Name: Your character's name, anything between a nickname and full Christian nameset
Date/Place of birth: Self-explanatory
Residence: Where did he/she hide during the pandemic?
Character history: Your character's short biography until coming out of his/her hiding spot. Updateable as the RP progresses.
Appearance: Physical appearance
Gear: Clothes, bags, LBE, and other related stuff your character has on them at the start.
Weapons: Self-explanatory
Possessions: Items and equipment your character has on them that aren't weapons.
Miscellaneous: Anything else
Date/Place of birth: Self-explanatory
Residence: Where did he/she hide during the pandemic?
Character history: Your character's short biography until coming out of his/her hiding spot. Updateable as the RP progresses.
Appearance: Physical appearance
Gear: Clothes, bags, LBE, and other related stuff your character has on them at the start.
Weapons: Self-explanatory
Possessions: Items and equipment your character has on them that aren't weapons.
Miscellaneous: Anything else