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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Rou Gernot
Age: 20
Gender: M

Normal: Rou wears a large black Kamen Rider baseball cap that shades his green eyes and makes his black shaggy hair just down to his nape. He wears a long sleeved button up shirt that is usually left open to show whatever Toku/Anime shirt he has chosen to wear for the day. His dark jeans are a little stained and torn, but still decent.

Nationality: American

Backstory: All his life Rou has loved Tokusatsu heroes and giant robots, especially combiners. He began collecting Super Sentai robots, gunpla and merchandise when he was 8 and his collection is still growing. He can quote Riders, sing theme songs, and name any mobile suit. However, his biggest problem is that he can rarely discuss his hobbies due to his timidness. This was onset by his first gunpla battle at the local hobby shop. Rou built a simple GM to test the waters of the new game. He was stomped and ridiculed for his inexperience, and quickly left the shop and never returned. He longed for companions to help him. Better yet, a team. Despite his trepidation, he attempted to find friends at a different hobby shop. He laid low, but no one really stood out to him. Rou began to only fight matches in private, fearing what the audience would say about his skills.

Struggling to overcome his fear of confrontation and people, Rou discovered that he wasn't too timid if the opponent didn't know who he was. He began planning a cosplay suit to hide his identity, but could not seem to fathom what mobile suit to base it from. Rou surveyed his shelf. He wanted something simple. Zaku? Nah, cliche. BCUE? Too animalistic. His eyes finally rested on something he constantly over looked. The quaint little cannon fodder known as the Ball. It was perfect. Rou's skills were good enough that he could hold his own with such a puny gunpla, ad it fit his hero theme quite nicely. He finished his suit in a week and went to the shop. People stared, but no one knew who he actually was, and it made Rou feel so much more comfortable. "Ball Guy" was what they called him. He didn't win many matches, but he was well known and rather liked, even if he was just acting like a "gaudy super hero". Rou decided that a simple upgrade would not suffice. He needed something extra. Then it dawned on his. What about...extra balls? IF that was the case then he would need a Flash system, and that's something that an ordinary Ball wouldn't be able to handle. Rou brainstormed. Balls were what made him so renowned in his town, he couldn't just stop using one. He crafted for weeks and weeks until he found a solution. The transforming ball! he could still use the Flash system as a Gundam, but still look like a ball. Weeks later, his prototype was complete. In a private match he quickly lost ground, but once he transformed his Ball, his opponent dropped like a rock. Now he just needed to know how to use his backup Balls. Constantly controlling them would be tedious and require immense effort. As he wracked his brain, the Super Sentai show running in the back ground showed a scene of them calling their mecha together. It was miraculous, and it fit Rou's personality perfectly. He was going to make a Ball Sentai. He began winning his local matches, preferring to keep his Ball Squad's ability a secret. It was for only those eyes he thought deserving. Learning of his fame, he was invited to Neilsen Labs to participate, signing up under the guise "Ball Guy", to keep his identity a secret for just a little longer. The suit had become a crutch, but its ability to keep him calm in social situations was invaluable. During his time at Neilson Labs, Rou eventually overcame his fear of being in the spotlight and is now comfortable without the Ball Guy suit, though he still remains a little awkward. In recent years, it is rumored that Rou was the first American to be allowed to learn the arts of the Shingyo School of Gunpla, under Master Chinan.

Main Gunpla: Delta Cutter

Based from: Delta Kai

Scissor Sword x2
Scissor Shield
Mega Beam Funnels
Twin Daggers

Other Gunpla:

Based From: Jesta Cannon

Assault Rifle
Beam Cannon
4 Tube Multi-Launcher
Spring Mine x6
Smoke Grenade x3
Flashbang x3
Loto Backpack + Missile Pods x2
Beam Saber x2
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Dani Hatashi

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearance:Normally at a height of five foot seven, she isn't the shortest girl around, but her height is usually diminished by the wheelchair she goes around in. Most of the times, she'll wear a white t-shirt with a clothy vest over it and a pair of black pants. She wears boots on her feet and doesn't mind the warmth given to her upper body b the jacket. Her hair is about midway down her back and whitish grey, usually opting to go the route of least maintenance and just brushes her hair. Due to a side effect of the experiments in the lab, her eyes are a dark and deep pink, almost red. Around her neck is a beautiful collar/pendant, with a red gem in the middle of it.
In her appearance, she's lacking the helmet she used to carry around, something that would be noticeable to her older opponents and friends.

Nationality: Japanese

Dani is what many would label a genius. IQ of 175 and surprisingly lazy. She was a normal kid outside of being bored in classes, being brought up in the us for most of her child hood, learning to speak Japanese through her mother. In school, she rather stubbornly refused to be put into advanced classes, much to the annoyance of her parents and teachers. She didn't have much of an interest of gunpla during most of her early life and was even depressed, content to glide through school at a leisurely pace but had nothing to attract her attention.

the unfortunate part of her story happens when she was eight. Out with her father, they got into a car accident, paralyzing her legs and leaving her unable to walk. The same accident caused her to lose her father as well. This left her and her mother unable to function and survive, causing them to move back to japan to live with her mother's family inside of year. Getting adjusted to society in japan was a real culture shock for her. Her mother had some traditions she had brought with her, but the new world she lived in was flashy and bright.

She was missing out on the world due to her disability and was slipping further into depression despite the new experiences, but found something called gunpla when she was eleven. She had heard the name tossed about a little, but was absolutely astonished when she saw her first fight. People were controlling mobile suits. She hadn't had a way to express herself in the realworld fully in a long time in such freedom

Diving into the world of model building, she found herself having a vent for the three years and counting of no walking. Building units with legs, she found herself cruelly being made fun of and could hear the snickering of those who saw her fighting. Her leg work was a bit clumsy and that didn't earn her any respect. So she went ahead and abandoned the legs on her gundams, choosing a tank basis for her new gunpla, which she was getting excellent at building due to so much free time and a great mind to devote to new ideas.

Eventually, she built herself the "Block" Rx-75. the tanked gunpla was a fortress of armor and firepower. The new gunpla she had created silenced those who taunted her; in the gunpla amateur scene, she became a force to be reckoned with. Over the next few years, she began developing her gunpla, advancing it and once finding it well enough, she began working on something in secret, using her knowledge and her own tinkering with the systems of her gp base before her helmet began to appear on her wheelchair.

With continued success, she got an invitation to join the gunpla summer training camp, their detection of her modified gp base causing intrigue among them. During this time, she displayed an intelligence level and engineering skills to develop a system that allowed her to "dive into her gunpla" and control it as she would her own body.

With an induction into the labs at 15, only a little older than the Time Nils was rediscovering the plavasky particle, she made a great addition to staff. Her goal was not expanding the quality of the particles, but of the more practical usage of them. Particularly, those with disabilities. With nobles goals and the support of Nilson Labs, she worked in secret with them, in development, re-emerging a few years later and climbing her way into the world cup easily. With the labs backing her and rumors floating around Nielson Laboratories was debuting something unseen before at the world cup, she was rather abuzz with the crowd.

Other information: Is in possession of a Dive system to allow her to control her gunpla with her mind and assume their forms.

Gunpla: FD Pointo Zero

Name: Full Destiny Pointo Zero

Based from: Mixture of Destiny, Zephyranthes and Full Burnern


Core Fighter:
2x Beam Lasers
4X Vulcan 120mm Cannons

UVAPDS Decayed Uranium Anti MS Rounds loaded into a Large Caliber cannon.
2x Beam Sabers/Lasers (can be ultilized as the core fighter uses them.)
2x Head mounted 60mm vulcan cannons
4x Chest Mounted 120mm Vulcan cannons
2x Deployable Spade Shields w/ heating edges for use as melee weapons.
Special System P.I.O.S.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Sakuya Kawashiro
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Her hair lost its purple sheen becoming a drab black and during her "depression" she got rid of her standard gundam clothing for a normal if somewhat old fashioned japanese school/naval outfit complete with a black officers hat she wore everywhere now.
Nationality: Japanese

Personality: her personality remains the same she is still a calm and calculative person but a few things did change she is more laid back and willing to go along with the "flow" of things beyond that She has displayed a bit of lethargy being relunctant to do much of anything once she gets comfortable despite that she is still a avid builder being good but nowhere near the levels of some others. Beyond that she has seemed to accept her flaws and rather than hide them behind masks like she did before admits giving her a bit of a mature feel that she lacked before.

Being a Gundam fan she quickly got into gunpla battles. Her first gunpla was that of the Gundam Seravee which she still uses today though now it has been customized a lot. She grew up as a only child living with her father who was also a large Gundam fan. Using her looks as base she choose the Seravee as her first gunpla to match the theme of Tieria. The Seravee was a hard gunpla to use it also took a while to learn due to the six arms and side skills. Personally starting off she wasn’t the greatest but as she got continued she got better.

After a while she changed her gunpla to a custom Gebera Tetra and entered the 12th gunpla competition. Though it was after a bitter defeat in the quarter finals of a tournament she went back to her Seravee considering the condition of her Gerbera Tetra. It was than that she was invited to the Nielson labs summer academy. Taking the invitation she hopes to better her skills as a builder and a fighter. Gunpla for her as she stated at the application was a life experience since it taught life lessons but was also promoted fun and free thinking. That though was a few years ago. After all of that was done she left a better battler but one thing remained eating away at her.

She felt empty like she reached her limit in terms of gunpla. Though the death of her father did not help in terms of feeling empty and reaching her limit. She continued building but battling and tournaments kind of took a back seat. She worked herself to the bone to improve things but she always fell short she reached her limit or so she thought. She worked harder and harder eventually where the bags under her eyes were practically permanent. She gave up on gunpla for a little doing nothing more than studying for whatever reason till she decided to try her hands at building once more entering a small store that was said to have been owned by Sei Iori's family she found her answer.

It was than that she was found by the current Meijin seeing her predicament and perhaps containing a bit of information of her past endeavors challenged her using nothing more than a quick straight build of a Zaku. Using her custom flag and even with all of her strategies and quick maneuvers even making her use its trans-am system she lost. It was than she was told something that made her reevaluate everything "gunpla has no limits the only limits you have are the ones you place upon yourself." Those words caused her to stop and think and rather than build a complicated gundam she went with something new in which she did with time and a bit of effort she created a series of gunpla each unique and special in their own rights she called them the "Fubuki Class". It as there she made her name known again not as the lightning count or as a Tieria copycat but rather her as her own person. This was the birth of a new name for her one that was not known more by her nickname but rather her own name.

Other Info:
the bags under her eyes seem to have become a permanent feature of her face despite how much she sleeps now. She practically looks completely different and if she does not mention who she is there is little chance of people recognizing her unless they went to the summer academy but even than they can tell that there is something off about her.

Gundam Info
Gunpla: MG 1/144

Name: FC-DG1U-Gundam Fubuki
Based from: XXXG-00W0 Wing Gundam Zero EW

2 x Machine Cannon
2 x Vulcan Gun
Twin Buster Rifle "Raiden"
2 x Beam Saber
"Akatsuki" Beam Anchor
2 x Screw Whip "Hibiki, Veriny"
Special Features
Self-Destruct System
Kai-Ni System

2nd Gundam Info
Gunpla: MG 1/144

Name: FC-DG3U-Gundam Hatsuyuki
Based from: AGE-FX Gundam AGE-FX

2 x Beam Saber
AGE Buster Rifle
GN Sword V
6 x GN Sword Bit
GN Shield
6 x Large C-Funnels
8 x Small C-Funnels
Special Features
GN Field
Trans-FX Burst Mode

Other Info Gunpla:
Twin Buster Rifle "Raiden"- Modified twin buster rifles each individually named "Ikazuchi" and "Inazuma" Rifle Ikazuchi by itself is capable of a charged shot, while Inazuma is capable of firing a rapid fire of shots. When together to form "raiden" the out put is greatly increased
Screw Whips"hibiki, Veriny"- Modified screw whips from the crossbone x1 stored in the rear skirt used to capture and keep foes still but can be used individually. each can function as a "beam ribbon"
Kai-Ni System- A Unique system that can absorb plavsky particles to refill own energy tanks while doubling gunpla capabilities for a limited amount of time. When not in use the wings can function as a energy panel gathering energy though that method to recharge tanks.
"Akatsuki" Beam Anchor- A modified gundam hammer where the end has been modified into a anchor shape the tip caries a beam emitter to act as a beam sword.
AGE Buster Rifle- Modified Buster Rifle from the Reborns Gundam it allows for a rapid fire and a charge shot
Trans-FX Burst Mode- a system that increases the capabilities of the gunpla at least by 15 for a limited amount of time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Character Sheet:

Name: Alexis Voll

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Appearance: She's got long brown hair, blue eyes a light skin. She wears glasses pretty much all the time now due to her close vision going down hill on her.

She still wears her 'Seven Swords' jacked now and then, but she's largely stopped wearing it in favor of something normal. She's still mostly a 'Jeans and T-shirt' kind of person but she now also wears skirts and dresses now and then.

Nationality: American

Not long after finishing her study’s at Nil's Lab she was forced to hang up battling due to a car crash involving her brother. So for the last three years she's fallen back to causal matches only due to her needing to be around to help with her brothers recovery, physical therapy and such.

But just because she's fallen out of the pro circuit, doesn't mean she's given up on Gunpla. In her free time, she's been tweaking and tuning her own Drive system, and a new Gunpla, born of silly, but fun challenges from her friends. Omega. She also knuckled down, and for the sake of closing the book on, what she know considers a silly mindset she had for some time regarding builds, sat down and built Seraphic Radiance Exia.

In the last year though, her brother has been improving enough of Alexis to get back into battling on the pro circuit, and tore through the regionals and nationals and earned a spot in the 'Big Show', the World Tournament.

Other information:
Alexis has come up with a OS/Drive system for her Gunpla she calls ' Hydaelyn'. The system was developed from the GN Drives she favored for so long, and allows for much the same movement, most notable the ability to maneuver and fly with out the need for actual thrusters. She has two versions, Type I and Type II. Should be noted Trans-Am needs to be added separately as is not actually part of the system

Type I focuses more on speed and energy management about the Gunpla's normal stats. A Gunpla with Type I can outrun/out maneuver a Gunpla in Trans-Am. The down side is the charge time for any heavy caliber beam weapons suffers since less energy is being devoted to reduce charge times.

Type II favors higher output for builds that are more energy hungry. Be it a Beam Cannon spammer, or something with an energy barrier, or anything in between, this version is mean to handle those higher energy needs. The down side is it rely heavily on the builds base speed/maneuverability as the actual boost to speed is pretty minimal.


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