Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Light
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Light Please @ me, I'm Sunday bored

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As you fall into slumber, you slip into a strangely lucid dream. The black veil of rest opens to reveal a dark cave. You check behind you to see there is no opening to the outside, the short but wide dome-like room is sealed on all sides by smooth marble stone. The only light source is a dying fire that sits in the center of the cave, casting your eerily long shadow against the wall you just inspected. As you turn back to the core of the room, you notice two things that weren't present before. The first is that the room is filled with ghostly-white figures, spirits, you assume. They silently roam the room, leaving a faint fog-like trail that quickly dissipates. The second, is nine obelisks, arranged in a circular pattern around the fire. You cautiously make your way past the spirits and inspect the statues. As you read the lines upon each one, you realize the insight that each one holds: the paths of nine different gods. Each one has a very powerful but distinct aura emanating from it, and after reading them all, your purpose becomes clear...

Each god asks for the faith of disciples to carry out their bidding on Earth. Accepting the path of a god will grant you divine powers that will aid you in your quests. But choose wisely, because there is no turning back, and you might find that the choices others have made might not agree with yours...

Will you accept a blessing of a god? Will you pave the way for their ideals, even when the disciples of others stand in your way? Or will you turn you back on the nine statues, and become Marked...
Diciples of the Gods is a fantasy roleplay, set in a more modern era. The technology we in real life (implying any of us have lives) use for our everyday lives is common here, but the twist is that players will be able to take on super natural powers. The story is whatever you want to make of it. Choose any god you want, fight for their cause, do whatever. Cooperation and conflict of players is expected, since there are different roles that more-or-less oppose each other.
The Gods
After reading all nine statues, you realize that they are the paths of gods. Each one is a blessing that the god wishes to bestow upon you, for a small price. You place your hand on a certain statue, and you feel it calling to you. You then know you've made your choice...

In Disciples of the Gods, you can choose to worship one of nine gods. If you do, you will gain supernatural powers that fit the theme of your god's ideals. But these powers are not free, with them, you must quest to perform the agendas assigned to you by your god. As you perform their desires and abstain from their taboos, you will earn favor. Those who are within great favor of their god will find their abilities more effective and sustain greater duration, and those who truly champion their god will be able to use their Blessing.

However, those who do not earn favor, either by apathy or direct violation of their god will find themselves weakened. Their powers will dwindle and eventually vanish, leaving them vulnerable. But perhaps there is a purpose for forsaking your god...

Urr, The Shield of Man (Lawful Good)
Alton Lammert (Light)

Amlia, Steward of Paradise (Neutral Good)
Roxy Hertz (teendistortions)

Ersu, Spirit of Hope (Chaotic Good)
Kaiser Blake (MarumasaLuckySpectre)

Optus, The Burdened (Lawful Neutral)
Evette Lastar (IVIasterJay)

Lux, Divine Watchmaker (True Neutral)
Natan Kasparov (Everblight)

Ozgur, The Tower (Chaotic Neutral)
James Brendlyn (The Narrator)

Lohkt, The Will to Power (Lawful Evil)
Leon Grey (MercuryHg34)

Quett, Oath-Breaker (Neutral Evil)
Brandon Vickers (BonfireHeart)

Xm, the Unknown (Chaotic Evil)
Stephen White (Batarian Batman)

The Marked
Alice Cade (teendistortions)

Character Sheet

*To make things as diverse as possible, players will not be allowed to take the same Path as other players until all ten Paths have at least one player following them.*
*Additionally, I won't let 2nd followers play unless there's a large amount of players past 10 willing to play. It would be unfair if one or two paths have 2 players while every other path has 1.*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Narrator
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

So many choices :O
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MarumasaLuckySpectre


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Permission to join sir?! :D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Light
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Light Please @ me, I'm Sunday bored

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Yup anyone can apply, just make a CS.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MarumasaLuckySpectre


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Name: Kaiser Blake

Sex: Male

Age: 18

Appearance: Black hair. dark hazel eyes with a tanned colour to his skin, stands at around 6'2 with a slim build. Always wears a black hoodie, jeans, Headphones and red converse

Personality: Very talkative and accepts anyone that tries to become friends, he has the urge help others and always tries to make more friends.

Bio: Kaiser never knew his father, his mother single handedly raised him and his younger brother. He always tried to protect his younger brother, especially has his younger brother always started fights trying to help others. Kaiser believes in enjoying life, and living in the moment, School was easy for Kaiser, he was the class clown, never really paid attention to lessons, just messed around with friends and lived a normal life, that was until he had a weird dream that was the decision for his life to come.

Path: Ersu, Spirit of Hope
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BonfireHeart


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Name: Brandon Vickers

Sex: Male

Age: 19

Appearance: Brandon is quite tall and slender, with hazel eyes and shoulder-length, dark brown hair. He often wears black boots, gloves, a hat and a longcoat, with a white tank top and blue jeans underneath.

Personality: Brandon is rarely honest, and is very good at lying. He's been known to tease others for his amusement, but can be charming when he needs to be. He dislikes being ordered around, and prefers to be in charge, though can tolerate being lower than someone else if he knows he'll get something good out of it. Sometimes he can be quite mischievous, and tends to joke around, but when he's got to be focused, he is, and he's vicious in fights. He's pretty intelligent, and also pretty good at not being noticed. When it comes to others, he never trusts anyone completely, not even his few closest friends, but if he's close to someone, he's very defensive of them.

Bio: Brandon was raised by his two parents, and was always a clever child, but when younger often got in trouble for being rude to the teachers, messing around in class or fighting with other children. He soon gathered a small group of loyal friends, and they tended to pick on other kids and convince them to do things to get the others in trouble. He improved at shifting the blame onto someone else as he grew, and generally didn't care about most other people. He had several friends, but none he was really close to. Life continued like this for him for a while, and he began to grow bored, until he then had the dream.

Path: Quett, Oath-Breaker
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Light
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Light Please @ me, I'm Sunday bored

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Kaiser Blake
Brandon Vickers

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Narrator
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The Narrator The friendly Voice inside your Head

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Name: James "Jimmy" Brendlyn

Sex: Male

Age: 18

Appearance: Jimmy is a athletic build, young teenager. His skin is of a dark brown and his also black colored hair is stereotypical worn in dreadlocks. He prefers a laid back style of clothing, like baggy jeans and t-shirts.

Personality: Jimmy is a boy of his own kind. He likes to think of himself as a rebel being always against the establishment, but he actually is more a rebel without a cause, just for the sake of rebelling against anything. He is a good friend to those few who he likes, however can be an brutal enemy to those also few he despises. His laid back attitude however makes him quite likable and the majority of people just see him as a okay guy and he sees them the same way. Jimmy is not very smart most would say, but he is neither a dumb boy. He has his own style of cleverness that helps him out of tricky situations.

Bio: Jimmy was raised by his two loving parents, who sadly had not the same love for each other as they had for Jimmy and got divorced when Jimmy was seven. At that time he decided that he was mostly on his own. When he was around 12 he got quite often into fights, often when a bully picked on him but also sometimes he was the one hitting first. Sometimes even without a reason. Most of that stopped however when got a little bit older and the only time he fought than was in his martial arts classes. The main reason for this change was his new found best friend, a stray-dog he adopted. So his life was getting pretty normal till his dream.

Path: Ozgur, the Tower
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by teendistortions


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Name: Alice Cade

Sex: Female

Age: 18

Appearance: With short, spiky dirty blonde hair, a heart shaped face and dark hazel eyes; Alice stands 5'9" tall, is in really good physical shape thanks to constant gym time and has more than a few tattoos. She almost always wears her favourite jean jacket and has a different coloured bandana around her neck every time you see her.

Personality: She's laid back most of the time, willing to just go with what everyone else is doing till she gets bored or has another idea. She stays quiet till she gets to know you, trusts a bit to easily after that and enjoys others company. Having a strong heart she follows her feelings and instinct. She can be rash and jump to conclusions to quickly, but makes up for it with honesty and kindness.

Bio: Growing up in an affluent neighbourhood, she had several different nannies as a child, when she was older her parents mostly left her alone more and more. Being an only child she was not used to having to do as others told her and had free reign to do as she pleased. Going to the gym everyday, doing moderately well at school and working towards her next trip out of the country were the top of her agenda. Only ever having a few true friends it made coming and going on trips easier. When she graduated she moved out, saved up, got a few tattoos and went traveling alone. One night, she passed out in her tent early. The dream she has brings her back home earlier than expected.

Path: Marked
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Batarian Batman

Batarian Batman

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Name: Stephen White

Sex: Male

Age: 18


Personality: Cold and unsympathetic. He likes to hurt people every chance he gets. He follows Xm's beliefs wholeheartedly and causes chaos where ever he travels.

Bio: Stephen was a trouble maker at a young age. Even when he was a toddler. His whole life. He had friends in those days, but pain was fun. Hurting others was fun. He laughed. But this was only the beginning. This was when Chaos was fun, not life. As Stephen grew older, he started doing worse things. Much worse. Things I probably shouldn't talk about. On his 18th birthday he had the dream and his choice was obvious. Chaos. Ruin. Xm. Power, true power surged through him, and Stephen became a disciple of Xm.

Path: Xm, The Unknown
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Light
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Light Please @ me, I'm Sunday bored

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

James Brendlyn
Alice Cade


Batarian Batman, this RP will be taking place almost immediately after the players acquire these powers, and everyone will be having the dream on the same night. Just tweak your CS for that and you'll be fine.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Batarian Batman

Batarian Batman

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Hmmm. Alright then.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Light
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Light Please @ me, I'm Sunday bored

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Stephen White

Looks good. Accepted.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thedreadpirate


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Jason Savage

Sex: Male

Age: 19


Personality: Generally speaking Jason is laid back and calm, enjoying life to its fullest, but he has an animal, a monster of sorts, that lies deep within him, constantly kept at bay, mostly by willpower, that when let loose, Jason, metaphorically speaking, become a being of rage and destruction. Despite these faults he is staunchly loyal to his friends, brave (or perhaps stupid,according to him the only real difference is the outcome), and open-minded. The other thing that characterizes Jason is his strong sense of morality, which is perhaps a large part of why he has always gone to such lengths to help other people, but also to make sure that those who are wrong are brought to justice.

Bio: Jason has always been a little...angry, at the world. Jason grew up in an orphanage, run by some church organization somewhere, Jason doesn't remember a lot, he doesn't really see the need to, what he does remember, are the names, the names of his brothers and sisters that he grew up with, most of them were younger than him, by at least two years, but he remembers every single one. See the orphanage never had a lot of money, so when Jason was old enough he started working a job to make a little extra dough on the side, in an attempt to provide a little bit of extra comfort for his siblings. At first it was small things; an extra blanket here, some extra pizza for secret meetings there; but soon it wasn't enough, the more Jason provided, the more he saw that he needed to provide, and his siblings would thank him and would say that they were fine, but Jason's big brother senses knew better, so he started working more and more, and his pent up anger at his situation began to bother him more and more. It was then that Jason was approached by a man who offered him an opportunity to make more money in a single night than he otherwise would in a year. Jason took it, and that's how the fights started, at first Jason wasn't sure what it was that he liked so much, but then he realized, it was that he was allowed to let out his monster, his animal, in the ring he didn't have to hold back, and that was what made him so good at it. He also liked that he made so much money that he was able to keep his siblings comfortable while getting himself a place of his own. It's been a year since he left the Orphanage now, and he lives comfortably, and is able to give his siblings anything they want, even when they don't ask for it. One night, after a long fight, he crashed upon his couch and had a strange dream, involving statues and fires and caves, and upon being presented with a choice, to him at least, the choice seemed obvious, and so, he gave his soul for the ability to punish the wicked, and ultimately to make sure that the world that his siblings grew up in was less evil ridden than the one that he had, and the ability to use his gifts to do so.

Path: Urr, The Shield of man
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Light
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Light Please @ me, I'm Sunday bored

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Yeah in the OP I stated that I want to fill every role before I allow players to double up on roles.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thedreadpirate


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Light said
Yeah in the OP I stated that I want to fill every role before I allow players to double up on roles.

Wow, it's right there in plain view too, my bad.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Light
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Light Please @ me, I'm Sunday bored

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Thedreadpirate said
Wow, it's right there in plain view too, my bad.

No worries!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Everblight
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

This seems interesting. I would most like Lux, Divine Watchmaker as my path if that's still available?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Light
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Light Please @ me, I'm Sunday bored

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

It's first come-first serve, Everbright.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Everblight
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I see everyone is under 20 years old. Being a neutral etc I was hoping to be a lot older, perhaps I've been living with it for years? and I realize that the other gods must have chosen their disciples when I meet them.
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