Aurora Zillow
Name: Aurora Zillow
Rank: Second-in-Command
Age: 65
Arora is sixty five years old. She has straight chestnut brown hair that extends to her shoulder blades. She keeps her hair in layers with framing around her face accompanied by bangs that cover her forehead. Her eyes are a piercing sky blue and round giving her a look of innocence. Her nose is wide but close to her face and her lips are full but small. Her skin is a fairly light tone with minor imperfections. Typically she wears skinny jeans that hug the lean muscles of her legs and black combat boots that are good for any kind of terrain. Her shits tend to vary in color but are always a solid, semi-tight, with long sleeves with some kind of jacket thrown over.
Seth Zillow
Name: Seth Zillow
Rank: Alpha
Age: 65
Seth, like his sister is sixty five years old. He shares his twins chestnut brown hair, fair skin, and piercing blue eyes. However, he keeps his hair in a short sleepy just-rolled-out-of-bed mess style and his thick eye brows help distract from the striking color of his eyes. His nose is long and wide and come to a tip that points slightly up. Though his deep pink lips are wide, his bottom lip is thicker with a pouting look while his upper lip is thin and barely distinguishable. On an average day he wears cowboy boots and jeans. Underneath a soft cotton jacket he wears a white or black wife beater and his jacket only comes off when he is serious about fighting another werewolf or he is training in the gym.
Marcus Killen
Name: Marcus Killen
Rank: Third-in-Command
Age: 53
Logan Smith
Name: Logan Smith
Rank: Fourth-in-Command
Age: 41
Jason Green
Name: Jason Green
Rank: Fifth-in-Command
Age: 41
Bryan Miller
Name: Bryan Miller
Rank: Middle of the Pack
Age: 28
Jake Jackson
Name: Jake Jackson
Rank: Lower Pack Rank
Age: 20