The Knight.. Part 2[/h1]
March 2010, 17th..Bruce took his hand flying towards one of the thugs, into the thugs crouch.. Landing the thug right on his bottom, then a sudden big punch in his faces several times.
Bruce howled in the thugs face, motioning his fist to punch the thug.
"What--" Bruce throws the thug onto the wall, the thug sliding down and trying to take a chance to escape. Before he can, a sharp batarang is thrown out of the dark.
It was Jim.
Jim had a scarf over his neck and he had a axe in his hand, a normal special-wear fire-firer outfit, with ripped jeans.
"Don't even ask,"
"I won't." Bruce walks away and grapples out of the alley.
..But what Gotham was missing was bitter.. Someone needed to continue the big point Batman was missing all of these years... The big secret that the clown had away from Batman... After turning Robin away from him.
After pondering inside of the Bat-Cave, doing all he can to do re-search on one of the famous donation centers in Gotham. Bruce still can't get anything.. and it seemed like someone was messing with the BAT-COMPUTER.
Bruce rolled out of the chair and he threw the mouse down and he took off the cowl. "...." He mumbled to himself, grabbing a can that one of his parents had produced back then. His stare was a blank solemn stare, in anger he smashes the can and throws it into the water-fall. He breathes tightly, with his chest heaving in fear. "Sir----" Before Alfred could say anything, Bruce took it off edge on Alfred.. It was all his fault, Bruce thought. He ran past Alfred and put on the cowl.. walking through the shadows with his bare fists folded."I'm off." He throws the belt into the water and he dis-arms all of his cowl systems on the suit, by-himself going to Gotham.
The dark alley of Gotham was blank, with the lights flickering.
...Your choice was wrong Bruce... What should of I done? Soon Clark was on-ground his eyes red.. and his fists folded. "..SO YOU WE'RE THE ONE! YOU WE'RE THE 'CAUSE OF HER!" Clark takes heavy steps with his chest heaving, putting his two hands on Batman's cowl. "I'M GOING TO RIP YOU..
He tears off the cowl.
After Super-Man was mainpiulated and went insane because of something that had to deal with the newest products... This could of been the death of Batman. Bruce rises out of the dumpster, bringing krypton to get the job done. "Always be prepared.." He said, throwing the krypton on the wall.
Bruce made his way back to the Arkham-Cave and soon did re-search on the one who he THOUGHT could of been doing it, Thomas.
Bruce took his cape flying out of the chair. "I've got to stop him!" But before he can, he hears the soft voices of Bat-Girl's death. Bruce tries to take his mind off of it.. ..What should he do?