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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by geminironin
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"Oh, I'm not much of one for political concerns. I see no reason to force separate kingdoms together, though; it would only cause the fighting to move inside the palaces. Better to keep the violence on the battlefield where it belongs."

It was true that politics bored her, but only those that took place within a kingdom's borders. In truth, she hoped the kingdoms would remain separate so that there would be grand battles between them instead of petty arguments in committees.

"Besides, the lands each have such unique heritage and unification would..."

She trailed off as Obelix made his grand entrance and announcement.

Well. That man looks like a ruler. "Do excuse me for a moment, Nicholas. I'll see to our new arrival and be back in but a moment."

Lili broke away from him and approached the foreigner, curtsying deeply as she did.

"Please, allow me to welcome you to Freyea, Your Highness, and apologize for our unpreparedness. I am Lady Lili Aria of the house of Adelin, and it would be my pleasure to escort you to an audience with our king. Alas, His Majesty is indisposed at the moment, but for now we will gladly have someone collect your belongings, and offer you and your men some rest and refreshment."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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NarcissisticPotato Dirty on the Outside, Fluffy on the Inside

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Princess Violette Moran

As she watched, the ailing Prince leaned downwards, pressing his lips against her hand in a quick gesture of greeting. What he said next confused her as his demeanour suggested that this whole soiree was merely for political purposes.

"You're beautiful."

Blushing gently, her smile shied away from him as she gave him a gentle look. He was sweet - although Violette wasn't exactly the smartest, she knew that he wasn't lying to her, that those words were what he truly believed. Although she was no stranger to flattery, most men didn't exactly mean it when they complimented her. There's a very subtle difference between pointing out a good part of someone and actually recognising that it was good. Crix sided on the latter which only deepened her blush. "Your words are far too kind!" She was uncertain of how to approach the Prince but it seemed that so far, he was a kind man.

Violette had heard all out Prince Crix and she knew that this was the first time he had ever left the home he was born in. He was a relatively unsocial man but she couldn't tell if he was like Nicholas in that he didn't want that sort of attention of if his sickness prevented him from attending such events. Nevertheless, she had heard of the great amount of inventions he had created and of course, he had heard the whispers that the young Prince Crix would be a better King that any of his brothers. Naturally, they were still simple words. Although Crix was a kind person and clearly very intelligent, he just didn't have the respect of the commoners that only arose from outward love or great respect.

"While I'd want to know you better, would it be okay for us to transfer to another location? I don't really do well in a crowd."

And thus, Violette reached a small dilemma. She could either go and help Crix or she could refuse to risk his pride and allow him to walk unaided. Despite not wanting to offend her betrothed, he looked physically weak and the walk he suggested might have taken quite a lot out of him. So she decided to help him but be subtle about it. "Of course!" She stated, smiling before she made her move quickly. Turning, she quickly looped her arm in under his and gave him a small grin. "You wouldn't leave me to walk unattended, would you, my Prince? Some might begin to question my ability to charm men!" With his pride hopefully saved, Violette gifted him with a gentle smile before beginning to walk at a slow pace, allowing him to follow unhindered.

"To be dreadfully honest, I'm not the biggest fan of gatherings like this myself. People become a lot quieter when they're put face to face with their future spouse; it really takes a lot of life out of the party!" Still smiling, she guided him out into the castle's gardens where they could find some relative privacy
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cold Hands
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Cold Hands Guilds Resident White Walker

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Strange was Obelix's first though at these people, he couldn't help to give a momentary stare seeing. Was it customary to make him wait without saying a thing? Surely that was not the case, but since he was the foreigner he couldn't stipulate. This is was the reason he hated coming without an envoys advice on how to approach the politics of new lands. Never the less he'd take his dues like any other, he'd taken worse before. His eyes however caught one of the young women approach him and curtsy. Returning the gesture as a part of custom, his own falcata slightly clanked against his side during the gesture. But it remained hidden within the confines of his cloak, along with the return of his hand for the moment. Staring at the woman, giving his full attention as she spoke. Letting no detail escape his years.

"So it seems." Turning his head slightly towards the four men that had followed him, nodding slightly to let them parch their thirst. Turning back to speak with the young woman named Lili.

"In time Madam Aria, after buisness is conducted first." Obelix meant no offense towards Lili, it was imperial policy to attended to buisness first before settling in. "My apologies on disrupting the gathering. If you can and it is no hindrance would you introduce me to some of the nobles here. I like to know the nobility of the realm I'm currently visiting. I do not know the customs here and would be most gracious for you tell me of the do's and don'ts. Along with what is happening, so I may judge on how to approach his highness." Extending his left hand once again offering her first leave.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cubix
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Cubix A Hooded Writer

Member Seen 13 days ago

Hn." Crix merely grunted as Violette snaked her arms under his. Well, what was he suppose to say? 'You needn't worry about your ability to charm men because you already did when I first laid my eyes on you'? Not a chance. The duo began their slow journey towards the castle gardens, Crix's eyes surveying the landscape of a place which he never had explored before. Upon reaching the gardens, Crix couldn't stop himself from smoothing his fingers over the live petals, enjoying the sensation of authentic flowers for once. The flowers back home are synthetic, designed to bring beauty without maintenance; a logical invention but there's just something that is missing if the concept of 'life' is not added. It's never truly beautiful if it's not alive in the first place. "We rarely have these back home." Crix remarked, his face relaxing upon seeing the bright and colourful flowers, their petals flourishing in the warm sun. There were a lot that Crix could think to improve the Freyean courtyard. An automatic watering system for the plants via pipes that collect rainwater and other used water from the different sections. Of course, some filtering systems could be implemented to make sure that the water is safe for the plants. This would not only reduce workload but it would allow the kingdom to recycle water over and over again. Still, there was no rush.

The prince led his princess to a small bench that overlooked the magnificence of the Freyean gardens, the tulips, daisies and sunflowers cascading perfectly to create the vivid appearance of an even larger flower. As the sun's rays moved, so did the flowers, shifting the collage of petals into a plethora of further colours that would put a rainbow to shame. At the princess' mention of her not being fond of such parties, Crix tried to stifle a chuckle. "You are right. I don't fancy parties as well. I'd rather build something than attend frivolous gatherings with no other intentions than to garner allies and fortune. It seems that a lot of them have degraded social gatherings to a mere tool instead of what it actually is: human need." The prince spoke coldly, remembering how he was left in the castle walls, imprisoned by parapets of stone while his brothers were enjoying themselves out there. Still, as time passed by, Crix began to find solace in his solitude. No, if he didn't invent countless things, he would still be in the castle walls, not being able to meet princess Violette or any of his counterparts for that matter. He was a skeleton in the closet, a shame of the Atrox bloodline. However, whenever he saw Violette look at him without prejudice, without judgement, without disdain, Crix knew that everyone was bound to find something for them eventually. Her smile contradicted his, for Crix never smiled unless he really meant to. Smiles were sacred things, for him.

"You don't have to keep smiling, you know?" Crix remarked, suppressing some coughs here and there. "In Paplia, princesses are taught that for them to appear perfect, they need to keep smiling even if they are tired, hurt or sad. I don't believe in such nonsense." Crix gazed at his cane, the paplian emblem of royalty branded at the hilt. "If you're hurt, frown. If you're tired, sigh. If you're sad, cry. It is simple. When you keep smiling, that grin loses its meaning: happiness. People will think that you're always happy, that you don't have the right to feel anything else but happiness." he was talking longer than what he was used to. Still, it might have stemmed from the fact that he was talking to nothing but screws, bolts and metal for a good part of his life.

Crix was surprised that he wasn't coughing hard like usual but, when the thought entered his mind, immediately, his lungs began to tighten as his coughed voraciously. Finally, after what seemed like decades, his illness abated in its assault. Crix hastily wiped his lips with the cloth, straightening himself so that he wouldn't look too weak. "Pardon me for my illness. It has been plaguing my health for the entirety of my childhood." Crix shook his head. "My parents are scum for marrying me off without a thought for my bride. You're an honest person, Violette. Tell me, do you honestly think I'll last long?" Crix bluntly asked. Most people would find the answer disconcerting but, for Crix, he valued honesty above all else.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DisguisedDemon
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"Well I'm glad I didn't offend then, princess." Liam smiles tightly, still unsure of what to make of the woman standing in front of him. He flinches back and takes a step away from her when she draws her fingers over his chest. "My apologize, I think you would be more suited for training with the royal guard. I will not stop you from continuing with that, but I don't think I will be joining you often. Especially not if you get... aggressive," he repeats, following the pause she created when she first said it.

Having the princess whistle is a little startling and truly he just thought Izzy was one of a kind. Apparently there are strange princesses from every kingdom. This one seems especially odd and he isn't sure if it's to freak him out or just normal behavior. At least she doesn't seem completely rude yet, he can live with a woman whose just... different. "Well, Ares, I actually haven't ever seen a trained falcon before. I believe she's trying to eat your hair," he points out bluntly. He tried to be the well behaved prince, but this one is just too odd to not treat her like a friend from the castle.

"No fear of birds, but I don't currently own one. I suppose that will be changing somewhat soon." He glances around the grounds quickly, noticing the newcomer that Lili seems to be handling. She's been great in the castle and has always been such amazing help, he'll be sad to lose her so she can be married off. The rest seem to be conversing with their significant others and Izzy seems to have went to talk with a knight. Crix and Violette have disappeared though and he isn't sure how to feel about them wandering the ground alone. "Izzy has a wolf, but I don't have any pets of my own yet. A cat would be nice, but birds and cats don't necessarily get along, do they?" Liam checks on Ares' sister who is wandering and her brother who is talking with one of the princesses... He believes it's Princess Erin. "Will you be missing your family?"

Isabella presses her lips together and barely avoids making a noise in laughter when the knight bows. She loves people fawning over her and being jealous of her, but the bowing and curtsying always frustrates her. It may have to do with her struggling to get a curtsy that looked well when she was younger and believing that she wasn't the best at it. She wasn't the best at it, but she likes to think she can look the most graceful now. She doesn't like to do them though, so she bows her head a little in response. "Nerves? Interesting." She wants to know everything she can about this other royal family, they could come in handy for her. She will have one of them living around her, now that Ares is to be wed with Liam and she hopes that perhaps they aren't as pro separation as everyone believes.

"Sir Lyons, it is a pleasure to meet you. You can call me Princess Izzy or just Isabella as I'm sure you won't be willing to shorten the name. What's this family like, Aspen? I'm soon to have a sister in law in Ares and I would very much like to know what the others are like as well. To get to know the people we will see more regularly." She smiles gently and lets her eyes slide to Aquamarine again. The young princess seems so docile and quiet, she's sure it won't be hard to convince her to stay quiet, but hopefully join with Isabella. She isn't likely to have Sam's support, so she does hope that talking with this knight may bring a fighter in to her group.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WhiteStar19
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WhiteStar19 Queen of the Seas

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ares glanced over her shoulder toward Lili as she approached the extremely rude new foreigner. She shook her head in their direction and turned back to Liam. She gently crowed at Silver and Silver flew from her arm, dropping her braid from her mouth, and flew back to the stables. Ares turned to Liam and said quietly, her personality dropping down a tone, "I don't really know yet. I know I will definitely miss Aqua, but I'm not sure about the rest yet." She bit her lower lip and stared at the ground, the first time that she didn't actually seem menacing or like a prince or warrior rather than a princess. She took a deep breath and looked back up, her eyes beginning to brim with unshed tears. She blinked rapidly and muttered, "Sorry." She wiped at her eyes furiously before taking a deep, shaking breath and saying, "Shouldn't you go and talk to Obelix? He seems to be here for you."

She honestly just wanted to get away. Run to the place she would normally run to and hide. She didn't want any part of this. She didn't want to be chained down by a bond. She wanted to run free, be free, not have the responsibilities to her kingdom. She wanted to be carefree. She turned to look over her shoulder, looking toward Aqua. The young girl was so lucky, so free of burdens. She was not being forced to do this and Ares thought her lucky for it. Ares turned back to Prince Liam abruptly and dipped her head to him, her way of saying goodbye for a brief time. She then turned on her heel and walked over to Obelix and Lili, standing next to the young noblewoman. She overheard the end of what he was saying and smirked.

She bowed low to him and stated, "Greetings, Prince Obelix. Allow me to be the first of your introduction. I am Princess Ares Jessamine Chara, Crown Princess of Erendale. My betrothed may be the one that you seek." She turned her head slightly, glancing back to Liam. "Prince Liam Hanway of Freyea. To what do we owe the pleasure?"

Ares normally had a good sense of when something was trouble and this guy had trouble written all over him. She narrowed her eyes at him and rested her hand gently on the hilt of her blade, just in case something were to come amiss. Besides the guards in the courtyard, she was the only one that was actually armed and ready for a battle. She did not see any swords on any of the princes and she knew that no other princess would carry one. She turned her dark eyes toward Lili and smiled at the girl before turning a darker glare back to the foreign prince.

Aquamarine watched this encounter from a distance and she was immediately worried for her sister. Her sister tended to be rash and do stupid things when it came to foreigners or people she thought were going to be a danger to others. Moving quickly, she hurried over to her brother and pulled on his sleeve. "Marion!" she hissed at him, hoping to distract him from his new betrothed. "Marion, you need to intervene before Ares does something stupid. Again." She jerked her chin toward the group of three in the distance and then realized she forgot her manners.

She turned to Princess Erin and curtsied. "Hello, Princess. I am Princess Aquamarine Beauty Chara of Erendale. I am Marion's youngest sister." She smiled at her before turning back to Marion and pushing him lightly toward the crowd of three.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by corrosive


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Prince Marion

"Excuse me, Princess Erin. Aqua-Aqua keep her company-" he said in startled befuddlement as Aqua begin to push him towards his younger sister, her betrothed, a beautiful young woman and an estranged prince. He couldn't help but find the strange prince to be somewhat beautiful himself but he made good on not commenting, there were plenty of beautiful people here and now was not the time to become entranced by some foreigner. He wasn't of the kingdoms and that much was certain, he hadn't been paired with any of the ladies and yet he had interrupted as if he belonged here. He'd made a show of his entrance and Marion had settled for ignoring him until Aqua had darted over like a bat out of hell. Aqua was only looking to keep Ares from being foolish but he never cared much for how foolish Ares wished to be.

It was in her nature to fight and challenge and he knew that. Who was he to challenge her nature?

It wasn't his concern if Ares wished to battle with the strange man, he wasn't responsible for her actions and he hated when he was counted on to try to hold her back. Ares could tear him apart if she wished to. He really hated going toe to toe with his sister and it took all of his willpower not to blow Aqua's suggestion off. He really wasn't in the correct emotional set ever since he decided his distance from his family bothered him, but he got over it in a moment of consideration. He liked Blind Maurice better anyhow, who needed family when all they did was cause him trauma and anger him lividly?

He collected himself under a cold facade again and smoothed his shoulders so that he wasn't hulking like a frightened weasel. He still didn't feel like trying to make his sister calm herself because he was more than sure that she wouldn't be willing to listen to a word he said.

He'd just have to talk over her until she got so mad that she focused her anger on him. It was a sound plan, she'd been angry at him before.

With reluctance, he strode over with the practiced gait of a royal at heart and he pressed a hand to Ares' arm, eyeing her with disapproval. It was a look that cleanly seemed to demand that she stop while she was still ahead. It was as if to challenge her and he so rarely ever tried to challenge her, his gaze moved to the stranger. He stared at the out-of-place prince and he drew in a deep breath, sighing lightly through his nose. It made him seem irritated, as if he'd decided to hate everything right there or as if he were disappointed with what he saw--he wasn't, in fact he was somewhat intrigued by the man but that didn't show anywhere on his impassive expression.

"Prince Marion, heir of the Erendale throne. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance and our kingdom gives regard. My father should be done with royal business soon, so if you would rather wait for him, I do understand." he stated calmly, his voice even and soft before he leaned closer to Ares and spoke in an undertone.

That undertone was more of a hissing whisper against her ear.

"Ares, please remain calm and do not start a fight. Blood shed is not today's goal and if Father or Mother hears of any unseemly manners, they will be very disappointed in you and me for not stopping you. Do not make our kingdom seem less than savages, we've only had the finest royal training, we are not a group of drunken knights."


The knight noticed the entrance of the foreign prince and rose his eyebrows when Marion was pulled over to speak with him. It confused him for a moment and he wondered where the man had come from, he seemed older than even Prince Marion, nearly as old as Aspen himself. He turned away from the scene, he'd intervene if it seemed to get heated, sometimes he had to just let things happen instead of shifting around like an overbearing parent. Though it was more often than not that Prince Marion needed an overbearing parent, he could be very quick to challenge under his calm face.

Watching the Princess curiously, he wondered how much that he should share with her before nodding slightly and offering a friendly smile. "Princess Isabelle, I'd love to tell you of the Charra's." a slight gesture to Prince Marion, the dark haired prince looked as confident as a war horse with his straightened spine and tilted chin. He had a slight curl to his upper lip that was very arrogant. As if he believed himself to be much better than all who surrounded him. "Prince Marion is the epitome of royalty, it's all he's ever wanted. He takes his responsibilities very seriously and he adores giving orders. I believe he would be so treasonous that he would murder the king if he was sure he could get away with it," a nervous laugh and a shake of his head. "Princess Ares is battle ready, I helped train her myself. The knights used to adore her! I recall that my father said she would make a lovely addition to the guard. She's very much a force to be reckoned with. Princess Aqua is a darling, she seems to care very much for the both of them,"

He looked thoughtful for a moment, his blue eyes glimmering. "I think both of her older siblings care deeply for her, though the Prince would rather choke on his own pride than tell her."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Brodie
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Brodie Sage

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Nicholas watched as she waled away to speak to the foreigner. He had never seen the man before and got a vibe of authority from him that just made Nicholas uncomfortable. He saw his sister walk off with Prince Crix, and formed a small smile. He always liked to see her happy and she looked very, at the moment. So he turned his attention back to the sharks in the room. There was too much going on here and the Kings and Queens would flip with this new arrival.

He watched as the Princess of Erendale walked over to the man with Prince Liam in tow. This entire situation spelled disaster and Nicholas wanted no part in messing with the new guy, so he would wait. He would wait until he was called upon. But this should be fun to watch. He thought this with a slight chuckle and took a few steps towards the group, but only close enough so that he could here.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cold Hands
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Cold Hands Guilds Resident White Walker

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Obelix gave a bow back to the Erendale Princess Ares out of protocol between that the elite of society demanded of them. Different from the rest of the group of young royalty, she was a warrior princess but not the first he'd encountered. The way she spoke permeated confidence that much was sure, but her voice was laced with something else. Something he couldn't place his finger on, not yet at least. Watching her cradle the hilt of her blade. Yes he was foreign and didn't know the customs but to blatantly show such aggression openly against a diplomat let alone an emperor in the make was an inexcusable offense. Obelix wouldn't be the one to force the fight, if Ares wanted one she'd have to draw steel first. She was rash almost too rash.

"To open diplomatic talks, offer trade and possible alliances. With all the court or courts of this realm since it seems there is more than one. And Princess Ares if you want to spar, I would oblige you but you'd find me a most difficult opponent and unlike anything you've fought against. However now is not the time or the place. So I would appreciate you taking your hand of that hilt and that glare isn't as frightening as you think it might be. So I would appreciate if you'd stop." Obelix wasn't tooting his own horn it was the truth since he'd adapted several styles of fighting based on his opponents strength. Also he'd seen war and blood, he didn't hold back. There was difference in just sparing and fighting for amusement, compared to actual combat. To those who haven't killed another held back at the last moment, those who have fought without holding back. In addition the princess just revealed what would be her biggest weakness in an actual fight.

Obelix hoped that the manners of the others were better. While he did relish in a good fight, to treat visitors this way was in bad form. The first impression of these people were mixed at best so far. Lili had been more considerate in his coming despite his obnoxious appearance which he regret, while Ares had made him feel less than welcome. His eyes from the side glanced over to see a another individual approaching him, his walk more refined than the Princess Ares. Carrying a certain sort of dignity about him. With this young man he felt more welcome as he spoke. Bowing once he heard that he was also a royal of Erendale, respecting the young man.

"And to you Prince Marion. I will wait as long as necessary. Tis also welcoming to meet a warming individual as yourself. I would be pleased to talk with distinguished young gentleman as yourself, after I've concluded my buisness."Certainly a better reception from the heir apparent as to be expected. Watching the Prince Marion speak with his sister in a lower tone, certainly speaking in regards of the situation.

"I do not mean to be rude when I say this. While you are no doubt a strong woman and warrior Princess Ares, perhaps you should heed your brothers wisdom." Obelix know that this would spark some sort of reaction but he spoke honestly.

Over his shoulder Obelix had heard a pair of footsteps, one heavier the sound of the imperial guard which he knew by heart. The other was drastically lighter. A slight smile formed upon his face. His sister Zeva, late to everything. Probably even to her own wedding whenever she did get married.

"Schetiká forá pou í̱rtha edó̱." Speaking over his shoulder as his sister was just arriving, only to be greeted by her hand in the air not to push her. Mussing a slight chuckle as her sister came to Obelix's side, muttering a single word. Returning back to Lili, Marion and Ares. "May I present my sister Lady Zeva Vidales. Zeva this Lady Lili Aria of Freyea, The Prince Marion heir of Erendale and Princess Ares Jessamine Chara of Erendale." Gesturing to each individual as he spoke their names, letting his sister greet them. He forewent Zeva's actual titles not wanting to stir anymore commotion than needed.


She had just woken up as the ship had landed into the docks. Really waking her up was when the port authorities had barraged into her stateroom with her hair in a mess and and still in her sleeping attire. A trick by Obelix no doubt and as the sun came up every day she'd get her revenge on him for that embarrassment. But right now time was of the essence and she needed to get to her brother and quickly she didn't want to be left behind. Certainly not for this, there was so much that was new here and she wanted to experience it all. But like her brother duty came first, her wants and needs second. Making things worse the port master had stopped her but seeing that her ring matched her brothers he let her pass, after assuming their relation.

Zeva had to admit the countryside here was much greener than at home, except in the gardens that was. And the new species of animals here spectacular. She needed to get them drawn in her sketchbook, along with a multitude of other things for her to write a compendium when she got home. Hurrying along though as she came to the guards outside the palace, showing her ring to the guards and by the way she dressed she was assumed to be with the previous man that had come threw. Letting Zeva and her escort threw, seeing no harm in letting he pass.

While her outfit was flamboyant and elegant it was flaming red in color, embroidered in the same gold patterns like her brothers. Resembling what would be a mans outfit in this country but fitting loosely for air to catch threw the light linen fibers. Catching up to what seemed like a gathering of some sort. While she wanted to ask but refrained from asking.

"óchi." Raising her hand up, against her brother not to push her. She was still mad from earlier but didn't let it show, not to these people she wanted to make a good impression on these people. Pushing back her small optic glasses to get a better look at them, smiling warmly to each of them. "Thank you for receiving us and I cannot be sorry enough if we just barged into something important. But I look forward to seeing your country, its much greener than home. I also apoloize if my brother had been less the courteous when he announced himself. Our courts are vastly different." Her affections were genuine, glowing as she meet a few of the royals at the castle.
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