Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skepic
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Skepic Spookbuster

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"The Middle Man"

Walter Kroncite

"I'm a Contract Killer. I mean, merc work is a tune we can all dance to, and hey, it's definitely has the most reliable career projection!"

35 years of age, born on September 2nd, 1985

Alexandria, Virginia

"Most of my body has been replaced with neural interface tissue and what not. Helps control the exo suit better. Anyways, there are a few parts of the original me. I'm a Whitey through and through."


- Clothes –
On job, (see right image) details include the use of both shemagh raps over his helmet or around his neck, tactical vests, with their subtlety varying one the type of job he's in.
- Hairstyle –
"Don't have it, don't miss it"
- Affections –
"I got some left over bar codes from my equipment on my arms and such.... tattoos are sort of stupid in my opinion..."

Family Background:
Father is currently in a living assitant home slowly wasting away mentally and Mother hasn't seen him since he just left to join the Navy, specifically the SEALs.

- Traits –
A skeptical, practical, and rational person, Walter is not someone who see's the cup half empty or half full, but thinks the cup might be full of piss, so why bother trying to sum it up either way?
- Valued Person –
He cares greatly for his father, despite his father's rapidly degenerating mental state.
- Value Most –
Time. The biggest fear he has is wasting his time, or thinking about how everyone has their expiration date, no matter how many bullets they dodge.
- Feelings Toward People –
Surprisingly friendly and open for someone who would just as happily put a bullet in your brain if it meant paying for the rent. Even on his contracts, he never takes any personal agenda against his targets and does it all professionally. He has mastered the ability to be able to connect and converse with people while simultaneously not become too attached.
- Valued Possession –
A small, rare, paper book titled "Principia of Discordia" that he always keeps on him.

Life Events:

2003: Leaves home immediately after turning 18 to join the military, never sees mother again.
2008: After years of both regular and intensive training, Walter earns his badge and becomes a marksman for SEAL Team 2
2008: See's his first real action during a covert op in the Second Corp War.
2010: Participates in a covert op to eliminate a cyber terror group, receives serious injury during shoot out
2016: After eight years of service, Walter begins to grow weary of the job as he becomes aware of his limited time in life
2017: Leaves the Navy SEALs on an honorable discharge. Finds there were not many job options for a veteran like himself, well... normal ones
2018-Today: Now works as a freelance contract killer. Has built up a nice client base and occasionally bounty hunts for some extra cash. Fairly successful and is slowly entering the spotlight of fame, but not there yet.

SAR 20 Assault Rifle: A fairly common assault rifle used by PMC groups and contractors, it is durable, reliable, and has a very wide variety of modules and customization options.

KI-455 Sniper Rifle and G45f .45 pistols: Top- A modular sniper rifle that fires magnetically propelled needle rounds. The ammunition can vary from armor piercing to explosive, but thanks to the mag-rail system, its virtually silent. Bottom- Keeps both these pistols on him at all times, the G45f is a .45 semi automatic pistol with optional suppressor if you don't want to wake the neighbors.

Good old fashion combat knife from his SEAL days. Sometimes, traditional ways work best.... or, its the thing you happened to have while someone tackled you to the ground.

Great hand to hand fighter
Tactical/Situational Thinker
Good Perception

M47a Advance Combat/Reconnaissance Suit.
As seen in the image, he constantly wears a full body combat suit that he has never fully taken off ever since he first got it in 08. This is due to it being an early/experimental model given to spec op units for field testing. While it provided great strength, agility, and situational awareness to the user, it required that the human body had to be physically augmented to work at 100% efficiency. This was more apparent with the other key component, stealth. The suit's stealth is sort of like an octopuses stealth, changing both color and shape to blend in best with the surroundings. This is known as "active camouflage" as it is actively changing to blend in. At first they thought it was temporary, but early modules ended up bonding to much with their users, thus making it impossible to remove without killing the user. So in short, you get to be ninja super soldier with the physical boost and stealth, but you can't shower properly.

While Walter has plenty of ammo caches in his safe house, he usually carries around three or four pistol magazines if he's just in public. If on job with his heavier stuff such as the sniper rifle or the assault rifle, he will usually bring around 6 magazines to the party, as well as flashbangs (a favorite of his).
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Midori
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kojima, Maria (current name)
Kitsune (code name)

Shimazu, Kaneko (birth name)

Arasaka Executive
"I represent Arasaka and it's interests."

Born February 16th 1982 (38 years old)
"I guess I'm pretty old, neh choomba?"


Asian Pacific


Clothes – Historical Fashion (traditional japanese style kimono with modern influence)
Hairstyle – Tied (in a bun held with a tungsten pin) Toxic Red color
Affections – waist Pouch (like a modern day coin purse, it's a japanese thing)

Family Background:
Military Family -
Father, deceased
Mother, retired chiropractor
Brother, (older) JSDF Lieutenant

Friendly and respectful on the surface but underneath lies a cunning fox who knows how to stay one step ahead of it's prey.
Valued Person
Having spent most of her childhood in hospital beds she listened to countless war stories that had plenty of intrigue and espionage.
Value Most
Honor, without it people are just selfish dogs chasing the biggest bone they can find.
Feelings Toward People
She undertands that everyone has their own agenda. A friend today may be an enemy tomorrow. Even so, honorable people deserve respect regardless of their affiliation.
Valued Possession
Tungsten hair pin given to her by her mother. (see weapons section)

Life Events:
- Homeschooled up to age 15 due to chronic illness.
- (16) Entered High School.
- (17) Father died, cause of death Cyber-Molecular Sclirosis.
- (18) Graduated High School. Tragic love affair with male student who mysteriously disappeared.
- (19) Enrolled in University of Tokyo. Diagnosed with early stages of Cybe-Molecular Sclirosis.
- (20) Made an enemy, female classmate who lost status because of her, they have a mutual grudge. University Student.
- (21) Nothing notable happened. University Student.
- (22) Found a Sensei, learned Kenkagei-Kuppo (modern urban style derived from Ninjitsu). University Student
- (23) Tragic love affair with female classmate, lover betrayed her trust. University Student.
- (24) Earned a favor from a powerful executive. University Student.
- (25) Graduated University with honors. Hired by Arasaka Industries as a secretary.
- (26) Caught in a car accident, hospitalized for months, Cyber-Molecular Sclirosis spreads to internal organs.
- (27) CMS destroys muscle tissues, admitted to one of the first full body cyberizations in Japan, only the brain and spinal chord remain.
- (28) Months of re-learning motor control. Happy love affair with Arasaka Executive, retains her job through him.
- (29) Promotion to lower executive position at the expense of her lover, they have a falling out.
- (30) Big score lands a promotion. Begins secretive classes for 'discreet information gathering'.
- (31) Secretive classes continue. Promoted to Representative Executive.
- (32) Upgrade from previous expiremental Cyber Body to Chiba A-Series Synthetic Custom Body.
- (33) Big win, a powerful Executive owes her a favor.
- (34) Financial windfall, big money earned.
- (35) Make a friend, Ex-Girlfriend and co-worker.
- (36) Nothing notable happened.
- (37) Big score while on the job, big money earned.
- (38) Sent to Night City to investigate the new Artificial Intelligence being showcased.


Company Resources
Fashion Sense
Personal Grooming
Martial Artist (Kengakei-Koppo)
Moderate Handgun Skill
Good Awareness and Perception

Maria is what people call 'full borg' and she was one of the first to do it. Basically it means that she's forgone her natural body to get a completely cybernetic body. Her body is a Chiba A-Series Synthetic Custom with her own unique face. The only part of her that is all natural is her brain and spinal column. Her body isn't actually anything special. No hidden blades or hold out guns in the forearms, her legs don't extend to make her taller or jump further. Her body is just that, her body. Granted her cybernetic limbs are stronger than they look and her realskin has a kevlar weave to resist damage, on a scale of one to ten (where ten is an all natural body builder) Maria is a twelve. Aside from her cyborg body she has two interface plugs on the back of her neck and a built in cybermodem for chipping.

Maria travels light and due to the availability of Arasaka resources she's never too far away from help. On her person she keeps a speed loader for her revolver, cellphone, wallet, and keys. Anything else she might need is typically requisitioned on site or from a drop by Arasaka.

NOTE: Cyber-Molecular Sclirosis is a fictional disease from a manga that is essentially a cancer mutated by the presence of cybernetic components in the body.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by piercetyler1994
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piercetyler1994 The Salt

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

“Living Dead Man” (what his war buddies call him)
“Niner-Victor” (LAPD dispatch call sign)

Tyler Skye Pierce

LAPD Vice Detective

25, born April 13th, 1994

Los Angeles, CA



Clothes – Euro-Modern (Long overcoats, button-ups, slacks, and scarves are common place; typically sharp dressed)
Hairstyle – Slick-back with shaved sides, Natural Black
Affections – Kanji tattoo of the word “Valor” (“義気”) on right forearm; many blast and surgery scars, predominantly on left side of body.

Family Background:
Mother: Desiree Amanda Guerrero – Deceased
Father: UNKNOWN (only known as “Pierce”; unclear whether first name or surname) – UNKNOWN (Presumed deceased)
Middle Brother: Lucas Scott Pierce (age: 12) – Living; in foster care
Youngest Brother: Logan Cash Pierce (age: 9) – Living; in foster care

Traits – Laconic, stoic, described as “cold” and “dead inside”, and will become violent if provoked
Valued Person – His Brothers
Value Most – Honesty
Feelings toward People – Every person is a valuable individual.
Valued Possession – A photograph of his mother and father together, with “I am sorry, but this is goodbye. I love you. –Pierce XOXO” written on the back.

Life Events:
Age 17 – Found a Sensei (Ashitaka Isamu, born August 21st, 1957 – 10th Dan Jūdōka). High School Student
Age 18 – Made enemies with a low ranking for corporate exec for causing him great humiliation and significant damage to his reputation. Joined the United States Marine Corps.
Age 19 – Made enemies with a superior officer who was exploiting men in her unit for her own personal gain. Brought it up higher and exposed her. Had a personal vendetta against Tyler. Marine Infantry.
Age 20 – Nothing notable happened this year.
Age 21 – Made enemies with his uncle (Travis Guerrero, born November 22nd, 1979) after a confrontation on leave. Whilst in a drunken stupor, instigated that Tyler was the cause of his mother’s death. Things escalated and ended on bad terms. Returns from leave and deployed to a combat zone. Involved in a massive explosion; massive internal damage, loss of left eye, left arm (at the forearm), and left leg (at the thigh). Clinically dead for one minute, thirty-nine seconds (a very long time to be, well… dead). Resuscitated and rebuilt. Marine Infantry.
Age 22 – Honorable discharge from United States Marine Corps (as a sergeant). Rekindled relationship with an old high school sweetheart (Macy Dailey, born March 7th, 1995). Nothing romantic… yet. Joined the Los Angeles Police Department as a police sergeant due to prior military service.
Age 23 – Made a friend and a mentor in the police force, Detective Jacob Gale.
Age 24 – Reconciled friendship with uncle. Promoted to detective meritoriously.
Age 25 – Made friends with a new recruit, fresh from the police academy, Officer Franklyn Nakamura.

Colt AMT Model 2000
Sternmeyer Stakeout 10
Monosharpened KA-BAR Fighting Knife (a holdover from the USMC)
15" Retractable Police Baton
Brass Knuckle Duster (a personal item)

Pistol Marksmanship
Rifle Marksmanship
Martial Art – Judo
Weight Training
Pain Conditioning

Cyber Eye, Left – Telescopic Lens, Micro-optics, Infrared, Targeting Scope
Cyber Arm, Left – Superchrome® finish, tool hand
Cyber Leg, Left – RealSkinnTM finish, hidden holster (for Colt AMT)

Equipment: On any given patrol, Tyler will have all five of his weapons either on his person or in his patrol vehicle. The two firearms are always fully loaded with one extra magazine apiece to spare and an additional five magazines apiece in the squad car’s trunk. In terms of armor, a Kevlar T-shirt worn as an undershirt with a heavy Kevlar laced jacket.
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