Plot :A story of two incredible trainers born into the realm of Hoenn, Their story began in the small town of Little Root town where they where nabiors for over 12 years before starting their trip into the world of pokemon yet the girls family held a secret, they where the related family to Amber the girl of MewTwo and the girl had developed an amzing bond with the legendary pokeon yet she never caught him or tried to train him and he the same never harmed anyone she called family. As the two trainers went on their trip they battled, won, lost, saved the world and challenged the eleit four. The girl became the well known Champion and Mystery Champion was her nicknamed as no one knew anything about her not even her friend that was the last f the eleit four before her. But how they had really became friends was the the boy a great related son of N was in deep trouble with team magma and Mewtwo came to save the day saving him and his fainted pokemon from maxies last attack, Though the male did try to catch mewtwo he foudn himself in trouble with the police. The Police thought he was creating a weapon so they took him in and held him in jail for few weeks before he was suddenly bailed out by his friend. Now their new lives began and their new Mysteries to be unlocked as the new Evil team Posion Strikers they plan to open the realm and suck it into another realm , the champion and her friend are forced to save the world but not only that.....but also her world as he would descover in the middle of the story that she isn't from the realm of the humans. Her strange ways and her pokemon give that away already yet he couldn't have guessed just how different she really was intill her world was threatened and her pokemon very life are on the line as well. There will be Tears, Happiness and Mysteries to unlock, lets do this, are you Ready ?
How is that for a plot ?
How is that for a plot ?