"The Middle Man"
Walter Kroncite
"I'm a Contract Killer. I mean, merc work is a tune we can all dance to, and hey, it's definitely has the most reliable career projection!"
35 years of age, born on September 2nd, 1985
Alexandria, Virginia
"Most of my body has been replaced with neural interface tissue and what not. Helps control the exo suit better. Anyways, there are a few parts of the original me. I'm a Whitey through and through."
- Clothes –
On job, (see right image) details include the use of both shemagh raps over his helmet or around his neck, tactical vests, with their subtlety varying one the type of job he's in.
- Hairstyle –
"Don't have it, don't miss it"
- Affections –
"I got some left over bar codes from my equipment on my arms and such.... tattoos are sort of stupid in my opinion..."
Family Background:
Father is currently in a living assitant home slowly wasting away mentally and Mother hasn't seen him since he just left to join the Navy, specifically the SEALs.
- Traits –
A skeptical, practical, and rational person, Walter is not someone who see's the cup half empty or half full, but thinks the cup might be full of piss, so why bother trying to sum it up either way?
- Valued Person –
He cares greatly for his father, despite his father's rapidly degenerating mental state.
- Value Most –
Time. The biggest fear he has is wasting his time, or thinking about how everyone has their expiration date, no matter how many bullets they dodge.
- Feelings Toward People –
Surprisingly friendly and open for someone who would just as happily put a bullet in your brain if it meant paying for the rent. Even on his contracts, he never takes any personal agenda against his targets and does it all professionally. He has mastered the ability to be able to connect and converse with people while simultaneously not become too attached.
- Valued Possession –
A small, rare, paper book titled "Principia of Discordia" that he always keeps on him.
Life Events:
2003: Leaves home immediately after turning 18 to join the military, never sees mother again.
2008: After years of both regular and intensive training, Walter earns his badge and becomes a marksman for SEAL Team 2
2008: See's his first real action during a covert op in the Second Corp War.
2010: Participates in a covert op to eliminate a cyber terror group, receives serious injury during shoot out
2016: After eight years of service, Walter begins to grow weary of the job as he becomes aware of his limited time in life
2017: Leaves the Navy SEALs on an honorable discharge. Finds there were not many job options for a veteran like himself, well... normal ones
2018-Today: Now works as a freelance contract killer. Has built up a nice client base and occasionally bounty hunts for some extra cash. Fairly successful and is slowly entering the spotlight of fame, but not there yet.
SAR 20 Assault Rifle: A fairly common assault rifle used by PMC groups and contractors, it is durable, reliable, and has a very wide variety of modules and customization options.
KI-455 Sniper Rifle and G45f .45 pistols: Top- A modular sniper rifle that fires magnetically propelled needle rounds. The ammunition can vary from armor piercing to explosive, but thanks to the mag-rail system, its virtually silent. Bottom- Keeps both these pistols on him at all times, the G45f is a .45 semi automatic pistol with optional suppressor if you don't want to wake the neighbors.
Good old fashion combat knife from his SEAL days. Sometimes, traditional ways work best.... or, its the thing you happened to have while someone tackled you to the ground.
Great hand to hand fighter
Tactical/Situational Thinker
Good Perception
M47a Advance Combat/Reconnaissance Suit.
As seen in the image, he constantly wears a full body combat suit that he has never fully taken off ever since he first got it in 08. This is due to it being an early/experimental model given to spec op units for field testing. While it provided great strength, agility, and situational awareness to the user, it required that the human body had to be physically augmented to work at 100% efficiency. This was more apparent with the other key component, stealth. The suit's stealth is sort of like an octopuses stealth, changing both color and shape to blend in best with the surroundings. This is known as "active camouflage" as it is actively changing to blend in. At first they thought it was temporary, but early modules ended up bonding to much with their users, thus making it impossible to remove without killing the user. So in short, you get to be ninja super soldier with the physical boost and stealth, but you can't shower properly.
While Walter has plenty of ammo caches in his safe house, he usually carries around three or four pistol magazines if he's just in public. If on job with his heavier stuff such as the sniper rifle or the assault rifle, he will usually bring around 6 magazines to the party, as well as flashbangs (a favorite of his).