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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by corrosive


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Xodus Lionel Bonwick.

Age: Seventeen.

Gender: Male.

Year in school: Junior.

Species: Fallen Angel.


[ + ] Brave // Enthusiastic // Warm // Humorous // Gentle // Energetic // Good natured // Sensitive // Artistic // Visionary.

[ - ] Lazy // Dogmatic // Reckless // Over exuberant // Eccentric // Often late // Dreamy // Easily lost.


Born as royalty, the prince showed himself to be very kind as a child and he did all he could to protect the princess from the creature that had plagued them. He had been very young at the time and very scared but he had staved it off long enough to receive a claw to his arm. When the wounds didn't heal, he became more and more frightened by the weight of what had happened. The prince had been horribly unsettled by the darkness that crept beneath his skin and hadn't known how to handle it at the time, it wasn't long before the battles were raging and this time he sought to blame himself. It was horrible how soon the transformation had happened and he felt as if he'd been trapped in ink.

Terrible fighting waged and many were killed before the decision to send them out of realm was made and they were sent back in beaming light. He remembered nothing beyond that point except for the constant lingering feeling that something was very wrong with him and he found himself stumbling through the New York streets. He didn't know why he was there and he didn't know exactly where he was, he just knew that the lights were very bright and that there were too many people. He was also aware that he was very hungry and that no one seemed to like the child shoving through them and staring at them with wide blue eyes.

He was too young at the time to understand the young woman's kindness but when she took his hand, she asked him many times where he came from and he replied many times that he didn't know. He replied many times that he didn't know where he was and she finally lead him to the police station and soon she went through the legal action to take him as her own child. She had two twin daughters of her own and they were often a hassle for her to keep up with but she still took him under her roof and he was eternally grateful and began to recognize her as his mother.

He would have seventeen years of her warmth and caring nature, a single mother who did all that she could for him and his older sisters. Though his older sisters often tried to get on his nerves, his gentle nature made it hard for him to become very angry with them. He watched them both move out and now he lives with his mother as the last remaining child in the house.


His only inkling of what's different about him is that constant bit of sadness he has about being infected though he has no idea that's the cause, he feels like he's different but he thinks he's just being angsty.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Lil Bean

Member Seen 30 min ago

Ariana Lane




Year in school:


Personality: She's reserved and temperamental, her hands either in the pockets of her jacket or jeans when she doesn't need them, her unique gray eyes help keep most people away from her. She speaks softly and sometimes hums a tune under her breath that she can never remember or play later when she has time to herself. Her parents aren't home most of the time since they work different jobs, her mother is a doctor, hee father a business man. She's kind to those who have earned her trust and friendship but those who don't are normally met with her silence and glare. She wasn't always cold and quiet, as a child she laughed and played like any other, talked near non-stop and had friends encircling her whenever she enter the room, however when middle school came around she found herself against a foe she hadn't met before. Bullies. She tried to keep positive and upbeat, kind and helpful but as the days drafted and the year went by she slowly withdrew, her sweet and kind nature fading into a mask of indifference and anger. She only ever seemed happy when at home, or library where the books helped her concentrate on something other then the taunts and whispered words. Whenever a fight broke out and she was the one involved she always avoided detention or expulsion and that only seemed to stroke the fire of the bullying. Now in high school the bullies are still there, the fights happen more often then not, however Ariana has a secret place besides the library where she can escape and either sleep for a while or play her violin. The schools roof -which is barely visited- soothes her nerves and helps her breath easily, her defenses falling and leaving her normal happy smile. There are days where if she hasn't slept well -strange dreams have started to occur whenever she falls asleep- she'll be mostly writing in her notebook or ignoring all around her.

Born as a princess and only daughter to one of the prominent families, she found herself unhappy and alone more often then not, she had friends but most of them seemed inclined to talk and play with her due to familial pressure instead of actually wanting to be her friend. As she grew she distanced herself from them and began to wander the realm, the other Luxians happily greeting her as she walks the streets. A few years later she sees the newcomers but is forbidden to leave her room when they pass into the main square with a little boy curiously scanning the shops and people. The fear of him and his parents had herself childish curiosity peeked, a few days later she'd managed to sneak out and found the boy once more standing beside the fountain with eyes as wide as saucers frantically scanning everything within sight. She'd giggled and offered to show him around, from there they became inseparable, she felt happy and accompanied for the first time and she gladly wallowd in it. However the peace didn't last for long, soon the wars began and she found herself the center of an attack meant to take her life. Her friend managed to keep the beasts away but couldn't keep it up, the injury he recieved had her frantic with worry and guilt as the first wave of beasts vanished thanks to the Elders, however that wasn't the last time they would appear. The next and last time had her parents encircling her in a white blanket over the gown she'd worn for the day and twin kisses placed to her forehead before a flash of light engulfed her and she awoke to find herself in a city with flashing lights and sounds she wasn't used to.

She'd managed to walk until exhaustion overcame her and she slipped and fell into a ditch , a kind man found her and without a questuon other than her name, she found herself raised in a family of three, her mother and father as well as their family dog Essa.

She was a sickly child, she'd catch anything more then once and had to be watched carefully even when all she had was a fever. As she grew she became stronger and seemed to possess a grace that her parents have no explanation for, she easily learns things and will sometimes look out the window with a glazed expression on her face.

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