Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Vash
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Vash ♣ Ego homini Lupus ♣

Member Seen 1 yr ago

As you walk about the streets, you stumble upon a flyer. It's very new, not even a day old and your curiosity is piqued, so you take a long hard look. "Aetherium. The lost city of gold. Hidden deep within the unexplored deep south, beyond the Lynaldan Grasslands of our forefathers, across the land bridge of Erbethan, through the Essanga Forest and even past the treacherous Tsuraskian Bog. The journey even rounds the deadly Kishalk Ice Range where no man, beast, or creature has ever gone. Into the lands of the Black Wardens. Nobody has ever managed to cross the Ice Range, until now. A route has been mapped, and the infamous city of gold has been seen."

Below the text was a picture, a painting of a painting, one that had been spreading news quickly. An explorer had seen the other side of the ice range and, across a tundra was a massive forest of twisted trees where, in the middle was a massive mountain. Dragons encircled it, hundreds of them, and sprawling down the side, covering the jagged peak in a shining glory that was nearly too bright and blinding to look at, was...the city of gold: Aetherium

"Legends say that the city is protected by it's vicious protectors. The black wardens. Dragon Masters cloaked behind black metal armor, their swords of fire able to reach any below, their mastery over their massive mounts unparalleled and unchallenged. My name is Ilium Norak, and I need your help. There is an object within the city that I need to reach and I can not do it alone. I call upon you, heroes of the land. Join me in the city of Lenaya, the capital of the Lydian Humans, at the Golden Guar. Help me reach my destination and the city of gold will be yours to plunder, limitless power will be at your disposal.

"Become my guardians, and gain whatever your heart desires most."

In Character
The Roster
The Campfire
Interest Check

Aeon. A lush, vibrant, and beautiful planet surrounded by three celestial bodies. Two of them are the planet's moons, The Watchers, and the last is The Outlander, a beautiful purple comet that was caught in the gravitational pull of the planet. Below lies the surface, dotted with several continents that are host to the varied and extravagant natives. The Human kindom of Lydia, where the Lydian humans vie for survival between their much more formidable neighbors. Spread out over the central, smallest, continent, they were the first to establish the church of The Outlander and begin to master the delicate intricacies of magic a little over three hundred years ago.

To the far south, on the largest continent of Shyron, are the two gargantuan warring races that each control half of the northern region in a never ending stalemate. The Essanga, great, cat-like people that take to the great forests that stand between the Erbethan Landbridge and their enemies' dark bog. The Tsurask make their home in this place, standing as tall as the Essanga and are twice as mean, they fiercely defend their territory from their old foe, and even themselves.

Deeper south, on the southern half of the continent is the imposing Kishalk Ice Range, formerly completely impassible due to the extreme cold and sheer peaks...that was until a single man had found an ancient road, long forgotten by time. It lead him through the peaks to the other side, to what he named the "Kishalk's Tears", a land covered by Tundra and a twisted, unholy forest surrounded the lost City of Gold: Aetherium.

Now, a year after the discovery of Aetherium, an expedition is beginning to form, mere weeks away from the receding of the Erbetha Landbridge's infamously impassible waters. The woman calling for it, Ilium Norak, is seeped in mystery. Never revealing her face. She says that what she seeks is in the golden city and that whomever helps her claim it shall have limitless power, unimaginable wealth, and all that one's heart can desire.

Do you dare to answer her call?

Welcome assorted heroes, heroines, neer-do-wells, and other types of people to Aeon, the brainchild between my Co-GM@DemonTongue and myself. Enormous amounts of work went into crafting the world and preparing it for your characters to jump into it. This RP was the result of wanting to create a world for Demontongue to mentally store her creations and have a free play within it. Some of those creatures might just appear in the roleplay for us to enjoy, such as the golf ball sized Dandilion, or the ox-like Thruvaan. Before you read on, however, please take note of the rules of this roleplay.

  • 1-1.5 Paragraphs per IC post. Make a post as long as you want but it has to be 1-1.5 or above. If there are complications with that, such as writer's block and RL issues, we'll have a campfire and talk about that.
  • Character sheets MUST be detailed. I don't want to see anybody's character sheet being small and miniscule. Tiny CSs that you deem as "complete" will be denied on the spot. Put some love and care into your CS!
  • If there are any squabbles or disagreements, be civil. I'm usually pretty lenient for OOC chatter, it's a meeting place where we can chill and talk and roleplay, like a plaza. IF however a fight breaks out over something, either take it to convo or agree to disagree. We're all buddies here, no need to be slicing out jugulars. This applies to Pirate Pad as well.

Enjoy yourself and if you have questions or suggestions for ideas, don't be afraid to speak up! Everybody's ideas matter! No matter what the idea is! Side stories, species, diversions, cities, NPCs, even alterations to the main quest itself will be viewed and considered!

The Campfire is also a fantastic place for collabs to take place. Collabs are very much encouraged, as is just idle chatting on there. Most of the time, I, or Demontongue, will be on there. If we're not, we're probably sleeping.

Note: You are unable to play as the black warden themselves. Sorry.

As you make your characters, please keep a few things in mind. We will accept generally any character or species as long as they fit the world. But if you do make a species, DT and I expect you to flesh out their history, where they live in the world, and how they fit into society.

Be unique and original with your characters.

You are able to create your own species if the three base races do not pique your interest.

Fandom species (Eg. Sangheili from Halo, Fallen from Destiny, Orcs from WOW) will not be accepted Unless you somehow make them fit perfectly into the world. They'll be put through a harsh screening process between DT and I. Don't count on them being accepted. Fandom characters will most likely not be accepted.

Pets are not just allowed, but encouraged! Even dragons! Though there is a bit of a size limit, which would be 3x the size of a horse.

No smash-ups or human mythology creatures, please. (Eg. Centaur, cyclops, harpies, chimera, ect.)

There are certain exceptions to this rule. (Such as a rito from Wind Waker.) Ask us or give us an example and DT and I will decide.

No space people please.

Magic and magic users are still very VERY new to the world, only a few centuries old. Telekinesis and weapon enchantment are the most well known and easiest of the magics available. Fireballs and lightning bolts are extremely difficult to cast and require great concentration. There are no known natural defenses against them except for enchanted armor. Weapons and armor can be imbued with the powers of the elements. Most enchanters able to actually keep a shop open will only know how to enchant swords and shields as they are the easiest and the most widely used.

And please, go nuts with your CS. I'm totally up for the crazy people with a crazy weapon (not CRAZY CRAZY OMG CRAZY) with awesome looking armor, just don't go overboard. Try to balance the Crazy with the Practical. I'm willing to stretch the lore a little, but not enough that it won't fit in the world at all.

Use each CS as it applies to you. You don't have to use all three.

One last thing.
If anything happens in life that gets in the way of the roleplay, just let DT or I know. We'll accommodate and help you in any way we can. We understand that life happens and that life always comes first.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Guilty Spark
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Guilty Spark A Relic of the Past

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'll give it another read tonight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vash
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Vash ♣ Ego homini Lupus ♣

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Updated op with a "life happens" bit at the end.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by deadpixel101
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deadpixel101 Still Around

Member Seen 5 mos ago

I would enjoy to preserve one of the final roster spots if I could.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DemonTongue
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DemonTongue Extra Terrestrial Cattle Rustler

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

So much to do tonight, but in such a good mood. And so determined. This RP is gonna be awesome.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Vash
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Vash ♣ Ego homini Lupus ♣

Member Seen 1 yr ago

FINALLY finished with the Tsurask. Sorry for the wait!

Now for my characters T_T

EDIT: I've also updated the roster to allow for a whopping 5 more slots for new writers. The previous interest checkers did not move over the OOC over the last couple days and I have not heard from them. They were given due notice and never responded.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Konica
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Konica (ง •̀_•́)ง

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Almost finished with my cs. When I'm done should I post it here or in the character tab?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vash
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Vash ♣ Ego homini Lupus ♣

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Post it here then, once accepted, post it in the character tab
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Guilty Spark
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Guilty Spark A Relic of the Past

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Vash ... oh.

Should I move mine?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DemonTongue
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DemonTongue Extra Terrestrial Cattle Rustler

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Guilty Spark Nope you can just leave it as we've decided to accept her. If characters haven't been accepted in someway beforehand (pm or pirate pad)we just ask they be posted here from now on.

If you don't want to post a wip cs here or in pirate pad then just shoot it in a pm to Vash or myself :)
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Konica
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Konica (ง •̀_•́)ง

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Note: I might add a pet. Something small like a squirrel or hamster type thing.

Name: Jen-Tai
Title: Amazon Warrior
Age: 27
Gender: F

  • chain-mail cuirass (hidden under clothes)
  • steel gauntlets

  • furs & skins
  • boots
  • cloak

  • Broadsword
  • Wooden Shield
  • Chakram

Miscellaneous items:
  • comb
  • spoon
  • bandages

Biography: Born in a hilly green village, her youth was filled with sheep herding, fishing, and yam farming. Its was a simple life, where people value fresh seeds and mounds of soil over mounds of gold, but it was a rewarding life. But as soon as it started her life was stolen away. Slavers, minions of the Warlord, razed the country side in search of breeders; for the Warlord desired an heir to his throne. Houses were burned, cattle slaughtered, and women shackled. Those that survived the storm of blades died of their wounds and grief. All save for Jenivere. Hidden under a pile of freshly sheared wool, she watched her people die. With everything destroyed, she gathered all she could and journeyed south to the great blue. It was after passing thru the moon-glazed forest (named so for its faint glow gifted by the Outlander) did she find the vast ocean, and the Amazons.

The Amazons, a Chiefdom of 7ft tall woman warriors, or so the stories go. But myths and tales have a way of exaggerating truths, you see. In reality the so called "Amazons" were not all warriors, only a handful were. They were not a race of giant women, they were mostly Lydians in fact. And they didn't have a secret kingdom hidden in the forests, they were a nomadic tribe; more of a band really. The Amazons started some years ago, when a group of enslaved women freed themselves. Lost and not knowing who to trust, they roamed the countryside surviving off the land. They taught themselves to fight and fend for themselves. Their favorite prey was slaver caravans, isolated and easily ambushed. Every time one was defeated, their ranks bolstered with newly freed slaves. At the apex there was fifty-some members. Numbers never remained high however. Most of them either returned to their homes or found a new comfortable life in some village or city. These were the ones who told the world the stories of the Amazons, the fierce heroic women who saved them. But there were always a few that remained. The hardened ones. The warriors.

Jenivere became one of them. She was given a new name, Jen-Tai. Raised with love and compassion, taught strength and defiance. When she became old enough, she followed her sisters into battle. But the time of the Amazons were at an end. Slavers, bandits, warlords and the like knew the stories. They dared not cross the countryside where the Amazons roamed. Without caravans to raid or slaves to free, the Amazons dwindled in number. One after another left in favor of a quieter life. And the more passionate ones now rest in a better place. And then there was one. Jen-Tai's past life is but a faint memory. The Amazons is all she has, all that she is. She will proudly die as an Amazon.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vash
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Vash ♣ Ego homini Lupus ♣

Member Seen 1 yr ago

So many ladies! Might have to level it out a bit. Lol.

Dt and u are each producing two characters and one from both of us should be up tonight. I'll also begin work on the ICing on this ooc cake.

Nicely done, Konica. Go ahead and put her in the roster.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DemonTongue
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DemonTongue Extra Terrestrial Cattle Rustler

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

One CS down...
One more CS and like fifty million drawings and paintings to go. @.@
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Vash
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Vash ♣ Ego homini Lupus ♣

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Alright, finished my housework and I'm beginning work on the last character of mine and the IC. I will update this OOC when the IC is ready to be deployed. Demontongue is still illustrating and finishing the final touches on her characters. My second character is nearing completion, just need to get the words down.

I also finished up the final touches on Renault and expanded him quite a bit. I'll be sitting around the Campfire for the next few hours. Come say hi!


EDIT: Well, got the first part of the IC completed, but it's not up yet. ETA should be sometime this afternoon after DT gets home so she can help me with it. As of yet, the brain-is-tired block is setting in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vash
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Vash ♣ Ego homini Lupus ♣

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Wizout furzah adieu, I prezent, Ze IZee! Enjoy!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Konica
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Konica (ง •̀_•́)ง

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kewl, I'll get started on my first post :^)
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Guilty Spark
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Guilty Spark A Relic of the Past

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Working on my post now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by deadpixel101
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deadpixel101 Still Around

Member Seen 5 mos ago

I'm writing up my IC intro now, but I realize my entry is much much shorter then everyone else's. Would you prefer a similar length to the first few or is something like two paragraphs alright? I can squeeze in some more misadventures like everyone else but I this is sort of all that came to mind for m character.

I just want to know what is liked before I post something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Guilty Spark
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Guilty Spark A Relic of the Past

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


I'm writing up my IC intro now, but I realize my entry is much much shorter then everyone else's. Would you prefer a similar length to the first few or is something like two paragraphs alright? I can squeeze in some more misadventures like everyone else but I this is sort of all that came to mind for m character.

I just want to know what is liked before I post something.

Just tagging you guys in so it'll show up in your notifications, don't mind me.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DemonTongue
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DemonTongue Extra Terrestrial Cattle Rustler

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I'm writing up my IC intro now, but I realize my entry is much much shorter then everyone else's. Would you prefer a similar length to the first few or is something like two paragraphs alright? I can squeeze in some more misadventures like everyone else but I this is sort of all that came to mind for m character.

I just want to know what is liked before I post something.

The minimum is about 1.5 paragraphs as long as you hit that no harm done. We're not really looking for super long posts as long as it's a good post. Quality over quantity as they say :b If you like the post where it's at there's no need to shoehorn in more stuff just for the sake of length.
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