Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Isla Sorna 8:35 AM

John sat in the back of the Jeep prepping his men. "They'll be found in the woods. What we are looking for are called Velociraptors, use your stun guns only, we don't want to harm the bodies!" He yelled over the roaring of the engines. The jeeps stopped at the end of the plains. They were looking in the dark, gloom of the forest. John led the way in. They heard a screech through the chirping. A woman came up next to him, "Sir, I picked up the sound on the audio anylizer, it Velociraptor." John looked in all directions checking to see. "Hey! Velociraptors are pack hunters, if there's one, there's more."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Thank you everybody, feel free to post in the IC whenever, just make sure it has to do with the current chapter, thanks!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHunter

TheHunter Rieusa, tu kailus A'isha tua

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The trees creaked around the small Masarani group. The group had been sent to the Island to record, and observe. Julia was sure everyone had their own motives for coming, she herself did. It wasn't anything unusual. The group hadn't reach the point where they were comfortable with telling each other their dark secrets. Now they would have too. Julia looked at the wreckage of the plane. It was destroyed. Nothing left to it. The plane was shattered into a million pieces. The plane no longer had any wings, and the tail was broken into bits. Julia sighed and looked around at their small group. Her blonde hair swirled around framing her face. Her gray eyes narrowed around on guard. This Island was dangerous.

Something was wrong. Everything was silent. The birds had gone quiet. Julia didn't like it. It bothered her to no extent. She narrowed her eyes, searching through the thickly wooded area. She searched the woods with her eyes, and let her thoughts drift. If-no,when- she found Tempest, how would he react? Would he remembered the girl that he had imprinted on?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Genni
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Genni Mistress's Lil Plaything

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Isla Sorna, InGen Base Camp - 8:38 AM

The staccato tapping of her heels across the floor made sure everyone know Betty was on her way to inspect her little pet. In her cage Nellie-79's head jerked up eagerly as the sharp, young palaeotoxicologist came into view, her hand reaching into her pocket and producing a small sliver of packet nutrients that passed for a pet's snack food. "How has she been today?" Betty asked, turning to face one of the guards standing watch.

"No problem at all. She's been asleep most of the time." The man replied, his hands sweaty on the shaft of the stun pole he was holding as a deterrent for the wild animal.

"That's good," Betty answered, only half listening as she reached for the test chart and inspected the figures from the latest round of experiments and probing. "No more biting incidents then, I hope?"

"Not today, not yet at least." The guard replied sheepishly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Isla Sorna 8:45 AM

Heeesh! a sound came from not 20ft away. "Be careful." John whispered. A rustle in the bushes, a screech, then one of his men was gone. "Get Nellie out here now!" He heard gunfire, "Now I said!" One stood right in front of him, before it could attack, he sprayed it with taser bullets. "Get this one locked up!"'he said a men tied it up and put it in the cage to the Jeep.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genni
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Genni Mistress's Lil Plaything

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Isla Sorna, InGen Base Camp - 8:46 AM

Quickly moving to the cage Betty tapped the release code into the locking mechanism with one hand as she lifted her shapely legs and pulling her fashionable but inappropriate heels from her feet. Stepping back as she let the guard do his job, pulling the cafe door open for Nellie-79 while at the same time holding his prod ready to be used at the first sign of trouble, Betty watched as the proud creature leapt down onto the ground, its hooking claws digging into the mud for a moment as Nellie-79 craned her head over to search for the source of the noise.

"No, bad girl." Betty barked with a scowl, glaring at her pet as Nellie-79 cringed away from her fearfully, remembering previous torments delivered whenever she failed to follow orders promptly. "This way." Betty said tersely, turning and heading towards the footpath leading off away from where the whatever-it-was had been heard.

Making good time on her bare feet, her toes wriggling with pleasure as they sank into the warm mud with each step, Betty soon found herself at the far side of the encampment with Nellie-79 quickly moving up to hover at her side, head still craning back towards the noise as the camp came up to full alert.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DashingHeights
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DashingHeights Archangel of Justice, Fairness, Vengeance, Harmony

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

There was a small crack as Reagan backed up into a tree root. He froze, arms out to his sides, knees bent in a crouch, eyes darting around nervously. He'd come here with the Masarani group, but had gotten separated upon their arrival. He was sure he wasn't far away, he could hear the sparking of the wrecked plane somewhere off to his left, but he was too afraid to move. Eyes were on him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by TheHunter

TheHunter Rieusa, tu kailus A'isha tua

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Half of you go North, the others south! Move out!" Julia barked the order. If reagan had gotten lost, this was bad news for everyone included. She rolled her eyes, and headed off into the wild jungle. She wasn't quite sure how she had gotten here. This was obscene. This world had gone to shit and now InGen had wanted to rebuild the park. This had failed so many times it was sad to watch. She rolled her eyes and trudged through the forest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Isla Sorna 8:50 AM
"Betty you and Nellie need to get the hell out of here, we picked up a roar from the forest, it was another... another Indominus. We have a separate Jeep prepared for you two. Meet us by the old visitor center, we'll have an escort take you." John turned to 10 of his men, "You escort her, make sure her and Nellie are safe." "The rest of you!" He called out "Let's take down this Indominus. It's a baby still, but its still God damn strong! Now, let's move out!"

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tobiax


Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Isla Sorna- 08:35
It was a few hours after the sun had risen, and sounds echoed over the mountains. Loud sounds, sounds the likes of which no animal on the island had likely heard before. Stubby claws scratched a broad snout as a stocky green-brown body slowly rose from the riverside. The Permian reptile raised his nose to the air, drinking in a deep breath. Things were different. Harsh, acrid smells began to waft to him, as well as one that was thick and biting, along with one he recognized. The scent that seemed to sustain the longest was the scent of humans. The scent of humans always brought food in one way or another, and thus, the Gorgonopsid turned towards the forest, and began the slow, silent trek to the place where the humans were.

Isla Sorna- 08:50
Several times throughout the morning, the scent was lost. However, it was always recaptured, and the hunt continued. Eventually, hunger came. It was not a major hunger, but hunger nonetheless. The mammal like beast decided to move on, curiosity overriding hunger for the moment. The smells which sent a sliver of fear thought him became more concentrated, but older. He was getting close, but whatever this horror had been, it was surely passing. Hearing a sound of breaking twigs and low vocalizations that he did not recognize, the Gorgon slowly hunkered down in the underbrush, taking in the scent as he waited for the sounds to come closer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Genni
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Genni Mistress's Lil Plaything

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Isla Sorna, InGen Base Camp - 8:51 AM

"Okay, you heard the man, back in the Jeep." Betty barked at Nellie-79 as she quickly made her way over to the vehicle John had indicated to her. There was just about enough room in the Jeep for eight men at a push, and it would be a tight squeeze. Looking over at the ten guards who'd been assigned Betty knew that it would either be a case of leaving people behind or moving at a slower pace to accommodate the ones on foot.

While the idea of simply bolting for the old Visitor's Centre had a certain appeal, Betty had heard the stories of 'raptors and other vicious killers who'd be able to pick her guards off one by one, even with Nellie-79 there to protect them. It'd be far better to have as many guns by her side as possible if it came to that.

"Which of you is the best driver?" She called out to the squad, and waved over the man who raised his hand. "You'll drive then," She said simply waving towards the Jeep. "I'll need four volunteers." She called out next. The men seemed a little confused at first, muttering between themselves as they tried to make a decision. Finally the four physically weakest out of the group stepped up and Betty quickly flicked her fingers at them one-by-one.

"You, front seat. You, in the back. You two, in the middle with me." As the men moved over to climb in the car Betty turned to the five remaining , along with her pet dino. "Spread out and keep up the pace. We won't be going too fast but I'd like to get to the Visitor's Centre in good time, if we can. If anything happens your first priority is to protect the Jeep," she told them, not wanting to add that they'd really be protecting her, "If for any reason you get separated from the vehicle, make your way to the Visitor's Centre as safely as you can. It'll be better to have you there a little late then not at all."

Betty smiled as the professional military personnel took up positions around the Jeep, checking their weapons and reloading clips as required, and turning to the last member of the party she only needed to give one word of command. "Hunt."

As she made her way over to the Jeep, slipping into the relative safety of the testosterone bubbling huddle, Betty watched as Nellie-79 darted off into the brush, her skin already beginning to switch colour to help her blend into the vegetation. By the time the driver pulled away from the base camp Nellie-79 was already a ghost, wisping through the undergrowth unseen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Isla Sorna 9:00 AM

"Sir, the sound we just heard was indicated as a deinonychus , the one before that was shunosaurus. Sir, I think we're loosi the trail." An woman told him. " We probably did, let's tur-" he was inturupted by a piercing beep from the scanner and a loud roar from the forest ahead. "Sir... Um.... Then scanner couldn't anylize that one." A look of fear spread across Jonathan's face, "Holy shit! Turn the fuck around! This ain't no Indominus it's a fucking-" a giant foot, blocked his path as he turned around, "Nike." He sprawled backward firing his gun at the monstrosity in front of him. "RUN!"

All gunfire was on the giant beast. It stood 29ft at the hip and was at least 50ft long. John made it to the nearest Jeep and drove along with 4 other men, the rest of the group wasn't to be seen through the ominous tall grass they were traveling through to get to the center. Once they got off, they scrambled inside the visitors center. They kicked up dust as they ran. "The embryos here are old as hell but they might make a profit." he said, grabbing a couple. "Your talking black market?" A man questioned him. "Face it InGen has gone to shit, we might as well make a profit since their probably gonna cut our paycheck due to 'lacking efficiency' or 'not full effort' or some bullshit like that" another replied. "Betty!" He called out, ignoring th two men, he didn't disagree with ip him, but didn't like the fact of dealing with a multi-trillion dollar corporation in court. He figured he could play it off like the others did it. It's not something he would normally do, but his family was in the rough, his oldest had to drop out of high-school to help his mother, who was dying due to lung cancer. He needed this.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genni
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Genni Mistress's Lil Plaything

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Isla Sorna, Visitor's Centre Approach - 8:57 AM

"It's stuck fast!" The escort called back as he rammed his shoulder against the gate for the umpteenth time. The security gates had been designed to keep dinosaurs out, but they'd also been designed for regular maintenance an in the hot, humid tropical conditions on the island it hadn't taken long for the metal to start decaying. "We could blow it open with a grenade, or try hacking it open with a pickaxe or something." The man was shouting, but Betty wasn't paying attention.

Off to one side of the path she could see the bushes rippling as if caught by the wind, but unlike most of the undergrowth these plants seemed to the rippling the wrong way. "Never mind that for now," she called out in a soft, measured tone. "I think we may have some company."

Moving with swift, coordinated precision the escort detail quickly took up covering positions around the Jeep, checking their safeties were off and rounds were chambered as the rippling got closer. Glancing back over her shoulder for a moment Betty was pleased to see two of the armed men were looking at the far side of the road as well, covering the flank just in case they were dealing with pack hunters, like the 'raptors.

As the rippling stoppe Betty found herself holding her breath as she waited for the penny to drop. Whatever it was stalking them was just inside the grass off the road now, almost close enough that a single good jump could've had it on top of the Jeep and right in her face, and as the tense seconds passed Betty found herself waiting for the monster to emerge.

When it finally did she found herself disappointed, the small Compy stepping casually out from the undergrowth as the gunmen trained their weapons on it. Betty thought she even heard one of the guard chuckle to himself as he lifted his rifle up, dismissing the small creature as harmless. A moment later a second Compy leapt from the cover of the grass, quickly followed by a third. Before long a swarm of the small creatures were jumping, stepping and leaping out onto the hard packed road with more following by the second.

Betty could tell the men around her were getting nervous, sweaty hands shifting on their rifle grips as the wave of critters moved slowly closer and when one sprang up onto the back of the Jeep the guard inside panicked, firing off his weapon as he blew the small creature to pieces, spraying blood over Betty as he did.

Outside the swarm stopped dead as they began to give off a low, soft hissing which at first Betty wasn't even sure was really even there as she pulled a handkerchief from her sleeve and dabbed the blood off of her face with disgust. The noise grew louder though, with more voices joining the chorus until the whole pack were chanting together.

Almost as one the pack began to move again, marching closer as the soldiers took careful aim, choosing their targets amidst the throng. "Hold your fire!" One of the men called out, his voice cracking, but it was too late. As the animals leapt forwards the soldiers will finally broke and they opened fire, mowing down the animals as the driver gunned the engine, slamming the Jeep forwards into the gate and smashing through it with their reinforced chassis.

Suddenly Nellie-79 was there with them, her jaws snapping left and right as she fought her way through the wave of scavengers. Betty lost sight of the magnificent animal as the Jeep rounded the corner and passed behind the trees, btu Nellie-79 didn't even notice her Mistress had gone, she was far too busy ripping the smaller creatures apart even as they nipped and snapped at her face.

The fight was soon over but not in the way Nellie-79 expected. A deep, resonant roar sounded from closer than she was comfortable with and the Compys began to scatter, heading off across the road and vanishing into the undergrowth, leaving their dead and dying siblings behind. Reaching down with the jaws Nellie-79 quickly snapped up one of the carcasses, carrying it off in her mouth as she made her way along the road, heading for the Visitor's Centre.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Isla Sorna Visitors Centre, 9:07 AM

"I told InGen our coordinates, they should be here within an hour, I contacted them yesterday." John sat down againts a cabinet looking through files and examining embryos. There was a certain silence in the room, one of which he did not like. It was silence, but an ominous one. One that couldn't be good. One of the men responded to the silence, "we're being watched." He wispered. Johnathan reached for his gun that was next to him. He turned his torso and a pair of eyes met his, about 20 ft away, hidden behind shelves and racks of files. He quickly took his gun, at the ready he pointed it at the place the eyes had been, but they were gone. "You guys," he gulped " it's not any regular dinosaur, it's a Nike"...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tobiax


Member Seen 5 hrs ago

A soft scraping sound filled the small room as a single light appeared. The match flickered in the pale fingers of a man seated at a desk in an office-turned-lab connected by a tiny passage to the visitor's center. His hand paused, and slowly, he reached for an old phone on the desk, visible only by the match's reflection on the smooth black surface. The phone's keys were tapped with purpose, and, had he remembered correctly, as his mind often wandered with trivial things such as what numbers belonged to what places, he would contact the reception desk.

After a moment of waiting, the ringing stopped, at which point, he shifted his posture and brought the receiver to his lips.
"Hello," he began, "Hermes is my name."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

A loud ring was heard from the desk about 15ft away. John scrambled to the reception desk and picked up the phone. A soft, hello was heard through the receiver, "Hello, is this InGen, my name is Johnathan Dexter, and I'm trapped in the visitors centre on Isla Sorna. Please help." Johnathan waited for a reply.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genni
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Genni Mistress's Lil Plaything

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Isla Sorna, Visitor's Centre Approach - 9:12 AM

As they drove down the road Betty looked back to see the guards on foot running behind, keeping pace with the car as they bolted down the road. The Compys were with them, swarming around them but none attacking. It almost seemed as though they too were running to escape from something and for a moment Betty felt her analytical mind dropping into place as she began assessing the situation from a purely logical perspective. The moment soon passed though as her question was answered for her.

In the distance an almighty roar sounded out, echoing loudly down the valley as Betty turned her body around in her seat to look back down the road, her eyes darting across the horizon as she tried to spot any sign of the monster which had produced such a bone-chilling sound. There was nothing to be seen, and Betty couldn't even guess at how close the creature could've been, the echoes making it sound as though it was all around her.

Quickly turning to the driver she tapped the man on the shoulder to get his attention. "Pick up the pace, we need to get to the Visitor's Centre quickly," she told him sternly.

"What about the others?" The driver asked, tilting his head in Betty's direction but never letting his eyes leave the road. With the Compys all around them it taking his attention from the path ahead right now could be disasterous.

Glancing back for a moment Betty's face hardened before she gave her reply. "They have their orders. We're not too far from the building now and they'll make better time it they cut through the woods."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tobiax


Member Seen 5 hrs ago

After a moment, the voice returned on the line.
"Johnathan Dexter," the man repeated, "There's an office in the back of the visitor's center," Hermes explained, "Therein, you will find a vaulted door, leading to a secure lab."
For a moment, the man paused, raising the lit match to light a candle upon his simple, dark desk, causing a light to illuminate his glasses in an eerie fashion.
"I expect full compliance with you and your companions for my assistance. Pleasure doing business with you Mr. Dexter."
And with that, the receiver hit the dial pad with a click, and the line went dead.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

John then got up off his knees and into a squat, then stood up fully. He motioned for the others to stand up, and the followed his lead. He passed through different corridors and past shelves, until he came to it, the door. He knocked softly on the cool, smooth, metal. "Hello." He said in a calm voice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Isla Sorna Visitors Center Arrival, 9:19 AM

The Jeep abruptly stopped as everyone got out. The roar called out again, this time sounding even nearer. A man stood we watch outside, armed with an M4A1, a weapon hardly suited for what they were about to endure. There was a faint grumble, and a rustle in the grass. "Damn compy!" He picked up a stone and threw it at the wavering grass, and the rustle stopped. Then resumed, this time draining nearer.

Isla Sorna Visitors Center, 9:21AM

A shrill, piercing scream was heard from outside, and a crash. Bricks and debris were flying everywhere, as a giant dinosaur towered over the group. "OPEN FIRE!"

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