him that didn't resemble her dream man perfectly. It was so strange! She looked down at her feet and said "I'm protective over them and your friends are strangers. What would you say in my position?" Adelisa was suspicious of this man, if that wasn't evident enough. She barely trusted anyone, let alone an attractive new kid and his friends. She wasn't one of those girls who fell for anyone they laid eyes on. It was how she was.

As they walked, Adelisa looked back up at him and sighed. "You're different from everyone else here, though. That's for sure." She looked down the hall as she spoke.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Marcus XVI

Ryan rolled her eyes at the boy. "Yeah, a name that I forgot about and really don't give a crap about." Ryan said stopping and turning around to look at him. "Look, I can tell that you don't like me. And trust me, I don't care if you like me or not cause I sure as hell don't like you. Unfortunately, I have to do this stupid thing so I don't get expelled from this school. So you better get used to me cause you are stuck with me until the week is over. After that I won't interact with you and if you know what's best for you, you won't interact with me." Ryan stated, staring at him coldly before holding her hand out to him. "Now give me your schedule and I'll take you to the class."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Marcus XVI

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Janos kept his composure in check admirably well, though he was actually getting more and more angry - maybe living with an annoyingly impolite demon does that to you. When he spoke his tone was very polite, but still surprisingly cold for such a scrawny kid. "Well, I really don't care if you get expelled or not - heck, I think it might be fun to get someone expelled, since that's something I haven't done yet. Your ass is on the line here not mine, remember?" The kitsune flashed his most charming smile at Ryan and stared her directly in the eyes. "I don't care if you want to act all antisocial, tough and aloof - I live with two guys like that so I really have gotten used to that crap." He shrugged his shoulders and adjusted his braid ever so slightly. "Also I'd probably like you a bit more if you'd at least give me a damn chance to like you, but since it's obviously for the best that we'll have as little interaction as possible..." Janos smirked surprisingly devilishly and turned on his heels "I think I'll find my own way to class, thank you very much, miss."
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