Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dasomen
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Dasomen Nuka Cola Addict

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Disclaimer: This RP is neither strictly fallout or Mad Max, it is however in their style and inspired by them. Also please do not be offended by the intro as it is "voiced" or rather "in the voice" of a person in this world. And yes, some words are intentionally misspelled due to it being "in the voice". hence gasoline is Guzzoline ect.
Any art shown here is the respective property of the artist/person who commissioned it and or the company who owns the rights to it. any art displayed here is purely for reference purposes and should not be taken as a definitive example of whatever it is, more of as a guideline.

This is a world of fire, brimstone, blood and metal. Where vehicles, weapons, and technology has pretty much taken on a religion all of it's own. Think of a more extreme version of fallout, where fallout and Mad Max crash head on into each other in one big mangled fireball in a lightning storm.

NOTICE: I am currently open to the idea of a Co-GM for this RP. if you are interested in that after having read everything here and you think you can ride this radioactive wave, send me a PM. Anyone who is wishing to run as Co-GM will have needed to see the Mad Max movies and be fairly fluent in fallout. Personally i don't see this as too big of a requirement given they go so well together and are kind of hand and hand (fallout being very inspired by mad max) but if it is... sorry.

Now then... onto the meat, grits, and Guzzoline!

Come one lads and lasses, come all and gather round you gits for i bring words from the glass boyz by order of our god! Long live our god! long live Fizzion! The glass boyz have told me tails they have, rammed stories in my ears and images into my mind! all so i share it with you. all so i give this knowledge to you! so hear my voice, hear my words whelps and treat them as Gospel. Long long ago the world was covered by vast oceans of water! The glass boys tell of an age when jungles of concrete and steel stretched high into the sky and reached to the heavens above the clouds. They speak of a time where one did not wish or want for water, where one did not wish or want for food, where the brilliant sparky glow of electric lights lit up the night as if it was day! they speak of an age where water met the sand and there gathered many people who would give good children! They speak of an age of paradise that we have lost! lost this age we have, lost it to the cataclysm and the war and the nuclear fire we have! Glass boyz tell me of a time when civolization rules over all and that all were guarded by the old gods. But the old gods did not prepare, no they were not prepared for what came. The great fire in the sky, the sun on high that burns your back, sears your flesh, and blinds your eyes let off a large plume which the glass boyz call a solar flair, and they say, they tell us we were not prepared. Strip us of much this solar flair did. hit our land hard. This solar flair robbed the old world of it's power! Electricity! the life blood of the old world stopped flowing freely! Already struggling with conflict the old world was but this... this fire from the sky robbed people of their sanity, of their minds. Without the power flowing, without the sparky shiny glow to light up the night people went mad they did, they lost their fucking minds!
It wasn't long oh no no no... Glass boyz say it wasn't long at all. The fire from the sky burned away what little sense of control the old world had and soon Nuclear fire also rained down from the heavens indiscriminately it did! Rained down to kill us all, but people survived. oh yes people survived. the old world built many things, thousands of things Millions of things.... But glass boyz tell of a thing that the old world built called a Vault. it's a place where many old world people went to survive the nuclear fire. Lost to us many of these vaults are... pockets of paradise where food and water run like never ending rivers. where the sparky glow of electricity still flows, beating like a heart to bring life to these pockets of the old world. Lay hidden they do these vaults. but soon they open. vaults always open and let people out. some stay locked away for hundreds of years... others stay locked away till people inside want to come out... others well. others are what others are. But these others... these Vault dwellers are pure! No radiation and no mutations! But that not important now... Now after the seas dried up, after the oceans went and hid away... Now you need to know what's what....

First you lot need to know bout is this. Caps! Caps are cash! you want something best hope you have enough bottle caps to pay for it. want some Guzzoline. PAY CAPS! want flash new rifle full of sparky bitz? pay caps. well there is arguably more important stuffs to tell you lot about but figure get caps out of way first. Second is the types of lands you need to be mindful of. Wasteland is vast and deserted. filled with seas of sand and stretching further than the eye can see. The wasteland is not safe, not for you, not for me, not for anyone. Nother land is the Radlands. Don't you ever go mistaking a wasteland for no radland. If you lucky or if you smart your car have little machine that will let you know if it safe. go tick tick tickety... you hear that you turn your rig, car, truk bike i don't care which... you turn it round and you run. no one goes into rad lands and comes back out alive. Rad lands are where the bombs fell, where nuclear fire rained down from the sky and scorched the earth. Those two lands all you likely sea as long as you live. but there are also the Dark lands. Old jungles of concrete and steel, home to nasty things the dark lands are. Then you have where you are now! an Oasis ruled by our god! Our god Fizzion! Long live Fizzion and all his sparky and flash glory! May he grant the lucky of us a glorious death in battle to protect his war rigs so we may rest eternal in Valhalla! But you got other oasis as well. other spots where people gather under a god. God of gas town gives the precious, the righteous, the mighty sacred Guzzoline. God of Bullet town give bullets a plenty to all who show tribute! and then you have the lands of the metal men... Call themselves the Knights of NOD.... serve some dark god called Cabal. You see the metal men you keep your distance if you want to still be living after the day is done. Not a one of you alive is hard enough to take on a metal man, take on one of them knights of Nod. But all you best be hard enough to take on the muties and the zombies! There be monsters out there in the wastes you gits. So you best be prepared whenever you go out and whenever our god calls on you! Long live Fizzion! may he grant us all flash and sparky glory!

In this RP you play as a member of Fizzion's oasis. Fizzion is a powerful warlord who is held to be a living god by pretty much everyone. same can be said about the warlords controlling gas town, bullet town, and the other oasis. frankly people just don't know better to be honest. Fizzion's resource that he trades is Nuclear Batteries and electricity. Power lines don't really run out in the waistland connecting cities and villages, so convoys from Fizzion's oasis are sent out to supply other warlords with electricity. This makes Fizzion a rather powerful figure in the world given without him, without his oasis, no one can have running power in this part of the wasteland.
He trades electricity for everything. Bullets, Fuel, water, food, even people and medical supplies.

Glass boys are the few educated people in the wasteland. They are the scholars, the scientists, and the doctors. They advise the warlords on scientific matters. Glass boys (are also girls, it's more of just a term referring to the position. not trying to be sexest) are holders of ancient knowledge and actually receive formal education and training. Glass boys are valued at roughly 3 times their weight in gold. when they speak, people tend to shut up and listen if it's about something technical or scientific. if it's a matter of tactics or combat however they aren't really the people to go to and their options on the matter are largely disregarded.

Breeders are well, people found to be of a higher purity level and hold desirable traits like a strong immune system. Their only roll in life is to breed and keep healthy. long story short you aren't going to be playing one but you likely came from one.

Black Fingers are the mechanics, engineers, and all round grease monkeys. if it's broken they fix it, if it needs to be tinkered with they tinker with it, if it doesn't need to be tinkered with, they likely still tinker with. virtually no one knows more about engines, gears, and the inner workings of mechanical bits than them.

War Boys are fanatical zealous warriors who devote every waking moment of their life to being allowed into Valhalla, or rather to die in combat for their "god". War Boys cling to sides of vehicles, man weapons, and generally pull rather crazy shit in order to take out anything they are pointed at. saying they have any regard for their own life once things get going would be a bold faced lie. war boys are pretty much bread for war.

Gear Heads are the drivers of vehicles and devote their lives to driving a vehicle in service to their "god". Gear heads work closely with black fingers, repairing, salvaging, building, and upgrading their vehicle. Their vehicle is practically a temple to their god and everything is done in honor of that god. Most gear heads are fearless drivers.

Fury Riders are a tempered mix of a war boy and a gear head. Good example of a Fury rider is Mad Max from the films. Often described as forces of nature. when one is "discovered" or "realized" they are prized by their god since this level of skill is rarely ever seen and fury riders soon developed a cult following depending if they live long enough. Fury riders have a bit more mind to them than war boys and gear heads, so there is a chance they can see through the "god facade " of the warlord but at that point the warlord doesn't care as long as they are loyal. Gear heads and war boys rally around Fury riders and the sight of one's vehicle is often something that drives the war boys and gear heads into a focused frenzy of valor.

Doof riders are the little drummer boys of the god's war parties. they keep the beat of the drive and inspire the army to fight and drive harder. they also tend to announce the presence of the army for miles. although technically speaking they don't all play drums. mostly a mix of electric flame spitting guitars, massive drums, and occasionally their own voice. Doof riders have an uncanny ability if used together with other doof riders (normally riding on a large Doof Rig almost completely made up of speakers and amps) to send an army into a frenzy. A doof Rider's music helps people never loose their moral. a war party on it's own is a scary thing to see, a war party with a Doof Rider playing music and energizing them is a thing of nightmares. unfortunately the moment a doof rider is killed and the music stops the war party tends to get disoriented as a fog seems to cloud their mind.

And then you have the poor and the slaves. same thing really as neither is treated better than the other and they both tend to get the short end of the stick. often sickly, starving, and worked to the brink of death, they toil away only so they can eat at the end of the day. in truth it really sucks to be them. don't worry, you aren't. these guys are essentially the "leftovers". the ones who didn't show any promise for anything more than hard labor. they showed no ability in combat, no power of the mind or anything that would get them into any of the other positions.


Post your application here for approval. Approved characters can then post their chart in the character area.
if you aren't sure on something, ask. and before you say anything yes there are energy weapons. use fallout as an example.

Appearance: don't just use a pic, also give a good description.
Roll: Glass Boy (Limited to be the minority), Black Finger, War Boys, Gear Heads, Fury Rider (good profiles only)
Equipment: this is what you're normally equipped with when you're on foot. if you're a gear head or a fury rider, this is not your vehicle. this does however include any weapon you may have. and yes "thunder sticks" from the mad max series are perfectly acceptable weapons.
Vehicle: Ignore if you aren't a gear head or a fury rider. If your vehicle is your Magnum Opus delete this. what kind of vehicle do you have? describe it. also pics are appreciated but don't forget to describe it as well if you use a picture.
Magnum Opus: This is a special peace of equipment unique to you. This can either be your vehicle, your armor, or your weapon. This will evolve with you over the course of the RP. Describe your Magnum Opus.
Biography: 2 paragraph minimum. 3 paragraph minimum for a fury rider. why were you chosen for your roll? what experiences have you had? if you see someone has been approved before you, you are free to reference (though not effect) their biography as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by dndragons
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dndragons Lawful Good

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'm interested, though I haven't seen Mad Max sadly. I probably should watch them at some point but I haven't had an occasion where mad max has come up potent enough to make me remember to do so.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Dasomen
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Dasomen Nuka Cola Addict

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Well mad max 4 is currently out in theaters. though if you're gonna watch some mad max, recommend road warrior, and beyond thunderdome. mad max 1 is good dont get me wrong, but it's post apocalyptic feel hasn't blossomed yet. Also keep in mind you don't need to have seen Mad Max to be apart of this RP. if you've played fallout but thought "this would be so much better if the distance was actual and there were cars" you're already good to go.

But for those wanting to watch.

Mad Max 1 http://putlocker.is/watch-mad-max-online-free-putlocker.html

Mad Max 2 Road warrior http://putlocker.is/watch-mad-max-2-online-free-putlocker.html

Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome. http://putlocker.is/watch-mad-max-beyond-thunderdome-online-free-putlocker.html

Even though i know where to find the current mad max (fury road) online... won't post that for legal issues.
Also. mad max can get a bit morbid at times, fair warning.

also tip, look up "wasteland weekend"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Diabolic
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Diabolic Seeker of knowledge

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Im really interested like really
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dasomen
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Dasomen Nuka Cola Addict

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Here's a good little vid if you dont feel like watching a few movies to see what some of us post apocalyptic fans are on about, or more importantly, some of the refrence meterail for this RP. It's only five minutes long so yeah... also has clips from fury road in it so you can see the final progression of it all.


And would it help some of you if i posted example characters in the character area?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by dndragons
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dndragons Lawful Good

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Thanks for the video.
Edit: DO you prefer anime, art, or photos for images?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Diabolic
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Diabolic Seeker of knowledge

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ill make a cs soon if i can get around to it, ive been writing music a lot more in the recent days. And break is coming uo so i gotta finish an album im workin on
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dasomen
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Dasomen Nuka Cola Addict

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

as for what i prefer, it's all really the same to me. just remember to give credit to where you found it. IE if it's from deviant art, give credit to the artist, if it's from google. give credit to the website you found it on via google. if it's anime, give credit to the anime. just add a "Credit to: " area at the bottom of your profile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by dndragons
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dndragons Lawful Good

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Just getting some general formatting done while I try and decide a role and image to use.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dasomen
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Dasomen Nuka Cola Addict

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Groovy. And hey if you guys have questions, please feel free to ask!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by dndragons
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dndragons Lawful Good

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

That moment you keep trying to decide on which role to be but are blanking.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dasomen
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Dasomen Nuka Cola Addict

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Well, Go ahead and list out the pros and cons you see if each roll, maybe that will help you decide.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by dndragons
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dndragons Lawful Good

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Just need a biography it seems. Do you like what's going on, to over the top, or any issues yet?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dasomen
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Dasomen Nuka Cola Addict

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

From what i can see it looks fine for the most part. it's not without it's flaws but then again nothing this day and age is.

the problems i see is you have two 9mms and a gunblade (total of 3 weapons for a roll that's focus isn't combat). Now having studied these in college (yes, odd little history articles are available on their design and functionality once you get past the basic stuff) there's a few problems i find with the one you're using. First and foremost, unless it's designed to fire off it's round while the blade is inside the target, firing it any other way with a round larger than a 9mm (even that's pushing it a bit) will cause pretty unfortunate issues for the user due to it's handle. arching your wrist down with that much weight at the end of it and then having the recoil jolt your wrist like that, not gonna be a pleasant experience. another issue with it is there is no clear trigger however the "barrel"is oddly somewhat visible. now at that angle it's difficult to determine the size of the round coming out of that thing but it doesn't look like a .45 would be that out of the question. That's not a good thing. bigger round, bigger kick. Fatal flaw however of the weapon you have there is it's blade of all things. It has no tang to it. meaning it's simply just screwed in, tac welded, or clamped in place with a series of pins. Short of what could potentially be a long description of why that's a bad idea for this setup anyway is lot of vibrations or sudden impacts will likely cause the blade itself to come out, turning the thing into a very awkward pistol with possibly the worst design for recoil management out there.

now don't get me wrong. Gunblades were actually surprisingly effective! the things that held them back is increased weight, most of them were single shot , they could be very high maintenance, were extremely technical, and for the price of one gunblade one could normally afford around 4 or 5 pistols. the more effective gunblade designs were essentially a pistol with an integrated elongated bayonet with a bit of extra reinforcement and a slanted grip. the straight up and down grip doesn't really do it when it comes to fine control or for that matter control at all with a long object with a bit of weight at one end that's also meant to fire bullets.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by dndragons
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dndragons Lawful Good

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Oh yeah, about the weapons I simply forgot to edit the 9 millimeters out (it's a bit late and I had work and class). Also, as for the gunblade. I wasn't fully sure what kind of ideas you wanted in terms of how extreme they are as well so I was trying to pick something that could relatively easily be made, but as far as ideas go I'll likely try another since that was just me trying to put something together late again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dasomen
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Dasomen Nuka Cola Addict

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

no worries. take your time. and i'm not against the idea of a gunblade. this is the post apocalypse. if someone wanted one, they could make one. but that design? yeah that's straight out of fantasy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Carson
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Carson That One Guy

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Excuse me but, I'm quite new to this sort of thing but have vast knowledge on both Fallout and Mad Max, but are you guys excepting people still?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dasomen
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Dasomen Nuka Cola Addict

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Diabolic
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Diabolic Seeker of knowledge

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


[hider=My Hider]
Username: Diabolic
Name: Jathan Ventrican "Vent"
Age: 29
Sex: Male
Appearance: Jathan has dirty blonde hair, could also just be brown. Brown eyes and pale-ish skin. He has a scar on the left side of his face, from his lower eyelid to his chin, he has rough skin from months out in the desert wastes.

Roll: Fury Rider
Equipment: A partially ripped duster, what once kept dust off of him now seems to make it stick. He has a utility belt, but with age it lost it's "utility" other than holding his pants, or a pistol perhaps. He has a homemade "gas mask" it doesn't serve too good a purpose other than hiding his face, and keeping sand out of his eyes. (It is also kind of threatening) One piece of gear that actually seems to aid him is a self created bandoleer strapped across his chest.


Vehicle: Jathan rides Harley-like shovel head tanked* race bike, no spikes, guns or anything to turn it into a screaming metal death trap.

Magnum Opus: Jathan's Magnum Opus would be his homemade gas mask, he takes it off only when he needs to. He has more or less made himself known by it.

Biography: Born in a small desert town, Jathan had a brother, Joseph, who was killed by bandits scavenging supplies one day. Jathan then grew up mostly with just his parents in the house, he had somewhat of a normal life as they go. A man by the name of Garic taught him how to shoot, and fight hand to hand.
As he got older, conditions for the small town were growing far worse, he was old enough to help the town collect supplies, he was sent out a lot of the time by himself to look for food, water, anything of value that wasn't nailed down. Traders often enjoyed bargaining for expensive nic-nacks in exchange for weaponry or clothing.
He found a damaged bike that took some days to repair but finally managed to scrounge enough parts and learned how to build it back up. To strengthen his anonymity more-so behind his mask, he identifies as a Fury Rider.
He now travels from settlement to settlement aiding any that need assistance, he is believed to take the roll of a villain however. This is certainly not true, it does however help to strike fear into any wrongdoers.
He is seen as a protector and a knight to those he has helped, and those who have hope for the future.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Diabolic
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Diabolic Seeker of knowledge

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I must say I've done a little research on some mad max stuff, and I've seen the first film. and it is kinda confusing to choose what ROLE I wanna do. any got any little tips I love fallout but this seems to be aimed a bit more towards Mad Max, which I dont have a problem with just my knowledge is little.
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