Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Raln stood next to the left tree at the top of the stairway connecting the bottom ring and the one above it, using it as potential cover because the trees were one of the only things here that could provide such a luxury in this strange battlefield. The only other option he could see would be to lean against the walls to vanish from view if the opponent was on the same side of these rings.

His first order of business was to seek out his opponent. If he couldn't find him then he was indeed either doing that tactic or cowering behind a tree of his own. He equipped one of his daggers into his right hand as he searched, just in case his opponent tried to get the jump on him at close range right off the bat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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Gorrendil peered around the trunk of the great, tall oak tree. It's branches strutted out and he almost, embarrassingly, hit himself in one of the branches. He was leaning onto a tree in the middle of a little bundle of tree's where a clearing would be found. The clearing was quite small and the Baron would not be able to dodge very well in the space. Although, it was a very good hiding place. He checked Redemption for the umpteenth time, checking for any faults in the gun. He also checked that his mask was sealed shut for the match. A Krieg mask and suit is lined with Darthium plating, a flexible and strong metal used for easy manoeuvrability. It is quite light armour so it cannot protect you from the fatal hits.

The Baron checked his scope, checking the range of the thermal imaging. The arena's usually messed with his equipment and especially advanced tech like the thermal imaging. It had a very small range in thermal and it wasn't very useful except for tracking. He turned to his right only to see a heat signature 20 feet away, hiding behind multiple trees.

The President calmed down his nerves, breathing slowly before aiming to take the shot. He was in a standard standing pose, the stock of his gun on his shoulder with he head resting on the stock. He sank into the pose, relaxing for a better shot. He fired a short three round burst, the bullets going through the tree's.

Knowing that his opponent will be able to dodge those bullets with ease, he disintegrated Redemption before bringing out his Gladius in a simple Tak'Fu stance. His left hand was a fist away from his face, palm facing the right. The tips of his left fingers were slightly above chin height. This was used for blocking and punching. His right hand chambered his sword, used for quick swipes. He was set in a simple and comfortable stance, both feet facing forward, back foot bent for stability and lunging while the front foot used for kicking.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Raln spotted movement and the glint of a weapon sight within a group of nearby trees, one of the only hiding places around that would allow him to take such a shot, so not surprising that it would come from there. He quickly darted behind the tree. The bullets, unexpectedly slowed down, flew past him, spraying chunks of bark as the unfortunate tree was the one to take the brunt of the attack rather than himself. That was good to know. He could dodge bullets much easier in this tournament setting, but he still had to be careful and watch where his target was aiming in order to have a better chance to dodge.

However, apparently not, because the man put away his gun and instead pulled out a melee weapon, which Raln noticed as he peaked around the other side of the tree. Testing out his swordsmanship, Raln flung his dagger with an underhanded thrust so that the weapon flew straight as an arrow, aimed at the man's head. While this was going on he extended his left hand, causing grey mist to begin to swirl together in bullet shape in front of it, but it would be a couple seconds before it was ready so he would have to wait for that while he watched the results of the other attack and got a second dagger into began to draw his sword with his right hand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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Member Seen 19 days ago

The Baron saw the knife fly straight out of the forest, aiming at his head with precision. Reacting swiftly, Gorrendil swung out with the flat of his blade, sliding it down the knife. With a flick of his wrist, the knife was sent spiralling to his right, falling with a dull thud. He quickly put his blade back in a guard position. He saw whisps of mist in the forest and the man readied his sword.

This was his fight, and his opponent would have to come to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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His opponent didn't make an effort to attack, only defend. This bought Raln more of the time that he needed to charge up the mist bullet in his hand until it reached max power five seconds later, now able to dent iron armor, and likely demolish trees as well. He didn't fire the attack yet, but instead came out from his hiding place behind the tree and advanced forwards until he was only ten feet away. He held his sword forward with the tip angled towards his opponent's upper chest. His left hand was positioned behind and to the left of his sword, held up at chest height as well, ready to fire the bullet past the sword at a moment's notice.

If his opponent did nothing to stop him he would now fire his bullet at him through whatever defense he'd try to use, striking his heart if things went his way. While the bullet was flying he'd also use this time to charge forward to take advantage of the chaos while he was dealing with the bullet, swinging his sword from right to left, horizontally across his neck, another possible death blow that would be happening within a second of the first.

However, if his opponent did something to threaten his own safety before this plan could be carried out then he'd possibly be forced to change gears to protect himself unless it seemed like the best defense would still be a good offense.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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Gorrendil was surprised of course, he didn't expect his opponent to be so upfront. An attack like this almost made him hesitate, but fourteen years of constant war didn't teach you to hesitate. To hesitate means to die. And the Space Baron/President didn't really want to die. Thinking fast, there was only one way to get out of the situation. He drew his sword and threw it at his opponent in one clean swipe. This was just used to distract the man, not even meaning to hit him, flying wildly in the air

He was hoping for hesitation, literally flying on the seat of his pants. It was a distraction though, and he could play with that. He materialised his Death Ray and took a shot. A beam from this little gun was enough to destroy a tank in seconds and was enough to blow this guy up. Gorrendil aimed at his opponent's chest and fired, holding the trigger down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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As Raln was advancing forward to initiate his attack, he was interrupted at the last second by a desperate attempt from his opponent to hold him at bay, if only for a brief moment. Flinging the sword with such haste didn't help it's accuracy in the slightest, allowing Raln to dodge it simply by flinching instinctively out of the way of the hurling object. Getting back on track, he steadied his hand to fire his mist bullet, only to see a gun materialize out of thin air, taking him off guard.

The gun was aimed high so he quickly dropped onto his belly to avoid the shot, raising his hand to fire his mist bullet up from his laying position towards his opponent's abdomen. Once it was fired he quickly scrambled back onto his feet in case he came under attack soon after this exchange.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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Member Seen 19 days ago

Gorrendil was surprised that his half baked plan worked but didn't have any time to show it as his opponent shot off his arcane magic, aiming at his abdomen. He spun out of the way instinctively, his coat flicking in the air and getting hit by the bullet. It took all of the President's power to not get flung back by the sheer penetration power of the bullet. Stopping in his spin, he was now breathing heavily. He calmed down and looked at his opponent, now scrambling to get up from his feet. Materialising his KMG, he shot out at his opponent, on full automatic. The slow bullets were definitely not helping his fight but in his opponents current position, the automatic fire of the KMG was bound to hit something. Still, if his opponent was able to get away, the Baron would be incredibly surprised.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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His opponent having to spin to dodge the bullet was good for Raln due to taking some time to pull off and reorientate himself once again in order to aim his next attack, buying the time for Raln to finish stumbling forward onto his feet, which took about as much time as the spinning did, around a second or so in either's case, although it was hard to accurately judge time in such an intense situation.

He wasn't planning on getting away due to having no cover going backwards and he was already close to his opponent by the time this all went down. No, his best course of action was to continue forward at maximum speed. One way or another, this battle would quite possibly be ending very soon. Due to getting just onto his feet from a low position he was still crouched down and leaning forward. As such he didn't have a normal running gesture but instead lunged forward with every step as if a sprinter fresh from the starting block. This wouldn't be effective to cover long distances but he didn't have to, being only ten feet away. He only took two lunges and jousted his sword the rest of the way up towards his opponent's heart just as the shots were ringing out, his right foot the one going forward as he drove the sword forward.

The aim of his opponent's weapon went down through his left shoulder, causing shearing pain to flood his body, but this wouldn't interrupt his sword strike already in progress. He hoped that this would be a lethal blow anyways. Otherwise he'd have to fight through the pain, which would be difficult but not impossible, as he'd heard many stories of people fighting with multiple gunshot wounds. Of course his left arm was probably a goner, but his sword arm would have to make up for it and do everything he could to end his opponent swiftly with his sword. His opponent had a gun out, not a melee weapon, so it wouldn't be as hard to score a killing blow up close should Raln not die first.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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Gorrendil's opponent lunged at him with the ferociousness of a leaping tiger, aiming at his heart. Due to how fast this whole move was, he could only move on instinct. And what he did was probably entirely stupid and put of his mind. He flicked the switch on his chainsaw attachment, the razor sharp blades whirling and growling. He stepped to his right, his bullet proof armour not allowing penetration but the sheer force of the impact made him scream out. They were both sent to the floor, Raln on top while the Baron on the bottom. His opponents dagger was stuck on his armour.

Howling out in pain, Gorrendil raised his right hand, gun in hand and made to make a stab at his opponent. It was aimed right at the man's side, intending to kill him. Down on the ground, the President was sure that he will kill this man. If his opponent did some hippy dippy magic bullshit on him now, Maker damn him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Raln grit his teeth as he slammed down on top of his opponent, blood gushing from his shoulder wound. Luckily the bullets stopped coming quickly after they started, but unluckily he was now facing a chainsaw at close range. He had never seen one before but it was painfully obvious in it's function. As his opponent stabbed at his side with this loud, dangerous weapon, Raln had no choice but to let go of his own weapon and roll off of his opponent's body onto his good right shoulder and then further rotating onto his back, plopping onto the soft ground below. The chainsaw roared overhead just as he completed this maneuver.

He was safe, but not for long. All his opponent would have to do is tilt the blade towards him again and raised the backside of it up so that he wouldn't hit himself as well when he brought it back down to catch him in his lower position. However, he had to first cancel out the momentum of his stab with such a heavy weapon in order to carry that out. Meanwhile, Raln equipped himself with another of his knives with his right hand, praying that he was faster as he sweeped it like an ice pick towards the direction of his opponent's unprotected head, straight at the bottom of his chin. The dagger would be long enough to pierce his brainstem should the attack hit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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The Baron groaned in pain, his opponent rolling off of him. Naturally, he continued to try and stab his opponent but then he sent an ice pick straight to his head. Gorrendil helped in surprise and bent his back, the pick tearing his gas mask apart but other wise leaving him unharmed. During the mameouver, his still whirling KMG was separated from his fingers, landing a few feet away from his head.

Gorrendil pointed his right hand at his rival and materialised his scythe, his hand on the end of the handle. It was aimed right on the opponent's throat and it was mostly used to make the man back up so he could pick up his KMG. But if he wasn't fast enough however, he would be dead.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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A clever move, using the upwards movement of his torso to deflect his attack high as his hand skidded across the bulletproof jacket. Drat, and here Raln thought he had him for sure. Now, as things stood, he was forced to retreat as the man pointed his way, no doubt summoning forth yet another weapon.

He rolled away, grimacing as his left shoulder struck the ground, and once he was out of immediate striking distance he pushed himself onto his feet, backpedaling some more to get him 10 feet away. That little scuffle of theirs had placed him at the disadvantage, so he decided to go all out in an effort to change his fortunes for the better. If this battle drew out for too long then the blood loss from his shoulder would become too much to bear.

Blue mist flooded out of his body, to cover a 20 square foot area, turning him into barely visible blur while he remained still. Unfortunately his opponent could still pick up on his blood that had fallen to the ground, but this technique would still make Raln much harder to successfully locate his exact position.

Should his opponent not do anything of note during this time, Raln would use this time to draw yet another dagger into his right hand, the only one capable of wielding a weapon now, and weave closer towards his opponent as stealthily yet quickly as possible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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Gorrendil was astounded, blue mist was pouring out of his opponents body, making him disappear in thin air. He stood there, agape at this magic before he realised what was at stake here. He turned quickly and grabbed his KMG. The Baron put his scythe on his back and put the KMG back into his Storage Device. He materialised Redemption and used thermal imaging to see where he was. He aimed directly at his opponent but, of course, the President didn't know the meaning of overkill and shot five grenades out of the grenade launcher in the opponents direction. From ten feet, the shrapnel would merely bounce off his thick coat and armour due to the fact these were low yield grenades.. But to for his opponent... Well, he wasn't so lucky.

These shots would kill him if he didn't do anything. If one hit the ground, it would act as a smaller, compact and weaker grenade and send shrapnel and fire all over the place. If it hit his opponent.... His opponent would combust and die instantly. Gorrendil reloaded his grenade launcher once more, slowly backing away from the general direction of his opponent. The shrapnel could still hit him and he wasn't going to take any chances. These were low yield grenades so the only one in immediate danger was his opponent.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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While his opponent was fiddling around with grabbing weapons, putting things on his back, materializing another weapon, and activating his thermal imaging, Raln was busy going on the direct offensive, a much more simple and time effective plan. In fact, by the time his opponent would have gotten his image up, despite not taking a huge amount of time given all he had to accomplish, Raln was no longer at the 10 feet that he thought he would have been when the magic first took effect. No, he was practically right on top of him.

Raln took a large step forwards and towards the right, avoiding the barrel of the grenade launcher just as the grenades burst out of it in rapid succession, hitting the spot he had been at previously. He wasted no time in stabbing at the man's left eyesocket (assuming he was looking through the sight with his right eye, so this would change if the sight is at his left eye, in which case Raln would target the right).

Or rather then simply stabbing at it, his goal was to stab completely through it to get to his brain. As Raln was carrying out this attack he could feel small pieces of shrapnel tearing through his body, too late to stop his current attack but sent waves of pain and damage across his back that would likely bring him down soon after this attack was carried out. He had to hope that this plan would work as part of his last resort. That's all he could do as more and more grenade shrapnel began raining down on his position.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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Gorrendil screamed out in pain, the knife stabbing him in his eye. He roared, trying to grab his opponent off of him. The pain went through his body like no other, gut churning pain that would make most men hurl and want to curl up and die. He was no man. He was a Kriegsman and Kriegsmen do not give into pain until the very end of their lives. As the knife was continuing to drill into his head, he felt his life coming away from him. He fell over, the weight of his opponent sending him crashing down. He unattached his chainsaw attachment and aimed for his opponents side. He felt the blood rushing to his head as the knife slowly sunk into his head. He quickly stabbed his opponent in the gut, eviscerating him with the chainsaw. He let go of the attachment and laughed. Laughed as hard as a dying man could, spitting blood all over his opponents face.
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