Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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Member Seen 23 days ago

Heh, whataya know! Chance decided we'd start in a Yellow stone chunk. looks like you get your national park!
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Pepschep
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I'm in if you'll have me, and I was hoping we'd start in Russia or the Eastern Block, or in South Africa >_>
EDIT: So if I get this right: We're in a world that just exploded, reassembled, and now there's zombies and all other sorts of creatures? How did the climate change because of this?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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Member Seen 23 days ago

I'm in if you'll have me, and I was hoping we'd start in Russia or the Eastern Block, or in South Africa >_>
EDIT: So if I get this right: We're in a world that just exploded, reassembled, and now there's zombies and all other sorts of creatures? How did the climate change because of this?

That's the super short of it, yes.

And think about it, most of our climate is affected by geography, atmospheric patterns, and so on. It's safe to say the climate will shift considerably, though I may or may not bother researching the weather to get a basic idea of it, or just bullshit it myself because magic! How much will it change? Aside from the air feeling kindof thin for a couple of days, It's not high on my list at the moment, I'm focusing on the geography of the starting Chunk and getting everything organized into a way that it can start off.

Once I've got those bits finished in my mind I'll probably throw in some weather... Or, ya know, if you feel like it, you could look into stuff like that and play weatherman for the RP!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pepschep
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Depends on where the chunks land. If our yellowstone chunk lands in what now is the Sahara it'll desertify over time, for instance. That's something to look into, I guess!

So the people on the Yellowstone chunk were on it before the blast, I presume?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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Member Seen 23 days ago

Depends on where the chunks land. If our yellowstone chunk lands in what now is the Sahara it'll desertify over time, for instance. That's something to look into, I guess!

So the people on the Yellowstone chunk were on it before the blast, I presume?

That's the idea, people managing to survive the chunks flying off and being pulled back.

And that might not actually work that way, considering that the sahara would've been launched off with everything else XD We're talkin total planetary 'boom' and 'unboom' here... and it's not as if what pulled it back together has the finnesse, or time, to organize everything back the way it was... Besides, the Sahara's mostly sand, bits of saharan sand probably got scattered across half the hemisphere it's on XD There's also the existence of holes between chunks here and there, new bodies of water happening, so on and so forth.

Lets not forget that Yellow stone is kindof a ginormous fucking volcano too, dormant or not XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pepschep
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Ayyyy, sounds good.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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Member Seen 23 days ago


Ayyyy, sounds good.

I bet... and don't get me started on a corporate super douche running for president

I'm already knee deep in Corporate world take over conspiracies brought to life... All I can say is, Look up the Trans Pacific Partnership and hope to god it doesn't pass or else anything you do that doesn't make profit for someone will mean you're costing them potential future profits and they can sue you for 'not making them money'. They'll even be able to sue a country for having healthy regulations against their harmful products because it costs them money they haven't even made yet.

Fuck, see? There I go, I better get back to working on this map.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pepschep
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sometimes an apocalypse doesn't sound too bad.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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Member Seen 23 days ago

Sometimes an apocalypse doesn't sound too bad.

Iiii know the feeling. I'd rather be fighting zombies than assholes who think pieces of green paper give them power over others, and their private armies of way tougher dudes who think the same thing.

although, an apocalypse is technically just a revelation of big secrets. Which to 'them', would be the same thing as a cataclysm, and i bet they'd try to take everyone else down with em.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by aladdin_sane
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

[WIP; done on phone so forgive spacing and the like. Please review, constructive criticism welcome]

Name: Pierre Athene

Born: 20 February 1977 (age 44)
Residence: Brooklyn, New York
Occupation(s): Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, Lobbyist
Religion: Catholic

Brief History (Pre-Incident): The youngest son of wealthy French immigrants whom fled France in the late 1960's to escape the period of civil unrest incited by ardent leftists Pierre was an anomaly; though he never experienced life in the homeland of his ancestors, Pierre realized he could never fully embrace American culture due to his foreign family and thusly remained an outsider observing the ways of his adoptive homeland. Much to the chagrin of his family Pierre recognized at a young age that he possessed an intrinsic ability to manipulate others into carrying out his bidding and derived great joy in pitting his siblings against each other; this antisocial behavior coupled with his intelligence and unbridled ambition was a constant source of strife between young Pierre and his parents (his father in particular, who was under the impression that Pierre's nature pointed to him being a child of an illicit affair). Pierre grew to resented his parents' bourgeois lifestyle not because he believed in wealth disparity, but because his parents squandered their fortune on worldly pursuits and not on buying political influence; by the time he was eighteen his parents' savings was whittled away and they both would die in severe poverty. Allegedly Pierre was secretly siphoning money from his parents accounts for years, but there is no concrete proof of this only rumors. After graduating from Yale with near perfect marks and a degree in Political Science, Pierre entered the free-market determined to gain both wealth and power; he accomplished this by profiting off of various projects his more technically inclined classmates were working on as...he made millions as an investor and is credited as helping bringing the world into the "internet-age" while the true inventors of these ground breaking technologies were relegated to obscurity. His frequent bipartisan lobbying efforts caused the New York Times to nickname him "the shadow-president"; politically he is known to be non-committal on major issues and able to hide his real intentions. Many speculate his philanthropy is a ruse to garnish public goodwill and his efforts to expand Yellowstone National Park have been lauded in the press as a cheap ploy. He is set to make an address at the aforementioned park in order to bring the expansion issue to the so-called "court of public opinion" as legislation related to the matter has stalled in Congress due to debates over government spending.

Post-Incident: The strange magic that encompasses the earth has transformed Pierre from a politically questionable statesman into a changeling (an insect-like equine) that feeds off of ambient emotions in order avoid starvation and in Pierre's case to also retain his humanoid form; the irony is that his vice of negatively manipulating others emotions to best serve himself has become his curse. A man who once forged a political dynasty from the shadows has become an alien in his own kingdom; once thriving on hate and mistrust, he needs love and compassion to live.

Abilities, Traits and Powers:

Psychic Navigation - Changelings are natural empaths and therefore can sense the presence of others through their emotions...it is possible that this is an evolutionary trait as Changelings require ambient emotions to survive; it is speculated that a fully nourished high level changeling can locate prey hundreds of miles away. However, Changelings like Pierre can only detected beings in their general vicinity.

Exoskeleton: Due to its bug-esque genetic makeup a Changeling's hide is almost triple the thickness of a regular horse's.

Flight: While in its base form a Changeling can use its wings to fly short distances; longer distances require a Changeling to be fully nourished.

Emotion Drain: As previously mentioned Changelings feed off of the ambient emotions (Happiness, Joy, Love and so on) produced by other sentient creature. While it is not particularly dangerous if a Changeling feeds off of your emotions for a short period of time, long term (or if one allows a Changeling uninterrupted feeding over the span of a few hours) it can be detrimental to one's health. The side effects of short term feeding range from a brief period of nausea to unpleasant thoughts and/or dreams; the effects of long term (or uninterrupted) feeding are crippling depression, suicidal thoughts, a strange feeling of hollowness, loss of energy, and eventually a permanent paralyzation that results in one's death. Some report developing a dependency on the emotional draining process and required outside assistance to save them from and untimely demise. Certain types of magic can be effective in blocking a Changeling from feeding on you; for the non-magically inclined it is suggested that one attempt to quickly incapacitate the Changeling either through a surprise attack or by severing the horn of the creature. Individuals who have regulated their emotions through years of stoic rituals (ex. meditation) are less likely to be incapacitated by this process and can in some cases mentally ward off a Changeling.

Shapeshifting: This is the trait Changelings are most know for and obviously where the species name derives from; Changeling's can take the form of any individual they have seen in order to blend into a foreign population. Keeping up a guise drains a lot of energy and it is not practical for a Changeling to stay out of base form for long.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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Member Seen 23 days ago

[WIP; done on phone so forgive spacing and the like. Please review, constructive criticism welcome]

Name: Pierre Athene
Born: 20 February 1977 (age 44)
Residence: Brooklyn, New York
Occupation(s): Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, Lobbyist
Religion: Catholic

Brief History (Pre-Incident): The youngest son of wealthy French immigrants whom fled France in the late 1960's to escape the period of civil unrest incited by ardent leftists Pierre was an anomaly; though he never experienced life in the homeland of his ancestors, Pierre realized he could never fully embrace American culture due to his foreign family and thusly remained an outsider observing the ways of his adoptive homeland. Much to the chagrin of his family Pierre recognized at a young age that he possessed an intrinsic ability to manipulate others into carrying out his bidding and derived great joy in pitting his siblings against each other; this antisocial behavior coupled with his intelligence and unbridled ambition was a constant source of strife between young Pierre and his parents (his father in particular, who was under the impression that Pierre's nature pointed to him being a child of an illicit affair). Pierre grew to resented his parents' bourgeois lifestyle not because he believed in wealth disparity, but because his parents squandered their fortune on worldly pursuits and not on buying political influence; by the time he was eighteen his parents' savings was whittled away and they both would die in severe poverty. Allegedly Pierre was secretly siphoning money from his parents accounts for years, but there is no concrete proof of this only rumors. After graduating from Yale with near perfect marks and a degree in Political Science, Pierre entered the free-market determined to gain both wealth and power; he accomplished this by profiting off of various projects his more technically inclined classmates were working on as...he made millions as an investor and is credited as helping bringing the world into the "internet-age" while the true inventors of these ground breaking technologies were relegated to obscurity. His frequent bipartisan lobbying efforts caused the New York Times to nickname him "the shadow-president"; politically he is known to be non-committal on major issues and able to hide his real intentions. Many speculate his philanthropy is a ruse to garnish public goodwill and his efforts to expand Yellowstone National Park have been lauded in the press as a cheap ploy. He is set to make an address at the aforementioned park in order to bring the expansion issue to the so-called "court of public opinion" as legislation related to the matter has stalled in Congress due to debates over government spending.

Post-Incident: The strange magic that encompasses the earth has transformed Pierre from a politically questionable statesman into a changeling (an insect-like equine) that feeds off of ambient emotions in order avoid starvation and in Pierre's case to also retain his humanoid form; the irony is that his vice of negatively manipulating others emotions to best serve himself has become his curse. A man who once forged a political dynasty from the shadows has become an alien in his own kingdom; once thriving on hate and mistrust, he needs love and compassion to live.

I totally understand the mobile issue, I have a few friends with similar issues to deal with.

I actually like this, though many RPs would bring up the argument of 'what the hell are you thinking trying to get a character in here who's essentially a modern day 'king' with his loads of money and political skills'. Ironically! This RP is perfect for this in a way, all of that power comes a crumblin down and now he's gotta deal with it, and I can totally approve of the ironic 'now you need love to survive' situation.

The only thing I see potentially needing a change might be the birth-date or age [one because of the other possibly], and only because I haven't decided exactly which year to place the RP in and-... wait, I miscalculated, curse you drowsy midnight brain. that'd put us at 2021, which strangely enough I was actually considering to be the year of use for the RP, coincidences are crazy. Granted, a whole new year system will probably come about because of the Cataclysm.

On a side note, even now this roster is shaping up to be all kinds of interesting... a priest, a politician, and the antichrist!... No not actually, I'm joking, but I can guarantee my primary character is going to be skeptical about both of em [though I'm saving fleshing him out for after I get done making the OC] I foresee great things in this RPs future!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by aladdin_sane
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<Snipped quote by aladdin_sane>

I totally understand the mobile issue, I have a few friends with similar issues to deal with.

I actually like this, though many RPs would bring up the argument of 'what the hell are you thinking trying to get a character in here who's essentially a modern day 'king' with his loads of money and political skills'. Ironically! This RP is perfect for this in a way, all of that power comes a crumblin down and now he's gotta deal with it, and I can totally approve of the ironic 'now you need love to survive' situation.

The only thing I see potentially needing a change might be the birth-date or age [one because of the other possibly], and only because I haven't decided exactly which year to place the RP in and-... wait, I miscalculated, curse you drowsy midnight brain. that'd put us at 2021, which strangely enough I was actually considering to be the year of use for the RP, coincidences are crazy. Granted, a whole new year system will probably come about because of the Cataclysm.

On a side note, even now this roster is shaping up to be all kinds of interesting... a priest, a politician, and the antichrist!... No not actually, I'm joking, but I can guarantee my primary character is going to be skeptical about both of em [though I'm saving fleshing him out for after I get done making the OC] I foresee great things in this RPs future!

Yeah, I thought it would be rather intriguing to play as a character who was on the cusp of achieving unlimited power only to lose it all in the blink of an eye; also when thinking of a character I was struck by the possibility of playing a "red-heron" type character who is initially blamed for being the cause of this mess by NPCs and player character's alike...who better to fill the role then a Washingtonian insider. I figure that the natural response after a disaster of this magnitude would be mistrust of any major political figures left alive; emotional responses would range from "what made you so special, to survive this catastrophe while so many others perished" to "that divisive political figure is still living, must be a conspiracy." However, I digress as I am still working on my character sheet and will flesh out a few things such as post-incident powers and add some pictures, while making those changes you mentioned.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

Member Seen 19 days ago

Hm, I think I'm interested in this...

I see there is a changeling... that gives me ideas.

Edit: Or does it? I'm not sure yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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Member Seen 23 days ago

Hm, I think I'm interested in this...

I see there is a changeling... that gives me ideas.

Indeed there is! and it does does it? color me intrigued.
Also: HAH! Unicorn meat... Dare I question if you've watched 'CARTOON HORSE PROGRAM'?

Also, work is progressing! I think I'm going to scrap the 'map' idea until a later point in the RP where the group might actually try to make their own. Also because it's a huge pain in the ass, though I 'might' just be failing at it, to find the geological maps I'm hoping for, without endless streams of names and locations listed on them to get in the way of the geography, and it's wasting a lot more of my time than necessary, thus making excessive delays.

That aside, I should have the OC up sometime tomorrow.I hope everyone is still as excited as ever, and sorry for the time it's taking.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

Member Seen 19 days ago

<Snipped quote by Voltus_Ventus>

Indeed there is! and it does does it? color me intrigued.
Also: HAH! Unicorn meat... Dare I question if you've watched 'CARTOON HORSE PROGRAM'?

Yes, I may or may not be a fan of a certain "MINIATURE HORSE CARTOON PROGRAM"

But I digress, my idea was to possibly make a 'Mane-iac'esque character. The only issue is that I have little to no experience roleplaying the female gender, or insane people for that matter.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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Member Seen 23 days ago

<Snipped quote by Shoryu>

Yes, I may or may not be a fan of a certain "MINIATURE HORSE CARTOON PROGRAM"

But I digress, my idea was to possibly make a 'Mane-iac'esque character. The only issue is that I have little to no experience roleplaying the female gender, or insane people for that matter.

I was actually literally referencing 'this' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0f2TDqUp1U but that's cool too.

And I wouldn't say it's 'that' different, mostly pronoun substitution and occasional feminine related things. Or hell, you could set up some poor dude to get turned into a chick, then it'd fit your inexperience just fine while also torturing the poor guy... you evil bastard. XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

Member Seen 19 days ago

<Snipped quote by Voltus_Ventus>

I was actually literally referencing 'this' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0f2TDqUp1U but that's cool too.

And I wouldn't say it's 'that' different, mostly pronoun substitution and occasional feminine related things. Or hell, you could set up some poor dude to get turned into a chick, then it'd fit your inexperience just fine while also torturing the poor guy... you evil bastard. XD

I have never felt more traumatized in my life...

I'd rather keep my character female. I was thinking of having a non insane entity living within her as well, just for giggles.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Frettzo Summary Lover

Member Seen 5 days ago

Eiii how's that OOC comin' along, Shoryu? I'm still thinking on the kind of character I'm going to create!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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Member Seen 23 days ago

<Snipped quote by Shoryu>

I have never felt more traumatized in my life...

I'd rather keep my character female. I was thinking of having a non insane entity living within her as well, just for giggles.

Traumatized? Huh, I would think Dwight Likes Sparkles would only be traumatizing to little fillies... Snrk.

And that's fine, just remember, prior to this the world was not magical or anything, it was essentially totally mundane like ours, supposedly... Hrm, so there wouldn't like be an extra entity living in her

That said, a split personality disorder could explain it, and could be 'advanced' by the cataclysm. Weider things will happen, that's for sure.

Eiii how's that OOC comin' along, Shoryu? I'm still thinking on the kind of character I'm going to create!

It's coming along, I decided to scrap a few processes of it for later times when they'll become more relevant, to save time and probably have it done tommorrow.

So far we have a devil/angel priest, a bug-horse politician, a maybe crazy hair monster horse, aaaand whatever I come up with XD

On a side note, did you know that Demon/daemon when the word was really invented reffered to individuals of impressive power? not 'evil monsters', Devil was actually the original terminology remaining to those types of creatures.
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