Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sweet Plum

Sweet Plum

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Rose Plague

Nobody knows where the infection came from. It was unknown how it spread between the human race and animals. Many believed it was fungus spores spreading through the air, while others believed that it was god’s way of elimating the earth’s population. Anyone was at risk, at any time. They're calling it the Rose Plague, because the boils on the victim's body swell up and burst, only to leave rose shaped scars on the dead. This pandemic hit the Earth and ran wild, with no cure in site. Thousands upon thousands of humans were suffering and dying from this painful death. Many people you once knew died of the plague. A father, a sister, maybe a neighbor, or even a child. Everyone seemed to be touched by this rose infection in some way. Hope was beginning to be lost when things took the worse turn within weeks of the initial infection. The beginning stage of this plague was the boils, but within days of dying, your body would come back. If anyone attempted to kill the infected dead, the body would only burst, causing the surrounding people to become infected too.

The Infected
Little is known about them. We can only give them names. The Roses, Walkers, Pretties, Dead, etc.. (the list goes on). However, we never called them zombies. They were pretty harmless till they felt threaten. They are sensitive to noise and light. The Roses cannot stand bright lights. They tend to go into a bit of a rage if light gets into their eyes. The Roses will attack anything that has light (hint). Noises are a bit different. They tend to depend off of their hearing since they have a problem with light. They are excellent listeners. You make the slightest movement around them, well… your pretty much dead.

They can run. Fast. You better have an escape route if you plan to “out run” one of the Roses. Pain does affect them, but not like you or me. They will get tougher to kill the more times you stab them. They only way to kill the Roses is gunshot to the head, or even a stab into the brains. Be careful, they let out the worse scream, alerting the others. Once you have blood on you, they will track you. You have to be smart about out living these Roses.

They tend to stay in groups. You will have a few stragglers, but that is rare to see. If you see a group, you better kiss your mama goodbye, and hope you have a plan to escape them. The Roses can be pretty dumb too. They tend to go into rage, not thinking there surroundings. You can climb a latter pretty easy, without them following. You can tuck yourself into a corner before they have a chance to find you. They can get violent, but they aren’t the brightest crayon in the box.

Our Story
Our story is in Dallas, Texas. We all come from different backgrounds. We all have came together to create a small community to survive. The National Guard and military have failed us. FEMA camps are still fully stocked with water, food, blankets, and other wonderful supplies. Yet, the down fall is the Roses are filled in those areas. Our mission is to stay alive, and out live the Roses till either a cure is found, or someone comes to save us.

There will be a twist in our story. However, I cannot share that information. That is classified information. If you are interested in surviving the Roses, then please join our group! You must be able to roleplay at lease any two characters. Any age/race/gender is welcomed.



1. This roleplay will be filled with blood, gore, cussing, and death. If youhave any problems with this, this is not for you.
2. No sex. Kissing, some touching is fine, but no full-blown sex scenes. You can imply characters had sex, but do not go into detail.
Note: No Raping or molesting. Huge NO-NO with me. Don’t even imply you raped/molested a character. I will ban you from the roleplay. No questions asked.
3. No god modeling. Period. Imply what your character is doing, and let the other person have a chance to react to what your character did. Do not take over someone else’s character. If you have permission to puppet their character, please let the group know.
4. Don’t be rude. Don’t tease or bully that could hurt someone else’s feelings. Be respectful of others. Be aware of what you say to others.
5. Detail is everything in posting. The more detail you have, the more we can work with and interact with your character.
6. I can and will drop anyone from the group if they don't post, or mention anything in the OOC. It's one thing to keep the Admins informed about why you haven't, and it's another to not post or say anything to anyone. Please be nice and post once in a while.
7. You must be able to roleplay at lease any two characters. Any age/race/gender is welcomed. I cannot stress this enough!

Simple rules. If you wish to join this roleplay, submit a character sheet.

Character Sheets: Accepted

1. Sweet Plum (2-2)

2. Reserved for LoneSilverWolf (0-2)

3. flightless-angel-castiel (2-2)

4. Dioxide (2-2)

What you Look Like: “I believe she’s shown you our picture already, but anyway. I’m on the left.”

5. FiroIV

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
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Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

Member Seen 12 mos ago


Can someone give me a fresh reminder which state we're going to post in?

I'm in Hong Kong and know insufficiently of the US geography. :D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sweet Plum

Sweet Plum

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Dioxide said
Alright.Can someone give me a fresh reminder which state we're going to post in?I'm in Hong Kong and know insufficiently of the US geography. :D

Oh no problem! Instead of explaining anything, here is a picture. Does this help you any? The red dot is Dallas, Texas.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
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Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

Member Seen 12 mos ago

I don't see it o-o
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sweet Plum

Sweet Plum

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Grrr.... what about this? Do you see it now!? :P
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FiroIV
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FiroIV The Wandering Recluse

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Hmm...Thank you for accepting. I'll go with Holland having a dead laptop, but she still has the charger. As for Chris's phone is it okay if it's still working? Low in power of course, but still functional. Not that he could use it since he doesn't have anyone to call. I'll explain the specifics in the post once it's been okayed.


I can't see the pic too, but i'm assuming it's just Dallas, Texas so will this do?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sweet Plum

Sweet Plum

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

FiroIV said
SPECTACULAR.Hmm...Thank you for accepting. I'll go with Holland having a dead laptop, but she still has the charger. As for Chris's phone is it okay if it's still working? Low in power of course, but still functional. Not that he could use it since he doesn't have anyone to call. I'll explain the specifics in the post once it's been okayed.-EDIT-I can't see the pic too, but i'm assuming it's just Dallas, Texas so will do?

No problem on the laptop/cell phone. I can see the phone lasting a lot longer than anything else. :P

Sorry that the picture wasn't showing up. o.o Odd that it's not. But yes, the picture you provided it accurate!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
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Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Alright. I'm heading out now. It's 12:48 pm in lovely Hong Kong so when I get back I'm start thinking!

Thank you for the acceptance!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FiroIV
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FiroIV The Wandering Recluse

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Will work on a post soon.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sweet Plum

Sweet Plum

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I have a HUGE Anatomy exam tomorrow. @.@ I will post my first part tomorrow evening!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FiroIV
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FiroIV The Wandering Recluse

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Good luck..I'll wait for yours before I do mine.

Classes starting on monday.

BTW what happened to the others? Where are they?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
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Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

Member Seen 12 mos ago

I am still here. I'm also waiting on Plum :3
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by flightless-angel-castiel
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flightless-angel-castiel learning to fly again.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Well, it took me a while to notice this. I'll start thinking about my starter but I'll wait on Plum as well, just cause.

Unless I get some sudden muse and energy and write an intro (but probably not).
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FiroIV
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FiroIV The Wandering Recluse

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Same...I actually have about a page worked up, but nothing of important other than some character exposition moments and a short back story of how they've been moving for the past few days.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
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Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Still waiting :3
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
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Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sweet Plum

Sweet Plum

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

D: Guys.. Please please please please please x's thousand -- forgive me! School has gotten me caught up! Sorry to keep everyone waiting. If your still with me.. you are just awesome. If anyone dropped, I totally get why! Please forgive me, and I will have a post up shortly.

Please feel free to post your intros!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FiroIV
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FiroIV The Wandering Recluse

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Okay this is good. I have a rough for mine already and I'll work on finishing that up soon.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
Avatar of Dioxide

Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Still here. The family is going out for dinner and I'm looking for inspiration. I already have an idea but I could do with some more.

Can I, too, put a song before my post? :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sweet Plum

Sweet Plum

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Dioxide said
Still here. The family is going out for dinner and I'm looking for inspiration. I already have an idea but I could do with some more.Can I, too, put a song before my post? :)

You can do what you wish with your post! Be creative with it! :) I put a song on to set a mood for the story!

If you need some help, PM me and we could come up with something!
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