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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by MistressCyanide
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MistressCyanide The Poison In Your Veins

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Arc Characters:

-Cyclops (Active on Mission)
-Jean (Active on Mission)
-Storm (Active on Mission)
-Wolverine (Active on Mission)
-Colossus (Active on Mission)
-X-23 (Active on Mission)
-Tomahawk (Active on Mission)
-Forge & Jubilee (Active on Mission)
-Rogue (Captured)
-Nightcrawler (Captured)
-Beast (Captured)


The X-Tank stops before the MRD mutant camp, having enough distance to remained undetected. The sounds of the tank tracks stopping the sound of crunching earth, cement and litter.

Cyclops: "The mutant detention camp is just ahead. Beast, Rogue and Nightcrawler's transport is ETA five minutes behind us. This is a rescue mission, no mutant must be hurt. Our recon scout has gathered some Intel on the place, it is an MRD camp. 100's of mutants have been put to death here, Beast, Rogue and Nightcrawler will certainly be killed as soon as they arrive. Plus some of our students are here or were when the Intel came in. Wolverine and X-23 you go in through the main gate, Jean and Storm will take the eastern point of the camp, Starry-Eyed and Colossus you take the western part and I will use the tank to deal some heavy damage and spread there forces thin. Jean is the X-Tank loaded?"

Jean: "Yes the tank is fully ready for battle."

The camp ahead had metal fences surrounding the front, within the camp exterior some mutants could be seen. They were rags for clothing and had something about their necks, a metal collar which as the Intel suggest suppressed mutant powers 3 fold. The collar also had a little light to show it was active, a blue light meant it was surpressing the captives powers and red meant it was about to blow another bit of info from the Intel given. The left had three barracks within the metal fences that trapped the mutants, these were the housing buildings for the mutant though from the look of things were run down damps. Behind the metal fences was a giant wall which housed the main building for this camp, the walls covered all sides of the main building and within the walls other smaller buildings existed. A another metal fenced area was within the tall walls.

Here was where the more dangerous mutants were kept, at least 24 guards were on duty even if the mutants powers were kept at bay by the collars that kept them here. To the right of the fenced area was another building, that building was where mutants walked in but never walked out, they were either carried or pushed out. Each wall had four sniper towers guarding each side and each wall had a sentinel or two on guard as well. Search lights were scattered to the four corners of the inner walls which could spot things in and out of the man made fortress. A thick smoke left three tall chimneys which produced heavy black smoke, the smell of burned flesh filled the air. The main building had 20 floors, 1/4 of them just for weapon testing/developing and storage. Where the metal fences were on the outside of the fortress had a entrance but had a patrol office in front to see who goes in or out. Barriers blocking all from getting in though the X-Tank could easily roll through.

Cyclops: "Since it is heavily fortified it will be dangerous, when I get close use the back to get out."

The X-Tank began to move once more, the sound of the belt track heard once more, this tank was faster then normal tanks and could even hover for a while. The cannon had twice the power of a normal tank and the range of any known tank in existence. When the tank was close enough Scott released the back door where Storm and Jean jumped out first but did not go in until the first shot was fired. Cyclops had targeted the first sniper tower he saw, the tower shook and crumbled as fire filled the inside and outside of the sniper point. A person or two falling out of the tower due to the force, both on fire as they found themselves screaming to the hard stone surface below them. With that Jean and Storm went off east, Colossus made his way to the west part of the camp. Since Cyclops was backing them up he would aid them when needed, Wolverine and X-23 however would for the most part tear through the entrance and most things that got in the way. By this point the sentinels began to approach as well as the MRD began to split up to cover the three points that were going to be attacked.

Cyclops via intercom: "Tomahawk make your way into the center of the base and shut down the back up generators if you can. Anything else done while you are in there is up to you. Forge proceed with cation, the west side is open if you want to help Colossus or you can take another route."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Revans Exile
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Revans Exile

Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

Wolverine went to the main gain and started slowly clawing his way through it. While Wolverine drew their fire Talon climbed up the side of the wall, at the top of the mall she leapt from it to a sniper tower. She killed the guard and took his sniper rifle. She began picking off anyone wearing a MRD uniform. Wolverine finished the gate off. He addressed the mutant prisoners. "As soon as we deactivate the collars run. Talon up in the tower will keep any MRD agents off of you until then." Wolverine jumped through a window. Inside he tore through several guards that responded to his intrusion. He left one of them alive. "Where is the power source for those collars?" The guy refused. Wolverine put his right fist to the mans left hand, he slowly extended one of his claws. The claw tore through his hand at excruciatingly slow pace. "If you don't give me the answer by the time I put the third through that hand will be almost completely useless and missing a finger or two. You wouldn't want that would you?" The MRD agent shook his head no vehemently. "Then talk." Wolverine started to extend another claw, this claw would severe at least one finger, Wolverine went slower this time. When the claw finally touched the MRD agent's middle finger he screamed to stop. He gave up the location.

Wolverine punched the guy in the face knocking him out. He then taped on a device in his left ear. "Talon put a round through the generator. That should disable the collars." Before Talon could fire on the generator a Sentinel shot at her. She had just enough time to jump out off the tower before she was vaporized. "Wolverine a Sentinel just took out the tower I was on. Sniper rifle is gone. If I am to protect the prisoners I can't go after the generator."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"Tomahawk, make your way into the center of the base and shut down the back up generators if you can."

Tomahawk was on the move once the first shot was fired With shotgun drawn, he followed the blast to the sniper tower, flaming bodies were easy to track and his clothing was supposed to help hide him so he can survive. He did a baseball slide and let go of the shotgun to sling around him as he retrieved the rifle but the body armor was melting to the skin. When he heard the mechanical whirl of a sentinel, he acted on desperation and pulled the still burning body on top of him.

It stank of melting plastic and burning flesh. He wanted to gag but slowed his breathing to minimize the inhalation as the burning human corpse should hide his mutant signature as well as his heat signature. Suddenly the corpse began to shudder and thrash because the bastard wasn't dead yet! Reaching back, he pulled the knife off the shotguns picatinny rail and put it deep horizontally into the black mesh of the mans neck. Hot red washed over him as the man stopped moving, shock setting in now and death soon enough.

"Talon, put a round through the generator. That should disable the collars."
"Wolverine, a Sentinel just took out the tower I was on. Sniper rifle is gone. If I am to protect the prisoners I can't go after the generator."

Well that certainly lined things up for him. He field stripped the MRD by taking the belt then rolling the dead body of of him and using the momentum to free the tools. Putting the belt on around his waist, he chimed in on his earpiece.

"Talon, I got the generator, you go for the prisoners."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Forge proceed with cation, the west side is open if you want to help Colossus or you can take another route."

Forge looked through his scope. He was 160 meters from the Northwest corner, outside of their detection range due to his jammer implant. From his position he watched as the North gate opened and several armored vehicles and sentinels exited. "Cyclops, they're trying to flank you. Six armored MRAPs and four Sentinels just left the North gate. I'll hit the guards, leave the gate open, and make my way to the max security area through there." He'd be needed to remove the collars of the prisoners in case they had backup generators, like any well designed base would.

He got as close to the north gate as he could, and before the gate was closed completely, he aimed his gun and shot the gate guard through the chest. The other guards immediately sprang into action, leaving the guard shack and stupidly stopping the gate from closing. Forge waited until two of them left to look for him, and shot them as well, waiting only a second between the shots due to the gun's recharge time.

Seeing that his three buddies had been killed, the last guard ran into the guard shack and hit the close button on the control panel, but Forge managed to close the distance before the large gate could close completely. Once inside he fired a round through the last guard before he could draw his gun and hit the open button on the control panel.

Hacking the nearby computer allowed him to check the base's schematic and verify the prisoner record that Jubilee was inside. "North gate open. Proceeding to prisoners."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Revans Exile
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Revans Exile

Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

Talon was kept busy hacking up MRD agents. Wolverine made his way deeper into the compound. He found the the resistance to be lighter than expected. He kept his guard up, nevertheless. He counted only a dozen guards in the corridors and a few noncombatives in medical examination rooms and offices. He reached what he thought was the command center. "So this is where you kept all the guards." He motioned for them to come at him. He killed the first guard to approach. He took the guards grenade belt he pulled the pins on all of the grenades and threw the belt at the supercomputer along the left wall. The explosion took out a several agents and destroyed the supercomputer. He began fighting agents. "Supercomputer is destroyed." Numerous sounds of pained grunts, and screams of agony can be heard. "That should take down most security measures. Sentinels won't be effected though."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MistressCyanide
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MistressCyanide The Poison In Your Veins

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Colossus had been spotted but it would not stop him as he approached the wall that protected the west side of the compound. The mutant did not stop as he he went from flesh to metal in seconds, he had the momentum that of the Juggernaut. The thick wide wall that kept things in or out would not stand a chance against the incoming mutant. The sentinel firing in his direction but to no anvil did it stop the momentum that was created by Colossus. Soon an impact occurred, like it was made of cheap materials the western wall had a giant hole in it, dust and stone kicked up and spread across a certain radius of the MRD camp. A few guards managed to catch a quick glimps before being bulldozed and tramped by the charging man of metal. The sentinel close to him pursued him, his threat level went up one though Wolverine and X-23 also had there threat levels raised as well.

Forge: "Cyclops, they're trying to flank you. Six armored MRAPs and four Sentinels just left the North gate. I'll hit the guards, leave the gate open, and make my way to the max security area through there."

Cyclops: "Acknowledged. Storm create a deep fog just outside the walls, our tracking system should give us the edge."

Storm: "Fog incoming."

The X-Tank soon rotated 45 degrees to the right as the cannon was raised about 45 degrees up to hit one of the metal men known as a sentinel. The MRAPs would be here in a matter of moments and the sentinels would arrive around now promoting Scott to fire at one of the metal men. The X-Tank pushed itself back a little as it fired a powerful shot towards the left side of one of the four sentinels, upon impact half of the sentinels face was missing yet it was not down yet. By this point a deep fog began to roll in to help Cyclops. The shads of metal that was once a sentinels face began to rain down upon the X-Tank yet it did no damage due to the thick armor the tank had. Another shot was soon fired as the tank began to make its way to the left, this shot destroying the left arm and upper left body of the sentinel that was hit before. Shots were fired from both the sentinels and the MRAPs, missing the tank just by a bare fraction.

Toad: "Hey, hey let me out will you. You are one of the good guys aren't you?"

Jean: "I will let you out but you better leave if you want to live."

The gate of the outer metal pen that held mutants in was soon unlocked, this one located outside the walls that protected and housed the MRD. The guards had dropped a key in the confusion which allowed Jean to let the mutants go. They were all low level mutants, many who did not have lethal powers but more on the physical appearance side of the x-gene. Jean soon left the outside mutant camp to go and assist Storm once more. Forge was going to deal with the other prisoners from what she could see as she took a look from the sky, storm was only a few seconds away from her.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Tomahawk was not here to kill humans, he was here to save mutants. The sniper rifle would be fun, but he needed to conserve the ammo for the generator. That was what the shotgun was for. He slipped the straps from his side arm to the rifle to keep it in place as he took off from the most recent carnage.

Still covered in blood, he made his way to the hole in the wall made by the cannon fire And spotted two guards using the covered exposure to open fire. Squatting down, he snapped up into a leap beyond a human scope and fired off a round right into the helmet of the one of the left. Their armor would protet them, but all he needed was just for the knockout rather than a headshot. Not to waste the momentum of the surprise, he grabbed the wall lip with his left hand and swung with the right to take the gripped gun and bring it in sideways on the kneecap with a wet snap of satisfaction as the guard went down enough for him to hook the body with the barrel to pull the human out of the hole to fall to the ground.

Securing himself in where the guards had positioned themselves, he took a moment to pop off the guards shattered helmet and remove his ear piece to gain tactical information on the enemy, it was risky having a device in each ear, so he had a choice to make. Wait, no he didnt, he cant make a better use of this, but there is someone who can.

"Forge, can you rig something from Enemy headsets like a high volume screech or something to stun them? I have one to bring you as a sample if needed."

From up on the catwalks where the hole in the wall was made. Tomahawk continued to work his way further into the prison to the Primary generator, from here he would have to cut even deeper into the center for the backup generator.But for now he took a nook in the rafters above the catwalk and sighted up his shot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Forge, can you rig something from Enemy headsets like a high volume screech or something to stun them? I have one to bring you as a sample if needed."

"I'm about to breech the Max security area," he responded, "but I could use some backup. Meet me here and I'll do it. About 25k hertz ought to do it, high enough for normal humans not to hear, but it should disorient and give them headaches."

He thought for a minute, "better yet, meet me at the power room in the center of the compound. I should be able to deactivate the entire power grid, including all of the collars, from there. Then we won't need to free the prisoners, they'll free themselves."

With that, he headed towards the center of the compound and found a place to watch the building, though he waited to kill the men guarding the power room until Tomahawk got there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Revans Exile
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Revans Exile

Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

Talon was fighting MRD agents left and right, the bodies were beginning to become a hindrance. The last MRD agent for the moment was scared shitless grabbed a prisoner, used her as a shield, and held a pistol to her head. Talon sheathed her claws walked up to the agent oh so slowly, with her arms raised. The agent shoved the prisoner away to apprehend Talon. As soon as the prisoner was free, Talon punched the agent in the face so hard it shattered his jaw. The agent lay on the ground screaming in pain. Talon got on her knees beside the agent. "A real man would not have done such a cowardly act. Time to make sure everyone knows what you really are." Talon then unsheathed the claws of her left hand and relieved the agent of the equipment only men have. He passed out from a mixture of pain and shock. She then carved the word coward into his forehead. "For the moment this prisoner area is secure."

Wolverine took the grenade belt off of ten dead bodies, enough to collapse the roof in that section killing anyone who didn't die from the initial explosion. "Unless you all want to feel what an explosion feels like first hand, I suggest surrendering. Believe me it is not pleasant feeling but I have good fortune to be able to survive the experience. Do you?" Several MRD agents surrendered most didn't. "Ones with enough sense to surrender I suggest you talk some sense into your comrades, you all surrender or you all die." The surrendering agents picked up their weapons and pointed them at their comrades. A firefight soon broke out. "Command center is mostly under control, I talked the MRD agents into fighting each other." Wolverine set down and kicked his feet up. He grabbed a pistol from a dead agent and started randomly shooting MRD agents that were fighting each other along with any who tried to attack him. He then noticed what looked like a noncombative in the corner. He wrote on a piece of paper. 'You are free to go. Be careful out there. Your not so friendly Wolverine. :)' He then folded the paper into an airplane. On the wings he wrote 'Read the inside.' He tossed it her direction. She looked at him quizzically. He pointed his pistol at her and then at the door. She ran off screaming. Wolverine laughed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"I'm about to breech the Max security area, but I could use some backup. Meet me here and I'll do it. About 25k hertz ought to do it, high enough for normal humans not to hear, but it should disorient and give them headaches. Better yet, meet me at the power room in the center of the compound. I should be able to deactivate the entire power grid, including all of the collars, from there. Then we won't need to free the prisoners, they'll free themselves."

"Understood, en-route."

Tomahawk put three rounds into the three back up generators with their own high-power ammunition, that left two in the clip and one in the chamber. He popped the clip and put the two rounds in the pocket closest to his chest and slung the rifle over his back again. His shotgun was tied to his right leg at the thigh and shin like a splint as he used Brachiation to make his way around. He wasn't nearly as good at this as beast, but he did take lessons from the brilliant blue man and the Human superiority usually meant that they would have alarms on the ceiling but not actual traps since the mutants were not meant to make it to such locations.

He was certain to be seen by cameras, but they were already on full alert so such caution was needless at this point as he aped his way to the generator. He unfastened the shotgun as he hung from one hand and dropped a full two stories into one guard to break his fall. He hoped forge was nearby to help as he rolled backwards to like up his next shot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MistressCyanide
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MistressCyanide The Poison In Your Veins

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cyclops: "The truck with Beast, Rogue and Nightcrawler will be her in three minutes. Storm I need you to stop the truck without hurting our team mates and any other mutant who may also be in the truck itself. Colossus keep the guards busy, Jean assist Storm and if needed Colossus as well. I will continue to provide cover as well as keep the MRAPs and several sentinels busy. Someone needs to cut the coms at the communication tower before they can request back up. Talon, if you can climb the tower and cut all cables and power to prevent reinforcements."

Jean could not handle the sentinel alone prompting her to evade it and go help Storm while she needed it. The MRD were coming out heavy handed, bent on taking the weather witch in or killing her if needed be. Both option were open, but which one would be enforced. Bolts of lightning struck various members of the MRD, one taking it right in the chest killing them, another losing any feeling in there left arm which at the same time caused some minor burns. Storm did switch between lightning and wind a lot during her sweep of the enemies. If they could not stand they could not fire or hurt anyone. The gusts of wind were only aimed at one point which was the eastern area of the compound, the degree of how strong the force was varied but one thing did not change, trying to stand up to it was a challenge most lost.

MRD Member: "The weather witch needs to be taken down, send in a sentinel to push her back."

Scott was still dealing with what was coming his way, four sentinels was a bit much but soon it turned into three when he final blow more then half of the remaining face of the damaged sentinel from before. The other three fired from different directions, Cyclops had to move carefully as giant holes began to appear around him. The sentinels were not to be messed with but the X-Men would not let them push mutant kind around. The cannon was soon lowered to to fire straight ahead of it to cripple some of the incoming MRAPs, it was hard work trying to avoid being hit and firing but he managed to do it with his spacial awareness skill. The shot managed to hit those in the middle of the advancing MRAPs, the ones that did not take a direct hit split into two groups. Both taking a different side to attack the X-Tank.

Colossus found himself tearing through the building that sat in the middle of the compound, the main MRD building. This place had to be taken down, it was a place of death and mistreatment of mutant kind. The supports were still in place but a chunk of cement, glass and other materiel was gone. The MRD inside managed to get a glimpse of what did it but had no time to react as Colossus found himself breaking through the other side of the building, he found himself heading to the south end of the compound. The man of metal soon stopped in his tracks, something that took him a moment to do. The X-Man himself looking to see where to go next, the MRD seemed split though those from the MRD main building began to bleed out and began to fire upon him. The bullets themselves doing nothing to him as he approached them and began to fight them with his fists. He would make the earth under them shake if he had to and even rip it from under them as well.

Colossus: "No, no. These weapons could hurt someone, I take them...... Yes?"

Colossus took the closest weapon and bent it in half like it was nothing, the MRD soldier was shocked and fear got to him as he ran the other way to get away from the mutant. The other members were not swayed, they themselves kept firing and Colossus kept disarming them, throwing them when he could and even began to rip the floor from under them. The ground had large slabs of cement so it was a task that could be done, those unlucky enough to have the slab removed under them fell or if they didn't stumbled before feeling themselves being thrown elsewhere.

By this point the sentinel that saw Jean had made its way towards Storm where Jean began to assist. The metal giant firing a shot at the pair instead of telling them to halt. This was bad for both Jean and Storm as they now had enemies coming from two directions instead of one forcing Storm to increase the wind strength to scatter the MRD troops so Jean and herself could deal with the sentinel. The MRD flew left and right, some flying further then others. A few found themselves inside the compound once more, some found themselves outside and other found themselves away from the compound, they were not too far out though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

When he saw Tomahawk land on the guard he opened fire, not bothering with headshots due to the power of his weapon.

After the guards were dead, he came out from his hiding place and walked over to the door. "Give me a few seconds," he said to Tomahawk as he hacked the lock. As the door opened he realized he probably just have used a key card from one of the guards, not that it mattered now. "Ok, we're in."

With no guards inside, he was able to access the computer and shut down all of the generators, locking them with a complex code so that they couldn't be started back up. "There, they'll have to reload the computer from backups to get their reactors back online. So, to max security area?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Revans Exile
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Revans Exile

Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

"Cykes, if I cut the cables with my claws, someone is going to have to take o...." Talon could be heard groaning along with a crackling sound. Then a man screaming in like a little girl was heard. "Sorry MRD agent caught me off guard, he thought a cattle prod would work. Got a work around. Give me a mike to get the work around going." Talon coerces the MRD agent into helping. She carries him up the side of the tower. She hands him a knife and orders him to cut. The agent cuts the cables and power to the tower, the agent did survive the electrical surge that went into the knife and through his body. Talon was forced to drop the guy before the electrical surge rendered her unconscious.

After the agents finished fighting each other, the survivors slumped to their knees in exhaustion. Wolverine walked to the door. He turned around at the last second and tossed all ten belts towards the survivors then he ran to the other end of the hallway just as grenades exploded collapsing that entire section of the building into the garage below. "Command center is destroyed. Had to be half their agents in there as well, but must died before the explosion."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Revans Exile
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Revans Exile

Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

The experimentation and training Natalie Woods endured weakened her psyche, being dumped in with the worst of the worst having unspeakable acts of cruelty and savagery done to her broke her psyche completely. The personality that emerged was of a survivor and an animal. While the collars were functional the animal did whatever it took to survive. Now that the collars no longer functioned the caged animal was free. The closest tormenter she leapt upon his chest and chewed through his neck causing him bleed to death. The second tormenter knocked to the ground and dragged to the first and forced her to drown in the blood of the first. The third she clawed to death. Her final target she chased down, when she was close enough she leapt on him with such force that when his head hit the floor it was crushed. The animal then slowly circled the room when it found a spot it liked it curled up into a ball and maintained a vigil on the door ready to pounce on any who entered.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Tomahawk took the time that Forge used to hack the lock then the generators to gather up weapons, armor, and ammo from the fallen guards. Not everyone had useful power to escape with, so this might even the odds of the survivors. He held out a handfull of earpieces to the fellow native american mutant as he slipped on a vest.

"You said you could do something to throw them off. We need every advantage we can get. After that, onto the max security."

As he let forge take the moment to do his voodoo, a red beam touched his eye as the sloppy sniper lined up its shot. He didn't have time to dodge, so he merely hoped off his toes as her shot rang and took the bullet into the newly acquired vest instead of the face. He fell and landed flat on his back but emptied a clop into the source of his pain. He wasn't sure if he killed them or just made them fall back, but it was one less to deal with. It hadn't been a real sniper as they don't use laser dots, its an assault weapon tool for fast firing and probably the only reason he was alive.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MistressCyanide
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MistressCyanide The Poison In Your Veins

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cyclops heard what Talon said but she would find a way to deal with it and it seemed she did while Cyclops kept on firing at some of the sentinels. Two had turned round to head towards the mutants within the compound, Scott was left with one and only half of the MRAPs where still going for him, the remaining pushed back to take out the mutants doing the most damage. The truck would be him in a moment forcing the leader of the blue team to cover storm so she could prevent the truck reaching its destination and safely recover the members who were captured. A shot was fired towards the sentinels before Scott did a hard turn towards where Jean and Storm were. The shot had blown a giant hole through the main body of the sentinel causing it to shut down in that moment.

The sentinel itself began to fall back due to being shut down, the MRAP's were in its line of its falling range. Sentinel was quick, too quick for the force to do anything. None of them had survived as the iron titan crushed all of them, the other X-Men had crippled this brunch of the MRD but still had some work to do before leaving this camp. The remaining three sentinels in the complex began to attack all the mutants they could find, both known as the X-Men and those who were not apart of the X-Men. A few unlucky mutants were killed or if they survived severely injured from the blasts of the sentinel attacks.

Storm began to fly around the metal giant who came for her, Jean however kept the MRD at bay or at least tried to. The X-Tank was making its way towards the Storm and the metal titan, a few shots were fired to make the Sentinel look away for a moment yet the X-Tank was running out of ammo. Storm soon gathered some clouds above the metal giant as she spoke some words before letting out a powerful strike upon the sentinel. Storm was stationary as she unleashed her attack upon the metal giant. Her strike was on target and had caused much damage but it was not enough to stop it though the sentinels weapons were unusable at this time. The giant could only swat and step on those around it giving the X-Men a little bit of an advantage against the iron titans. Scott had fired his last rocket at the disarmed sentinel, upon hitting its left upper body caused the giants arm to detach and fall to the ground below. Storm however used her powers to move it away from those below them. The detached arm was forced against the eastern wall causing the wall to crack and crumble certain parts of the wall itself.

Colossus: "No more weapons? Good."

Colossus soon began to move taking out the last of the MRD in his way where he made his way back to the front gate. The truck was coming, it was not to far now and Storm had to get going. The weather witch threw herself in the direction of the truck to keep it reaching the MRD camp. The truck was no normal MRD vehicle, it was one that medics used in the army. Why were they using those the weather witch thought to herself? No matter the MRD would not be allowed to kill her friends and team mates.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Revans Exile
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Revans Exile

Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

Wolverine could hear the sounds of Sentinels firing over and over at mutants. Wolverine was near the tower, he raced up to the top. At the top he leapt out of the window and began attacking a Sentinel. The Sentinel tried desperately to grab or fire at Wolverine.

Talon was drawing the fire of a Sentinel while other mutants fled. Talon picked up the man with the word coward carved into his head and bleeding profusely from the groin and threw him in between a mutant and and the laser fired from a Sentinel. All that was left was the dude's head.

The animal persona of Natalie Woods grew restless and the muffled sounds of Sentinel fire were scaring her. She ran at full speed towards the door and leapt at it causing it to fly off it's hinges and slam into the wall across the hall. She stalked the halls.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"You said you could do something to throw them off. We need every advantage we can get. After that, onto the max security."

"Sure," said Forge, taking the earpiece. "Give me a few seconds." A tiny screwdriver popped out of his wrist and he tinkered with the earpiece. A few seconds later the soldiers around the base started grabbing their heads in pain and pulling out their earpieces. Most of them had blood running out of their ears, but the few that were unfortunate enough to be unable to get to their earpieces were laying on the ground, unconscious. "That should help." he said, folding the screwdriver back into his wrist. "At the very least they no longer have comms, and most of them can't hear any orders they're given now."

He turned the device off and put it in his pocket so that he could use it later to spy on their communications. He motioned towards the maximum security and started walking. When he go there, though, he realized that the MRD didn't stand much of a chance now. They had superior numbers, but the escapees were determined to make them pay. One man even had an MRD agent's head held between his hands, with lightning bolts jumping from him and through the enemy trooper, cooking him.

Upon seeing his friend, Forge ran through the group of MRD troops, shooting a few as he ran past, and shouted "Jubilee," the name of the sixteen year old girl that was busy shooting plasma at the enemy.

"I'm okay, Forge." She said. "Even though I could use a shower and a change of clothes."

"Well, I've got the clothes, at least." he said, handing her armor to her. "And I upgraded your gun too." He handed her her pistol too. While Forge knelt and started firing on the enemy, she nodded and slipped into the prison building so that she could put the suit on without getting shot, though it slid over her other clothes. When she was done she came out and fired on one of the MRD agents.

"Not bad." she said. "Now can I get out of here?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Tomahawk was grateful for the assist in any form, screaming soliders was a great assist and he was glad to have pushed for it. No generators, no coms, ever fewer men with rising empowered mutants, this was just a wash now. All that was left as a major opposition was a way to disable the sentinels.

Still with the stockpile, he followed after the shaman into the maximum security area. What he saw was righteously disturbing as all the mutants were tearing into MRD's like they were MRE's. Each one had their own way of taking their vengance upon the downed troops, and he was here to help.


He took a nook and opened shop to those who wanted a better chance to survive. When not covering with his shotgun as others armed themselves, there was his best tries and pop the dead collars off of them before they got reactivated. A brilliant idea came to him to try reconnecting the collars into a chain of sorts in case they needed a way to put a hole in the wall like a shape charge.

"Forge, can we rig these collars somehow to work for us?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Revans Exile
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Revans Exile

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