"Did you know Gods of Death love APPLES?"
Name: L Lawliet
Aliases: Ryuzaki, Hideki Ryuga, Eraldo Coil, Deneuve, Suzuki
Gender: Male
Age: 23
He is an eccentric genius and international private detective, reputed to be the world's greatest, who takes on cases that have stymied national governments and Interpol. He eats sweet things exclusively, and is usually seen eating fruit or cake, or drinking sweetened coffee or tea. L's behavior is also peculiar; he sits in an unusual position, always wears the same outfit, holds things extremely delicately by corners, prefers to go barefoot, and has a habit of biting his thumb. He has several other aliases, including those of the world's so-called second and third greatest detectives, Eraldo Coil and Deneuve. L stayed in England for five years, and during that time he was the champion in tennis for the England Junior Cup, and he is still a good player.
L is a very slim, tall young man with black hair and dark eyes. One of his most noticeable features is the shadow below each of his eyes, a result of him being an insomniac. L is always shown to be wearing blue jean trousers and a long-sleeved, white shirt. He almost never wears shoes or socks, preferring to go barefoot while even in public.
L is quite secretive and only communicates with the world through his assistant Mio Ozaki. He never shows his face to the world, instead representing himself with a capital L in Cloister Black font. L often uses dramatic strategies to confuse his opponents and force their hand. He tends to second-guess everything he is presented with, and is extremely meticulous and analytical. He has several quirks such as preferring to crouch rather than sit, eating only sweet foods like desserts and fruits, and holding items very delicately. Whenever L gives percentages to indicate how much he suspects a person of committing a crime, such as "five percent", in reality he means over 90 percent.
Specialization: Impossible or Nearly-unsolvable cases
Other: loves sweets and being right
Name: L Lawliet
Aliases: Ryuzaki, Hideki Ryuga, Eraldo Coil, Deneuve, Suzuki
Gender: Male
Age: 23
He is an eccentric genius and international private detective, reputed to be the world's greatest, who takes on cases that have stymied national governments and Interpol. He eats sweet things exclusively, and is usually seen eating fruit or cake, or drinking sweetened coffee or tea. L's behavior is also peculiar; he sits in an unusual position, always wears the same outfit, holds things extremely delicately by corners, prefers to go barefoot, and has a habit of biting his thumb. He has several other aliases, including those of the world's so-called second and third greatest detectives, Eraldo Coil and Deneuve. L stayed in England for five years, and during that time he was the champion in tennis for the England Junior Cup, and he is still a good player.
L is a very slim, tall young man with black hair and dark eyes. One of his most noticeable features is the shadow below each of his eyes, a result of him being an insomniac. L is always shown to be wearing blue jean trousers and a long-sleeved, white shirt. He almost never wears shoes or socks, preferring to go barefoot while even in public.
L is quite secretive and only communicates with the world through his assistant Mio Ozaki. He never shows his face to the world, instead representing himself with a capital L in Cloister Black font. L often uses dramatic strategies to confuse his opponents and force their hand. He tends to second-guess everything he is presented with, and is extremely meticulous and analytical. He has several quirks such as preferring to crouch rather than sit, eating only sweet foods like desserts and fruits, and holding items very delicately. Whenever L gives percentages to indicate how much he suspects a person of committing a crime, such as "five percent", in reality he means over 90 percent.
Specialization: Impossible or Nearly-unsolvable cases
Other: loves sweets and being right
Did you know Gods of Death love Apples?"
Name: Angelo Ortega
Alias(es): Azrael (Hebrew angel of death)
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Bio: a regular high school student at the moment but his father was an army and as a result Angelo has never respected authority figures. It stands to reason that he hates those in power cause his father believed the world owed him something. Angelo lived as a normal person would throughout his entire life Angelo has lived with anger issues that he had to keep bottled up for the sake of living a normal life. Even as he tried outlets for his anger like boxing or exercising it still wasn't enough for him to deal with the fire inside his heart. Angelo as a result would think of horrible ways to hurt others but never acting on it and he also believed that people who have committed crimes should pay for it. When Angelo discovered the death note he immediately wanted to return it for fear he would go to hell or worse but when his shinigami told him that using it wouldn't send him to heaven or hell Angelo was questionable about it, he realized that if he was going to go to limbo for using the death note then it wouldn't be so bad as going to hell for one day lashing out his anger and possibly killing someone then getting the electric chair for it. The lesser of two evils Angelo thought it was time to make criminals an example...
he is tall at 5'11 and has a somewhat muscular build.
Personality: a hard worker with a dislike for authority figures. tendencies towards anger and a somewhat demented mind of torture to others. He genially believes he is the angel of death and that he needs to kill those sinners in a way that will make them an example to others to not be evil.
Shinigami Name: Izanami (izan for short)
Shinigami Age: 100,013
Shinigami Description:
he is the one on the left but his entire body is covered in either scars or tattoo's in all honesty its hard to tell one from the other with him and he also wears a tattered suit that may have been a formal evening gown at one point but is ripped and teared almost everywhere so its not hard to see his body.
Shinigami Personality: Generally a board shiniami he yearns for entertainment which is "what way will I kill him" he usually thinks of different ways of killing, a Mozart of death if you will which is probably why he enjoys watching Angelo's demented mind come up with ways of killing off all those criminals.
Name: Angelo Ortega
Alias(es): Azrael (Hebrew angel of death)
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Bio: a regular high school student at the moment but his father was an army and as a result Angelo has never respected authority figures. It stands to reason that he hates those in power cause his father believed the world owed him something. Angelo lived as a normal person would throughout his entire life Angelo has lived with anger issues that he had to keep bottled up for the sake of living a normal life. Even as he tried outlets for his anger like boxing or exercising it still wasn't enough for him to deal with the fire inside his heart. Angelo as a result would think of horrible ways to hurt others but never acting on it and he also believed that people who have committed crimes should pay for it. When Angelo discovered the death note he immediately wanted to return it for fear he would go to hell or worse but when his shinigami told him that using it wouldn't send him to heaven or hell Angelo was questionable about it, he realized that if he was going to go to limbo for using the death note then it wouldn't be so bad as going to hell for one day lashing out his anger and possibly killing someone then getting the electric chair for it. The lesser of two evils Angelo thought it was time to make criminals an example...

Personality: a hard worker with a dislike for authority figures. tendencies towards anger and a somewhat demented mind of torture to others. He genially believes he is the angel of death and that he needs to kill those sinners in a way that will make them an example to others to not be evil.
Shinigami Name: Izanami (izan for short)
Shinigami Age: 100,013
Shinigami Description:

Shinigami Personality: Generally a board shiniami he yearns for entertainment which is "what way will I kill him" he usually thinks of different ways of killing, a Mozart of death if you will which is probably why he enjoys watching Angelo's demented mind come up with ways of killing off all those criminals.
Did you know Gods of Death love Apples?
Name: Eva Saito
Alias: Kira
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Bio: Eva comes from a wealthy background. For ten years, she lived the excessive life of a spoiled rich girl. But the light of happiness is elusive; it one summer night, it fled, never to return.
When she awoke, she wasn't in home. No... the men who lived in the place she ended up couldn't have been more different from her parents. At first, they promised she would be safe. As soon as Daddy paid up, they would let her go. Even they underestimated the wickedness of pride.
When it became clear the ransom would not be paid, they beat her... and worse.
Only after four years did their guard falter enough. Why shouldn't their prisoner be their servant, after all? As long as she couldn't leave the bunker-like structure she was housed in, she was no harm. What could a little girl do?
In turned out, even a little girl could figure out how to poison someone.
Such measures were forgiven, of course. It was only natural for a girl abused for so long to go to any lengths to be free of her abductors. Mommy and Daddy welcomed her back with open arms. After a few years of intensive studying, she was ready to go off to college with her peers. She had her own private apartment on campus in no time. But she would never forget.
Then, one winter morning, the notebook appeared.
Eva looks like the girl in this picture, except 4 years older. And with a few more scars... but those stay hidden!
Personality: On the surface, Eva appears a bit detached, yet not unapproachable. She avoids her classmates as much as she can, so she is viewed as a loner. In reality, she has simply lost the ability to trust. When she feels safe (mostly online), her personality becomes much cutesier... and more sadistic. After all, that ever-burning hatred needs to go somewhere...
Shinigami Name: Ezerion
Shinigami Age: 57,228
Shinigami Description: Ezerion is a short creature with disproportionately large wings comprised of jagged bones. At all times, his spindly legs hover well above the ground. His pale body features six clawed arms, and his crimson-eyed face is dominated by an everlasting cruel smile.
Shinigami Personality: Above all else, Ezerion loves chaos. He frequently encourages Eva to kill just for the fun of it. He is incredibly possessive of his human, referring to her as "little sister", though he views her more like a toy than anything else. He is utterly ruthless - the perfect spark to ignite the flame of Eva's fury.
Name: Eva Saito
Alias: Kira
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Bio: Eva comes from a wealthy background. For ten years, she lived the excessive life of a spoiled rich girl. But the light of happiness is elusive; it one summer night, it fled, never to return.
When she awoke, she wasn't in home. No... the men who lived in the place she ended up couldn't have been more different from her parents. At first, they promised she would be safe. As soon as Daddy paid up, they would let her go. Even they underestimated the wickedness of pride.
When it became clear the ransom would not be paid, they beat her... and worse.
Only after four years did their guard falter enough. Why shouldn't their prisoner be their servant, after all? As long as she couldn't leave the bunker-like structure she was housed in, she was no harm. What could a little girl do?
In turned out, even a little girl could figure out how to poison someone.
Such measures were forgiven, of course. It was only natural for a girl abused for so long to go to any lengths to be free of her abductors. Mommy and Daddy welcomed her back with open arms. After a few years of intensive studying, she was ready to go off to college with her peers. She had her own private apartment on campus in no time. But she would never forget.
Then, one winter morning, the notebook appeared.

Eva looks like the girl in this picture, except 4 years older. And with a few more scars... but those stay hidden!
Personality: On the surface, Eva appears a bit detached, yet not unapproachable. She avoids her classmates as much as she can, so she is viewed as a loner. In reality, she has simply lost the ability to trust. When she feels safe (mostly online), her personality becomes much cutesier... and more sadistic. After all, that ever-burning hatred needs to go somewhere...
Shinigami Name: Ezerion
Shinigami Age: 57,228
Shinigami Description: Ezerion is a short creature with disproportionately large wings comprised of jagged bones. At all times, his spindly legs hover well above the ground. His pale body features six clawed arms, and his crimson-eyed face is dominated by an everlasting cruel smile.
Shinigami Personality: Above all else, Ezerion loves chaos. He frequently encourages Eva to kill just for the fun of it. He is incredibly possessive of his human, referring to her as "little sister", though he views her more like a toy than anything else. He is utterly ruthless - the perfect spark to ignite the flame of Eva's fury.
Name: Mizuku Ozaki
Alias(es): Pandora
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Bio: Cousin of the deceased Mio Ozaki
Description: Has long black hair, Brown to almost orange eyes, wears red sunglasses when not in school and a tight black dress on most occasions, other than school when she wears a black spaghetti-strap top with a red miniskirt. her face is almost Identical to Mio's.
Personality: Seems to like to play Head-Games.
Shinigami Name: Chernabog
Shinigami Age: ???
Shinigami Description: ???
Shinigami Personality: Completely insane and loves Death....
Alias(es): Pandora
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Bio: Cousin of the deceased Mio Ozaki
Description: Has long black hair, Brown to almost orange eyes, wears red sunglasses when not in school and a tight black dress on most occasions, other than school when she wears a black spaghetti-strap top with a red miniskirt. her face is almost Identical to Mio's.
Personality: Seems to like to play Head-Games.
Shinigami Name: Chernabog
Shinigami Age: ???
Shinigami Description: ???
Shinigami Personality: Completely insane and loves Death....