Calling all fighters from around the world and even space. It is time for the Ultimate Fighting League tournament. You will be facing many, many different fighters here, you goal is to option one of the few championship belts. Fighters have come from every inch of the glode, and every lighyear of the galaxy to be crowned UFL champion. Test you might against many worthy opponents and make some allies too. In the end it all comes down to you, Are you Strong enough to be Champion?
The Arena
here is where youe battles take place, once your in, there is no way out, unless you knock out your opponent(s)
~1 My word is law, respect that.
~2 This is merely hand to hand, however you can have up to three special moves (DO NOT ABUSE THIS)
~3 There are six titles, since they are vacant, please put a number 1-6 at the bottom of your cs. I will be rolling a die and whichever title you are perusing, you will automatically have if the number on you cs matches my roll of the die. (Will not take place if all titles are taken)
~4 Team titles, if you are lucky enough to automatically get this title then the next one lucky enough to get this title is your partner.
~5 Ranking will be based on your total wins and losses. All start off at zero until the first week is over.
~6 Fighting, is based upon how much damage is done, be realistic here, you cant dodge everything and you can't land everything.
~7 Injuries will occur if you've suffered an injury, you are unable to fight until you recover, your ranking may change slightly. You may still rp on the outside of the arena however.
~8 Characters, I've picked a good number of characters from games that I've felt people will be interested in playing as, you can either make an OC or choose any character that you know of that fights.
~9 No Sex put that shiznol in pms, but please be a potty-mouth if you wish
~10 No OOC fights and have fun
UFL Championship: Vacant
International Championship: Vacant
World Championship: Vacant
Team Championship: Vacant
Television Championship: Vacant
Diva Championship: Vacant
Appearance (Pic or description):
Fighting Style:
Special Moves:
Known from (Only for crossovers):
Personality(Tbr optional):
Bio(Tbr optional):
Title perusing:
The Arena
here is where youe battles take place, once your in, there is no way out, unless you knock out your opponent(s)
~1 My word is law, respect that.
~2 This is merely hand to hand, however you can have up to three special moves (DO NOT ABUSE THIS)
~3 There are six titles, since they are vacant, please put a number 1-6 at the bottom of your cs. I will be rolling a die and whichever title you are perusing, you will automatically have if the number on you cs matches my roll of the die. (Will not take place if all titles are taken)
~4 Team titles, if you are lucky enough to automatically get this title then the next one lucky enough to get this title is your partner.
~5 Ranking will be based on your total wins and losses. All start off at zero until the first week is over.
~6 Fighting, is based upon how much damage is done, be realistic here, you cant dodge everything and you can't land everything.
~7 Injuries will occur if you've suffered an injury, you are unable to fight until you recover, your ranking may change slightly. You may still rp on the outside of the arena however.
~8 Characters, I've picked a good number of characters from games that I've felt people will be interested in playing as, you can either make an OC or choose any character that you know of that fights.
~9 No Sex put that shiznol in pms, but please be a potty-mouth if you wish
~10 No OOC fights and have fun
UFL Championship: Vacant
International Championship: Vacant
World Championship: Vacant
Team Championship: Vacant
Television Championship: Vacant
Diva Championship: Vacant
Appearance (Pic or description):
Fighting Style:
Special Moves:
Known from (Only for crossovers):
Personality(Tbr optional):
Bio(Tbr optional):
Title perusing: