Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Deft
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Deft in the astute kinda way.

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hello there I am Deft.

I shouldn't have to list reasons to roleplay with me or what I expect. If you're not serious, just don't reply. Please have drive and motivation for the story; characters should be flawed, there should never be a time you think "well now what" you should know what your character wants to get done go do it, relax there isn't any need to feel like we have to do this if you don't wanna just say so. Even if this is just a Pokemon Roleplay I expect a level of skill. I'm not the best by far and neither are you. This is just fun.

A new style?!

A problem I've noticed when RPing is two people struggle to drive a story together. Taking inspiration from Dungeons & Dragons, I want to accept responsibility as the 'Narrator' where you will play as the 'Hero'. In the story I am both your friend and enemy, the stranger and your family. I can introduce, destroy, remove and change characters as freely as I want except for your character. And you in turn may do anything to any of these characters at any time.

Don't like the sidekick or group I've attempted to assemble for you? Slay them, ditch them, tell them you don't want them. You want to end a quest midway and steal the gold you were trusted with delivering? That's on you. Do whatever you please and I will react, direct and change the story to see where it goes. If you've ever played a 'choose your own adventure' story, this will be slightly like that except not so black and white. I may present opportunities you completely ignore or you may take an action I didn't even imagine and now I must react. The main objective of this Roleplay is for me to test out this method, the lore is already made, the idea is flexible, I'm familiar with Pokemon along with tons of others so I think it's a pretty good platform.

So yeah..

I have a few ideas for a story but since I don't wanna limit another person's creativity I would be mostly interested in forging a basic setting, a beginning point and have goals for our characters, give them a reason to be in the story. Extensive character sheets aren't required but for your main character you may be as precise as you feel necessary. I hope to hear from some awesome people.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Deft
Avatar of Deft

Deft in the astute kinda way.

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Prophet
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Prophet Soothsayer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

This sounds really interesting. I'd definitely be up for it. PM me?
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